programmed blog feature
wonder if they made this using an old pc looks exactly like i'd expect out of something like yu-no
>>138879Not sure, but I know we definitely need a lot more where this came from. I'd like to see a whole wave of this style to return.
why is it a jpg
More like 16 bit -TRANSLATION NEVER-
>>138881to reduce quality
16bit sensation xenoglossia
>>138886the guys that set up web filters at the office
At the w*rk pl*ce I only browse it on my phone using phone data.
>>138888he set it up with a lotr reference?
made some black coffee to enjoy with a sweet cake because im out of milk its going to be boson
>>138896i'd like to say that it's gonna be okay, but it's not my place to do so
is moving out an option?
bullysnuggled my cat and he made some fun noises
>>138898anon should get his father hooked on loli and yuri content, imo
sigh I'm sick and I got the flu
>>138904sleeping on the job
fapped to pippa lewds
>>138899post pic of bullied cat and recording of noises
ill enough to not even game properly, this really blows (my nose)
>>138910felt like that a few months back for the first time in what felt like forever and it was awful
good luck getting over it anonymous
snow making me sluggish
Everyone in my house (including me) got horribly ill :(
>>138904You have a cute cat
>>138917That sucks i hope you get better
*oops wrong thread
>>138919Thank you. I'm still not doing so hot, but the worst has already passed.
>>138900Agreed, the average "gun toting redneck" is just cringe inducing and makes me sick. Nothing is wrong with owning firearms for protection. Just have to keep it to yourself and don't even let anyone know.
No.138926 thinking sounds are synth when they're all based on bowl/pan instruments
>>138926Organs always sound like synths to me for some reason.
Illness update: last night it took me forever to get to sleep and stay asleep. This was in part because I was so feverish that I couldn't have my legs touching or they'd overheat, and in part because my dreams were really fast and loud and kept waking me up.
I feel a lot better now though. I spent most of yesterday on the couch resting, and I plan to do the same today.
>>138929That is not good... If it wasn't so late into the semester, I would recommend that you drop those courses.
reported the bug no. 690000
I have been having a lot of game burnout the past few weeks and today i am fixing that by playing doom 64!
snow set on the ground... temperature nows ticking to the negatives...
try focusing on the positives
>>138936Rainy days are the best
scared myself by accidentally lifting a spoon a couple centimeters and then dropping it
it made a loud noise
No.138942 pizza tower tracks remind me of arthouse RPGMaker games
doing the maccabre dead worship thing. Hope I can watch maomao solve brothel murders instead of eating family dinners today
instinctively entered the shower when i went to the bathroom before i even started my workout the cold is getting to me
>>138937>>138936Looks like a nice place to stroll
Wish most American properties were all gated and private like this.
played a doom map today for doom day
my bender is over i think, was pretty fun while it lasted
>>138949Bender. Slang for excessive drinking.
>>138950thought your blender broke
>>138951Well, I was replying for Anonymous. Maybe their drinking left them unable to type blender and they broke it in a drunken rage.
coffee maker broke and im mad
i'll never forgive konoha for ruining otaku culture
failed to take a cat pic because I forgot my backpack at the supermarket
serving sizes are retarded. I wish the FDA would mandate nutrition info per 100 grams instead.
i get so sad when i stop being drunk
I hope that all cats go to heaven
My room is always so dusty but i can't even get it properly cleaned without moving so many little things around. What a pain.
no more depression blog...
>>138959Use a mask, the drywalling kind
I've been sick for the past ~5 days and the office holiday party is tomorrow so probably have to skip that.
AGGHH my bidet is GARBAGE and it BURNED my ASS
>>138962I hope you get better dood
hope he gets better after the office party
people are STILL partying with the world cup song
as early as 6pm
>>138966why are you taking them
>>138967Start with a h and ends with a d
was eating my 0.5/5 health rating cookies on the street and an old man passing by said it was unhealthy and contained bad water
and people say AI is unrealistic...
>>138973un/realistic is a word you apply to non-real things
reality can be as crazy as it wants
some finn is currently downloading frieren from me, what do?
set him up da bomb
Hurt my hand the other day and it's still healing...
