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Are you or do you suspect you may be a supertaster? Supertasers are people that, for whatever reason, have a stronger sense of taste than normal people. You can also be a supertaster for specific foods due to certain chemical sensitivities.

I made some carrot ginger soup a few days ago and my family likes it, but it's overpowering to me. Sometimes I wonder if I eat really plain food because it tastes "normal" to me. I like to eat baked potatoes with just salt, for example. Or maybe I'm just so boring it affects my actual taste.

Are you a supertaster, /qa/?


I don't know but I think I have very acute sense of smell. I am able to tell apart many dishes and their ingredients just by smell.


File:[HorribleSubs] Shokugeki n….jpg (108.51 KB,1280x720)

It's just like my Japanese animes...


I can't tell much from subtle flavors, just tastes bland to me. I think that might be why I like stuff like canned fish, aged cheeses, greek yoghurt, etc. because they have a very strong flavor and smell.


I can taste things fine enough, but my sense of smell is somewhat blunted I think.


File:twitter itsiansu 130812144….jpg (171.07 KB,1029x1280)

no, i'm a justrighttaster.


this 'supertasting' might just be caused by not eating spicy foods much or eating them too much.


File:mousu.jpg (113.4 KB,1000x1503)

sounds like some fantasy medical condition someone would invent to look interesting at parties


want to feel that smooth looking skin
Amashiro Natsuki draws the best looking skin


pasted taster


I smoke so I have the complete opposite problem to this
made what I thought was a pretty bland stir fry I wasn't happy with for the family the other day but they all seemed to like it beyond just common courtesy

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