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File:skyrim again.png (663.2 KB,861x478)


Can't say it's all that surprising but Skyrim is coming out again with no time line for tes6


holy shit THE skyrim? again????????


File:kar.jpg (182.97 KB,853x480)

But why? Do people never get bored of Skyrim? I got sick of it after playing it for 250 hours.


skyrim itself does have a lot of content even if it's kinda shallow
and with the kind of community skyrim has if you give it marginal support it's lifespan as a revenue generating game can be extended quite far
also despite it being made 10 years ago a new sucker is born every minute and there's a lot of minutes in 10 years


File:1581296892519.jpg (1.38 MB,2048x1352)

i knew the toddster had someting like this planned for Skyrim Day X


Damn. 10 years. I downloaded it and was going to play it but then I decided to download some mods and things quickly got out of hand and I still haven't played it much and I have like 300GB of mods and hundreds of hours messing with stuff.
This seems like it's an "expansion" where paid mods are combined into the final product that is sold for consoles. Huh, I wonder if that was in the fine print for anyone that put something on CC.


Maybe they should do the same for Morrowind and Oblivion or at least update it to the graphics level of Skyrim and release that, I think that would actually be a good idea and actually make them more money.


Skyrim's been released so many times I didn't even realize this was marking 10 years of Skyrim...


Skyrim is by no means a perfect game but it's really good and very replayable. I like starting new characters with mods that enhance the type of gameplay I'm planning.
Some mods even enable types of gameplay you wouldn't think of playing vanilla like monk that punches with fire or elemental archer.


I'm not sure I agree with the point on replayability. Yes, it's replayable due to the scope of the game, but I don't think run-to-run there's much that's new. From what I've seen of other people playing Skyrim, everyone pretty much converges on the same sort of end-game build where you multi-class in archery, melee, and magic. I think the game would benefit a lot more in replayability if there was an actual class system that prevented players from deciding, "Oh, this spell does more damage than X that I was using, I'll use that," and so on. I'm sure that there's a mod out there for that, but -- contain your gasps -- I really don't care about modding Skyrim so that sort of classed replayability is lost on someone like me because I don't care to say "Oh, right, I'm not supposed to pick up swords because I want to be a mage."


File:1495122740001.png (81.76 KB,649x687)

I'm sure that there's a mod out there for that, but -- contain your gasps -- I really don't care about modding Skyrim
I could not contain

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