Geez, US$400 for general admission to an F1 race? WEC tickets are $60 with grandstand access
My cat ripped up my bedsheets with his claws
>>138982PIC of cat amid ripped bedsheets
>>138982My dog used to do that.
>>138985How clean do they keep the waterways down there from the industrial junk.
Back 50 years ago the pollution in the St. Lawrence river was terrible from industrial waste stuff and lax environmental protection laws
new pass, friends
Sakaki is the best azumanga daioh character
blog streamers who play games are the worst
I have this weird addiction to using 2ch liveboards when I'm up all night. They're terrible but the users there admit very funny things unprompted
I think Texas is the best state
>>138994Only the north part. Things are pretty dire in the scrublands
Im too dumb to drive a car or ride a bike. What now
>>138997those are probably the least of your troubles
>>138997can you ride a scooter?
>>138997im too scared to drive
i have a bike though
just take the train
>>139001Live in the boonies
>>139002then driving is easy
I scissored my best friend and it ruined our relationship
>>139004write a medium article about it
Kissu meatup.
>>139008people should sage their regular blogs too
>>139008I suppose it is fitting, that the Frieren poster hates when people age.
guess I'll up the bump timeout another hour
actually it shouldn't have bumped this at all..
oh, did I forget to enable the blog function or did it turn off?
bump timer is now set to two hours!
The grandfather clock in my head wont stop dinging....
>>138997How does someone be too dumb to ride a bike. What happens when you get on one
spermed to becky pics after watching her episode in spyxfamily
how much should I pay on appartment insurance
uhhhhhh I have no idea
dang i should have started reading the 16-bit sensation manga sooner
spent 250$ on rental insurance
per year? i've never had that sort of insurance
yeah, yearly expense. It's a bilaw thing. If part of my property or self were to cause damage to another person's property or the unit(water damage for example) I would have to pay damages.
I also tacked on identity theft insurance for a few more dollars because why not.
also if I were to burn down the unit. Things like that. Otherwise the landlord's insurance company will start getting involved which is not a fun time.
And the unit is like from the 60s so there's a lot of things that could go wrong.
get fl*pped
writing linus tech tip gay fanfiction
When i was selling a musical instrument I bought second hand I put it through the inflation calculations and it basically gained in value a few percent then vs. now.
So what is +40$ might just be 10$ a while ago
Tried brewing tea with moka pot by mixing earl grey leaves with chamomile and lavender flowers. Came out excellent.
I want to get some sort of device that I can use to remote control my PC in case it shuts down due to power failures and stuff. Doesn't seem like anything is on market
>>139038i got an uninterruptible power supply in an attempt to solve that class of problem
>>139039From what I see a UPS is anywhere from 30 to 10 min of power. Good for momentary interuptions I suppose
Learned that there's an anime con right up the street soon and even though it looks super gay I'm tempted to go just so I can say I've been to one.
I definitely don't have the personality (or lack of anxiety) to do the con thing, but if you can handle it, it might be a good experience. Just remember that for the most part it's a social event and you can't expect to see (m)any weirdos that potentially share your interests in niche stuff, but if you go with a tolerant mind it could be something worth experiencing at least once.
>>139042you'll probably just find that most people are just following the pace of a small group of socialites while others are like you
>>139042I'm kind of hoping it is like that. There are all these panels for shounen and dub VAs that I'm sure to hate, but the other people there might be fun to chat with for an afternoon.
visit the anime con and blog about it in a thread
4 days until I have an apartment in my own name...
>>139048late christmas gift
>>139046Wapanese mindset.
>>139050you will never sage his otaku spirit
>>139051you will never age his otaku spirit
>>139052that's called being eternally seventeen
feeling like death. Hate december. want to escape to a place that's inconvinient to show up for christmas
Should I watch Versailles no Bara
wrist's been hurting for the last few days and i finally found my gamer glove but it's only for left hands not right ones....
