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 No.67883[View All]

I want to nakadashi *girl* has become a popular phrase on imageboards (mostly 4chan). But it's a mix of Japanese and English. If I was going to say "I want to cum inside Holo" fully in Japanese, how would I go about doing that? In the English sentence, nakadashi is a loan word and it is the action being done, but in Japanese I don't think 中出し is a verb. Can it be verbified by adding する to it? And then you conjugate it to say you "want" to do it. So the end result would be 私はホロで中出ししたい which would translate to I want to cum inside Holo. Am I correct?

Japanese is fun to learn.
317 posts and 72 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>When someone says something like this, they're typically referring to things that ought to be said but are hard to say because of the subject matter or the content of the message or uncertainty about the reaction it would provoke, not because the message is hard to pronounce. But Yotsugi twists it here to mean that things that are merely hard to pronounce are also imperative to say.
>That's what Yozuru's tsukkomi here is about. Yotsugi's utterance is hard to say not because it's sensitive or offensive or anything but because it's hard to pronounce.
But that's what I assumed, teacher. Sorry for not making that clear.


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I don't see any meat on that bone, how can she call herself meaty?


I started learning Japanese recently but i feel hyper stressed when i watch my amines now. I feel like i'm wasting time instead of learning Japanese? Anyone felt the same when the started?


take it at your own pace. you don't need to do everything at once


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I stopped kissufrens! Forgive me kudasai onegaishimasuuu! I'll go back to my anki reps right away!


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Don't sweat it, it's gonna take a while.


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Is this ever used over きん


I felt like that at one point. Though I'm lazy by nature and hate putting things off so I justify still watching stuff through the reasoning that if I try and hear the anime before using the subs then I'm still somewhat learning. I know the grammar pretty well so it mostly just comes down to words I don't know and after ~200 days of Anki I have a good solid foundation of words.


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Are all verbs that end in れる relating to the object of which the verb is enacted on receiving the verb prior to れる?


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What's the best way to deal with words like these that have two readings and the decks I'm using prioritize こんげん in one and ねもと in the other?


Write a formal complaint and send it to the Japanese embassy.


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Was fapping today to raw doujins almost like normal but today I was able to read through like 95% of what I chose so I just kept reading for hours and the being able to read part just further enhanced my motivation as it felt like I'd conquered a step in my jp learning and was on the cusp of being at the point where I can just lay down and watch anime so I went and put on an eroge to read only to be confronted by the reality that my H-manga deck heavily targets H-manga vocab so there was a lot of looking up I still had to do to play the eroge and it killed my boner before I even got to any juicy scenes and so I probably need to study up on the most common terms in RPGM games now...


wasn't there an anime recently where one of the girls (American) had that exact thing happen to her?


was there?


did you try it with japanese or are your tests english?


They were with Japanese, yes. Whisper can be used to transcribe most languages, but at least with the auto subtitle script I use, it just translates to English. I believe I had mentioned it in that now deleted /secret/ post, but translation can be rather iffy. Sometimes it decides to produce romaji, sometimes it hallucinates and entire sections are missing or timestamps offset, and other times it persists with an incorrect translation like "Oni-san". In general, transcription is much more reliable, but it has a tendency to sometimes write things phonetically with hiragana instead of kanji. I would say that the results are mostly acceptable. The example I uploaded to MEGA is still there for you to view for yourself if you're doubtful of what sort of results it can produce.


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All of the software you MUST to install to learn JP is the biggest hurdle for me. Yomitan, Anki, VNhookers, OCRs... I haven't fully gotten back into it after getting my new PC earlier this year because of that.

What is the fastest way to look up kanji without an OCR? Drawing them on Google translate? Radical search on jisho? Dictionary?


From my understanding getting to know a dictionary is probably the quickest way outside of OCR. But the amount of time you'd spend learning how to use the dictionary would be probably proportional to how long it'd take you to just follow https://xelieu.github.io/jp-lazy-guide/ and get all the stuff set up.


>What is the fastest way to look up kanji without an OCR?
At least for manga I got a habit of drawing them to look them up, doesn't take that long to draw a kanji anyways. I feel like it reinforces what it looks like to me and I can do this from my phone when travelling as well. Maybe not necessarily the most effective way as I've never tried OCR, but I can do it on public transport commute with ease which is better than not doing it at all. I also bookmark the kanji and vocabulary to import to anki via yomitan when I get home.


I use this website occasionally for kanji look up, you've got various methods to search by. Not really fast, but faster than trying to draw it with a mouse. https://kanji.sljfaq.org/mr.html


I draw them on google translate or japandict.com on mobile because you cant draw on the most drawable platform between the two on google translate



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One of the banners, but what is it meant to be..?
There's no results for 「久永」 combination of Kanji.
Long time eternal energy?
If not for the 「の」 I'd assume it was Chinese at this point.
Is it a name? Hisanaga? Kyuuei?

Please キッスの神々, bestow me your eternal knowledge.


Hai, sakka desu.
It's a funny way to write /qa/ spirit, a phono-semantic matching of it with eternity flipped around, pronounced kyuuei. Energy/spirit of kyuuei, /qa/ spirit.


Now that you say it it seems so obvious.I even spelled out kyuuei, but still didn't make the connection. ちゅうー


If I ever have a child, I'm going to name him 久永, I thought but that would probably be interpreted as bad omen now that I think about it... "the opposite of eternity"


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Kyuuei Smith, great ring.


It definitely could've been more accurate, as the original Japanese spirit uses 魂/tamashii and not 気. You could even say it's straight-up wrong, I don't remember why I went with that in the first place.
There do exist some pairs of real words composed of the same characters flipped around, like 栄光 and 光栄, and they're by no means the opposite of each other (which makes them trickier to memorize).


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I think that a good test for my current nippongo level will be once I can watch a seasonal without subs and also under the influence of alcohol. Because then I'll know for sure that my brain's working to understand the anime in real time without needing to go through the effort of translating it.


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Will never forget that one thanks to it being immortalized in my brain by association with YoRHa's motto.




of all the kanji I've learned, this has to be the worst one yet in terms of pronunciation


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Yeah ん is surprisingly difficult to pronounce correctly. 千円 is another hard one.


looks weird but doesn't seem hard


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A single bird can change everything.


So... what does it say?


大 became 犬 with the addition of the bird.
Which changes it from “big” to “dog”



Pretty neat. It's a list of different JP media sorted by their approximate difficulty for a non-native speaker.


There's also jpdb https://jpdb.io/
I haven't used it for SRS or anything like that, but it has info about difficulty, unique words, kanji. It also has entire lists of words to practice, but I think it's fine to just grind out a popular 2K deck, familiarize yourself with some basic N5 and N4 grammar concepts and start reading anyways with help from textractor to quick lookup and mine to anki. Doesn't matter if one doesn't understand everything, practice will help immensely regardless.


Yeah?, I do learn japanse by rewatching tatami galaxy


>Words (per minute) 187.1
you know that really is a lot of words


He says Kaiji is about mahjong though. So I dunno how much his list stands to analysis.


How many words synonymous with "Bill" are there in Japanese... How do you know which one to use....


English isn't that much easier apart from the writing system.
As a generic advice, consume more Japanese and contexts will make sense and patterns emerge.




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¥ 2:56
>Later hiragana took over katakana's function in mixed writing, and by later I mean less than a hundred years ago
>and katakana was repurposed to encode loanwords.
There were already instances prior to then of hiragana being used in mixed writing and katakana being used for loanwords.

But overall, this seems like an okay overview.


solid vid


I'm going to be taking a Chinese class this spring. It seemed like a fun idea, but I will probably suffer.

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