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File:aaaaaaaaa.png (2.14 MB,1181x1102)

 No.73454[View All]

Have you been working on anything? Art, programming, etc.
254 posts and 126 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Do you need to know how to draw?(because I don't).


Nope. Just give it a try if you're interested. A lot of the stuff people learn for 2D transfers over (anatomy, movement, shading, etc) but a lot of it is irrelevant, like perspective or line work. No one should learn to draw specifically for 3D, but it's certainly an advantage if you already know it.


It's mechanically tedious but with enough grind you're guaranteed certain results. You can buy models on sketchfab and focus on animating if that's preferable. Lots of options, but 3d modelling is a long process without the automation toolkit people build up through learning what's boring


What do you mean by automation toolkit?


File:xscreenshooter.7z (1.07 MB)

Finally finished* the "ShareX for linux" I talked about creating on IRC a year or so ago.

I present to you, xscreenshooter.
A simple GUI program based on xfce4-screenshooter that lets you upload the screenshot to your favorite file hosting website. You should be able to add your own file hosting websites.
Comes with catbox, litterbox, x0.at, and Uguu out of the box!

How to use:
Download the archive,
$ 7z x xscreenshooter.7z
$ cd xscreenshooter
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ ./xscreenshooter

Need to have gtk3 installed.



Hard to explain if you don't try it. But in university we did some scripting such as increasing the poly counts of low res models. With scripts and adons you can create a circle out of a triangle. Things like that


File:Donuts.png (2.75 MB,1920x1080)

Okay, I finished the tutorial series and this is what I made.
It's interesting, though it's really just a brief introduction into some important features. But it was interesting and I can see a lot that can be done with it, so next I will look up specific tutorials on making things I want to make and then I'll try to make something.


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I tried a tutorial to make an anime girls head in Blender, it was going alright but with some flaws, those flaws then manifest themselves when I tried creating a subdivision and smoothing the surface as when I tried doing that it made a mess. Vertices are annoying.
But then I got distracted and tired out Unreal because I wanted to have an idea of that program as well, so I would know what I should be working on. So I tried out the program and I manged to make the projectiles explode when they hit things and make a sound when they did it and then I watched a few videos about Unreal to learn more about it. It's also quite complicated, though it seems that a lot of the complication can be worked around by getting assets on the unreal market place, they don't just sell character models and such but they sell back end things too. Things like inventories and health systems would be a pain but you could buy Blueprints that deal with that, though I think I could implement a basic inventory system and a basic health system.
I think that with the little that I know about it now, if I tried to I could make a game without having to buy assets. It would basically be a shooter where you shoot non moving girls(I might see if I can get them to move) and their clothes come off when you do, though I would need the character models to do that which would mean going back to Blender. I should probably make a gun or two as well, but I might make the environment in Unreal first.


someone that isn't me should make a online multiplayer ecard game


I meant the ecard game from kaiji


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I finally started working on a modern proper lucid dreaming guide. I've been promising it and half-assedly starting it every year and then forgetting about it.
I'm expecting it to turn out to be a pretty big and long guide, or really, a manual book of sorts. This time around I'll try forcing myself to release it in a sort of alpha state and then use both the feedback and reader's pressure as extra fuel to keep working on it until it's truly finished.


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>>120841 Again.

It's coming along easier than I thought it would. I made a material for the Landscape and was playing around with that, I made it this green Hue. The Unreal Marketplace has lots of free assets including a few environment ones, I got the tress from one of those and then edited the material to turn them greener as well, I also got grass from another asset pack(and turned the material greener too). I'll do more work on the landscape later, this is just a rough sketch.

Oh and the buildings there were a free asset as well.

Another asset I found was an animal pack which included this Fox and some animations so I made a player movement model and then used the Fox for it and then Used the Animations for that, he can walk, run and jump, though the Jump feature is a jumping attack where he bites, but that's just what the animation was. It was easier than I thought but I don't know why I thought it would be hard.

There was an AI asset pack on the Marketplace as well so I played around with that for a bit, I got the AI to target my Fox and shoot at him, though he shoots over the fox and does not track the fox after he starts shooting.
I'll deal with that some other time.

I should probably add a human player character so I get a better perspective on the game and not one from so low down, but all of the free Human models look ugly.


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I'm making a character for my game to replace the fox, though Ironically the reference image I am using is a fox girl. On that subject, finding good reference images was hard, there are a lot of Character sheets on Gelbooru but most are either clothed or don't have a comparable back and side.
My work yesterday was not so good so I had to restart today, but I learned a lot and I am progressing well(I think).