>>139055yeah why not
It is a rainy day
>>139055>Versailles no Bara>The feminist movement of post-war Japan was divided between consumerism, which advocated for the individualist pursuit of personal pleasure, and socialism (as embodied by the New Left), which rejected consumerism and sought a collectivist response to the subordinate status of women.[33] Following the Asama-Sansō incident of February 1972, in which fourteen members of the United Red Army were killed in a purge, an increasing proportion of Japanese feminists rejected socialism in favor of consumerism.[34] According to Nobuko Anan, a scholar of Japanese visual arts and gender, The Rose of Versailles embodies the tension between consumerism and socialism as a work of mass consumerist culture that nonetheless depicts what Ikeda describes as "the inner revolution of the Japanese women."[35]up my alley
>>139058This was back before all these topics were talked to death
And also it should be noted that pre-internet feminism is quite different to what it is now
>>139060Feminism will have it's place again in the discourse eventually. Perhaps it starts now...
>>86859gonna sperm to zundamon trap pix
Artificer suck
Sunny days with big clouds are the best
mom gifted me a subcomandante marcos shirt
not sure i'm gonna use it...
>>139065i have to say it... that's really cringe
>>139065The irony of selling shirts of that...
yeah that post wasn't use at all
snuggling with my cat and he is being very cozy and snug
>>139072pic of cat in the coze zone
snuggling with a cat is never gay
>>139073It's not gay if they don't have balls.
cat just sneezed
>>139086666 of evil sneezing
finally finishing up on Shield Hero Season 3 and i'm not sure if I just changed or they did too much, but damn this is teeth gritting to get through.
Most of the plot and character interactions/motives come off as painfully retarded to me.
A storm cut the power. I hope it comes back on before my phone dies, I feel lost without access to the tubes. (´・ω・`)
>>139090You aren't renting. The cat owns you. He's even conned you into paying for comfy apartment on his behalf.
There is a joke that dogs think humans are gods because we give them food and shelter, but cats think cats are gods because humans give them food and shelter
Just got horrible acid reflux...
caved and subscribed to bocchi's onlyfans
friend is getting gallbladder sugery and is going trauma center under the knife today
hope he doesn't die
vomited my entire breakfast on the way to the hospital
now it's time to wait for fifteen people to take their turn
>>139098wish him the best
so my appendix is swollen and im gonna have to stay here for several hours more as they run some blood tests
tell him to give me my luck back kudasai
take my luck instead!!!!!
tomography will decide whether it's surgery or not
if confirmed it'd be fairly early appendicitis which isn't bad, dad and gramps got theirs removed too
granny on dialysis next to me is feeling cold
or not dialysis.... not sure
Appendectomy is common enough that most TV shows had an episode for it. I wouldn't be worried, but good luck with the removal if it comes to that!
medical blog
tummy horts
>>139105this but clinically
At the doctor's office, medical assistant got freaked out at a freak high heart rate, but I'm fine now.
got freaked out at a freak
scheme@(guile-user)> (use-modules (ice-9 readline))
While compiling expression:
no code for module (ice-9 readline)
I don't get it, 4taba's deps won't install the required files anymore
ate 'dines
I lived
still stucm here and haven't drank or eaten anything in the last seventeen hours
>>139112with chipotle hot sauce
friend's gallbladder surgery went well then he took a big nap
he is in pain but not debilitating pain
>>139110I... got it... libreadline-dev is required...
scared a homeowner when i went partway down their driveway to try to pat a cat at 11 pm at night
>>139118it was a noble attempt
eizouken op just popped in my head
These modern phone operating systems and aux features(for the Samsung line) are actually worse than some of the older Huawei models. In terms of purely hardware, screen and camera it's an upgrade, but it's missing a bunch of timesave features I liked in my old phone
I Could technically program some fixes, but I wouldn't dare risk bricking a new phone with a root
Had very sad nostalgia over my childhood, typical stuff.
>>139124oh man can't you turn that off? no buttons or software or a little funny cable?
>>139125Probably there's some pre-installed utility. I Booted it but I'm busy cleanings cathair and dust out of my gpu swap
>>139124Look out, boys, we've got a GAMER over here!
figured out by trial and error that i should not rotate my thorax
pic of cat who leaves hair in computer
Gonna switch to windows11 when I get a new case, gpu and cpu
not sure if this is a scam or not, but the modern samsung phones got rid of their LED notification light in favor of low battery consumption 'always on' displays. But it still burns battery for no reason. Perhaps to lower phone life.
So I visited a work colleagues home. He is my age (mid 20s).
I thought his wife was his mother at first!
thinking about writing terrible video-game esque fiction again.
