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 No.89870[Last50 Posts]

Whenever you see this thread go and get some exercise! You can't just laze around all day as a NEET!


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Ok Remi, I did squats until reasonable exhaustion.
Where is my prize???


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A stronger and healthier body!


walked to the fridge to get a snack


How many reps?


ate some ham and slice of cheese because i didn't feel like making a sandwich


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got some arm exercise by making fried rice
i made sure to add enough oil to make up for all the lost calories


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Started up exercising again and this time I'm going to try and commit to it. Started out the first two days with 40 push ups and 10 situps and then I could barely eek out 10 each the next day, but now today I was able to do that routine again and add in a mile on the treadmil.


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ate me a salad and yogurt cake


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mowed the lawn
god I hate it
utterly stupid, backwards, nonsensical and even harmful tradition


At least it probably doesn't take you 2 hours minimum to mow yours...


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Not really, but it feels like 10 hours. These are the stats now that clouds have arrived and are cooling it a bit alongside the sun nearing sunset.
This is just so exhausting to experience, I don't understand how people can choose to be outside. I had to take breaks just so I don't overheat and collapse.


Oh yeah, that's terrible weather to do anything in. Reminds me that it's definitely getting closer to summer now... Especially with how I found myself getting sunburned all over because I forgot sunscreen while mowing...


did 30 mins on exercise bike
feeling a bit better


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Dear diary,
Today I saw that thread.
I promise I'll do yoga tomorrow.


JOed for an arm workout


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Does cutting grass count as exercise?


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I'd say so. Maybe not as intense as jogging, but it's certainly more exercise than sitting in a chair


if it's a push mower sure.


I like being outside, especially the feel of sun on your skin. Don't really mind mowing the lawn, but I've got a pretty small yard so it doesn't take very long.


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oh yeah, mowing the lawn. that was one of the things i had to do this week


did some brain exercise with wordle


that witch is strong, considering the weight of her boobs

I'll have to meet you halfway; it was a self propelled electric, mower.


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Had some freetime at work and cranked out 100 pushups in a little over an hour! It's about time I stop being lazy and sitting in my chair all day...


I don't sit in a chair hence I'm not lazy all day.


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Climbed some stairs today, the most efficient cardio exercise there is.


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Haha this cat probably works out more than Kissu does! Are you guys really going to be beaten by a cat?


few things are as innately hilarious as the cat flop


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Did a run today and some push ups and I drenched myself in sweat now I need to change my shirt...


I've noticed that my shoulders are really stiff when I reach backwards, so I think I'm going to make it a goal of mine to stretch them every day. It's not exactly hard physical activity, but I can pair it with arm stuff maybe.
This could help my neck, too, so maybe I should look up upper arm and neck stretches.


I need to stretch more too; my back is feeling it lately from loafing in the PC chair too often.


Ran a mile at 10 minute pace today and then 0.2 miles at a 5 minute pace!

Also did 50 push ups and I think I need a towel to contain this summer sweat...


Sometimes I go for walks!


Today I will walk to the store to get junk.


I've been doing daily miles the past week, and it's really killing me each time. Hopefully my body adjusts to it soon...


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I'm buying a bicycle tomorrow. Healthy NEET lifestyle here I come!


Swam around 325m today, feeling pooped


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I can't swim.


What do those numbers mean?


Have you read or watched Steins;gate?
It's heavily related to the story, so if you don't know it then I can't really tell you unless you know you'll never try it.


All I remember is the characters put a banana in the microwave.


It's the world/timeline divergence thing. I think the normal world was 1.0 and anything above or below is a divergence? Been a while.
I don't know why there's three there, though.


I don't believe you if you tell me that you and other fans exactly remember several six-digit numbers.


ate banana


That's credible to the story but where's the connection to bike shorts and bicycling?


She was biking towards 1.0 but she biked too fast and now she's past 1.0.


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Eh? That was part of the story.


startin to think the anime is better than the VN


Had a bad day yesterday and forgot to work out... Now I don't want to do it today either but I know I really should...


Hmm, I doubt it. You could combine them and try some VN re-release they did where they dispersed anime scenes. Seems strange, but it could work.
Anyway, from what I read the dark part of the Suzuha scene there was omitted from the anime. Never watched it, however.


