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File:C-1731933936134.png (45.4 KB,225x225)


A, well here we go.
A psycho is in charge of what's considered illegal for internet companies to do
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Just like Argentina and many other failed economy ok.


I don't like the fact that it is an independent organization and it should be under the control of the US (under the executive branch).
Argentina is doing fine though.


America is so finished. There's never been a good situation where democracy controls economy.


The fed didn't exist before 1913 and America was doing fine for all those years. Congress is supposed to be the only wing of the Government that can mint coinage.

Anyone that thinks the fed is a good thing has no idea how the economy really works (hint: it's bullshit designed to enslave you and everyone you know)


is this some type of satire



this video is as old as the average fortnite player


the gag worked better when there were no timeline previews


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*old as the average kissu user


I refuse to believe that kissu is full of teens

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unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf


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Freshly pressed OJ.


how do i challenge fernet's butt

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he's going to snoof


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The reason for this is one of his social media profiles (twitter, I don't know) had an image of Breloom. People thought he was a Pokemon fan, and maybe he could be, but someone made the connection to a bible verse for Breloom's pokedex number. He seems to be a big fan of symbolism/references, so it's like a movie and there's no way this won't become one.
The thing is, though, is that he's also a rich kid, so it doesn't make sense.

Yeah, that doesn't look like him, but the right image here does >>35365


i had read that the 286 was because of a healthcare denial thingamajig


>someone made the connection to a bible verse
I'm not sure that's it. The speculation I've heard is that his Goodreads account has a lot of reviews for mushroom-related things, presumably because he was looking for any way to help with the back issues he apparently developed. I guess he could just like Breloom, but the mushroom thing makes more sense to me.

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Syrian civil war showing border changes again
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kissu collapse imminent


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speechless....... thoughts and prayers for the precious mimipeople of tuskur...


>Syria's new government announces it will move away from state-controlled economy to a free market model to attract investment
The moderate rebels have officialy won

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saw the deleted post


Lucky rabbits foot!


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this is the art that won the prize
pretty good I'd say, definitely worthy


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Have you thanked the true prophet yet?


Why yes I do thank Jesus Christ as my lord and savior who died for our sins.

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how do i get her to look at me like this


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not sure you want that kind of reaction

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the ending it has is fine


way she goes.


or maybe the milk just wasnt that good
if the milk was good the business wouldve been a success

t. addicted to milk

i pay premium for good milk
i drink like 2 liters of milk per day


that quintessential indo european thirst


the quintessential quintuplets

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The rebrand worked!
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that's a truck actually


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It's so silly how easily influenced companies are by the leaders


You have to have all your bramaidenlessls rearanged wrong like elon to make someone buy this


this will never get old


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owned those 'artists'


in china you get a raise. in the west you get a lawsuit


probably spent more money in terms of man hours and materials than just buying the chair


although the video probably paid for itself so there's that

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This phishing scam almost got me to put down a single line https://kdlud.com/info/
Because a storefront a ship from has some really poor UI that it might be possible
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Ah, this is well planned too with the holidays coming people are bound to have a few packages they are expecting.


unless you can get from a website that you clicked on the SMS app(don't think you can) then there's no risk in clicking on them. Filling out information probably isn't even dangerous(unless you observe XHR requests in the dev console when typing)


wonder if there's any white hat people (or maybe that term wouldn't apply) that would automate responses to this with tens of thousands of legit-looking replies to waste their time


They send out unique links and will register your number as active so you get even more spam, so don't open it in any browser at all.


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I never knew I had a Costco membership!


verm in a decade


The Red Alert games are such cheesy goodness. As a game RA3 wasn't as good as the previous games (although the custom missions were fun) but it had some great scenes/lines that amped up the camp.
RIP Westwood...



Should have worked maybe. wonder if they changed something with how embedded URLs should be formed


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geez i gotta die

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nanka, kore


bo bo bo



in the butt

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