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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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It's out
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nice thread


bump for nice


Went through a thing where I marathoned this guy's videos for a few days. Kind of got sick of it after a while, though. It's definitely something you need to space out. It did lead me to finding another guy's 1800s American cooking channel, though, so that was nice.


Theres a cereal type thing in these that I liked

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Elon Musk bought Twitter for 44 billion
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He's purposfully sold boatloads of tesla stock to intentionally devalue it in an effort to reduce taxes so I really don't think the entirety of bis wealth is simply tied up in his stock.


If they were to go public then all of their financial information would be required to be made available to the public by law. Right now, their operating costs, the profits they make, etc are a mystery. However, it does seem that they still are essentially in the startup phase and are yet to create a fully profitable business model. They probably will go public one day, but it will be if/when they manage to get Starship and Starlink fully operational and working as intended with the overheads they claim it will have. There are big questions over all of these aspects however.

He did not sell that many considering what he actually has, he still holds a big enough majority that by company policy he can veto any decision Tesla makes that he does not like, he will not sell below that threshold(if indeed he even can considering how much is tied with loans).

That was not the reason he sold those shares either.


SpaceX might be a complicated situation because it receives billions from the US government while using its facilities and government employees for things. Are any of the other subsidized space companies public?


>Are any of the other subsidized space companies public?
Yes: Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Rocketdyne, etc. are all publicly traded.


Not so 44 billion any more lole



mini japanese garden channel


because it's still spring afterall


This video was very nice. My cat was captivated watching for quite a bit, but then got bored and wandered away. The rain drops were still a bit large, I think. Maybe pinholes with a wire mesh beneath it would've worked better.


very nice


waku waku


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Is Japanese pudding just Flan(dre)?


purin is french for cow piss. and also for cow dung juice if you're feeling extra fancy


I would watch an anime about a cow piss girl.

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Found this outside today.
Are these shimeji mushrooms? They seem to look like that but aren't fresh anymore.
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Before you think about eating anything you find outside always remember to check whether a poisoon variety exists and compare what you found to it!



I'd just do a poison test on yourself by either patch test or eating a small amount to see if you have a negative reaction


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Those are some cool mushrooms. The ones that occasionally grow around here after lots of rain are very flat and wide.
It's all from a place where a tree used to be and had to be cut down because it was diseased. This was about 20 years ago, so I guess mushrooms are still growing from its underground stump.


shi me ji


He looks like a mix of Len'en and Inu Curry.

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what anime did you watch today
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I watched Mewkledreamy, Corrector Yui, Odd Taxi, Higehiro, and Fumetsu.


i watched tokyo revengers, it's pretty naisu


watchin the bookworm anime


FLCL Alternative


non non biyori
kiss on my deity
sakura trick

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I think perhaps the best thing about Spring here is that I can have my window open and hear birds. Once summer hits the outside turns into an oven and no sensible person with air conditioning would ever open the window again.
Someone needs to fix this. I want to hear birds outside, but not feel air baked in the ovens of hell rush into my room.


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>I want to hear birds outside
just put a microphone outside


That's not the same, it needs to be "direct". I might as well listen to pre-recorded birds at that point

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/spg/ 2021 is about to end. Do you have a message for your /spg/ 2022 self?
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Did you finish making that one Skyrim mod or are you still procrastinating? If you haven't done it by now you should probably scrap it. Okay, see you then, future me.


Hey, future self, are you still wasting your money, or have you gotten anything you actually enjoy and use regularly? If not, stop wasting your money! I know things you might want seem cool, and you might want them because of that, but you're better off saving your money! Trust me, more often then not, you're just infatuated. When it comes to actually having the thing, its novelty quickly wears off and you'll regret spending so much money when you see something you genuinely want!


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Report back now if you're still here. I'm interested.


I stopped messing with Skyrim. It was eating up too much time, hundreds of hours and I wasn't playing it. I had to respect the limitations of OCD and do something that's more fruitful, like general image editing or 3D stuff.


I was having a manic episode when I wrote that post, I got a job though

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Maybe I need an electronic unicycle. I'm a non-driver, but maybe unicycles are the answer?
My area is kind of hilly and bumpy, though, so maybe it's just a fast ticket to Faceplant Land.

Hmm, but I guess you can't really carry groceries, huh.
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Just get a bike, enough with trying to reinvent the wheel


I don't know, it looks kind of cool and it's small so it'd take up less space. Riding a bike is fun on the way to the destination, but if you were to go shopping for an hour it's much less so later on, especially if the weather changed or it grew dark out.

That might work

But it is a wheel!


There are bikes that you can fold in half


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Just get a bike with some of these attached. I guess you could also still wear a backpack if you wanted, but I think some stores have policies against wearing them into the store.


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Alternatively, you could just strap a milk crate onto the back too.

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ramadhan is coming, i need to stop lurking imageboard
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I didn't know emoji were allowed on kissu.

Based on what?


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very nice international thread


bad sagebump


I've never seen someone so phonetically destroy the hearts and dreams of dweebs n' weebs quite like this and all in spoken N1 Japanese.
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The people in anime/tv/music are literally paid the big bucks because they have pleasing voices, and in addition to that they are saying things that are rehearsed and scripted.
You could make the same argument for any language I think.


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I want to teach Korean in Japan


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I thought the stereotype of anti-korean sentiment was even stronger than the anti-white piggu sentiment?


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Somebody will have to teach the occupation forces how to communicate with the locals.


That’s what english teachers are for. Well maybe the other way around; teach the locals how to speak with the occupation force.

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been listening to this song on loop for hours
really like it and the other german version you're posting


>/spg/ - German Activities


really weird hearing this song and not seeing any swastikas or hitler


We are back in 2002 with this music...


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I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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Spring is here~ Spring is here~


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The US officially has its first new Federal holiday since 1983, and it's coming up this 19th!
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The official end to slavery in the US when a Union army general issued a decree in Texas freeing all slaves.

It's been a holiday in Texas for a little over 40 years. Besides, who doesn't like days off? Grinch.


??? It's not on June the Tenth though?

I don;t like days off, the peasants should be made to work for all they can be made to work for.


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well here in the great state of Missouri I ain't ever heard of it till recently
4th of July is the superior summer holiday


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Holidays in general seem more interesting when they're related to natural phenomena like harvests or seasonal changes, but days off work are always good (for those that work).


you should go back there

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