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 No.86336[View All]

Post something cool that youtube has recommended to you recently. Note: this is not meant to be a music thread, it can be any kind of video.
72 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


No idea how I found this one


Thumbnail makes me wanna puke...


Why... it looks cool.


Cool compilation of a bunch of songs created from samples. It's really good.





guess i need to atleast try Engage Kiss since ナナヲアカリ did the ED


You WILL take the Taopill and you WILL find inner peace and tranquility


CRTs are cool



misread this as Toadpill


Yukkuris still going strong 15 years later


File:1524175345801.jpg (38.78 KB,304x366)

Baka thumbnail.



flippin boson



Thought this was really cool. Sorta proto-GPS


Oddly prophetic considering how powerful GPT is getting.



Collection of 3DS main area game intro sequences.



Randomly got recommended this video. Reminded me of a simpler time when people used to post compilation clips of doing good in COD or Halo.


Great animation



Nice film tricks



Really beautiful result. Gave me a new appreciation for gemstone cutting.




can hardly believe it's been 3 years since he's collabed with ナナヲアカリ




Youtube really recommends me stuff out of the blue sometimes. A video with 34 views... I thought it had something to do with Akogare going by the pic but apparently not. It's some obscure doujin song.





I will say this every time
Music majors who insist on dissecting all music into theory will never make good music



baka neko


Music is like iphones. You addictively market the brands at kids until there's a class conflict then you try to keep margins as low as possibly by paying for the cheapest talent possible



For once it gave me something good. I heard it a long time ago but I forgot the name. Turns out I've had the album on my HDD for years.




I might check this out just out of curiosity. This guy has a cool channel in general.


Not sure if this counts or not since it's somewhat biased by me being subbed


Never watched Breaking Bad before but this is cool.


Vocaloid death metal. Easy to forget such a genre exists. The guy behind the album also has an actual band apparently: https://www.youtube.com/@n.i.c.k9131


mde never dies


What a fun channel. I never focused too hard on mathematics but the creator picks some fascinatingly novel concepts to explore.


Surprised to see Zundamon blow up so much. It feels like yesterday we had those threads trying to find information on him, but I guess it's been a couple years now.


It was a while back but yt gifted me this, one of those things I probably wouldn't have ever seen if the algo wasn't putting 2 and 2 together.

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