Cool! Yeah, reference images are generally a profession of their own: concept artist. Otherwise you generally use real life people for references, with scans from all sorts of angles and muscle study and anatomy and so on. You're supposed to arrange images in a way that makes sense to you. Generally the thought is before you can make a stylized human you should know a real human. I'm not sure if the Japanese ever do that, though, and maybe that's why their stuff is so different.
I should mess around with that Unreal stuff sometime, but I told myself not to do it until I'm done with my model which I keep procrastinating about...


File:Character Sheet 001.png (Spoiler Image,3.26 MB,5300x2905)

>concept artist
I suppose their is that as well, somebody somewhere else said that all 3d artists use a 2d artist's image to make their own 3d work, but I don't know how true that is.

I don't really mean references like that though, I mean character sheets. This is the one I am using for example(spoilered because it's lewd). I could only find two that had what I wanted.

I guess studying human anatomy would help. Particularly sense I am still not sure what art style I want my game to be in. I like anime art style but a more realistic style would fit the game better, I would ideally want something like Dead or Alive but that's way in the future when I get better.


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That's the head and the feet done, I spent much more effort on the feet than I should have and I still have the hair and eyes and such to do on the head, but I'll do the hands first.


they look better than the other 3D feet


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I finished than hands, redid the head, added toenails to the feet, polished up some more details and added a subsurface modifier. That hands aren't great, I will have to do something about that.


I meant subdivision modifier not subsurface modifier.


I showed it to my mum and she said the breasts look weird.


now that my vision is not obscured by all those black dots i no longer think the feet look better than the other feet. toes have a messed up teardrop shape and there are big toe gaps. the relative sizes of the toes are alright i think....


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I agree, I'm going to go back and thicken the toes, I might try to angle them down more as well at them movement they are inline with the foot so don;t contact the ground, but I'm not sure anybody would notice that, though maybe they would.
This is the image I used for reference for the toes and general shape from the bottom.


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It's something to do with adding a subdivision, it slims things down a bit as it makes more surfaces and that effected the toes to a reasonable degree.


those low poly toes are kinda cute


I am currently working on an anonymous git instance that I will integrate with a torrent tracker and imageboard (and in time other stuff).

Users will be randomly assigned username from preexisting list of names. Users must be invited by existing user. Users must log-in to access everything behind what I'm calling web 1.0 wall (fake webpage). Once logged in all interaction with other users will be totally anonymous of pseudonymous (using assigned name). The hope is this will prevent people from bringing existing identity into the community and the fake web 1.0 wall will prevent discovery of the community by the wider internet.

I'm also trying to finish the IPFS. But the code is pretty bad so I haven't been able to yank out their crytpocoin scam yet without breaking access to existing files on the network. I've also been unable to get deduplication on Windows clients/server working correctly. It seems to work on *nix but not that well.


You wouldn't lick a girl's polygons.


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I added eyes and hair, but the back of the hair isn't great and I have to do something about that. I still have not fixed the feet or the hands either.


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I uses the sculpting tool on her body a bit, added coloring too her rigged a skeleton to her, made an idle, walk and run animation and exported that to Unreal and did all the things needed to set that up.
So now she is in my game and can walk and run. Imaged is spoiled as she is NSFW now.

The character is not great nor are the animations, lots of work needs to be done but I succeeded in both making a character, making animations for that character, adding that into Unreal and getting it to work.


aren't her hands too short
the wrists are supposed to be at the same level as crotch if i remember correctly
can't be assed standing up to check...


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made a linux framebuffer backend for my gui programs so now they work without any window server
definitely the simplest way to draw pixels to screen so far


it's his first thingimajig. Wouldn't be concerned with anything more than completing a project


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How did you do this exactly? I wanted something similar in the past and ended up using some X11 hacks like override-redirect, and then a fullscreen window with mouse passthrough and continuously updating what area of the window is clickable.


framebuffer would mean like.. he's rendering a window on top of the window


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if you want to do what you said in x11, there is the xshape extension exactly for that
in my video there are no windows at all and all programs (including the linux console) render to an area of the screen directly, so any rendering overwrites whatever is on the screen previously even for contents from other programs


Looks like she's tensing her shoulders quite a bit

You also have the classic problem with the breasts; the nipples should not be pointing straight ahead, but away from the torso in an angle.

Otherwise, great work! You got farther than I ever did


File:Screenshot 2024-03-17 1141….png (Spoiler Image,631.84 KB,931x860)

The two are related, getting the shoulder right is tricky. as you can see here her right arm which has not been rotated is fine.

I did try to move them apart a bit but because I started with two half spheres for breasts the nipples were just the apex of that and so moving the apex to be inline with my reference image would have distorted it a lot. But yes, it certainly is something that needs to be done in the future.


