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Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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We're living in Amerika for now, but what's it going to be like living in China?
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China: copy Japanese, admire America, think Chinese.
The third point is the most important. Whatever they do to imitate others, its only on surface, but the mindset stays the same.


USA is still a cultural juggernaut, just not necessarily for us here. Hmm... I'm not sure if Japan would count as second. UK still exports a lot of music, shows and movies.


Isn't Jackie Chan a member of the CCP?


>just not necessarily for us here.

Exactly, we are living under Japan.


You only say that because you're on kissu. If you spend all your time consuming Japanese media and talking to other people who do the same, you're going to start thinking that it's way more mainstream than it actually is.


python sucks, stop using it
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8 and 4 seconds for me. But that maths thing really made me realize the demerit I have purely by not being from a maths background...
going to start getting into C again, along with python.


The video isn't about python sucking, its about python begin a nice wrapper programming language for C++. Python's syntax is fast, C's execution is fast. You just combine them.


such is the power of misappropriation


javascript sucks, stop using it


I used to care about all this stuff way back when I was first getting started, 'cause I wanted to learn the right thing. but then everyone kept complaining about something no matter what language I chose. so now I just use whatever works and I've genuinely finished way more projects since I made that decision. you're right that python's slow but unless you need speed for your program why the heck does that matter

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My frozen bagels thaw in the open air
It's almost summer.


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Is freezing really the best way to store bagels? I thought that ziplock bags work pretty dang well. Maybe if you store them long term I guess.


turn it into a haiku


My frozen bagels
thaw in the warm open air,
it's almost summer.


I'm feeling it today
heat index over 100 (F)

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Why do people like barbeque sauce? Meats are supposed to be salty, whats so enjoyable about putting a sweet sauce on them? To me, it tastes awful and completely ruins the flavor of the meat.


I wouldn't really know since I'm more of a honey mustard person myself. Think it makes the enhances the flavorfulness of the meat a bit if it's not the best cut. Now if I had a nice steak, I wouldn't slather any overpowering sauce on it since that'd be tarded because the steak is supposed to be good on its own, and putting BBQ sauce on it would be like saying your steak is a failure.


Budget barbecue sauces are gross. There are less sweet varieties though that are much nicer imo.


Because it adds sugar to the meat and some people like their meat to taste like candy


I don't find it sweet I think it is flavourful. Whenever I get a hamburger at a fast food store I get one with barbecue sauce. My grandma used to make a tomato sauce that was more flavourful and better for hamburgers though, but then maybe if she made a barbecue sauce that would be better again...


a lot of meat in america is made to be cheap instead of good, so we sort of ended up relying on sauce as a way to cover up the fact that our meat is sub-par on average

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 No.53[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Will NEETs ever see their deserved coronabux? How bad IS the virus for young people? Are China's numbers to be trusted? With India's slums hit, will the death rate will climb to heights never imagined? Find out on the next exciting episode of Quarantine Z
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you're now pregnant!


Sounds fishy. Needles are not that painful.


Shown by who?


crazy. I got a ton of vaccines for traveling to a third world country and coincidentally I post on imageboards.

I'm thinking this is too convinient to explain by anything other than vaccine autism.


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The prevalent association between autism and vaccination, if anything, could be a result of the fact that autistic people have a much greater incidence of childhood mortality. Therefore, because vaccines prevent severe illness and death, an increasing number of autistic people survive childhood that would have otherwise died had they not been vaccinated, not because the vaccines themselves cause autism.

Likewise, the increased prevalence of autism may be a result of Western women on average having children later in life, and may further be affected by the falling fertility rates in industrialized countries due to Phthalate (plastic chemical) contamination in drinking water and food. Another factor may be the widespread use of insecticide products such as Roundup which are known carcinogens and are extremely toxic. Of course, there is a myriad of chemical contamination, so to single out any one chemical as being a definitive cause is quite difficult to say the least, and may in fact be related to the interaction between multiple chemical contamination not just a single one.

These are important questions, so its a shame that the entire topic has been tarnished by conspiracy-minded people thinking vaccines cause autism.


I fly
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uhh where was the trolling, unless there's a fishing line connected to these planes that I can't see
kinda nice that kids are still making kill comp videos like it was 2006 though


don't play this game btw. it's pay to play at higher tiers


Then just play up to the point where it becomes pay to win.


jets are fully pay to play, but you're never going to get to a jet without a subscription anyways...