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Summer finally arrived so I spent a couple of hours biking around town today.



Did yoga for about half an hour and then did some Just Dance dancing in VR. You'd be surprised how quickly following those dance moves can tire you out.


Can you play DDR in VR?


I did a 40-minute leg workout today with a glute burnout round... wasn't able to really burn my glutes out, and I sweated so much I had to mop the floor afterwards.

Very satisfying to walk around with jello legs afterward


drunk a cup of co-hi- for my daily cardio


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Ran at max speed (12mph) on the treadmil for 1:45, and it got to full speed at ~40 seconds. I now feel like I'm about to die oh god.


Feeling like I've been lazy recently so I did 50 pushups, probably going to swim later too.


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Swimming really is the best exercise for this weather and it really works out everything too. Swam 750m today and my body really felt it later, but at least I got some sun and cooling.


I wish I got good at butterfly and flip turns before I gave up swimming lessons. All that time spent for nothing.


practiced my kegels for an hour straight ending in and explosive handsfree orgasm


You can have those just by exercising it?


I don't really follow this so I don't know maybe I am wrong, but I think I saw somebody on Youtube warning about doing that.


butthole stretches.


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got the DDR mat out again, it's about the only exercise I can enjoy


I found out that I actually like DDR when I played it the other day, 10 years after the last time I played it.


DDR, nice. That stuff hurts my knees or I'd do it. Wii Fit is something that I found pretty enjoyable, but it's really basic and I wish it had more content. The Switch has fitness stuff on it, but I haven't looked into it. The Ring Fit thing seems interesting, but I think it'd have the same issue as Wii Fit where there's a finite amount of content and it would stop being interesting before too long.
I think if someone makes some open game like that where people can submit custom levels it would work really well, like a fitnes version of Osu!


That's a great idea, the open source community fueled fitness game.


I really like Beat Saber for the same reason. Fun way of tricking yourself into doing exercise.


Able to swim a lot more now and without feeling absolutely wrecked by the workout after. I think I'm finally starting to be in shape.


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Kept up the swimming and now I no longer ache all over after 1.2km, instead it feels like a nice swim!


I don't know how to swim in lanes


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Got concussed for the third time playing rugby thats it no more for me.
It took me like three times to type this out


You may as well keep playing at this point, the damage is done.


Oh yeah I meant to ask this thread.
Whats a good sport that works up a sweat but is not risky for head injury? My mom suggested basketball and swimming


Here's hoping you don't get or otherwise already have CTE.




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Feeling really happy with my progress and other things after hitting the treadmill today and running 3 miles. Last time I tried, 1 was my max before I died. Now I'm not even dead anymore.


it's one of those things you can't overdo else you get bad muscular conditions like shin-splints. Stuff about running giving you ligament damage false though.


I've been running my entire life, track and field even in my HS days.
Even running on pavement doesn't seem to affect me much, although I would always recommend the track.

What did mess my knees and feet up for a while was doing labor jobs, standing on hard concrete for hours on end. It's brutal. Recovered within about 2 months of quitting that life.


I won't fall for your brainwash tricks.


don't tell me what to do


>basketball and swimming
Don't those both have a pretty high chance of bonk.
Something that doesn't involve other people messing with your balance like running. If you're doing it for appearance then weights are likely fine.

no... there are a lot of ways you can get violently knocked off of a bike.

idiot... too many concussions can lead to aneurysms and other bad things.


>idiot... too many concussions can lead to aneurysms and other bad things.
Do you think that's what happened to that poster?


yeah, he said it and you basically encouraged him to get brain damage


It's already too late.


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Ran on the treadmil for 15 minutes, and now I really need to shower.


Damn you anonymous and your misleading imagery leading me to believe you're a cute anime girl with big boobs and round glasses!


Decided that I sit too damn much so I decided to make my morning anime episode much more engaging: did half squat reps for as long a s I could throughout the watch.
My legs are like jelly.


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Does /qa/ know any good stretches?


found this, don't know if that's what you're looking for


stretch me bumhole out every night


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So I have devised a workout plan that any hikki/NEET can do in the comfort of their own home. All you're gonna need are a pair of adjustable dumbbells, some weights and perhaps a pull up bar. It's simple, effective and doesn't take up much space unlike full home gyms. It shouldn't cost you too much, a full year of gym membership is going to cost way more. I recommend starting out with 40-50kg (90-110lbs) in total. Buy mostly 5kg (11lbs) plates and some 2kg (4.4lbs) ones. That way you can adjust the weight depending on the exercise in a nice flexible way. You can buy more later as you get stronger, but this should be enough for a beginner for now.

