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File:34e8be78fed6b3d9d6aa7550dd….jpg (2.11 MB,1878x2970)

 No.28268[View All]

Going to try and keep this thread updated with my writing experiments/projects, if anyone else wants to post their writings go ahead.
734 posts and 357 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Kaa-san went to the hospital because IBS.
It be like that.


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'te an egg and sizzler w/cheese sandwich, it was really good holy shit.


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I have no idea where to take the story.


have the MC consume a delicious egg sizzler cheesewich


Halberds are indeed awesome. Most gamers were introduced to them with the Souls games probably, but for me it was in Ultima Online


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I made one today actually, it was really good.


halberds are the sluttiest weapon


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I am reading Blood Meridian, I'm currently at the start of chapter 13. It's after they raided an Apache(?) village and they arrive in Chihuahua.
Judge is an asshole but goddamn is he enthralling.


thinkin' about making Fried Dough...


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Anyways I think I might have an idea of where it's going.


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I don't have an idea where I should take the story damn, but here's a nice Hex


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I'm debating if I should just have Mukuro in the story as well.....
Maybe put Roon in as well soon?


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Wolf Jalter also an idea?


fuck it after this next chapter I'll do put Roon in the story somehow


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I am stuck on this chapter for like a week now, I don't know where I'm suppose to take the story.
Thinking that Atlus-kun and Junko end up going to the tree of woe because that's what is closest on the map; but I don't know.


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goddamn I hate writer's block


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So anyways uh, I'm civ iving the fuck out of civ iv




Anyways so I think I'll have this on the backburner for a moment;


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I can't wait for christmas


going to have prime rib tonight; might be inspired by Civ IV game too.


Merry Christmas, Andy


You too friend!


I spent 60+ hours in a civilization IV game (Caveman2cosmos) it is really comfy and goddamn.


Did I say 60? I meant 75 hours.
Anyways that Junko Enoshima thing is on the backburner, might do a new project.


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I really like this roon image


I don't wanna jinx it, but... I think it's their year


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god I hate video games.


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thinking about playing a tabletop game where the MC is basically Big Boss or a Large Leader of some sort in Schizophrenic Europe that is overrun by gacha-thot characters from different games/universes happen to converge here.

Also did you SEE this Roon image


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I am solo RPGing, slowly.


Can't believe David Lynch is flippin' dead.


can't believe I got a flippin' tabletop rpg game happening soon


Okay so in my solo adventure my character Franz Brink of East Germany (who has 510 points) got isekaid into a minecraft ass world (no crafting though) and he ended up at a ruined village where 8 (eight) Yakuza members with katanas and MP5s were like, dicking around looting the place.
So it took like a total of a minute and 35 seconds to kill them all (GURPS combat is one second after all) and Franz got injured in the fight, got shot and slashed at.


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gotta make a bunch of NPCs for a game and shit...


Anyways this is the final result of my first session of playing GURPS by myself for a week or so.
This is session 1 by the way.


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So next week I got an entire ass tabletop game session.


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Anyways so I'm trying to figure out how to shoehorn dungeon core (basically the MC is the dungeon keeper) shit into my excel crawl adventure (read: using excel and just writing biomes, the size of it, and if there's anything interesting).
Might be like, oh no, he got isekai'd again back to Earth but he turned into a flippin' dungeon core keeper thingy.
I don't know.


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started actually writing the dungeon core thing.
only got like 1.4k words into it though, will update when I finish it.
should be only like, 10 chapters, gonna try to release it as a serial.


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I have no idea who should first enter the dungeon adventure thing...............................


Wrote 6k words so that's cool at least. Once I got 10 chapters I'll post it.


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Locking thread by OP's request


wrote 3k words.


Thread was unlocked by OP's request (obviously)


dumb requestards

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