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/secret/ - Kuon Culture

Everyone loves Kuon!

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File:[Azure-Subs] The Idolmaste….jpg (189.47 KB,1280x720)


Who is the /secret/ idol? Bumps = votes!
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don't forget nina


actually there's an idea, I'll just make Nina the sticky thread


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Been a year and a half, still the best.

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Complimentary ninas for every nina voter! Take one and pass the box along
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a nina for you in these uncertain times


tubers give me strength


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long McDonald's order


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these are pretty nice


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You can't do that at the McDonalds in my country anymore because all the orders are done on a screen now.
It's quite dystopian...

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I did my monthly search for kissu mentions on 4chan and found https://boards.4chan.org/jp/thread/48050503
It's kind of interesting that moderation is lax enough to allow that thread. I wonder if we'll get anyone from that place, although the comment of kissu being "too /a/" is a bit concerning to me. But, I'm just not as big on Touhou as I used to be...
More Kuon converts?
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to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand what is an /a/-like board. The differences in humor are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of /jp/ culture most of the complaints will go over a typical poster's head. There's also /jp/'s pessmistic outlook, which is deftly woven into the catalog of the board - the multiple generals draw heavily from disc*rd chats, for instance. The /jp/sies understand this stuff; they have the intellectual retardation to truly appreciate the depths of one word posts, to realize that they're not just pointless - they say something deep about MODERATION OF THE BOARD. As a consequence, /a/-like posters truly ARE idiots - of course they wouldn't appreciate, for example, the quality of the multiple 2hu imagedumps, which itself is the kind of content that should rather be in /c/. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those ret/a/rds scratching their heads in confusion as sitting 'mu's genius unfolds itself on their 'puter screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a flanfly tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for /bant/'s eyes onyl - And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 500 pictures of my own vtumor reaction folders (preferably lower) beforehand.




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interesting.. I thought this was a [s4s] thing but I guess it's /bant/ since you FORGOT TO CHANGE THE /bant/ TEXT AT THE END DUMMY

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 No.28268[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Going to try and keep this thread updated with my writing experiments/projects, if anyone else wants to post their writings go ahead.
657 posts and 323 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


revenge for kuon


the woyjak-hating sager


Fuck you for stickying the fucking fart thread


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Look at this new Roon I found.


but it was funny

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i'm thinking about it.


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shab called me a teen

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What determines the "strangeness" of different fetishes? I say the main factor is whether it is supplementary to regular sexual act or if it supersedes them. Which is why romance plots involving vampires/monsters are relatively mainstream, while things like scat or baby rp are not.


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wish kuon would baby rp with me


you could articulate that idea as "how far removed is this from standard human behavior" and certainly it is weirder to have a fetish for floor tiles than it is to have a foot fetish
for the monster it depends because when you go into real non-humanoid xeno or truly eldritch monstrosities, that's quite different from some humanoid with antlers or a couple tentacles, you have there too the departure from normative bodies (tentacle monsters are just a bunch of bdsm penises so they're more acceptable)
kuon baby rp'ing with elle? double bab


My fetish is strange because it's impossible to experience in meat space



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It happened again. I opened a new tab for a thread where I wanted to reply to someone, but didn't have the time to write an appropriate post. Lazed around all day and by the time there was free time the will to post was no longer there. So the tab was closed.


canNOT empathize i just really can't honestly


Same except I don't even close the tab

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Shoved a vibrator up my ass and I'm feeling rather ambivalent about it... I get the feeling buttsex may not be all it's cracked up to be, even with hats on.
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Yes, I suppose that's why the first time I felt it but in the second try there was nothing. It was a mental thing. Thank you, CEO of gay.
By the way, how do you keep things clean?(ALSO FORGOT KUON)


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Don't eat anything for six to eight hours before use on your kuonhole and do an enema prior as well. Careful of those though as too much water pressure can damage your inner kuon so I would squeeze the water in slowly, empty the butt of water at the halfway mark (when bulb is half empty) and use the rest of the water. Also on the day you want to use it eat only water soluble foods, could also do it the day before as well to keep kuon healthy.


sounds like a very restricted use of your kuon... nothing like my japanse eromanga


Vibrators are better because they let you trick yourself into thinking it's just a weird femdom thing and you're not a humongous boy-molesting fruit.


this only works if you have a woman to jam them in, but otherwise if you're by yourself it's mega gay

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so... I'm non-binary.


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i'm into poly

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what if instead of the men who stare at goats
it was the men who post about cunny


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starcun project was successful don't let anyone tell you otherwise

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What pen and paper RPGs would Kuon play?
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i don't think kuon would play literally the most evil RPG ever made


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But that's the only game kissu has played at this point.
Speaking of which, kissu should do another tabletop game thing.
Kuon might be involved.


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Kissu should play Maid RPG. Naturally the game would take place in the /qa/ mansion.


Compromise, kissu plays GURPS but using Maid RPG influence in it.


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Be sure to use the GURPS Maids official supplement.


Halo is moving to the Unreal engine. Halo is not important enough to post about on /qa/ or /jp/ so I will post about it here. The announcement video they made isn't important enough to post either so I will post this nice song instead.

I'm not sure what the point of the thread is if the topic isn't important at all but I hope people appreciate the song that I posted and I hope people appreciate the time and effort I spent watching the Halo Unreal engine announcement video and the time and effort I spent in making this thread. I hope people appreciate the effort I went to in selecting this song as well, I wasn't sure what song I was going to choose to post but I thought long and hard about it and in the end I felt that this song was the best song to post. I hope that the people of this board appreciate this thread that I have made.
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i blame theosophy
by managing to tie every crazy belief into a single mess while claiming she got it from tibetan masters, blavatsky ended up transferring this to everyone influenced by her
you know, i'm reading about ancient aliens and wow it's fucking theosophy, reptilians and it's fucking theosophy, hyperborea and it's fucking theosophy
i'm reading about fucking evola and the left-hand/right-hand stuff comes up oh and GUESS WHERE THAT CAME FROM it's fucking blavatsky
also aleister crowley comes up here and there
now kuon, kuon knows what's up, she understands both real herbalism and the divine


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I am using magic from a book I read to make powerful men favour me. Most of the book was about other things like protecting cattle and finding thieves so this was the closest I could get to achieve my goal.

I'm not going to say what that is because it's complicated but it involves getting some departments and ministers in the government to do something for me(thus powerful men).

I'll just have to wait and see....(NO KUON)


Nothing happened... Oh well. I might make a new one tomorrow given that Tomorrow is Halloween and so it's probably a good time to make magic items.

Kuon would know. Oh and I just realised that I forgot to mention Kuon in my last post... Please don't ban me I'm sorry, I forgot. I'm a good boy I promise. Kuon would spare me, she would know that in my heart of hearts I meant no wrong.


WHERE are you getting this magic from, WHAT is that book, and WHY didn't you include kuon?


The Galdrabok. It's an Icelandic book of magic from the 17th century.

I didn't intentionally not include Kuon I just forgot.

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