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 No.89870[View All]

Whenever you see this thread go and get some exercise! You can't just laze around all day as a NEET!
188 posts and 66 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


swimming in general is the best whether be summer or winter, i felt like a bird, just fucking around as you float is awesome

>Swam 750M today
nice, keep up the grind anon


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Yup, I've been keeping it up all summer while it's been hot. In fact recently I've started replacing my last 10 laps that I usually do freestyle with butterfly laps, and it really kills me but does good work.


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Finally made it to a point of satisfaction where I can bench 225lbs (100 kilos). Time to snap all the nerds here that disagree with me!


congrats brah


tard strength


You know what's funny? I stopped training so intensively for a couple months after my "Get slim quick" session, and despite not lifting or exercising as much as I was, I'm still able to push beyond what I was capable of then. Pretty weird how that works.


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Skull crushers at the moment, going for hypertrophy right now with more reps. I'll be doing some OHP afterwards along with some other exercise probably lat pulldowns. In training so its nice to see a thread where people are encouraged to exercise.


Also wanted to say I am coming back from a big break so that is why my exercises don't make much sense paired together since I'm trying to warm up before writing out a decent workout program.
Do you fella's and gals go for hypertrophy or strength? I personally just want to get stronger then cut down on weight afterwards.


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Cute Kuro.


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I'm delightfully surprised that other people on this board/ib know about my waifu kuro and her series. I'm more used to people not knowing her except a select few on the more populate ib's. At least there is a place on the internet I feel more at home. is there any secrets of kissu only older users know about? I promise I have been on imageboards for 10+ years!! I'm not a new user.


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Ehh, there's not a lot I can say. You could look at old threads on /b/ the meta board (or maybe /poll/ for that maybe) There's a secret board with a secret name, but it's a secret. You'll never guess its creative url. (it's a secret).
We want things to be welcoming and laid back here, so you don't need to prove your worth or anything. Feel free to ask questions in any thread if you think you're missing something.

This reminds me that I've been procrastinating about making that "welcome to kissu" image again...


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I will make myself look like a new person with asking how did you make your letters different colors?
I am willing to look like a retard at the moment so I can become more accustomed to the imageboard culture and different ways to post around on the board. am I going to get banned for not knowing this? oh nooo


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Are you using the new UI? (The one with the sidebar?)
There's a bunch of buttons in the quick reply window that do different things. They also have hotkeys, and some of them didn't fit on the bar like green and silver.
If you click the Options text to the lower left and then click the HotKeys tab you can see them. There's actually support for some of markup stuff, too, so you can adjust font size (within a limit)



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I've been here for a few years and I had no idea there was a silver one.


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>is there any secrets of kissu only older users know about
before there was kissu, there was meta


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For any other /qa/eers that work out at home, do you also have a speaker to play music through? I've had one of the JBL ones for a while and it's served me well in making me feel more energized and motivated to work out than just pure silence where my will starts to break after a bit.


I used white noise, which works too


>is there any secrets of kissu only older users know about?
You can go to https://kissu.moe/search.php to search the whole site. You can also use >>>/motd/ to change the message of the day, but since it only shows up under the "+News" pop-up, it's kind of pointless... It was more fun before the new UI when the homepage was actually useful for seeing all recent posts.


bleh. "https://kissu.moe/ motd" with no space


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I use earbuds when I'm out walking. It helps take my mind off the monotony of just walking for an hour.


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Did some light exercising after not having exercised in a very long time. I am so weak... I feel exhausted and lightheaded and its caused my asthma to flare up slightly... This isn't fun at all...


tried jogging with brother and had to tap out at the halfway mark for a break... outside air is a lot different for running than treadmill air


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Is it ever ok to take a rest day from running? My legs hurt.


What kind of pain? Running is high impact exercise that will inevitably cause joint pain and damage as you get older. Humans are endurance hunters and the whole "standing on two legs" thing is a recent adaptation that hasn't had all of its kinks ironed out.
Have you tried speed walking? It looks funny, but it's less damaging on your joints.


running on concrete isn't good


I'm doing a daily 5k run on the treadmill. Been doing it for a few weeks without breaks and my feet have started to hurt while doing it and my legs are just hurting generally.


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Running and jogging are really not very good at all on your bones and will promote stress hormones. Going for long walks alone, doing bedroom calisthenics, and stretching are far more beneficial. And planks. Planks are mandatory.


your bones want exercise too...


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I want to run and be healthy and keep my schedule but every time I run I feel exhausted afterwards and it starts to hurt my feet now and I dread doing it each time. How does /qa/ get over this negative motivation to stay healthy?


You are either overtraining or not ready for running yet, try cycling or swimming and see if the soreness is as bad


You'd think, but this is an issue that just started to happen after I took a week's break from running every day for the same amount. I'm not really sore or in that much pain afterwards, but it keeps beating me down mentally now whenever I try to run.


exercise is gay and a waste of time a rigid 3-hour workout only burns like 100 cal which is nothing just eat less and don't eat processed junk


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Uh, I don't know what kind of exercise you're doing but my 30 minutes of running usually burns around 500cal.


it doesn't, more like 50




*pokes u in the tum*


*kills you*
nothing personnel, kid


EAUGH i'm dead


It's not a waste of time if you use new anime for those three hour sessions.


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Proud owner of a /qa/ belly.


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Been really slacking on my exercise lately so I'm going to have to try and force myself into doing it against my will. I hate how the motivation can just completely leave me at random even when I was making good daily progress.


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It takes a minute to do 50 pushups. Why can't I work up the motivation to spend a minute on my health...


At my current pace, it will take me years to do 50 push ups. I can't even remember when I did the last one.

But push-ups aren't much a health thing. You should find hobbies that involve you moving your body or, if a hobby is unrealistic, perhaps substitute one of your means of travel with a bike, or even your feet.


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A minute? That can't be right. Like other exercises, push-ups should be slow. The controlled descent against gravity is an important part of it. It's similar to how you shouldn't use momentum while doing curls and such. And numbers don't matter, exhaustion and tissue tearing is what matters. 20 slow pushups with methodical muscle control is better than 50 fast ones with poor form that ignores half of the routine.


Oh, I don't ignore form at all when doing pushups, but even with perfect form I can still do about 1 every second or two, though it goes down the more I do to where some of the last ones on an endurance push will take me about 10 seconds each.


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It's a terrible feeling to train for endurance. It feels like you're about to pass out while doing it. I'd rather just place a massive cement block on my back than do more than 20 pushups.


eating under 1000cal a day makes the motivation go away bleh


You shouldn't go under 1200cal or you start risking malnutrition...


god I wish I was a NEET. maybe then I would put effort into not being a fat fuck.

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