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File:sYRXvwl.png (369.71 KB,1026x638)

 No.71667[View All]

Found a neat youtube player
66 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Gen Z's obsession with early internet is annoying


Gen Z's obsession with early internet is endearing


i think it can go both ways
some of gen z has this weird attitude towards things they aren't familiar with where they overreact towards everything, and some of them are into early internet in the same way "90s kids" were into the 90s, and that's pretty annoying, but there's a subset of gen z that used the internet before 2012 and are just kind of wistful for when thing were more laid-back and those people tend to be fine, generally


>some of them are into early internet in the same way "90s kids" were into the 90s, and that's pretty annoying
no its not...


i mean the people who make a big deal about "the aesthetic", i don't know if i'm doing a good job of phrasing it


oh like people putting VHS tape damage filters on their videos
that are shot vertically
on their phones


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Didn't realize this website existed. Pretty neat. Some of the "Level 4: Do Not Travel" travel advisories are pretty grim.

>Be sure to appoint one family member to serve as the point of contact with hostage-takers, media, U.S. and host country government agencies, and members of Congress if you are taken hostage or detained.
>Establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax).
>Leave DNA samples with your medical provider in case it is necessary for your family to access them.


My favorite one is the North Korea one that just tells you to make a will


that's funny. The US considers the EU elevated risk


... but like, not romania or poland or hungary


That's what I was thinking too, according to the US it's safer to travel to Botswana than Germany.


Botswana is very safe though


Hungary more like hungry lol


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And Denmark is yellow while Sweden is in the clear despite all the gang violence.


denmark is well managed. I also don't know much about sweden beyond US memes


The country reports attatched to them seem to be based off of the experience of embassy workers, so I think it's about political violence risk mostly


yeah, that make sense. It was obvious it was political, but I couldn't see in what way


the website just validated my fear of leaving my house


the website reminded me of why you shouldn't do maps using pure javascript



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Interesting, albeit depressing website...



WOW 240k talk about a downturn


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16-bit Sensation has a cool website, too!
But, note that its CSS animation is not efficient and it's going to eat up CPU. It's even worse than my Lala CSS on kissu! Toasters beware!



Neat personal website
Turn down your volume a bit before opening or become jumpscared nerd


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oh wow... they really should not have done that


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Nice twitter page


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Interesting site, for a single person its forte is definitely the presentation, all the cool visuals and the music. A lot of it reads kind of like SCP but with a single enemy, and ~digital~ or what have you.

Plot as I gatheredSo, the Corruption of Space is corrupting space into classical unthingability and the goal is now to deal with it by finding the Gate, a gap at the end of physics whose referentiality is also unthingable and/or will kill you, making it a closely guarded secret. The one's doing the searching are terminals, employing pointers somehow? That's what you are, as your mouse cursor. No clue what happened to humanity, apparently that's better explained in the book he wrote, it takes place in the same universe. It's not on libgen, though.

The puzzles involve a lot of scrolling through infinitely expanding pages (there was one where if more than three minutes passed you'd be sent to a dead end page), flashlight darkness stuff, or looking at several fucking F12 messages, one of which implemented the fucking scrolling too! A hundred lines of <br>, ah cannot believe that shit. Another one's solution was downloading four images, reordering them somehow, translating their black/red chunks into binary, and then getting the next page's URL from that. Wack.


Konoha, to be raped by Rance imminently.


i want to rape this dork rance style



gonna pre-emptively say that I saw this deleted post


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Site for listening to radio online. There also many others. You can choose here: http://websdr.org/
It seems like there's nothing but old music playing on radio these days since only old people listen to it now. I'm currently listening to some old French music. It's the same stuff my grandpa listens to.


And as for finding the actual stations there's: https://www.radioguide.fm
All you're gonna see in the chatbox of the previous site I linked is people pointing to military/government related stuff. I originally found out about it because of UVB-76, aka "The Buzzer" and "number stations".


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https://everythingmoe.com/ is a very useful site that popped up recently. It's a database of everything related to otaku culture with list rankings and reviews.


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https://www.photopea.com/ A free online photo editing tool which is basically the same as photoshop.


introduction/guide on how to play the FATAL TTRPG, of all things. Unfortunately(?) it looks pretty incomplete.


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https://4museum.neocities.org/ A pseudo-archive for 4chan for the /a/, /g/, /sp/, /trv/, /tv/ and /v/ boards dating from 2006 to 2008.


helpful hachikuji



yay a mnemonic collection site


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Simultaneously surprised, impressed and happy that a Mario romhack website and forum still exists in 2024 and seems to be doing well enough. Community events, guides, sprite sheets...
This makes me nostalgic for these old community sites even though I never used this specific one.

It does have a discord attached to it which makes me depressed since that means it's migrating there and the website will be left as a shell and then abandoned and then all information will be lost forever, but until then you can enjoy the website!



After supermario maker's uploads and net services were shut down people started trying to 100% clear the game


The site is actually failing due to resource issues. It was costing them 11,000 dollars or something to run it so I guess it's defunct, but there's probably webarchive links


Which site?


ummm, I'm actually kind of confused. There's a big project around tracking supermario maker progress but it doesn't seem well documented.
this was some fan page that was supposed to interface with some API but idk


specifically I'm refering to this team https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_0%25 and a website


oh, I see. SMM1 was completed so I guess they shutdown the website, or at least moved to https://www.team0percent.com/ to track SMM2


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Seems like either way their website doesn't have much of the interfaces/graphics running anymore


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It seems to work for me, although it's just two "pages". One is the "YES" and some text bobbles popping up and when you scroll down it takes you to this snazzy, scaling HTML page thing (it's not an image but a bunch of individual elements)



I just remembered about the existence of this. Old old site listing off different glitches for various games.

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