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File:C-1653622426346.png (2.6 MB,1000x1432)


I like basketball


I like loli too.


I like turtles


File:175fa2a71ddc00d39cf680936a….jpg (292.62 KB,868x1228)

I dont know much about basketball, but I remember they could barely pass in that show. They were pretty bad.


I just played a fighting game where they were in it
Havne't even watched the show


Stunlocks that long look incredibly unfun


Also this is the best slam jam remix


it's a pretty nice game and it's not 100% dead. You can get the rollback edition.


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Do you like baseball?


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In West Gensokyo born and raised
On the shrine grounds where I spent most of my days
Chillin out, maxin, relaxin, all cool
And shootin some b-ball outside of the grove
When a couple of youkai who were up to no good
Started causing incidents in the Human Village
I got in one little fight and Yukari got scared
And she said: "You're moving in with Kasen in her mansion in Senkai"

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