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File:1474220773777.png (510.93 KB,836x964)

 No.74491[View All]

Does /qa/ know any fun facts?

One I just learned is that copper is actually more dense than iron.
309 posts and 78 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Ooo, there's a video of it on youtube too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtqW7MB5Dmo


Gingerol is a bioactive compound found in ginger that has many potential health benefits


kawaii means cute in japanese


I just discovered swfchan has over a dozen flashes & loops from 2000s 2ch.ru scrapped, I don't think even Russians remember that was a thing.


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This sent me on a deep dive on russian imageboard lore. Turns out dvach/iichan culture got so prolific they even produced their own katawa shoujo type VN using site mascots.

>Бесконечное Лето
>"endless (newfag) summer"
cheeky fucks

it makes me wonder... site mascots are strangely missing from kissu and related sites.


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>site mascots are strangely missing from kissu and related sites.

I tried a brainstorming thread once, but it never really took off. It has to be organic and stuff and it just never materialized. We agreed on basic traits like nekomimi and a belly and uhh... was that it? It wasn't enough to enough to build a "kissu-tan" on. We kind of lack artists also, so meh. If it happens, it happens, but it probably won't.


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Creating good mascots has the steep requirement of knowing how to draw and there aren't a whole lot of artists on imageboards apart from on drawfag threads on cutiechan.


Funny, back when all these old ibs were relevant many people had ridiculous media editing skills but nobody could code for shit.

Meanwhile I'd bet hard cash to half this board having senior positions in tech.

You could always have an oekaki board


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Surprise box!


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>oekaki board
we have tegaki already, i don't think such an addition would change things


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We've had a few artists show up a few times over the years, but they tend to evaporate in spectacular fashion. Think of those Japanese artists that stub their toe so they decide to wipe out their 15 year old accounts across various sites. People do suffer for their art...


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Mark my words, as soon as I've gotten good at Japanese and have more free time I'm picking up drawfagging as my next co-existing hobby so I can be a certified shitcode nihongo drawfag otaku. A jack of all otaku trades, master of none.

I'm only gonna practice drawing lolis though.


and dark balding fatsos!


I'd argue but the tool doesn't encourage the same sense of community as a dedicated space.


fuck you if you make them dark


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>fuck♂you if you make them dark


Don't worry, the only dark I'll be drawing is kuro sticking her tongue down miyu's mouth.


Fun fact:
I still miss Aniki...


kuro sticking her tongue up miyu's butt



>The system is composed of symbols that show the position and movement of the throat, tongue, and lips as they produce the sounds of language, and it is a type of phonetic notation.


>Her students enjoyed it, and she persuaded Noah McVicker (who also sold the putty) and Joe McVicker to manufacture it as a child’s toy.[5] Zufall and her husband came up with the name Play-Doh; Joe McVicker and his uncle Noah had wanted to call it "Rainbow Modeling Compound".[5]



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Provolone makes up 2.5% of the cheese produced in the United States with 370 million pounds of provolone made in 2023.


Flesh flies, despite the name, does NOT mean they eat flesh! It just means they have live birth, so, they give birth to maggots without the egg part.


Acchi Muite Hoi! (あっち向いてホイ) is a popular game in Japan; usually played just after a round of Rock-Paper-Scissors. The winner of the Rock-Paper-Scissors' round points in one direction (up, down, left, right) and the loser has to look in a different direction than the one point at.


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1 g of TNT, when detonated, releases the same amount of energy required to heat 1 kg of water by 1°C.

Next time you're boiling a pot of water, consider how much TNT you would need to bring it to a boil !


1 kg of water is one liter.
That wasn't fun, but now you know.
Where do I score TNT though


Imagine basing your entire measurement system around how to cook dinner in the dumbest way possible. Why did anyone ever listen to the French?


it's based on working in a lab but it's retarded when you're actually in the field because there is no way you're going to measure to the centimeter


For the average person who will never see a lab, the Metric system makes more intuitive sense than the Imperial "system"(?) ever will.
You know what water is.
You know what ice is.
You know what steam is.
One liter of water is one kg.
The point where water turns to ice -1 C.
The point where ice turns to water is 0 C.
The point where water turns to steam is 100 C.
Don't want to think about orders of magnitude? Just move the decimal point. No calculation necessary.
Same principle holds for all other base units. Imagine hating elegance.


worst part of farenheight is that it's not even a linear conversion to celcius


1. most people don't give a shit what water or steam is
2. every time someone uses a measuring tape its to cut some wood which they won't even do correctly or measure their dick
3. nobody does calculations because that shit is for nerds


Caveman problems


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Grog build house using dik


I have a foot.
I have a yard.
I have never even SEEN the meter.

And any system that requires you to use decimals for day-to-day usage is a bad system. Fuck off, use real numbers.


from on we will round down the numbers on your pay check


>I have a foot.
>I have a yard.
Pics or it didn't happen.


Most people mainly use measurement to measure food so a better system would be to use foods like sugar cubes or american cheese squares as the basis for a new, better imperial measurement system. Temperature should be based on how hot meat needs to cook to kill the germs and parasites in it.


But the parasites add flavor...


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Fun fact: Nanako is not cute


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The artist that drew >>126355 is the same guy who made the classic pic of the giant skeleton spectre, Utagawa Kuniyoshi.
Dude made a lot of stuff, a pamphlet I picked up even calls him the final boss of Edo art. (「江戸っ子アートのラスボス!」)


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Fun fact:Ran has fluff


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A sloth's paw hand/claw/whatever muscles work in reverse to most animals, meaning that its neutral position is a "tightened" grip. Instead a sloth must consciously spread it fingers open the way we need to consciously close ours.


reminds me of fine motor skills in humans, which i believe comparably consists of a basic signal to the whole hand for example and then another on top selectively canceling it [citation absent]
funnily enough it also looks like sloths are an ecosystem unto themselves


can't have them falling from the trees while napping can we?


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You can have government grade, radar, spy satellites tasked on targets of interest for as low as $675 a shot.


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I'd imagine people could try and dox people with this, but they'd need to get the time right or else they've just pissed away 700$


this is for people who make maps in arcGIS like for surveying


Detecting objects in motion seems like more than just making maps for surveying. Unless you are wanting to survey a target's house for when there is moving objects so you can make a map of their activity over time.
With enough money you can gangstalk vicitms from the comfort of your chair.


the objects in motion thing is to make digital elevation maps. i did a project in college like this it's like using drones and targets on the ground and then rasterizing an area. this is for making maps

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