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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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It's not quite summer yet, but the heat really sucks. Gonna turn into a puddle if it gets any hotter
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Summer is already over where I live.


Some tips I learned growing up on a farm where I was forced into slave labor;

Wear long white sleeve shirt and pants. The baggier the better. Same concept at desert nomad clothing. Except I live in humid environment so I actually want the wind to wick away sweat when possible. You'll feel much cooler like this than you will in short sleeves. Long sleeves and pants keep the biting flies off of you as well.

Sounds counter intuitive but heavy ankle length boots are best. Keeps feet dry and the steel toe will cool down much faster when you do manage to get out of direct sunlight or into an AC cooled room. Wear breathable diabetic white socks for the same reason you wear baggy clothing. You want your feet cool and dry so they don't form blisters.

Smoking or being new a fire of green wood will keep away biting insects. You don't have to inhale. Puff on a cigar to keep it lit and smoldering. This is one of the main reasons why people smoked in the old days along with the fact that it allowed them to carry an ember that wouldn't be forgotten. If you aren't okay with smoking I find a fire horn/bundle works almost as well. Smoking works better because biting insects are most annoying on your face. Which is well protected by something like a cigar.

Try to work near large bodies of water preferably running water like a creek or river. Temperature can drop by as much as 10F simply by going down to the creek bank. Can store beverages and food in a cooler in the creek to keep them cool for relief from the heat. Can build basic swamp cooler along creek bank and keep a small space like a tent cool.

Wear a large hat. I have a large straw hat like you see people wearing when they're working in rice patties. Keeps the sun off your head and neck. If you can keep your head cool your body can get rid of the excess heat better.

Force yourself to work in the heat for a few weeks. After awhile your body will adjust and you'll feel comfortable in temperatures in the 95+F range. Only issue is once your blood "thins" and you become used to it you'll feel like you're freezing come winter time. I'm all screwed up in this way and no amount of exposure to cold will undo it.

Wet a rag and keep it around your neck during the day. Change it often. You want lukewarm - warm water. Never sock your system with cold/icy water if you're working in high heat. You can pass out from the shock and hurt yourself. Seen it happen more than onPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Only issue is once your blood "thins" and you become used to it you'll feel like you're freezing come winter time. I'm all screwed up in this way and no amount of exposure to cold will undo it.
Same... I used to be able to wear shorts during 40-50F weather, but since moving south, I've acclimated to where ~80F with a breeze no longer feels hot, and temperatures below like 60F feel really cold. Sucks.


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>Wear long white sleeve shirt and pants. The baggier the better.
Do you not have mosquitos there? I forgot to tuck my pants into my socks and shirt into my pants and I have a dozen mosquito bites after being outside for 15 minutes. No exaggeration, sadly. I wish I knew why they liked me so much.
I think I need a beekeeper outfit


>I wish I knew why they liked me so much.
interracial harem protagonist

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I saw a bumper sticker today that said "birds aren't real" and it made me realize I'd never actually seen a bird in real life before. Why did you trick me like this, kissu?


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i have to say >>3308 is a very creepy example of how far AI has come
used to be that humans would be the ones to think them up... like elephants


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Every bird is a potential Precure


ah blblblblbblb
ah fpppppttt
ah mfffmfmfppmmtppttmtmmmffff


If birds are not real, then what other force could possibly stop witches from achieving total aerial superiority?

Being able to walk the streets without having to dodge any malevolent magics flung at you from high above, or suffer the smug insults of airborne airheads, is the best proof that birds are out there and looking out for you that you could ask for.

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cute piccie of a bird i found on twitter




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Very bird-like. I give it a 9 out of 10 in birdness


hello are you a bird and why


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cute piccie of a bird i found on jaypee

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How warm does it have to get before swimming becomes viable?
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community centers have pools going year round


I'm pretty sure he was joking, what with the implication being that he doesn't know that in-house locker rooms exist.


I know I wanted to post about it anyways because it's also relevant to OP's question


>Except this one was closed a few years ago
Pool's closed?... due to AIDS?...

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Or is it still spring? I my area summer comes first day of june. So its summer.
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What about Dragonabll? Is it spring orfall?


Temperature-wise it's summer here. I think if people were to do a localized climate thing here summer would start in June and end in uhh... September probably.


Temperature is an unreliable metric.


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If we're going on temperature, then it's been winter here for a while now. Bloody cold May this year.


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Seasons are not about weather conditions. It's about common sense. You took a year. You slice it like a pie. Now its not a circle but piece of food for ya. Time is dead and vertigo is over. And summer starts 1st of june.


spring is basically just animal season

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Death to wasps
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wasp caught in a web


when i was living abroad i remember crawling into bed after a night shift, it was 8 am and i had been up for over 30 hours. all of a sudden my right big toe stings but i figured it was a random occurence. it didn't get better and the pain continued, so i lifted my blankets up to see what's happening.
there was a huge fucking wasp in my bed under my blankets, i had no idea how it got in or got there. not gonna lie, it was a bit of a shit day.