>>139134go get mad over necrobumping next
jeesu... just how expensive was it to build the shinkansen rail line
friend is reading steins;gate
he says the mc is a maddo scientisto who singlehandedly invents smart appliances
really ahead of its time
gonna watch that psycho pass movie that released this year
spent ages unable to figure out why mpvacious didn't work on ubuntu and after a couple years i figured out it's because i didn't install xclip
Happy New Year!
continuing to watch the psycho pass movie that aired last year
>>139141maybe you would like to celebrate with some new catpictures
>>139141naisu first second getto
The concept of Psycho Pass is too good to die
Heppy New yearsu!!!
for new years celebrations I rapidly developed flu symptoms, barfed up my dinner, and now I have to shuffle over to my car at 4am to buy some flu meds to help me sleep because I have been tossing fitfully for hours. Oh and work will probably think I am one of those guys for calling off the day after new years because “””sick”””
come on rabbits give me some luck…
my entire body aches
im sick
I'm sick too. What the heck happened this nye
well this is just awful
hope you guys feel better soon
I'm ok!!!
you all got sick due to talking about your cats without posting pictures of them. get well soon
did nothing air today? what am i to do?
>>139159some people here were refusing to post cat pictures... be careful out there everyone
inverse toxo
dad asked how did i know about phimosis
my monitor has a dead black pixel, nooooo
Guess I'll have to use dark themes from now on.....
>>139163have you tried waking it back up? Run an application to cycle colors for 24-48 hours. Always works for me. I've brought back a few dead pixels like that
>>139165can you get me one? It probably only died a few hours ago
My next motherboard+CPU+Ram combo will be watercooled... because why not
got a small ulcer on my lip and it was horting when eating salty foods yesterday.
Those are always annoying
got frikked out by a friki
Any cool utilities where I can track my max bandwidth usage over the course of a month or so
like peak mbps and stuff
Back at the hospital for a third time... bellybutton is bleeding and has pus
>>139177For rubbing your bellah >w<
finally done being sick since New Years
Wasted today reading about ancient net culture
dark themes are a pain with reflective screens and lights
blog blog
>>139186Thanks for kind words. I've heard it was going around but I rarely if ever get sick. I take a supplement that ramps up my immune system every day so I was surprised I got sick in the first place.
I've been feeling bad because I had to resort to smoking some cannabis to keep food down this morning. It's helping but I don't like thc so I don't want to use it again. I can only get away with it maybe once or twice before I start to worry about it showing up in my pee.
puke blog
death blog
sage blog
kami blog
cunny blog
>>139193Option 1: take a bath
Option 2: get a job
read a comment that said "very cute and..." and mentally autocompleted it before reading the rest
"simple", the word was "simple"
Having Mongolian Beef for dinner tonight.
Ate the mongolian beef and it was filling.
finishing both PRAD and Onimai in the same day means i double up on the post-series blues
you could always read the manga
last time grandma visited i deleted hundreds of videos from her phone by hand
a ton of stuff that took up 10~15mb each
and disabled her whatsapp's video autodownload
now it filled up again, because she watched all the videos anyways
had to delete a few hundred once more
turns out the problem was that she deleted the messages without ticking the box to erase the file from her phone as well
Thinking about thinking, been watching Golgo 13 (2008), it's pretty good.
oops accidental sage
>>139208the blog has a sage algorithm built in
just took down my christmas tree, the holiday season is officially over now
turns out glamour does indeed derive from grammar
so does grimoire
I wonder what its going to be like this year
my body just can't adapt to waking up at ~midnight and continueing to ~6PM
have an almost full bag of potatos...
I like cats
tsukareta.... pout pout pout
a crab just nipped me
my brain is messed up
it's time for me to sit down and catch up on seasonals but all i can think about is a show on my backlog that i want to watch now sigghhhhh
there's nothing really appetizing to watch this season
I am watching 23 anime this season.
