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File:[SubsPlease] Mieruko-chan ….jpg (451.09 KB,1920x1080)


How come gods don't often see proper portrayals as the incomprehensible beings they're supposed to be?


>proper portrayals
>they're supposed to be
it usually highly depends on the perspective of the creator; some people would rather portray gods as cute girls


by definition it's hard to visually depict something as incomprehensible
not to mention gods or God being truly incomprehensible isn't a very reassuring thought
people are afraid of too much unknown


I don't think they actually are incomprehensible.


maybe they don't have very good agents.


True, I guess the best representation of that still goes to H.P Lovecraft or Indiana Jones


File:[SubsPlease] Mieruko-chan ….jpg (284.33 KB,1920x1080)

What happens when the gods don't protect you anymore?

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