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We did it! Now to figure out what everything actually does...


Does this mean we know how the brain works now?


no, just a big factor of how the body builds itself


good news, shitty media as always
really hate "here is why you should think this means the same way i want you to think" thing all medias do today, treating people like idiots incapable of thinking


DNA looks like Flan's wings apparently


Science has gone too far, we only need to know about the genomes of Sabre Tooth Tigers and Giant Moas so we can bring them back, we don't need this.


I thought this already happened 20 years ago. Well, I guess it's good they finished.
We're like 98% junk DNA though, right? Finding the 2% seems like it'd be really annoying. Plus, you'd need tests to find out what each part does, which unfortunately will probably mean some evil experimentation going on somewhere...


I don't think we will ever know what each part truly does. The body is an incredibly complex mechanism that has evolved to be like it is for a reason. I kind of suspect that however well meaning the intention changing any part of our DNA could have unforeseen consequences in ways that we could have never imagine. We could reduce the amount of nutrients the body stores as fat only to have the body panic, stop maintaining or producing muscle and divert all resources it has to producing fat because of the issue it now has in doing that. Or we could remove the ability to develop some kind of malady only to then create another.

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