How could you
My penis can only get so erect
>>139225i only count 21 for mine
what else is there
oh wait still have lum and nozomanu in plan to watch
NSA woke my computer up from sleep
When it gets cold I think the person living bellow me turns the heating up to max. I have My thermostat set to zero yet it's still 25c while outdoors-6
unfortunately heating is free while electricity isn't. So the electricity from heating my computer and running appliances is actually being wasted.
my raise this year was only ten percent -_-
I pooped
blog thread....
scat blog
-16C... It's COLD
>>139242room-heating thighs
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>green sage
a gyaru with disgusting fat boobers sexually assaulted me and made my brain go poof
there was a guard at customs with a genshin pin on his suit
klee, specifically
>>139245I wish this happened to me
thinking about using lotion for the first time
>>139249My hands have been very dry recently so I've been needing to put lotion on them every night.
it puts the lotion on its skin
I pooped
that's not worth posting about....
It is pretty cold and rainy today
it was a dark and stormy night
ate sandwich with peanut butter and banana
downloaded 200gb of BDs to get the OP/EDs
thought all the ice had melted when I went to get the mail.
It hadn't and I fell, but decades of video games have given me predator-like reflexes and I wasn't hurt at all
Madness how oil can go past 100c
I am finally working up the nerve to write the kind of trash that will appeal to women.
Grim dawn is a fun game
woken up by thunder and still tired...
Woken up from messages from boss
feel like I should pay respect to the SMT franchise
>>139268did you read the original 'digital devil story' fiction that inspired it
Spooky things are not cute things
Google keyboard has it's flaws but at least it's better at understanding my broken english
SwiftKey isn't bad either. Samsung is just TRAAASH. I want a Huawei again
all the snow has been frozen over with frozen rain...
15 days later my 'next day delivery' computer mouse is here after snow and then ice
coffee was too hot
burned my tongue
Caught myself doomscrolling again. I feel as if I'm trying to prove some kind of point to myself by doing so, but hell if I know what that point is. Kuso habit.
/secret/ spared another thread
not sure if good or bad, but i suppose good?
good because i don't know how much longer i can hold in my funposting for vermin's sake with gnfos down
The creator behind /secret/ will hate me saying this, but it's best used as a GNFOS clone
Advantage of having wide phone. Impossible to drop down sewer grates
yunocchi phone
watching bokuyaba
main girl is very /qa/ with her eating habits
gojo's flashback was better than the shibuya arc
>>139286>>>/secret/ you mean? it'd be good if people knew how to be more lax there
Phone keeps asking if I want to connect to my neighbors oven or microwave or something
want to eat but also want to act disciplined
my girlfriend uzaki-chan just raped me with her fat boobers
gotta need, a need to read GURPS splatbooks to relearn how to play it and what rules we need to have.
any simple 2D game concept people want more of
>>139297Just reminded me Uzaki is another one of those femdom series that sort of faded away in popularity because it became a vanilla romcom
Nagatoro's the only one still in the mindshare I see, even though it became wacky school hijinks as well
i feel like a hack that can't even write anything right.
fuck football too.
I love mtn dew baja blast in the morning
Is the term benchmark inspired by weight lifting
>>139304hmm no it seems to be 19th century geographic stuff
watching mahoako on the bus went better than I expected
lots of meetings at my email job lately
I say that the economy is mostly comprised of inter-business transactions
Anyone wanna watch Flash Gordon (1980)?
Watching Flash Gordon (1980)
Finished watching the movie, it was as good as I remember it the last time watching it.
This one was good. I am satisfied.
>>139313oh yeah... I completely forgot to make a thread...
it's not too late!
Too late now!
remembered berun and v's cute gay date from back when and my heart started beating doki doki fast
>>139317when is cool-guy going to get in on the action
Ate pizza today.
>>139320God she is so cute, I wish the VA didn't die.
watching bokuyaba and wishing i wasnt stuck reading blatant dubtitles
wishing there was a good browser
What's wrong with what we've got
wishing firefox was better
>>139325What's wrong with it, other than occasionally introducing pointless UI changes no one asked for?
Craving tempura.
Gonna have a Calzone with Pepperoni, Ham, Hamburger, Onions, extra Mozzarella.
Calzone ordered
It took me so many years to realize that there was a difference between Capone and Calzone.
i drank water
I buy Great Value distilled water because of how hard it is. Spring water tastes plasticky to me now. When I pour a jug of that Great Value water into a bowl, I rely on years of milk and cereal experience to guide the water into the bowl.
