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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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Scary as hell
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Their walking dog robot is very liked in manual labor for inspections. I figure they're looking to expand products for existing customers.

I think most of what I read supports that general idea of robots being used in situations that could kill someone


I think I read a mechanic's blog where soldiers were coming up to him and begging him to save their robo-dog. "Please sir! He saved my life!"

Looking forward to robots getting extended human rights long before they achieve sentience.


You're thinking of Honda's Asimo, I think. It would appear Boston Dynamics is actually owned by Hyundai, though.


>Boston Dynamics is owned by some Japanese company (Toyota or something) and they want to make bots to assist the elderly
wasnt there a video going around of the robots mimicking a loading a rocket launcher movement?


Moved to >>>/qa/127125.

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So, speculating about sci-fi and stuff, maybe not quite fit here but.
Imagine u suspect a natural predator or something super dangerous for you highly possible, how should i put it, following you, highly possible spying on you, what you gonna do? And you afraid to cause panic. And you possibly not quite sure.
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Wait, what if it's a cute cat? No wait, you said predator, so it could be a large cat! A large cute cat???


aha cute yet suspicious? tryina to picture it myself, instant fail in my case
all cats are cute, big one cute big way! mmmrwwr!


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This looks like a bot/chatgpt thread.

Are you humam or not, OP?


Skitty is great!



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what it got to do with chii's pantsu
me not bot and what bots did to ya? Both u and

machines gather info from outer world using same physics laws for it so u r no different

mind biological life as antithesis for non biological materia so there gonna be a synthesis combining both
or even more
bio is temporal period a method for non biological matheria to became more organised more sane overtime


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Got to see an American legend today. They gave me a tiny whistle that's shaped like it too
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I see those quite a bit where i live.


What's it like living in Weinertopia?


the ween


looks like a sex toy heh


Its super duper awesome

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Do you have a favorite spice?
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might try it one day


Release the Spyce


it is


Why is it called Spice and Wolf? It is because Holo likes it spicy while Kraft is a total wolf in bed.



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i dislike spring because it is muddy and wet and gross and now there are lots more bugs around but at least there are some anime to look forward to
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I like spring here and there, the only bad part of it is pollen.


plant sperm


dont mind if i do


I like the rain, but I wish it was cooler and less humid. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 87F (~31C) and 90% humidity.


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ever since this ACCURSED FUCKING season began, from the moment the cock clock hit april 1st, my nose has been giving me so much god damn shit. One sneeze leading to a dozen and the apocalyptic splooge of flying saliva and snot everywhere. i don't know what's even causing this, i go into a sneezefit more often in areas where there's no trees or bushes or anything so I don't think its a randomly developed pollen allergy. The only saving grace is that this is the season where japanese sencha teas are getting picked and produced. webm unrelated.

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Solar eclipse soon! Anyone here in a position to see it?
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wonder how it looks literally in space and not as a shadow


No atmospheric effects without an atmosphere.


I don't think it would work. If you were in space between the Moon and the Earth, the Moon would take up more of your field of vision so you wouldn't see the Sun's corona like you can from Earth. You'd still be able to see the partial eclipse happening though. The type of orbit matters, however. You would have to be in a geostationary orbit, orbiting the Earth at the same rate that it spins, for the eclipse to happen at the same time as it does on Earth. Otherwise you could probably observe the Moon eclipsing the Sun pretty often. The Internation Space Station, which is in low Earth orbit, for instance, makes 16 orbits around the Earth every 24 hours.


If you are going to space for an eclipse, there is no reason why you should have to stay between the Earth and the moon. All that is required is that you find a circular body that you can use to just obscure the sun with, (meaning you need to be the right distance from that body).
That could be the moon, it could also be Earth itself.


Moved to >>>/qa/127139.

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Do you have any tools that you like? I just bought a 'hori hori' knife because gardeners apparently swear by them. I'm not much of a DIY guy, but I'd kind of like to become one someday
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After I had to live in a really tiny place for a while that didn't have enough space for a kitchen, I really appreciate finally having a real oven again. I guess that's not the sort of tool you're thinking of though. Uh.
Sorry, I'm not really a tool enthusiast.

To me, it looks a bit like it's trying to be one too many things at once.
I'd rather have multiple tools each great at their singular jobs than one that's mediocre at several.
Same reason why I don't really appreciate Swiss knives.


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only tool i ever bought myself was a 19mm ratched wrench, needed that for opening stuff on a tank and we never had enough to do around


>it looks a bit like it's trying to be one too many things at once
Possibly true, but it's very basic stuff.
Hori hori knives seem more like a 'maintenance' tool whereas specialty stuff is used when you need to do a bunch of it in a row. Something like a tool for playing seeds seems quite extravagant unless it's your job. People really seem to swear by these things so I guess I'll see if I feel the same way.
I think Swiss army knives are cool, although I only have a junky one.


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I have a small multitool that I've had for a long time. The pliers/wire-cutters are pretty handy. The scissors are meh. The nail file/flathead is very useful, and I lost the tiny tweezers a long time ago :(


Moved to >>>/qa/127222.

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Can't believe it's spring.
If anyone wants to make a sticky for the board go ahead.
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The article body confuses me. It's literally just
>Throughout what should have been the frigid depths of winter, an unseasonably warm sun beat down on a series of billboards and bus-stop ads across Toronto. The campaign urged passers-by to consume even more of a familiar, maybe even patriotic, household staple: maple syrup.

>"It's not just for breakfast," the ads propose.

It's a complete non-sequitur.


it's a poorly written article. I hope the author was just trying to highlight the strangeness of increased demand in a situation of diminishing supply. Prices are stable because of reserves. We're hoping for another cold winter to replensih our strategic mapple syrup supply.


>Can't believe it's spring.
literally snowing outside right now
bring /win/ back


Haru desu yo


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haru da ne


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Dumbest member of the family decided to do spring cleaning today and burn some brush. We had 25mph wind. He walked away. Tree caught on fire and almost burned down our best barn.

He's claiming he set the tree on fire on purpose.
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Fire is badass and trees never did anything for anybody. I say light 'em up.


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People need to stop doing this. It does not look good. Anime isn't videogames. Good thing you didn't post it in the OP thread.


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anon lost barn


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That tree looks way too close to your barn, anyway. Of course, it's just a barn. But if you don't want it to burn, some safety distance is called for.
People are idiots.


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Reminds me of this.

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hahahahahaha nice one!


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Welcome to another Spring!

A philosopher once told me:
Birds are very important

This season Spring ends on Wednesday June 20th


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I really like these images!


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Yep! It's a great artist I follow, although not very prolific: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/864706
Fantastic, happy environments that make me smile.

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Wind maps are cool.

Being unable to plant anything because of wind is less cool. (CURSE YOU NATURE! Let me get stuff in the ground already!)


I like wind maps a lot, especially ones that allow me to look into the future for forecasts, but there don't seem to be that many which exist....

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My guilty pleasure is watching First Amendment auditors. Which are basically paid trolls. I feel guilty about it but I can't stop
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One can hate or like something, but no one emphasizes with the journalist here


i can see why'd you feel guilty about enjoying this


Personally I'm more of a fan of people shoplifting from Wal-mart and the cops coming in.


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It's a 2D OP image but talking about real life/youtubers so I'm going to be moving this thread to /spg/.


Yea I posted it in the wrong place because I was sleepy

It's horrible disease

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Sextoko is in Paris?


Sachiko is a terrible Frenchman

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It's 20 C outside. I think I'm gonna die
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It was 41 degrees C last week around my area.


May God have mercy upon your soul.


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it's cold...


all the hot guys hsould marry all the cold guys

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