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You're basically running into the thing I did when I started out (and probably what most people in this niche do) and that's using 2D images as a direct reference instead of learning anatomy. 2D generally looks horrendous when it's not 2D because it doesn't make sense in 3D space.
Tamamo's breasts here >>121397 don't really form a coherent shape if you compare the front and side views.

Anyway, the thing with breasts is that they start from the shoulders. Above the pink line in this image this girl looks exactly the same as someone that's completely flat, and that's the main problem. Even if you ignore the anatomy issue, for purposes of animation they should start way higher than they do there because that's where their movement needs to start.

In the left part of this image is the side view of the breasts. The top of breasts are a straight line when seen from the side and the perkiness determines the angle of that straight line. From the front, breasts form two 6's and the ligaments extend up and to the shoulders and armpits.
Anatomy is fun!


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The reference image was not the issue really, it was the method of construction that I used for the breasts, being that they were two half circles, but I did get them to angle down like that, it's just not noticeable from the angles I posted.


Any reason why you'd want to remove windows?


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it's not really about "removing" because in the framebuffer backend there is no window system in the first place
but because of the abstraction used by my gui system, the program code doesn't know about this fact and still thinks it's in a window even though there isn't any


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Chino-anon, I've been using your software and I really enjoy it, especially the booru browser and the youtube client. I have a question about ikatube though, I know you can make custom themes for it, but how would one go and do such? I'm not seeing a json file for themeing inside of the folder directory. I was looking for the template for the other themes too but I couldn't find them.


Where can I get Chino-anon's software?


File:ikamp.png (511.97 KB,696x1095)

>>111607 >>118027
Great work! Cute set of tools
ikachan is a great little booru browser. While it's nice that it lists tags alphabetically, as far as I could see it unfortunately omits the tag categories like Artist, Character, and Copyright (the first and most useful (imo) things I look for when browsing Danbooru, for example). Just a small thing, though, all the info is still there. That aside, it's quite a functional and convenient tool~

I got ikatube to browse, but somehow couldn't get it to play. It's probably because I didn't use ikafb+pwm-xft. I've ZERO confidence that I can use ikafb and not bork my system lol

ikamp is great! This is something I'll be keeping for sure. Played with the config a bit and it looks nice. The new borderless option looks good. I likely don't have whatever compositor (probably ikafb+pwm-xft) is needed to draw border around the window, but nothing wrong with rectangles! haha

Thanks for these, Chino-chan ^-^


Linked in the replies of the comment I made just before seeing yours. For ease, it's https://chino-chan.gitlab.io/programs


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It could be this, but make sure mpv (or vlc) is properly configured in your $PATH too. That's the problem I had on my machine when first configuring the program.


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just released a new version of ikamp with spectrogram support!

for ikatube you can use the same theme file included with the ikachan distribution (ikachan_colortheme_bocchi.json), you can use that as a template
i actually have worked on a gui theme editor for my programs, so you can use it once it is released, just need some polish
>as far as I could see it unfortunately omits the tag categories like Artist, Character, and Copyright
this is unfortunately a limitation of some other boorus ikachan supports, like gelbooru, so they're not always available
>I got ikatube to browse, but somehow couldn't get it to play.
do you have mpv in your path? it should work with that
>I likely don't have whatever compositor (probably ikafb+pwm-xft) is needed to draw border around the window
are you using the native wayland version? window border is not supported on gnome in this case


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ikafb is a library that my programs use to draw ui and is already bundled in, and pwm-xft is an old window manager that i used previously
so they should'nt have any effect on the operation of the ika* programs


File:ikamp-fft.webm (136.4 KB,619x616)

Wonderful. Looks great, thanks for that ikamp update! I got the spectrogram working on my end and did some other small tweaks in the UI file to make it look pretty without being too cluttered. Took a while, but I finally understand how to use it properly now.

>>123011 >>123014
I actually figured out what my issue with ikatube was. It was in the .json file where I overlooked the default program was mpv! My $PATH was all correct, but ikatube was looking for a program that just wasn't there. I've used VLC exclusively for everything for the past 15+ years. I didn't even consider that it'd default to another program that I've never used haha
I usually use FreeTube on desktop and NewPipe on Android since they're privacy-focused YT front-ends, but this one works fine now. Nice to have some more fun tools~


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>>123020 >>123012 >>123014
I also forgot to mention that I'm on GNOME yep. I got a new laptop recently and can't be arsed to do any ricing lol. Pop!_OS does exactly what I need for daily tasks and it's been good for many years ^^

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