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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:a27902567e70f655b2b5dd474b….png (97.5 KB,400x560)


Is spring a season of fat or slim?


Autumn is fat for sure, harvest festivals and all that, Summer is slim due to beach bodies, and Winter I suppose could go either way depending on food availability. But Spring, I honestly don't know.


summer -> being slender
autumn -> gaining
winter -> being hefty
spring -> shedding


yeah that seems about right for my cat


File:1604127331.png (1.39 MB,1518x1075)

Spring - Watching your weight (increase) to get beach body ready
Summer - Eating to replenish nutrients lost when sweating
Fall - Temperatures starting to cool, eat more to prepare for winter
Winter - It takes more calories to maintain warmth when it's cold, so you need to eat more


So what you're saying is you need to constantly eat more and more.


That about sums it up, yes! Don't forget to drink water and other delicious drinks!

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