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File:What_is_an_electric_unicy….webp (189.25 KB,960x641)


Maybe I need an electronic unicycle. I'm a non-driver, but maybe unicycles are the answer?
My area is kind of hilly and bumpy, though, so maybe it's just a fast ticket to Faceplant Land.

Hmm, but I guess you can't really carry groceries, huh.


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What? I thought unicycles were a stunt thing not an actual means of transportation. Wouldn't you want something that wouldn't send you face first into pavement should you fall?


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The answer is already is China...
These things already have total dominance on their streets for several years. They're dirt cheap, portable, and can carry enough stuffs to be used for delivery.


Just get a bike, enough with trying to reinvent the wheel


I don't know, it looks kind of cool and it's small so it'd take up less space. Riding a bike is fun on the way to the destination, but if you were to go shopping for an hour it's much less so later on, especially if the weather changed or it grew dark out.

That might work

But it is a wheel!


There are bikes that you can fold in half


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Just get a bike with some of these attached. I guess you could also still wear a backpack if you wanted, but I think some stores have policies against wearing them into the store.


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Alternatively, you could just strap a milk crate onto the back too.

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