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File:Sachiko Happenings Thread ….png (597.51 KB,900x735)

 No.4165[View All]

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: October 21st, 2024
550 posts and 122 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


god you people sound insufferable


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You really think that?


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t. hater of the year


Ohya!so are you!


what's this supposed to be about? Some roleplay?


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That was worth a good laugh.

Also if you are who I think you are thanks for making me want to buy a nekorisa fumo.


Was almost tempted into making a post on 4chan, but either the 15 minute timer is required every time you post on a new board or your posting authorization expires after a few days. I guess I'll find out which it is next week when I go to get banned from /a/ for the anniversary. It's certainly more effective than any ban I've ever gotten at preventing me from posting, so kudos to them on finally figuring that out I guess.


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Yeah I can't even be bother anymore unless it's a special event.


Oh, and I don't think anyone has mentioned this here, but the phrase "sekai ni" triggers the auto-delete function and makes your post vanish into the abyss for some incomprehensible reason possibly related to the Mushoku general, so you can't post screenshots of Megumin's show without editing the filename if you're using standard naming conventions.

And also there's a second five minute timer for making new threads the first time to further corral people into the same handful of threads.


when is 4chan going to die?


Never, eventually all the posters will be replaced with bots and it will live forever as a pit of nonsensical shitflinging and namecalling.


But where do all the real human beans go then?
Is there ever going to be a migration or is everyone being herded into X or whatever?
I hate this Internet, I hate centralization.


On other news the other /hap/ made someone so upset they started a campaign to advertise it everywhere so it's filled with shitters. And it's working.

heh. Hey just announced a price increase for the 4chan pass.
This can only mean one thing: 4chan is in the red.


Everyone went to x formerly known as twitter ages ago. Having an account makes life so much easier


well, the passes were the same price for over a decade since they came out right?
inflation has has plenty of time to creep


Or he just thinks he can make more money using inflation as an excuse like everyone else. He's definitely pushing them hard with the recent changes and how a group of since4pass users mysteriously show up whenever anyone complains about the timers to act smug, so it's possible they're in another financial squeeze.

Probably Discord mostly. That's how over half the site want it to behave anyway. And half of who's left would just use Twitter and/or Reddit until an altchan centralizes enough of the remaining IB users to draw their attention. It would still be a big shakeup to the web, both from the horde of neckbeard vikings yelling nigger everywhere and as a herald of other format-dominating social media platforms' collapses.


>Probably Discord mostly
What? No. Not comparable.


Tohno-chan has gone poof.


I just opened it to check? Still there.


You're right, I just switched browsers and its clearly there. Phew
I guess I gotta update/clear Brave then.


Le shill lion


the REDDIT browser


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Wapchan presents some social commentary on 4chan's price hike.


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Does this mean if I purchase a pass now, they give me money?


It's a percentage increase, not an absolute one.



>spams reddit
>recommends using sex toys on children
wtf i love AI now


kids do love toys


it makes sense that a bot would have a fetish for seeing girls get fucked by vibrating mechanical penises


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I found this. Dates to 2019.

I find myself having problems finding a distinction between the /jp/ webring and the /a/ family outside their site descriptions. Mh. The /a/ sites seem a bit hornier than the rest.


someone put Xs over the dead ones...


I'm pretty sure it's based on the origin point of user migrations. meguca and fufufu are both definitely shoot-offs of /a/ groups. And then there's stuff like /vg/, /pol/, and /r9k/ all pointing to Discord, they didn't make it they just have a bunch of people move there to chat about whatever general they're in.


Finally someone thinking of the janitors.


/a/ = no fun allowed


Unfortunately most of 4/a/'s spinoffs are rooted in people that liked the 'self moderation' era and were jilted by it being forcibly ended.


Someone carried out a shooting in the cafeteria of Antioch High School in Nashville today, killing one victim and himself and wounding another. Shortly before the shooting, a user on X, @Endingpointer, linked to a manifesto full of memes from a certain wojak-themed imageboard. The author claims he is black and ashamed of his race, praises previous livestreaming shooters such as Tarrant, and concludes his manifesto with "REMEMBER KEEP JAKKING 'TEENS".


he probably fired hundreds of rounds while holding the gun sideways and only got two hits, then accidentally shot himself while reloading or clearing a jam


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Anon stop! I want to keep the happenings thread on kissu PG, not drift into NG-17 territory like he was in...


Hope the feds shut down that kuso site already, gives the rest of us chans a bad name.


waow i love feds!!!!!!!!!!!!


I wish I had somehow done something more to stop these people back on old /qa/


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Why would they have done that? Those cretins were doing the job the mods wanted them to do perfectly, they made sure that we'd never even think about going back to /qa/ because of how awful those freaks made it.


Is teen really imported /jp/ lingo for the group as a whole or he was from that specific subgroup that targets everything related to old /qa/?


He was 17 years old, there's 0 chance he even knew what old /qa/ was.


Each of these shooters is more pathetic degraded than the last, like a photocopy of a photocopy. They just cannot be sincere, even on the day they choose to die.

I made a policy at least 3 memeshooters ago not to learn their names or read any of the rarted shitsmears they scrawled out for attention.


i always thought the soyteen moniker was an insult that became a name they used for themselves


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the shabteens


I used to lurk in 4chan and 7chan around 2010, and it's sad to see the first one like this.
Can't wait for that cesspool to run out of money and hopefully disappear. It was never good, but between the sharty spamming and the low quality posting, I suppose most decent anons left the site a long time ago, looking for greener pastures.


the shats

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