>>139338i do not understand
>>139339uhh, it's hard to explain the taste of water. Distilled water has a very neutral PH, but spring water can be slightly acidic or basic.
This is a weird question but does anyone else find using a touchpad on a laptop very cumbersome? I hate it but not enough to start carrying around a usb mouse
>>139343>>139344i've been using a touchpad for nearly my whole life....
brushing up on my French. Haven't practiced in years. Just using Duolingo for now and I've breezed through the first few levels. Wonder if there's a better way.
I get the impression, from the people I've dealt with, that duolingo is nonsensical feel good learning.
si tu pense que tu veux apprendre francés, tu peux parler en francais ici.
oh wow... google corrected me into saying frances instead of francais
>>139348It depends on the language apparently and is more about the gamification creating a habit
>>139351a common impression is that a ton of people who pick up duolingo stick to the app alone and don't really touch on other material
precisely because of the gamification that so much learning doesn't have
>>139350sneaking in some spanish
my scones arent rising
scones are reclining
You need to sing at your scones!
i need to use baking powder for a more controlled rise
>>139353did you freeze them for 30 minutes before baking? That adds a lot to the rise factor
Also did you properly knead the butter into the flour? it takes ages
>>139357i kept the butter and milk cool before adding them (not the egg though. that was room temp). i
think i kneaded the butter in properly, i crumbled it between my fingers and it resembled the pic from
the recipe i was following
i put them in the fridge for a bit before the oven.
i think its the yeast, stuff i make with that yeast never rises that much. i use it for my pizza doughs and they're always flat as hell
>>139358I used this recipe's even a list section that might give you an idea where it went wrong
For anything baked or bread-like, never trust a recipe that measures ingredients by spoons and cups. Ratios and measurements shouldn't be eyeballed because for anything bread like, accurate measurement actually matters.
if my scones go right i'll post in the food thread
still think the lack of baking powder is the most important thing. i usually gather my ingredients by weight except for my bad habit of eyeballing measurements when i've forgotten salt or w/e
I'm progressing in my English degree and I keep getting job offers from gulf states. The tax-free high salaries are tempting but... I'm afraid they'll take my passport if I do work in one of them
But on the bright side Arabic is easier than the agglutinative languages most countries interested in this offer
I have a hard time imagining Arabic to be easier than Japanese. Agglutinative just makes sense to me.
>>139363Arabic is easier because it has an alphabet
>>139363Japanese has pretty much the highest barrier to entry of any language spoken today, because kanji slows everything down to a crawl even compared to Chinese. Can't immerse if you can't read shit.
4AM wakeup... should I go for coffee or herbal tea..?
>>139365It's why I prefer audio doujin and works with voice acting
>>139365Chinese has even more including their pseudo alphabet for foreign words they use made of placeholder characters and then there's the tones.
I dislike that it's just taken for granted that an alphabet is assumed to be better every time. The Koreans went the "what if we did away with the Chinarunes" route and they occasionally complain of lost context from it, given that they have so many common sino words in their language.
It's common for languages to combine alphabets and logograms, going all the way back to Sumerian. Even Western languages have them with things like ♀ or ♂ because they recognize the usefulness of them.
Sorry for wallposting in the blog - maybe it should have been it's own thread.
>>139368Nobody here said its better, just that alphabet using and non-agglutinative languages are easier to get started with for English speakers
I've noticed people like marcille, but nobody loves marcille
gonna watch gunslinger girl
dunno which subs i should get
I think the animated GSG is a bit of a letdown considering the premise is deep
i considered just reading the manga since the anime doesn't cover everything so maybe i'll do that instead
>>139348I already know a fair amount. I'm not using it to
learn, I'm mostly using it as a refresher on vocab. The grammar is close enough to English that it's not too hard to read, which I can still mostly manage, it's just accessing everything that's deep in the recesses of my brain that I need to knock free, like pronunciation and object agreement.
>>139349J'oublie beacuop du francais. Je ne peux pas parler. C'est tres mal. Ma soeur voyage au france le semtemps prochain. Alors!... J'ai besoin du reapprendre, parceque si elle tombe malade ou se blesse, je devrai peut-etre la ramener aux Etats-Unis.
surprisingly I can still read french very well, but typing sentences takes a while
though, you're second language so your vocabulary is pretty simple
Yeah... I'm certainly not aiming for fluency. Just enough to tide me by in an emergency.