Here's the full routine:

Day 1: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps
1. Dumbbell bench press (4 sets of 6-10 reps): https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/dumbbell-bench-press
2. Diamond pushups (3 sets to failure, do this on your knees if it's too tough to do it the normal way): https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/diamond-push-ups
3. Decline pushups (3 sets to failure): https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/decline-push-up
4. Dumbbell lateral raise (4 sets of 8-12 reps): https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/dumbbell-lateral-raise
5. Dumbbell shoulder press (4 sets of 8-12 reps): https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/dumbbell-shoulder-press

Day 2: Biceps/Abs
1. Dumbbell curl (4 sets of 8-12 reps): https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/dumbbell-curl
2. Hammer curl (4 sets of 8-12 reps): https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/hammer-curl
3. Weighted crunches (4 sets to failure, hold a weight plate on your chest): https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/crunches

Day 3: Back/Legs
1. Pullups (4 sets to failure), you might need to slim down for this one, most people can't do a single one at the start: https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/pull-ups
2. Dumbbell row (4 sets of 8-12 reps): https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/dumbbell-row
3. Dumbbell Lunge (3 sets of 6-10 reps): https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/dumbbell-lunge
4. Weighted stair climb (you can replace this with whatever you feel like it if you don't have access to a set of stairs, it's just what I find the most fun)

Add a rest day in there whenever you feel like it or do a "bro-split" if you think it's too tough to hit multiple muscles in the same day.



also skateboards probably work too


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Got halfway through Day 1 and already feel like I'm dying. This is going to take a good amount of adjusting to...


just got myself a weighted cockring, time to start working on my chinchin curls


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I didn't realize how weak my sedentary years have made me. I can barely complete the minimum reps/set on 40lbs total... How much can you do now that you've been doing this for a while?


Well, I can curl 15kg(33lbs) and bench 25kg(55lbs) in each hand for 8 reps, so 30kg(66lbs) and 50(110lbs) in total right now. This is after around 3 weeks of training. You shouldn't compare your stats to mine however, because I have prior weightlifting experience and I guess I maintained some of my muscle/strength back from when I still used to go to the gym. As long you're above beginner level on that strengthlevel.com site I linked you're still okay.


One of the best exercises you can do for time/reward are burpees. They look easy, but they'll kick your butt. I need to get back into doing them, I was making progress and then just forgot to do it a few times and the habit was broken


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Ran for 4 miles today! My legs are useless now!


I worked out with my rugby club for the first time in a while and my chest hurts owowow


What's rugby again


Pretty sure it's what the Brits call football.


NA soccer = EU football
NA football = EU American football


I thought the EU called it "Gridiron"


not when I was living in the UK


Got the urge to visit my old school's track and see if I could still run a mile in one go, before the weather dips too cold again.

Not only can I still run one, but I can just *barely* run it under 7 minutes, and then just to prove to myself I still had more energy I forced a 100m sprint out.
It triggered a minor asthma attack though I think.


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Been feeling a bit bloated recently so I started fasting in addition to exercising so that I can get into better shape and stop feeling like crud.


*pokes you in the tum*


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Took a small break from exercising and getting back into my normal routine is killing me... Especially the running.


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been lifting weights last 2 months
feeling much better


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How much do you lift? I recently started getting back into it and attempted to go straight to 40 lbs and could barely even do a single set, so I went down to 20 lbs and have been slowly waiting until I feel ready to start going up again.


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I've been doing this thing with a barbell. Squats at 5x5 220lbs right now, trying to get to 300 lbs.

>I recently started getting back into it and attempted to go straight to 40 lbs and could barely even do a single set, so I went down to 20 lbs
I'm guessing you're talking about dumbbell curls, I can do 5x 85 lbs barbell curls which would be about 40 lbs dumbbells


that's a lot of reading


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New Routine:
-2 sets of 25 pushups
-2 sets of 15 rep bench presses
-2 sets of 10 curls
-2 sets of 15 situps
-Jog/Run for 20-30 minutes

I think this covers just about everything... Can't wait until it becomes easy to do instead of killing me.


