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File:Sachiko Happenings Thread ….png (597.51 KB,900x735)

 No.4165[View All]

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: October 21st, 2024
550 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Mods also removed the "no generals outside /vg/" rule on all the /v*/ off-shoots days before implementing this new filter.


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Email verification has just been added to /pol/.


Interesting. I wonder how many fun conspiracy theories will be involved with this one. Does /pol/ still have the 15s post timer thing as punishment from moot? It's been a decade so maybe if they want to reduce spam they could normalize that.


Well, that was the obvious next target but they still moved faster than I expected. At this rate they whole site will be all "anti-spam"'ed up (except for all the bots that mods intentionally let run wild) by the end of the year.


I'd be shocked if /v/ isn't next.
I haven't used 4/v/ in a very long time but the pissing match between mods and proxyfags mostly has its roots in /v/. I'm sure the only thing holding them back is potential user revolt.


They should just make it an images only board.


For better or worse, /v/ is the only board that fights back when mods try to get rid of board culture. I figured they'd wait to open that can of worms for as long as possible, but I can see them trying to neuter it right away if it takes on /pol/. Still putting my money on /a/ being next since /vg/ proved they can get away with it easily on general boards.


unending schiztism chart spam


>except for all the bots that mods intentionally let run wild
It really can't do anything against bots. It's not like scripts run out of patience and decide to go play some Counterstike instead. Like captchas it's something that impacts humans more than bots.


I always thought board culture died on large boards that allow generals like it did /a/. Boards like /v/ still force you to browse the catalog for threads of interest instead of heading into your general so the entire board more or less interacts with each other.
Am I wrong?


You're completely correct. I've seen it happen to several boards, /a/ is just the most tragic case since it happened because the mods who kept that shit at bay for years got replaced by ones who actively encouraged it. You can still see vestiges of it from time to time, but there's no real hope of it coming back at this point.


I don't know why, but I searched /pol/'s archive to see how many meta threads have been deleted since mods made that sticky. I counted 47 threads, most of them deleted in minutes with just one or two replies.
https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/485224786/ <-- sticky


I barely browsed /vg/, mostly just to check for info for some games every once in a while, was there a spam problem there? I know that a lot of the generals tend to have internal drama but does it warrant an anti-spam measure like this?
Considering election season is within mere weeks I'm surprised they didn't do this even earlier. Considering the state of that board in general I'm surprised the admins didn't just nuke it from orbit with no survivors ages ago.


you were right. they just added it on /v/


/vg/ has a massive spam problem, but, like /a/, it's spam from dedicated autists and mods don't care about post quality as long as it technically conforms to the rules and is contained enough to only ruin individual threads, so these measures do absolutely fuck all for them.

Nuking /pol/ has never worked. moot took it back because he didn't want to go through the years of them running rampant on other boards it would take before they calmed down and moved on. Hiro won't ever do it because he only cares about getting hits and making money and /pol/ is overrun with newfags who will obsessively refresh those ads-ridden pages. Also, the feds don't want their surveillance apparatus going to waste.


Tell me about it. You get people with a major axe to grind not letting a single second between post cooldowns go to waste and spends every moment trolling the thread they haunt. In my case they're going so far as to make a scraping script to redeem gift keys a user dumps for that thread so nobody else gets them. I can't fathom what compels some of these autists to do what they do, I just want to discuss a hobby dude. Since mods are an invite only clique you doxx yourself to join, the status quo remains. I can't imagine what it would feel like if you're properly invested in a thread there, one hell of an abusive relationship.


It sucks being right but knowing team4chan a little, since /biz/ didn't actually stay dead they'll keep rolling this out at a frog boil's pace. It means less work for them.
Ultimately the 4chan moderator is about doing the least amount of work possible but still maintaining their position for when something personally offends them. That's what the toilet paper labor of the janitor is all about. I speculate the spam must have been bad enough that they couldn't maintain enough janitors per recruitment cycle, they were quitting out too fast, leaving the actual senior mods to do some work.
This cannot stand so the team must have escalated the issue until hiro was willing to pay for developer man hours to try to fix it. At the very least, Hiro isn't one to pay for contract labor unless there's money to be made off it or serious drama threatening the free volunteer labor.


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1 day later and you're right.


They really are trying to kill the site aren't they.


You could only really call it alive if you consider the mold and maggots festering in it as part of it


File:Screenshot 2024-10-20 at 1….png (40.59 KB,1852x240)

I only just now noticed this on top notice on 4plebs


>since /biz/ didn't actually stay dead
Activity is still 50% of what it was before the change. It might be that /biz/ had far more bots though, but I personally stopped posting.


