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/secret/ - Kuon Culture

Everyone loves Kuon!

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File:34e8be78fed6b3d9d6aa7550dd….jpg (2.11 MB,1878x2970)

 No.28268[View All]

Going to try and keep this thread updated with my writing experiments/projects, if anyone else wants to post their writings go ahead.
612 posts and 299 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Sorry to hear. It's the worst part of being a pet owner.
It's a tough decision to make, but it's part of your responsibility as owner and friend to seriously consider her quality of life. If she still seems happy and not struggling in pain then you can continue to treat her symptoms, but the time will come when you need step in and let her go...


she's still eating, she has pain pills, I don't know when it'll be the end for her.




Weird, anyways Detroit won :^D


dog is being put down on thursday...


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Every project I keep working on something bad keeps happening to me...


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I'll pray for her at the doggy temple.


⦤( • ᴗ • )⦥
I stayed up all night watching movies and making sure my dog didn't go to the bathroom in the house.


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Here's a picture of my late dog.


this dog is DEAD and here's why (you won't believe it)


She got put to sleep anon, it isn't that difficult.


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I really miss my dog...


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Hmm... for now I'll let you off the hook since you're grieving and stuff, but try to mention Kuon if you make a post unrelated to it


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Thinking of writing for the 50k challenge novel thing for november.
Kuon might be in it.


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might be getting another dog soon, feels too soon, it's another puggle, more beagle then pug (Emma was more pug).
Would Kuon move this quickly?


Does Kuon enjoy candy corn?
Goddamn do I love candy corn.


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I think it's fine, normal and even healthy. It's not like you're manifesting an animal from the aether, there are dogs out there right now that need homes and families. Try to adopt one from a shelter instead of buying one from a breeder if you can.
People need to keep living their lives and it benefits your family and the pet-to-be to do it sooner rather than later.
I think Kuon would agree.


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I honestly don't know what I want to write.


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fuck it
Postal 2 but with Roon.
That's it.
That's the idea.
It's a cute German girl living in hot as hell Utah dealing with cultists and trying to her errands for the week.

You know just without it being Roon it's just, you know implied, norms won't know :^)
Anyways so Kuon is not in the story.


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Might not even be a week, but the idea is like, the plot goes around doing the innocuous errands that end up turning into action movie adventure bullshit.

Kuon isn't in the story at all.


I don't think Kuon ever had an Cornish Pasty before, because goddamn these are really good.
There's a little Pasty shop near my house.


wouldn't mind seeing kuon wear pasties


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(alternatively Kuonween)


Damn, this Kuon lora really is giving some great results


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I still need to make the Kuon-specific LORA, but yeah. I can just invoke her in the 'style' one by using all her traits. Pruning the tags of a hundred or so images is just so mind-numbingly boring that I haven't found the motivation yet since I can already prompt Kuon as-is


ai kinda going crazy with that anatomy


after deliberations, going to probably start working on something later on tonight


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It's a really good picture.
Anyways, still with Roon, maybe with Juri Han, don't know.


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Man I don't know what to write.
I know it has something to do with Roon, and maybe Juri Han, and maybe some other characters, but I don't know what to start it off with.


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Okay so maybe...


A scantily clad woman walks up to your desk.
"I'm here to apply for unemployment benefits!" she yells.
"Okay... What was your previous occupation?" you ask.
She thumps her chest proudly.


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went out and voted today


who did you voted for


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you better have voted for CUNNY harris


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I did and I feel bad because I honestly don't like her.


why did you choose cunny if you don't like her


Because Trump might cut my insurance.


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lucky for you it looks like she's going to lose


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losing doesn't strike me as very lucky


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chuds won


Heh the funny 1488 number


keep your kuso wojak words on your kuso wojak site
it's already bad enough that /secret/ is going to be /pol/ for a week or two and I'm not allowed to nuke it all


revenge for kuon


the woyjak-hating sager


Fuck you for stickying the fucking fart thread


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Look at this new Roon I found.


but it was funny

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