I started a new Routine as well.

Day 1
3 Sets 20 unweighted squats
3 Sets of 10 Bicep curls

Day 2
3 Sets of 20 leg raises
3 Sets of 10 one handed dumbbell flys
2 Sets of 10 dumbbell presses

Day 3
3 Sets of 8 dumbbell shoulder press
2 Sets of 7 dumbbell front raises

Then repeat days leaving one rest day. I might drop the number of sets on some of them, which I already did to two.


Been doing this for almost a week and now I'm trying today but feeling extremely light-headed... Maybe I should take a rest day from all the strength stuff tomorrow and just run only...


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After getting healthy again I feel that I can type a bit faster now!


Anyone here working out due to a medical issue? I had to start doing cardio again because my cholesterol levels weren't very good in my last blood check up. Also need to fix my diet and bad habits


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Feeling strong after I tried seeing how much I could lift after this month of working out and I was able to do 5x two 70lb dumbbells.


Got into lifting because I have spinal issues and was told that strengthening the back musculature would help counter-act it.


I've always considered maybe going to the gym, but I've never really seen the point of it. My combination of pacing around my room and fast metabolism along with occasional walks means that I've always stayed fit enough without really putting in any effort. Maybe I should make it a habit anyway, just in case I need to be more active when I'm not as young to keep in shape?


Sort of, primarily I have done it for other reasons but I do also have a minor case of pigeon chest so that plays into it a bit as well.


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How are you holding up with this? I've been working out regularly for a month and still have issues with feeling as though I'm pushing myself each time. Does it ever get to the point where it feels like second nature instead of requiring regular breaks in-between?


Not him but be sure to take enough time between sets, it can be 3-5 minutes if you need it to get your heartrate back down and allow your muscles to restore ATP. It will make completing the next set much easier.

If you're doing strength training give yourself plenty of rest days, I'm only doing 3 days/week and never 2 days in a row and I'm gaining a lot of muscle. After a while you start to look forward to the workout days.


I need to do some cardio stuff again, so I started doing some burpees every day, or every day I remember to. They're pretty hardcore and a lot harder than they seem.
Especially for me because I have bad knees, presumably from so much time at the computer my entire life


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>After a while you start to look forward to the workout days.
if this were true everyone would be in shape. it does get less painful after a while though.


Maybe not everybody but I do. I want to see if I can lift heavier than last time.
I could see not wanting to do it if it's the same routine every time. But when you set a specific strength goal, e.g. I want to bench press or deadlift x lbs, and you see the numbers creep up toward it every workout it's very motivating.


The internet likes cable machines, amidst all the praise for barbells. So hopefully cable machines become popular because so many people hurt themselves with barbells.


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Been running with just socks for the longest time and decided to try out running shoes but they flippin HURT when I try to run on my treadmill what the HELL is up with that


>Been running with just socks
What the HECK is wrong with you? Why would you do that...

>decided to try out running shoes but they flippin HURT when I try to run on my treadmill
Probably because you need to break them in first.


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Found out the issue to why my feet were dying with shoes on. Apparently you're NOT supposed to tighten them as much as humanly possible, relaxd is good.

>Why would you do that...
It legitimately was hurting my feet more to run with shoes than just to go barefoot.


Makes sense when I think a bit about it.
Shoes are supposed to flex, not be solid pieces of wood.
Tightening them makes them flex less


cute draweing


If it feels like you're overusing all the muscles in your feet your shoes could be too narrow


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I've been doing the 'setting up garden' workout and it's pretty intense compared to my old workout of lifting weights a few times a week
-Tilling (I have the family's old machine but I still have to hold it in place as the blades want to move forward)
-Shoveling (pretty good workout on its own I think)
-Moving 50 pound bags of mulch, and then cutting a hole in it and trying to create a straight line while holding it and walking slowly
-Using a handheld weeding tool thing to get the stubborn weeds out of the ground, I have to dig into the ground and then position it right. Kinda rewarding and amazing to see how deep the roots go for such small plants

I got sunburned yesterday so I had to use a makeshift outfit to prevent worse sunburns, so I was doing this with pajamas pants on and a white pillowcase as a hood. I was pretty stylish


Sounds like some hardcore gardening, what are you planting?