/biz/ was surely affected by bots and spam due to the nature of manipulating things for direct monetary gain, but I think the post rate fall was also affected by threads/generals successfully moving over to /bant/. I'm not sure how many of them went back to /biz/ or are even still on /bant/, but that certainly had an effect on things.
In theory /v/ and /vg/ users could move to the slow /v/-related boards like /vr/ or /vst/, but there are subject limitations and the speed is probably too slow for people accustomed to /v/ or /vg/. /pol/ users could just post more poliitcal threads in /g/ or /tv/ or something I guess.


you're being kind of dramatic there anon


That's not dramatic; it's a true statement.


soyjak (dot) party is down


>tfw when made the variant that killed /soy/


File:[SubsPlease] Acro Trip - 0….jpg (343.74 KB,1920x1080)

Please do not post your wojaks on kissu!
Anyway, from what I've heard that site dies for a few hours or days once in a while. I'm sure it will be back and you can uhh, post wojaks and stuff.


I hope it never comes back and you overdose on fentanyl coping with its loss.


i hope it comes back soon and you live a long healthy and fruitful life !


Blame the pedos constantly posting child models on /tv/. It was so bad even the mentally stunned senpais that believe in Qanon-tier bullshit made a buzz about it because pics of child models hosted on 4plebs were among the first results of the query "tv television and film". These morons thought 4plebs meant "For Pedo ceLEBS" and that it was a pizzagate-tier conspiracy.
Pedos have caused a lot of trouble to 4plebs and other archives for years. In 4plebs' case it was so bad that the admin disabled ghostposting first on /tv/ then on /pol/ and finally on every board, removed 4plebs' meta board, and disabled the search of deleted posts on /tv/.


4stats hasn't changed much outside /pol/. this may be a W for the mods


The absurd anti-spam captcha escalation has pushed me into installing a captcha solver, ironically enough.


Is this a joke? How can you still post on that shit site


It has the numbers, that's why anyone still does.


wow. numbers. Might aswell go sign up to facebook then


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There's every reason in the world for people to desire a consistent stream of activity and to downplay its importance is the height of foolishness.


A shit site with numbers is still better than a shit site without, like this one.


There's no reason to be a passive aggressive fag over one bad apple spouting retard rhetoric...



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They just added it to /a/.
As much as I hate it, it will be interesting to see if this affects post quality, because /a/ has been getting to the point where ~80% of bad threads are made by a handful of spammers with recognizable templates and posting styles.


Then why do you obsess over it?


File:too green.jpg (7.91 KB,415x203)

Who are you quoting?


File:uh oh.png (17.09 KB,592x231)

Added a couple more archive additions to the OP for the past year or so. But, as some people may be aware the internet archive has been attacked not only through the courts but through hacking, and it's ongoing:


The happenings thread and the wider internet community needs to take steps to make backups of things only available on the wayback machine as the future is uncertain.


>made by a handful of spammers with recognizable templates and posting styles
800.57 - /vg/
210.13 - /gif/
208.87 - /vt/
190.49 - /trash/
176.85 - /tg/
86.98 - /a/
72.89 - /g/
66.45 - /sp/
59.74 - /int/
59.45 - /vp/
55.71 - /v/
42.99 - /x/
40.08 - /pol/
38.61 - /b/
37.03 - /pw/
36.58 - /co/
36.25 - /adv/
31.22 - /lgbt/
27.18 - /mu/
24.67 - /fit/
23.96 - /tv/
21.10 - /bant/
10.33 - /r9k/

I'm sure kissu gets what ratio this is.
I've only ever really looked at data over time for /g/ but at least for /g/, as the overall ppm falls in 4stats if you break it down you can see the generals are doing just fine (and even growing) and it's diminishing traffic to regular threads that disproportionately represents why overall ppm is sinking.


>I'm sure kissu gets what ratio this is.
I don't, is this the ppm or something?


>what ratio this is
Average replies per thread? Considering /vg/'s 750 bump limit.
>data over time
Interesting, how do you keep track of this stuff? The best I've done was look manually in a thread by thread basis and it's obviously not scalable.


Since /g/ isn't like /a/ where there was a history of general threads being suppressed almost all of the generals have subjects that you can easily query for. By convention they all self identify with "/" in the subject twice.
So you just take a time sample, take posts within that sample that appear in those general threads, and take posts from threads that aren't general threads in that same sample, and compare the ratios sample over sample.
Then you see pattern emerge that I talked about in my first post.


I'll never forgive the generalnorms for ruining /tg/.


It's not just /a/, there's also threads that people are able to recognize as covering a topic without making itself explicit, or which relies on images, or just didn't have a name until a certain point, kinda like /lit/'s /wwoym/ here >>133234. It's always a boon when the thing you're looking for manages to be stable throughout time, that's for sure.
General threads are a matter of convergent evolution. You could call it a regression to the norm.

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