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 No.88567[View All]

288 posts and 163 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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I have no idea if this is referencing something, but it was really funny either way. It felt so deep at the end.


yeah now I'm really curious


I want the holy water.


What does seisei mean? What is it?



But I mean is it a euphemism for something? Is it her pee?


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drinking sayuri right now
serves great as a casual drink for its sweetness


yeah it's referring to urine

currently sipping on some old forester myself


>Does kissu feel similar? Even if it's not in irl situations, posting online becomes a whole bunch easier and more rewarding for less. I don't think anything can beat the feeling of getting a discussion going while fully into it.
More often than not, I regret drinking when I'm doing it alone.


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Ich trinke Jäger


Drinking some Hatozaki Small Batch. Wasn't a huge fan at first, but it's grown on me.


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I've been drinking warm sake. It's veryy nice. I might start drinking Japanese whiskey, but it's kind of expensive. I mostly drink kuso bourbon and it's starting to get rough on my stomach as I get older, but it's the kind of thing I'd only drink a glass of a night anyway so maybe it all evens out. Recently, I've been buying smoked salmon to have with my booze, and I like it a lot. I would like to smoke my own salmon, and I have experience smoking meats, but I am stuck in an apartment now so it's impossible.


Apartments are just the worst. I had to take the smoke alarm batteries out just so I could cook ANYTHING.

I used to drink hard liquor but had to stop because of a similar issue to your stomach where it was just giving me the worst heartburn/acid reflux.


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drinking vienna lager


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I made mulled wine, it's really tasty.


yua is a girl


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yua writes like a girl


Yua is cute! Cute!


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Drunk on pear cider.
Yua is very cute. In fact I think she might be the perfect megane moe; she is a soft-spoken meganekko with otaku interests who looks and acts a little goofy at times which adds to her overall cuteness.


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Thriad sasd to bumbp whend ruukn but soory fif i made au muistake...peope mostly moake puset whenu i wreite druunk texxxt.. agan im sorrry..




the drunken anon bumper


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Sdooont know if thati si bado roo good but srorrry of if bad aond taank yooou if good... i''ll nprobly dlseeeeep soon soo hoope you haaave good new yeaar latyeeeeeer!!!!


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happy new year drunk 'non


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Not bumping since I'm not drunk.
I'm wondering if it will be worth it to get drunk on new years or not. I'm just gonna be at home alone and have fun on gikopoi and watch anime. Have a bunch of Japanese beer in my fridge that I haven't touched in months.

Please only drunk people reply. Thanks.


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Why n ot drink when you can have drink?


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I am and will be drinking.


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I'm getting beer and cider once the shop opens.

sober sage


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only a bit drunk today because tomorrow i'm gonna go to town on this johnny walker blue label hope i'm able to host the stream properly


ive got some non alcoholic bundaberg ginger beer and im gonna make it alcoholic with some bundaberg rum


try stoke ginger beer if you can get it


Just started my new year's drinking with some Kirin accompanied by tuna nigiri, eel, and salmon roe.


Bought myself cheap sake and sushi


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Thank you I am drunk now, あけおめ!!!


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drank some sort of fancy ale (forgot what kind)


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drunk again
didn't feel like drinking during the new years so i'm drinking now


i was inspired to fast as a weight loss measure when my dad went on a vodka binge eating nothing in a week and i saw that he lost five or ten kilos


Drunk as skunk.


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durnk and watching anime


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I wanna be a VIPSTAR


argh I don't want to get it stuck in my head again


I have been unable to find the usual stuff I go for and have resorted to just getting things from the ABC store and doing random mixed drinks with bottom shelf spirits. Cheaper but less pleasant. Alcohol has been my friend for a long time, but rushing the journey from tipsy to drunk with high abv drinks just isn't as pleasant as enjoying it slowly. Still better than nothing. Somehow enjoying lifes simple pleasures despite it all.


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streaming and drinking


no cheese to go with my pistachios. Yet still I endure.


Got the cheese. Been enjoying life as much as possible. Been in a spiced rum with cream soda sort of mood lately. Cheap and easy. Life is hard but there are many little niceties to look forward to.

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