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Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:de96d89390d393a7cc6a7f9543….mp4 (1.24 MB,480x852)


My springtime maids


want to buy a doll....


Huh, never dawned on me to use screens instead of eyes. I think it's a bit too unnerving, unfortunately


if it spoke in anime voices it would be cuter. it's just silently rolling up on you which makes it spooky


Those are really cute, I dont know what you find creepy


it can be creepy and cute


File:026.jpg (112.22 KB,1120x1274)

Neat. Iron out a few (minor) uncanny aspects and you have the future right here. Otherwise, a more "mechanical" look might mitigate it




I think the screen eyes actually work a whole lot better than regular doll eyes, or automated kig eyes. Only problem with them I think is the lack of eyebrows and the eyelids being off color when they blink. Fix those and it's perfect pretty much. Also maybe a working voice/mouth.


File:[ESL] Gabriel DropOut - 09….jpg (444.72 KB,1280x720)

Now if we figure out how to get functional artificial wombs in these things we could solve the birth issues of Japan!


File:Megane_Kotoko_4.png (992.29 KB,1280x720)

Take it from the 3DPD, of course.


I think the eyes are always going to look off based on the lighting conditions, like brightness and color temperature. I would imagine it being really unnerving laying in bed and seeing their glowing eyes in a dark room.


I think you're right, in theory, but as you said there's definitely stuff missing. Real and 2D people both look really weird and alien without eyebrows so I guess it's not surprising. Well, maybe less so for 2D girls since they have the benefit of wildly contorting faces, but that's probably not going to happen until we get nanobot colony maids.


No! Frankenstein cyborg womb monstrosities are not the future!!


But can they clean?


It looks like shes doing some science stuff or making a beverage


So the form of the future robot wives really is chobits...


File:1519238053488.gif (112.51 KB,640x360)

Aaaaah I want to hug that meido.




Wonder how good robot AI maids are now...


Good enough to take over


What the heck that's adorable.
The way her eyes track is so lifelike.


This man has been at it for five years. On the one hand, it makes me feel aaaaaaaaaa, but on the other, God bless him.


The nice part is that his project could actually be in a pretty complete state by the end of his lifetime. He just has to hook up a GPT chatbot with it

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