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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (194.62 KB,1280x720)


/spg/ 2021 is about to end. Do you have a message for your /spg/ 2022 self?


File:86958819_p0.jpg (1.68 MB,1637x1157)



Yeah, why the fuck are you still here and not out adventuring and making your dreams real?


Did you finish making that one Skyrim mod or are you still procrastinating? If you haven't done it by now you should probably scrap it. Okay, see you then, future me.


Hey, future self, are you still wasting your money, or have you gotten anything you actually enjoy and use regularly? If not, stop wasting your money! I know things you might want seem cool, and you might want them because of that, but you're better off saving your money! Trust me, more often then not, you're just infatuated. When it comes to actually having the thing, its novelty quickly wears off and you'll regret spending so much money when you see something you genuinely want!


File:most curious.jpg (56.5 KB,637x685)

Report back now if you're still here. I'm interested.


I stopped messing with Skyrim. It was eating up too much time, hundreds of hours and I wasn't playing it. I had to respect the limitations of OCD and do something that's more fruitful, like general image editing or 3D stuff.


I was having a manic episode when I wrote that post, I got a job though

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