I fear this so I always have a mosquito net deployed over my futon so nothing but myself can get in.


some might find something like that overprotective, but it actually makes perfect sense


I learned from Police in a Pod that this is what a sketch artist is supposed to do - prioritize getting the details right over realism. Glad to see quality art get the respect it deserves!


double thread


Drawing real people is an interesting talent, especially if you're doing it quickly or with limited information. It's strange to think that this stuff actually works.
I also find those people that draw inside courtrooms to be quite impressive. I wonder if it counts as "creative" work. I think it does.


singled thread about singling out


No beard, no hat
No moustache, no eyebrows (why?) and shape of face is absolutely wrong, its not about quality, its a different person here. But i kinda feel someone is sad really cause why it comes to them personally artist gonna be a whole Richard Diebenkorn and gonna do everything right.

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I had a really great one but it didn't go through


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Gotta stuff windows 11 onto that small monitor. My laptop now on a full monitor. Nice cable management on this desk.


While cleaning up, you accidentally threw out the cat as well.


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hehe love when my cats do that after i've been away




kitty :3


Give me a name
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Common buzzard


Come on, buzzard. Do something.


Nice buzzword.


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Aya is my favorite bird!


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Mmmm smoked poultry.

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This was a fun fact on my calendar last month hehe


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so why were you withholding this information


This reminds me that Japan had some sort of train conductor cat, but sadly I think he passed away a few years ago. Not sure if there's a new one or not.


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wakarimasen lol but this cat was also on it


that's a pretty old cat

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It's Star Wars day. What's your favorite Star Wars quote?
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Apathy is death


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Apathy is death


If you mean the movies only, sure, but the way the prequels expanded the universe is something people are overwhelmingly thankful for.


It's crazy to realize that the last original trilogy was in the 80s


Droidekas are so cool so yeah shut it up

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Nothing like having a pussy in your lap.


Fed a stray cat yesterday and it let me pet it


It signifies one's great power.

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video essays have gone too far
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Podcasts can be organized and informative. I doubt you can blame them.

Sometimes, people are not so much talking to exchange information as to feel connected, and somehow, in a tragic way, this phenomenon got imported to the internet. People try to touch base with others in the digital world. But no matter how much people socialize on facebook, their need for human contact will never be satisfied - which is why early (non-political) facebook was already so addictive.
Many youtubers are the same thing, fundamentally, a seeming quenching of the said basic need, but ultimately not satisfactory.
And this goes for both sides of the youtuber scene. Both the creators as well as the audience are convinced that they have something that they are still desperately in want of.

So when you ask "why did you make a seven hours video to meander around a message that could have been conveyed in thirty minutes?"
The correct answer is: "I was lonely".
Same reason as why anyone would watch it.


This is true but we also have to consider how youtube monetization has changed over the years. Creators put a lot of ads in between those videos and receive revenue according to the time viewers spend watching their channel. It's not just about views anymore.
That's why you get a lot of video essays with unnecessary fluff on purpose like anon said. If you see a video on your recommended that barely gets past the 8,10 15, minute mark (i don't remember exactly how it works but they let you add more mid roll ads past a certain length) they are highly likely going to be trashy or slop. It's more like a side job for a lot of people at this point instead of a place to broadcast yourself for fun but we all know that.
>coping with adulhood
I assume they are teens if they have time to watch all of it, more specifically, teenage girls who grew up with those shows. Maybe it depends on the series but that image is targeting gen Z and gen A(reruns). I consider them the equivalent of long vidya video essays but for women.


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i think it stems from how as shorter internet content managed to take away time from channel surfing youtube videos were able to give themselves the space to gradually become something much bigger like jokingly shown here (don't focus on it it's just the best example i have)
it evolved from the classic review that was like somewhere between five and fifteen minutes long by starting to try to make a more detailed, thorough point then through ADAPTIVE RADIATION and FISHERIAN RUNAWAYS grew bigger and costlier treating length itself as a sign of quality, breadth n depth so nowadays it's like the only (good) reviews you'll consistently find under ten minutes are yahtzee's because everything needs to include the history of whatever the author feels is somehow relevant AND HERE'S A 15s PARODY OF IT BY A MASTER OF THE MEDIUM from two dang years ago

but still, it doesn't seem like that's exactly what's going on with quinton, and there's no way a video made in four months that is seven hours long could achieve the above compared to an hour and a half video made over the course of six months, it simply cannot have the same level of writing and whatnot in any aspect
for further examples, after finishing his game tierlist at about the six hour mark (took him like 25m) he starts making a box tierlist of identical duration which ends on a joke rant about how da globalists (jews) are hiding the cubic earth, he subsequently makes fun of the segment while apologizing for putting you through it though still not deleting it as it's overlaid in this frame-within-a-frame-within-a-frame pinboard that plays all the previous nested talks he's made standing beside it and it is UNBELIEVABLY BORING
what you can also do is look at his comments and see that there isn't much going on there despite how many things they would in theory be able to respond to but there's one that caught my eye:
>“We’re like when the NostalgiaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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I was happily reading your post until I suddenly realized that you watched the whole fucking video.


absolutely did not, i spammed the shit out of that right arrow

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