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/secret/ - Kuon Culture

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the average arima kana fan is a man who poops enthusiastically


poopin update: im poopin again


just took a big dump and now i'm going to have myself a nice long kana sesh



poopin 2


poop in 2 dude

File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (220.44 KB,1280x720)


1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


cute elfblob
NOT cute p*nis that is corrupting the pure innocence of the image


CUTE penis


File:secret.png (1.34 MB,1280x720)


fuck that should have been a jpg


manatsu has been chatting with ojisan... laura doesn't like it

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I am a friend of REAL Lancashire.


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Today is Lancashire day!
Remember, there has been NO change to the borders of the historical county. Lancashire from Furness to the Mersey!

File:[SubsPlease] Puniru wa Kaw….jpg (226.3 KB,1920x1080)


>/secret/[s glowgold][/s]


hi puniru


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baby slime

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I'll have my eggs cunny-side-up, thanks.


fresh eggs are a must


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (162.58 KB,1280x720)

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 No.10916[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I need a thread for posting funny AI mishaps. I should stop deleting them and instead archive them. Although, I'll spare you guys from seeing the disturbing stuff without using spoilers
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some may prefer it this way but i believe the loss of the front/back duality is something to be mourned
there is now an imbalance, no longer can you find something worthy on both sides, the dynamic has been shattered


File:R-1726222280533.png (1.66 MB,896x1152)


messy and melted, but i'm surprised it managed to generate this many people


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Going to do it, fuck you, screenshot thread don't know how this shit works.


breasts are heavy

File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (298.12 KB,1920x1080)


File:Precure All-Stars F v2 [Se….jpg (350.66 KB,1920x1080)



Yep. That's how tonight felt.

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kuon avatar spotted


File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (353.37 KB,1920x1080)

heh nice comment
he should like Kana, though


better than your average screencap, but still a screencap


this opinion has been factchecked and approved of by the media literacy department

File:R-1731646257393.webp (76.33 KB,2000x2000)


This ain't your mommy's school glue...

File:__ichihara_nina_idolmaste….webp (1.37 MB,3342x4120)


Wow look at this Nina.


thank you for making a Nina thread!


File:[crossover][enoshima junko….jpg (476.45 KB,800x800)

Your welcome.

File:b878db2dce244bd197f8a0841f….jpg (156.87 KB,1200x776)


Complimentary ninas for every nina voter! Take one and pass the box along
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a nina for you in these uncertain times




what was it


you'll have to consult the index postium prohibitorum for that


I moved it into its own thread >>34669

File:[Azure-Subs] The Idolmaste….jpg (189.47 KB,1280x720)


Who is the /secret/ idol? Bumps = votes!
54 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


don't forget nina


actually there's an idea, I'll just make Nina the sticky thread


File:5e5969a56cea36cb018e72b1d4….jpg (78.88 KB,743x1242)

Been a year and a half, still the best.


she's grown into an old hag by now


eternally 9


I'm moving on from the sph lifestyle. I hope you can all forgive me.


aaghh not the penis pump those things look like torture

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