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File:FUFkj43UEAElLGX.jpg (1.05 MB,1800x2404)

 No.90678[View All]

Which side does /qa/ take? Obviously pixiv would probably be better for searching (although boorus are even more preferable for that) and viewing a long list of art at once. However, in recent days I've been using twitter's feed more and I think that in terms of discovering new artists and likewise finding interesting stuff from people you haven't already followed it's a lot more convenient. Also the previews are a lot easier to see. So in terms of finding content, which do you think makes for the better go-to feed?
164 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


People rap on crypto. But it's legitimately the only way to actually have control over your money for foreign transactions


a powerful move against >>122357


https://bitcash.org/ I'll buy my porn with monero


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Yeah it seems like payment processors have been going on a crusade against porn lately.


driven to the dark recesses of society for the sake of games about suspicious men screwing other people's women


It's actually a time old tradition. It stems a bit from abuse of stolen cards and a bit of CEOs trying to push morals on others



>Visa and Mastercard
Irrelevant. JCB and cashless payments still work, so there is near zero effect in Japan.


> in Japan.
I don't live in Japan


I was just in the comment section of a guy in ci-en who has a lot of talent but his day job is a Systems Engineer which takes up most of his time. If he had better market he could make it full time.

That's the reality of Visa/Mastercard bans. That guy makes worse games and others don't make them at all


I mostly gripe on crypto for the community pushing more for scams and get rich quick schemes over actually trying to make the use of it more mainstream so that we can overcome the tyranny of payment processors. I feel like everything surrounding it has created a terrible image that makes most sites not want to accept crypto for some dumb reason or another.


Oversea market for doujin stuffs is negligible (hardcore otaku only, everyone else pirates) compared to domestic market.


Overseas is 10%.
China is another 25%
you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about


Hell, I'd say the Chinese market is under 50% on some creators


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>I'm a stupid 4chan/a/ cockroach who can't fit in anymore


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> 10% is negligable, I have no idea about anything but I pretend to know things


Rounding error.
>China is another 25%
You have no idea how Chinese pay for these things (protip: not Visa and Mastercard)
What's the point? YOU are a rounding error, period.


I only see this accelerating the trend of Japanese eroge devs releasing their games on Steam. Which is a good thing for the Devs themselves if they do it as it's a much bigger market.
I have mixed feelings about it's impact on the games themselves though, but then >>122064 did manage to get through(however I never played the steam release so I'm not sure if they changed it or not).


I got it dude. 12,000$ is nothing to you. You must be fucking rich


Insignificant compared to the other $120,000 from other markets. 10% is probably less than the tax charged.


Do you even have a job?


Yes, one which requires advanced degree.
btw $12,000 is like nothing nowadays, too much for a NEET yet too little to do anything useful with it.


dumb argumentative shitposter.


You're so delusional.

Bad thread for this




... and bumping this thread so it's visible (moved posts don't bump)


oh my god, you are so fucking stupid just because you want to defend the idea that your monitary contribution to an industry is pointless


Your argument is based in no logical fact other than how you want to defend that you pirate your entertainment despite apparently making 6 figures


If you're making 6 figures and think 12,000 is nothing. Go ahead and buy Kissu a server. I will pick it out for you and give you my address.


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Since I now remember that this thread exists, there's bad news for e621, too. I can't say I'm a e621 regular, but this is terrible news. It makes me wonder why they chose Arizona, though, unless it's simply where the admin lives.


Because that's where there's a lot of datacenters and you can get some good hosting in the desert through nuclear power prices, easy to dump heat into a dry desert and government subsadies


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>ne, ne, onii-san, can you give me your SSN? I'm super horny right now.


It puts all their products at the mercy of a single American company.
Regardless of what their current policies are, you have to plan ahead for what their policies might be by the time you want to sell your game, and those policies might be mandated by American law.

This is not to say that either valve or the USA are evil. But whenever you thread a significant portion of your media through a single such outlet, the consequences will be visible.


Let me just point out that profit is usually the result of a subtraction.
To visualize:

If you think that ~10% of your total revenue is meaningless, for most companies, such a percentage may very easily be greater than the actual profit. The majority of companies do not have profit margins in excess of 10%.
This is not a rounding error unless you are a terrible businessman.


>I only see this accelerating the trend of Japanese eroge devs releasing their games on Steam. Which is a good thing for the Devs themselves if they do it as it's a much bigger market
More western censorship. It's a horrible thing for everyone.


You talk like this as if anyone who draws lolicon is actually a good artist and not just coasting off of an easy to market niche.


And I say lolicon very lightly because only the most grotesque stuff of that nature is not allowed on steam


Meanwhile your dumb take is forcing artists to release their games behind the worst mosaicing that destroys their art


yeah and that's the end of the list


Don't delete your mistakes, I will see them


I can pick about 5-8 lolicon artists who actually have tallent and the rest are just pure garbage. Then the ones that sell on DLSite charge 2x the cost of normal content


>is actually a good artist
nigger what?
¥Kinomoto Anzu
¥Tanabe Kyou
¥Higashiyama Show
¥Onizuka Naoshi
¥Hikoma Hiroyuki
¥Tsubaki Jushirou
¥Atte Nanakusa
This is just going off of h-manga I could distinctly remember and it took me a bit because I forgot the names of some of them. If I went through my art folders I'd certainly find more.


also was debating whether to include ichihaya and sakamata nerimono but they probably deserve to be noted for their style




forgot Sabaku too yoruko is amazing...


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This is another reminder to set your location to Japan on pixiv. Loli tags had already been blocked for people with a location set in in US/UK and other countries and now it's extending to other R18 stuff. This text looks like a boilerplate thing that companies like Patreon must comply with to not be erased by the almighty credit card monopolies:

I think a lot of this could have been avoided if pixiv and others would haven taken a stand against realistic AI stuff and the illegal stuff that happens in its comments, or AI in general since it's what opened the floodgates to all this stuff.
There really needs to be some sort of solution to this so people can still enjoy ero 2D stuff since a foul wind has only intensified...


The solution would be for the western world to give up on regulating fictional pornography since nobody is physically affected by its existence. It's not Japan that needs to change for draconian laws.


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Yes, but "if we lived in a better world" is unfortunately not much of a solution. I mean stuff that individuals can do so ero artists can still make a living.


In that case artists and the wider world in general should really try to start making crypto payments a reality since then we'd no longer be constrained to the ridiculous demands of card processing companies.


Is it even feasible to take a stand against all AI art in general? Feels impossible if people just remove the metadata from their stuff that gives away it being AI. Either way just another case of Japan splitting its net further from foreigners because of their annoying nature. Eventually we'll be back to when the jp and en web were mostly separated again.

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