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File:qanime.png (3.63 MB,1500x3132)

 No.82349[View All]

I was reminded that another year has passed since the last time the /qa/ anime chart was updated, so I thought it was as good a time as ever to bring it back, update it, and improve on it a bit in the process.

The format for deciding on picks this year will be the same as the last with the addition of maybe singling out a specific anime of each year to be the most /qa/ anime of the year. For the current candidates that should be easy since there's only 4 of them, but for this year we'll have to conclude all the seasonal polls first and then afterwards decide.

The polls will be made separately and then linked in the thread with at least 3 days allotted for people to decide on winners, and I'll make a new poll for each season every day, starting with Winter 2021 today. To not make cheating so easy I'll make it so an IP needs at least 3 posts to vote, which shouldn't really be hard for anyone I hope. Also the AOTY polls will probably all be at the end or sometime in-between since they shouldn't be as hard of a decision.
93 posts and 22 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[Rom & Rem] Urusei Yatsura….jpg (259.22 KB,1920x1080)

Of all the times to value a kissu person's opinion over a random youtuber e-friend, the thread specifically about kissu's group consensus about kissu's choice of kissu's anime of the season for kissu is when it should be about kissu's opinion


kuso post


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Sorry pal I am highly allergic to videos about anime meta made by non-Japanese people.


Gigguk is a good content creator. We need more people who have fun with anime and less people (like those quoting it) getting angry at people who like anime


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Creating content, for me to poop on.


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mokou the content p**per


I'm sure this must be a baffling concept for you, but people who actually like anime have fun by actually watching it.


I'm going to make videos reviewing my favorite anime and place them on Kissu just so you get mad and leave


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I doubt it!


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Well, we do need to update the chart to accommodate more years now so I guess we could try having people draw up ideas to do this.

So if people want to make a submissions for how we can go about updating the /qa/nime chart we can post them in this thread and then maybe have a /poll/ on which people prefer most.


>So if people want to make a submissions for how we can go about updating the /qa/nime chart we can post them in this thread and then maybe have a /poll/ on which people prefer most.
this guy read the CIA manual


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which part


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Nearly the end of Spring, so no better time than now to start updating the chart again! Now with a fresh coat of paint to make it more scalable and compact!

For Winter 2023 you can vote for the /qa/nime here >>>/sum/3041

Spring voting should start next week.


Where is comic girls???


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kaos was beaten down into a bloody pulp by pikari who demanded that she get TWO spots on the qanime chart


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Now that Kaminaki has ended and we are officially done with Spring. Time to move on to voting for the /qa/nime of this season!

Also Onimai won Winter by a landslide.


Looking at the chart again there seems to be couple outliers, Maou Gaokuin and Mushoku Tensei. Those shows really don't fit the typical /qa/nime trend.


File:[SubsPlease] Maou Gakuin n….jpg (261.85 KB,1920x1080)

Mm, I don't think either of those are too surprising. Maou has some fantastic deadpan chuuni stuff with my favorite being "Did you think I'd die just because you killed me?" and it was also a tremendously weak season. Someone even commented that it was a terrible season in the poll thread >>>/poll/952 (and no it wasn't me)
Mushoku is fun and of course features the /qa/ voice as Roxy. I think it helps that it has a shameless otaku pervert as the isekai'd main character.


oh wow i must have forgot, that season really did have slim pickings.
While i personally didn't like Uzaki-chan more than Maou it's still a bit surprising that it wasn't even included in the poll. Maybe it's because of how small kissu used to be. I dont' remeber a lot of talk about Uzaki-chan but there were a few threads about Maou. Whatever happend to the second season of Maou? It stopped on episode 6 and I haven't heard about it since.


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>While i personally didn't like Uzaki-chan more than Maou it's still a bit surprising that it wasn't even included in the poll
It's there and it got a vote. It wasn't that amazing to me personally so I didn't vote for it.


my eyesight fails me


File:qanime-2023.png (3.59 MB,1218x2392)

And the results are in! Nina wins both the kissu idol and /qa/nime of spring 2023 title!


Nice shabs.




nina nirvana




Odd Taxi feels like the biggest outlier to me. Not that it isn't excellent, but whereas most of the rest are traditional otaku fare, of one form or another, that one is more what I imagine a stereotypical Japanese salaryman would consider to be peak anime. Certainly lacks the moe appeal of pretty much every other /qa/nime, at any rate.


How many have each of you watched?
As someone who watches relatively little seasonal anime, and generally doesn't watch stuff just because it is popular, I'm currently at 14 complete, 1 dropped, and ~5 PTW, out of 36 total.


hey I'm at 14 completed too


yeah i dont watch very much anime do i...


I started to tune in to the stream starting in Autumn 2020, so most of mine are from then onwards.


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I've fully watched 18 of the shows and atleast partially watched 4 of them. Shows like Twinkle Precure or Amanchu 2 I haven't watched but I voted for (i think) them simply due to how much kissu seemed to post about them. I've alwasy seen the poll more about what kissu/qa/ talks about mroe than what everyone thinks is the best.


28 watched (27 while they were airing)
5 dropped
3 skipped

It's literally a chart of the biggest meme shows so their actual quality is all over the place.


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All of them.


5 is more than 0


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odd taxi is very /qa/


Odd Taxi had the mystery aspect to it, and was an original story, so discussion and predictions pertaining to it were pretty fun. That on top of it being really good.


on topic sager


off topic bumper


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Memory? Consistency? What's that? Time to do another round of voting for the /qa/nime of the seasons for Summer and Winter of last year!


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Poll for Summer is out


i see her in my nightmares she follows me at night and stares at my window from across the street


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Probably one of the hardest polls we've had. Choose wisely.


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And with that we're finished with 2023! Now it's time to move on with a season more fresh in people's memory, this one! Everything's ending in about a week or less, so I'll give it about 2 weeks for decision making.



I voted for all the ones I watched and liked


look at how much the format of the image has improved over the years good job


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Yeah, going with the format change was a tough pill to swallow at first and took a while but I really ended up liking this new format. It's super easy to make additions to as well, I already have entries cropped out for years all the way up to 2030.


So, who's going to win next year?


Time to look back at spring! >>>/poll/5554

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