Just a bunch of basic stuff like tomatoes, strawberries and lettuce. Hmm, I should go make a blog post in gardening thread...


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Was doing my usual limit testing bench yesterday and I think I lifted it funky because today my arm is in pain and it's not my rest day so doing strength fucking HURTS



you should make today a rest day then...


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Said I was going to take a break from strength yesterday. Then I finally got and set up a new gym rack today with a bar and weights and everything. Ended up benching 200 on it in addition to a bunch of different loads with many reps and now my arms hurt even more...

I may be retarded...


what exercise routine should i pick up if i want to have a mahiro-tier physique


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Worked some creamy parmesan mashed tubers into my tummy.
I also went for a walk.


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For the first time in months I'm not abiding by my schedule and cutting my run short because I'm too tired and in pain. Hopefully this doesn't screw up my exercise too much...


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What's the best way /qa/ knows of to develop a more specific schedule for hitting all the different parts of your body most effectively? There seems to be so many different exercises out there you can do that work out parts of your body in so many different ways, yet because of all this variety I find it difficult to really put together anything since I'm overwhelmed with options. Also I have no idea how to balance my exercises so that I don't end up killing parts of my body by doing too many exercises in one area while the other gets ignored.

Like reading this thread, >>96842 looks pretty good but I can't figure out what the end goal looks like for it. I just want to get slim and a bit toned.


In my opinion you want compound exercises that work entire muscle groups at once, like squats or bench press, instead of things target only one muscle at a time, like curls. That will develop your balanced physique and it saves you a lot of time.

This section has a good explanation, I would also recommend that 5x5 program if you have access to a barbell. Some of those exercises can be done with dumbbells too but you won't be able to go as heavy.


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How do you work out without wanting to be yourself?


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Believe in the me that believes in you!


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I don't think there's anything as painful and soul crushing that I'd ever voluntarily put myself through like exercising before bed. It's the absolute worst feeling I can induce because I lack any and all motivation to do it, and it's painful because my body is sore from lacking needed rest. Next time I have something scheduled to do in a day I'm just going to put it off until I'm done my workout first.


Very lazy "し" she wrote.


Think I was too eager to use the new workstation I got, and really wasn't as ready as my strength lead me to believe. Was doing some back and tricep exercises on it and because I've been working out a lot it wasn't too tough to pump out a bunch of reps at a moderate weight level. However, I haven't really worked those out at all until now so my back, arms, and a specific part near the connection between the back of my neck and shoulders flippin HURT


fun post to read pretending that workstation refers to a computer at a desk


Windows desktop = Tower PC


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Starting to get really nice outside so for the first time I decided to actually jog down a mile to the local konbini instead of driving there. It was nice, especially since there's a path the whole way down.

Does /qa/ improvise exercise into their daily routines at all?


I do actually. I use a bike instead of a car.


Since it's summer and getting hotter my pool has begun to get warm enough to swim in! Started to add back in laps to my daily routine now, hopefully I can cut all the fat off my body by the end of the month.


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I actually did some walking the other day. The main reason I don't do it is because of foot pain, but all my time in the garden this year has broken my feet in somehow, or however that works. I still seem to have the feet of a 90 year-old sumo wrestler on Jupiter so it still hurts far more than it should (really tight tendons) but it was only wincing pain instead of stop-moving-and-sit-down pain.
Still waiting to replace my feet with cybernetics...


I'm starting to think I'm either somehow running wrong or there's something wrong with my legs. Whenever I go for a run, my legs are sore and hurt a decent amount for like a week straight, which is a real hinderance to my gains since I do weight lifting too. This has been an issue since I started exercising and hasn't really improved ever.


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I think you need to go into more detail. The muscles? The joints? Which part of the legs? Does stretching help? Does stretching hurt?


And how much do you weigh?


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I weigh 150lbs. 5'11". Was 140lbs before I started exercising. Specially the calves hurts, and sometimes around the shin. Stretching is 50/50. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. I noticed it only ever really helps if I mix in massaging where after a run, I sit down and just massage both of my calves and the side of my lower leg for a decent while, but it doesn't always work.