If you get shot down over French airspace, your best bet is probably to pretend NOT to speak German, rather than pretend to be French.
told my cute and somewhat ditzy mum that i found it hard to imagine her as an older sister rather than the youngest sister of all her siblings and she agreed
had a wet dream that I think Nagatoro was in
went to visit mom and fell asleep for two hours...
even dreamed that i woke up had a long chat with her.....
the dreamers
spent all day thinking about elves
really weird to see a porn artist tweeting about his dying mother while also posting his usual perv blogs.
Either getting weaker or cat getting fatter
>>139389pic of inflating cat
>>139390good job
wtf poland spring tastes bad to me now
I had strange dream last night
Forgot to zombie the blog
>>139396yeah, but im going to be on irc 100% if I don't zombie it
>>139396blog-smiting angel of an odd expression
>>139399didn't notice
Hearing Rick Astley like that is so weird
think my glasses have left a sore on my bridge...
Bleh I must have frostbite my bridge the other day
passed out in my chair and woke up feeling all sweaty blehhhh
guess this is my cue to get some actual rest...
have many things to do, but am still lazily procrastinating.
call me swat cause I've killed about forty mosquitoes today
killed a silverfish today
gained some weight
Is it a holiday today
it was an expensed w_rk lunch
only 50% tax deductible
time to chill out to another cliche romance anime
>>139412Reminds me of otherside picnic
there are over thirty mosquitoes sitting around on the ceiling and i don't know why....
the stupid nets were supposed to keep them out but no
maybe they're afraid, maybe they want revenge
whatever it is they're not doing anything
and whenever i kill them it stains the white walls
oh my god there are fifteen more OUTSIDE of the net dammit
shaved my beard off, feels nice.
Suzume is a good story if you want a sort of shinto fantasy, other world, thing
killed a dozen more
i have stained these walls with the blood of men
came to the office to escape my dying internet and the store i was supposed to test is unusable due to backend changes
Cleaned up some stuff in backyard... had to kill two black widows and saw a third dead one.
Yeah, definitely shouldn't stack stuff outside to give them space to hide
I hate it SO much when people make loud noises
there's an itty bitty spider weaving its web in front of the monitor and it's cute
>>139425killed another THIRTY mosquitoes
the trick is to stand still in place and offer up your legs so when they come you splat them like the fucking retards they are
i've also had good results by aiming directly with my palm and using jumping as an aid when there's one on the ceiling
>>139426I recommend you get yourself an electric swatter. It's clean, easy and satisfying.
It's weird to me mosquitoes that suck blood are all female.
>>139427but what if i like slapping the wall and bathing in the blood of my enemies
I can't believe anon lives in the fucking bush.
do you have FIFTY dollars to blow?
introducing the BUG-A-SALT Yellow 3.0
a salt shotgun for bugs
>>139430i'm in the city, what happens is there's been a freakish spike in their numbers
thankfully no dengue from this species
>>139431will this help me fend off raiders after the impending collapse
there was a micro outage and since I was standing by the window managed to see the city going dark and lighting up once more in real time it was very cool
/u/ zealots used to be my least favorite type of poster in the anime sphere of IBs, just because of how seriously they would take things that don't really matter, like shipping. They've mellowed out since then, though
don't get how my bro does it
got thai food for dinner, asked what he wanted, he wanted the spiciest pad thai they had. kinda funny side note but they have "Thai hot" as the hottest advertised and then a secret "Indian Spicy" above that, which I got him. I can barely even handle medium but he took a bite out of the pad thai and said it was just the right amount of spice
bite blog
>>139436Indian spicy isn't hot spicy though. It's "cooked with a lot of different spices" spicy.
indian chillis are hot though. But then again so are chinese chillis
people always say they dont give the real spicy stuff to westerners anyway
>>139440sometimes it's best not to give the customer what they ask for
my brother eats california reapers and regularly spices with ghost peppers he knows what's spicy
Habanero is the hottest you can go while still being enjoyable in my experience
nice incorrect opinon
mexican molè is great honestly loved that stuff
mexican molè is sexo
first in order to sell some of my ps2 games i had to see if they worked, which means of course that i had to then see if my pvm(s) even worked
hand is too sore to 3D model because of tilling machine vibration
getting older sucks
there was a man carrying a kitten in the subway, couldn't take a pic for obvious reasons
and in the office cafeteria naruto was playing on the tv for some reason
leverage excessive memory by turning off your GC
I peed
I went to subway today
Impressed that Netflix is adapting The Three Body Problem.