WW2 planes are fun, but it's no Top Gun


> fully pay to play
As in you'll never be able to repair a jet after battle without going broke in game currency

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The FBI has seized bitcoin from the paid ransom from a big US pipeline company to hackers in Russia. I'm quite curious to see how this was possible, and of course I wonder if this will affect its value. Personally I've hated this crypto thing so I wouldn't be upset to see it collapse, but this probably isn't enough and people will forget about it.


It seems they had their keys on someone else's computer:


Lol, you'd think professional hackers of all people would be aware of the importance of good security practices.



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With temperatures fluctuating we may reach a time where summer never ends...

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The seasons come and go so fast, you should slow down at some point to appreciate the beauty of Spring.


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Bit hard when I'm currently living in Autumn land.

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spring outfit for my doll
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sadly I did not make any of it. doll scale stuff is not a part of modeling I've attempted to get into....yet.
well its 1/6 scale and my doll is 1/6 size but shes a smaller girl.
this is a byob party, sorry dude. one measly six pack is just enough for one person!


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new ride!



You drive?


she needs a helmet!
getting hit by a bug or a falling acorn at speed isn't fun.


Apparently some people are trying to teach their pets to talk with buttons. How much do you think they understand?
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That's quite possible if the Gombe Chimpanzee War is anything to go by their strategic thinking rivals even wolves.
There is also elephants are their own unique intelligence with the amazing memory recall they have and recognizing their own reflection.


From this video it seems like elephants are smart enough to recognize a medical vehicle. Otherwise I'm not sure why a previously shot animal would try approaching humans again.


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Elephants know all about medical matters. In a book I read it says 'and when they meet a flock of sheep huddling together they protect them on their journey, so that no missile kills any if them. If they fight a battle, they always take care of the weary and the wounded'.


Counting is a huge sign of intelligence, although this video doesn't seem like it'd prove anything because it's simply choosing which side appears to have more food. You can't really consider that counting as it something basic like searching for food.
Octopi are smart enough to count, though. The very sad limitation is their very short lifespans- it'd be just like people living a few years.


shame their lifespan makes it all meaningless
so close, so far

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Kissu how do I stop being racist. I genuinely have a searing hatred for blacks, middle easterners, indians, and some asians. I have a bit of quandary, though: I'm not at all racist towards people. In social interactions my brain shifts to autopilot and I just say or do whatever without any bias or malintent, but when I'm on my own, left to my own thoughts I can't stop myself from thinking about how much I hate other races, and especially how much I hate interracial couples, and depictions thereof.

This might seem like a shitpost, but I genuinely don't want to be this way and yet I am. What the heck do I do???


Have you tried not caring about trivial matters such as race?


it's probably too late

your best bet is to watch gore videos starring white people so that you can hate everyone equally. once you're genuinely misanthropist it wraps back to not being racist


If your malicious thoughts don’t manifest into meaningful action I wouldn’t even worry about. Dream of all the genocide and racially motivated pogroms you want thought crime by itself isn’t real crime. Of course if you genuinely have an uncomfortable racial hatred that consumes your every waking thought you might need a doctor and some meds as it could be some other issue that is simply using racial hatred as an outlet.

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I think I've finally been able to get over my self hatred and I know I can do anything.
Arigato and maybe I'll come back in a year or less, but I think I've grown. I don't need to go into details but I feel like I can just go out into the world and conquer what little sliver of it that I can.
God bless kissu frens. My friends really are here, so that's why I have to set off to find more frens.


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Take care! Good luck with the real life thing, but do remember to visit once in a while.
We'll be here.


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Ganba, Anon!


Aufwedersehen freundliche Fräulein!

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The cicadas are emerging and singing. Watanagashi is here


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Something interesting is that their defense mechanism is "predator satiation" which means that they coordinate their emergence in these massive groups because the predators eat their fill and simply can't eat all of them. They're slow, can't fly well and it's the end of their life cycle anyway.
Unfortunately, like all nature news it's coupled with information that humanity is screwing things over by paving over their emergence sites and climate change is screwing up their synchronization. Hooray!


damn, pancakes are pretty tough

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