Have you tried dieting at all /qa/? I'm trying to cut off the remaining fat on my sides and am doing somewhat of a diet to achieve it. Haven't really crunched the numbers or researched anything so I'm just winging it and trying to limit myself to eating only in an 8 hour window. Ate around probably 1000 calories today and I'm kinda wondering if that's something to worry about or not.


Tight calves maybe. I have those and it keeps me from doing recreational walking/running. There's a bunch of stretches you can do, but I can't really name them offhand. You can probably see them on youtube, though.


Are you stretching before running? I know when I used to do sports, stretching beforehand was pretty important and always stressed.


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Do you have any local konbinis close to you /qa/? I've recently incorporated into my passive workouts biking over to mine instead of driving like I normally do. I was hesitant at first because I thought it'd take too long, but it actually wasn't as bad as I thought. Much easier than jogging over to it like I'd tried before.


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I always bike because I am too scared to drive and walking takes too long.
I wish I had an e-bike so that I could carry more when out shopping, but those are way too expensive for me.


Mine's close enough to walk to.


For me I just use a nice backpack for carrying groceries back, works just as well as any bag could.


Depends where you live. I know some stores have a no backpack policy due to theft and also mass shooters (God bless the USA).


Where the hell in the USA do they have no bag policies in stores?


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My state actually forces me to bring a bag because there's no in-store bags allowed.


Cloth bags are different from backpacks. You're allowed to bring those, it's backpacks that aren't allowed.


Yeah I should probably invest in a nice backpack, the one I currently use for groceries is a bit small.


all the kids in my school wore ll bean backpacks. Either because they could fit more books in or because of the backpack's preppiness.


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Eh, backpacks have lots of little compartments and stuff. It makes sense that you wouldn't be allowed to bring such a strong shoplifting tool inside. If I owned a business I'd certainly be nervous seeing those


Kind of. I don't do dedicated stretches, I just sort of warm up my body by doing a bunch of small movements like hops and slow motion kicks.


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can finally see my abs
i used to have a belly


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Congratulations! Wish I could say the same but I still have a ways to go...


channel your fat out of your gut using guts


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nice anon
body fat %?


i'm not really sure how to measure that
an online calculator said 14% but i don't think i'm doing it right


Been doing a lighter workout load ever since getting back from family vacation and it actually feels a lot better on my mind now. No longer dreading working out since my load and time required has halved.


Been keeping up my routines but not my sleep schedule. So even though I can eek out a quick 50 most days I struggled to even do 3 before collapsing to the ground in mental/physical pain.

Treat your mind well /qa/ and go to bed and wake up early....


swimming in general is the best whether be summer or winter, i felt like a bird, just fucking around as you float is awesome

>Swam 750M today
nice, keep up the grind anon


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Yup, I've been keeping it up all summer while it's been hot. In fact recently I've started replacing my last 10 laps that I usually do freestyle with butterfly laps, and it really kills me but does good work.


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Finally made it to a point of satisfaction where I can bench 225lbs (100 kilos). Time to snap all the nerds here that disagree with me!


congrats brah


tard strength


You know what's funny? I stopped training so intensively for a couple months after my "Get slim quick" session, and despite not lifting or exercising as much as I was, I'm still able to push beyond what I was capable of then. Pretty weird how that works.


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Skull crushers at the moment, going for hypertrophy right now with more reps. I'll be doing some OHP afterwards along with some other exercise probably lat pulldowns. In training so its nice to see a thread where people are encouraged to exercise.


Also wanted to say I am coming back from a big break so that is why my exercises don't make much sense paired together since I'm trying to warm up before writing out a decent workout program.
Do you fella's and gals go for hypertrophy or strength? I personally just want to get stronger then cut down on weight afterwards.


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Cute Kuro.


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I'm delightfully surprised that other people on this board/ib know about my waifu kuro and her series. I'm more used to people not knowing her except a select few on the more populate ib's. At least there is a place on the internet I feel more at home. is there any secrets of kissu only older users know about? I promise I have been on imageboards for 10+ years!! I'm not a new user.


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Ehh, there's not a lot I can say. You could look at old threads on /b/ the meta board (or maybe /poll/ for that maybe) There's a secret board with a secret name, but it's a secret. You'll never guess its creative url. (it's a secret).
We want things to be welcoming and laid back here, so you don't need to prove your worth or anything. Feel free to ask questions in any thread if you think you're missing something.

