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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:[MiG_MuX] PriPara - 020 [B….png (2.17 MB,1920x1080)


People should be grateful to corona for confining them to their homes during spring so they don't have to deal with crappy spring allergies.


I like to live in the flow of the seasons, although admittedly Summer tests my limits.
Yesterday felt like the first real day of Spring here, officially ushered in. Everyone was out doing something wether jogging or fishing or just walking the dog. I decided to play tennis with my mom, and then drove her around to see a few local planted cherry blossom trees, since our actually botanical gardens are all closed during peak viewing season.


File:ef7107182d8f26565d1db225fc….jpg (43.85 KB,563x421)

>tfw when you can't tell corona from spring allergies

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