This reminds me that I've been procrastinating about making that "welcome to kissu" image again...


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I will make myself look like a new person with asking how did you make your letters different colors?
I am willing to look like a retard at the moment so I can become more accustomed to the imageboard culture and different ways to post around on the board. am I going to get banned for not knowing this? oh nooo


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Are you using the new UI? (The one with the sidebar?)
There's a bunch of buttons in the quick reply window that do different things. They also have hotkeys, and some of them didn't fit on the bar like green and silver.
If you click the Options text to the lower left and then click the HotKeys tab you can see them. There's actually support for some of markup stuff, too, so you can adjust font size (within a limit)



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I've been here for a few years and I had no idea there was a silver one.


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>is there any secrets of kissu only older users know about
before there was kissu, there was meta


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For any other /qa/eers that work out at home, do you also have a speaker to play music through? I've had one of the JBL ones for a while and it's served me well in making me feel more energized and motivated to work out than just pure silence where my will starts to break after a bit.


I used white noise, which works too


>is there any secrets of kissu only older users know about?
You can go to https://kissu.moe/search.php to search the whole site. You can also use >>>/motd/ to change the message of the day, but since it only shows up under the "+News" pop-up, it's kind of pointless... It was more fun before the new UI when the homepage was actually useful for seeing all recent posts.


bleh. "https://kissu.moe/ motd" with no space


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I use earbuds when I'm out walking. It helps take my mind off the monotony of just walking for an hour.


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Did some light exercising after not having exercised in a very long time. I am so weak... I feel exhausted and lightheaded and its caused my asthma to flare up slightly... This isn't fun at all...


tried jogging with brother and had to tap out at the halfway mark for a break... outside air is a lot different for running than treadmill air


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Is it ever ok to take a rest day from running? My legs hurt.


What kind of pain? Running is high impact exercise that will inevitably cause joint pain and damage as you get older. Humans are endurance hunters and the whole "standing on two legs" thing is a recent adaptation that hasn't had all of its kinks ironed out.
Have you tried speed walking? It looks funny, but it's less damaging on your joints.


running on concrete isn't good


I'm doing a daily 5k run on the treadmill. Been doing it for a few weeks without breaks and my feet have started to hurt while doing it and my legs are just hurting generally.


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Running and jogging are really not very good at all on your bones and will promote stress hormones. Going for long walks alone, doing bedroom calisthenics, and stretching are far more beneficial. And planks. Planks are mandatory.


your bones want exercise too...


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I want to run and be healthy and keep my schedule but every time I run I feel exhausted afterwards and it starts to hurt my feet now and I dread doing it each time. How does /qa/ get over this negative motivation to stay healthy?


You are either overtraining or not ready for running yet, try cycling or swimming and see if the soreness is as bad


You'd think, but this is an issue that just started to happen after I took a week's break from running every day for the same amount. I'm not really sore or in that much pain afterwards, but it keeps beating me down mentally now whenever I try to run.


exercise is gay and a waste of time a rigid 3-hour workout only burns like 100 cal which is nothing just eat less and don't eat processed junk


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Uh, I don't know what kind of exercise you're doing but my 30 minutes of running usually burns around 500cal.


it doesn't, more like 50




*pokes u in the tum*


*kills you*
nothing personnel, kid


EAUGH i'm dead


It's not a waste of time if you use new anime for those three hour sessions.


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Proud owner of a /qa/ belly.


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Been really slacking on my exercise lately so I'm going to have to try and force myself into doing it against my will. I hate how the motivation can just completely leave me at random even when I was making good daily progress.


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It takes a minute to do 50 pushups. Why can't I work up the motivation to spend a minute on my health...


At my current pace, it will take me years to do 50 push ups. I can't even remember when I did the last one.

But push-ups aren't much a health thing. You should find hobbies that involve you moving your body or, if a hobby is unrealistic, perhaps substitute one of your means of travel with a bike, or even your feet.


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A minute? That can't be right. Like other exercises, push-ups should be slow. The controlled descent against gravity is an important part of it. It's similar to how you shouldn't use momentum while doing curls and such. And numbers don't matter, exhaustion and tissue tearing is what matters. 20 slow pushups with methodical muscle control is better than 50 fast ones with poor form that ignores half of the routine.


Oh, I don't ignore form at all when doing pushups, but even with perfect form I can still do about 1 every second or two, though it goes down the more I do to where some of the last ones on an endurance push will take me about 10 seconds each.


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It's a terrible feeling to train for endurance. It feels like you're about to pass out while doing it. I'd rather just place a massive cement block on my back than do more than 20 pushups.


eating under 1000cal a day makes the motivation go away bleh


You shouldn't go under 1200cal or you start risking malnutrition...


god I wish I was a NEET. maybe then I would put effort into not being a fat fuck.


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92, feels like 97... Perfect temperature for a walk/jog!

And then a swim afterwards so I don't overheat...


Isn't it easier for a wagie? Make your own healthy-ish packed lunch, then, even if you're hungry you have to wait until you get home to eat something. This worked pretty well for me


the very second I got a job I gained 10 kilos


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Of course not. Having a j*b means you're always in a hurry and have no time for anything, so you eat garbage of little nutritional value because it's easier to prepare. We NEETs can easily afford to be healthier than j*b-havers since we have so much free time. You can take your time to prepare healthy meals instead of eating frozen, canned or instantaneous garbage. NEETs also have lower levels of stress.


You can jog to your w*rkplace, or at least to the station or parking lot.


*pokes you in the tum*


I've lost around 10 lbs in the past month so I think that my daily walk/swim is doing me well.


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Time to wage war against heat stroke....


Actually genuinely impossible, I'd die if I did my normal hour walk in this...


thats a nice day down here mate


where the flip do you live where that's a nice day...


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Not great, but not terrible. It's humid because it's cloudy and might rain, so that's nice. Very different from the swamp-like humidity of a summer day with full heat and no wind.


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At the beach for vacationing so getting a lot of walking in since the town I go to is extremely walkable. I can understand the plight of that one anon when his dream does exist here in some form.


learned what starfish crunches are


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also, today i start running, i don't know what im in for


are you still running? for how long?


i just spent an hour running around my local football oval


makes me want to go out for a run but I'd die of heatstroke...


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You should try swimming instead, can't get heatstroke doing that!


Actually on that note I've been swimming about 800m a day and it's been working pretty well as an exercise routine.


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This site/app is pretty good for tracking calories, macronutrients vitamins, minerals, etc if you guys don't know about it.

This is a typical day for me. I went 210 calories over (from a sedentary baseline), meaning I will have to exercise a bit to burn this or else I'll get fatto.


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Doing 5 pushups every time I die to Radiant Absolute Radiance until I beat her, was doing 10 but needed to cut it down once I reached 80...

I'm going to be so f*cking buff..............


whats your least favorite stroke?


Oh yeah, I don't know when but eventually I stopped doing pushups because my arms were becoming noodles and it was getting harder to use my controller. Had to have passed 300 pushups total though...


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worked out today
aiming for this physique


Was going to do my normal workout but for some reason my kneecap feels off today and walking on it sorta hurt and felt a bit pressured. Not sure why but I think it's a good sign to give it a rest day.


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haven't exercised in a week because of stupid NEET sleep cycle


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The first physical game I've bought since... Dungeon Travelers 2 on vita I think. The cat looks really bad and even sick here for some reason (must be the light not hitting his eyes).
Going to be a short while before I have it set up, but looking forward to it!




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Getting back into exercising, just did an hour on the treadmill+>>103898

Going to be squatting nerds by New Years


I've been neglecting my exercises again...

At least this time I tried to do 50 pushups after having done none for weeks and I was able to eek out 48, nearly there but certainly I need to start working out again. Don't like the fact that I feel so lazy.


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I guess somewhat a follow up to >>>/jp/85208

I was doing my normal workout routine today and noticed that the pushups were a bit tougher than usual, but I just cracked it up to being normal soreness. Then I went to do my situps and hooooly shit, it was impossible. Forget doing even a single one, even getting onto the bench in the situp position hurt like hell. I tried my best to do one but it just hurt way too much to even tough it through. Trying to fix your posture is a real bitch.




dumb editard.


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Thinking about going on a water fast next week, then I'm going to try keto after that until I'm all outta fat to burn



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