Thought it would stay in China and be a niche SciFi thing
netflix? more like
more less
finally bothered to clear my desk, unhook the main pc, lift the very heavy tower off desk, and proceed to clean (most) of the dust out.
and now i can have peace again from fan rattle
>>139462midwest bro huh
yeah as soon as I felt those wind gusts on a warm day in winter I just knew a bitter cold was waiting behind it.
>>139462The weather has been so odd for the last year or two. Last winter the trees around here were blooming in January. I got hit with the same cold front yesterday. We went from spring weather back to winter in the span of a couple of hours. It was raining so hard I had to check radar to see if there was a tornado in the area.
>>139461Great minds think alike. I am enjoying my cleaned desk. I need to get the air compressor out and blow out the tower though. I try to give it a deep clean once a year. Last year it got pretty nasty inside. The main fans were caked in dust and nicotine stains.
>>139464I think it's been odd all over the country. For better or for worse, I've had the experience of living in the Midwest, the East Coast, the South, and Southwest. Things have been getting more mild and also unpredictable each year. When I lived in the Midwest I can remember in ~2007 getting a few feet of snow each year, and then past ~2010 only getting half a foot. When I moved down South, I remember ~2014 there was an extremely mild snow storm that shut down the State I was in. When I moved back up North to the Northeast ~2019 there was only 1 year that I can remember there being heavy snowfall, the rest of the time I lived there there was just freezing rain and maybe a few days of snow that didn't stick and would melt. Then when I moved to the Southwest there was a huge snowstorm that took out the Texas grid, and this year there was that period for a few days where the temperature jumped up to ~90F and now it's back down to ~50F. Checking the weather site I use, it seems that California is getting a snowstorm right about now.
"Interesting times" and all that...
sitting on my exercise ball to work out my core whiel i sit at compy
>>139464The whether has been pretty strange where I live in Australia as well, though very much for the better. Most summers would see regular heat waves that would get into the 40s(Celsius), I don't think we have had even one day above 40c for the last 3 years now. The average temperature seems to be lower as well with most days getting to the mid to high 20s.
Also the grass in the fields would usually die as the rain stopped, that has not happened either. For the last few years we have still been getting enough rainfall in summer to keep it alive.
watched DUNC, it was pretty good. the fights were sufficiently epic and the bene gesserrit's schemes weren't ignored
>>139465Are you actively avoiding the term "climate change"?
>>139469Yes, because the second I were to say it some faggot like you who has politics on the brain would come out the woodwork.
I actively avoid that word too or at least will asterisk it a little
>>139471>>139470I avoid the world as well because it's so politicized and frankly BS. This isn't anything new either. I remember being a child and them pushing it through the public school system. They told us back then that by the time we graduated we would run out of oil/coal and we'd be living on a planet that was a million degrees in the winter. Of course none of that came to pass.
Frankly, you aren't allowed to talk about this issue anywhere anyway. "They" has been involved in geoengineering for my entire life. Anyone can clearly see the differences between now and back in the 80s/90s if they've been paying attention. It's always blamed on the poor classes using the products and services they're required to use to live day-to-day in this stupid society we've cultivated since about the 1920s. But no one is allowed to discuss the real issues. Like the weather warfare that's been happening since the end of WW2 or the daily airplanes spraying stuff in the skies. I could go into extreme detail about this because it's pretty easy to prove what they're spraying. But I wouldn't expect genuine discourse. I try to stay away from the subject and certain keywords related to it because it always draws in outsiders.
They can't leave one place on the entire web where people might come together to have a friendly discussion about such things. That's why "political" discussion became so heated around 2011 or so. That's when they overturned the Smith–Mundt Act and started practicing open propaganda against domestic websites in the west. That's when the hoards of bots were unleashed on all discussion platforms along with armies of paid posters.
I expect the weather to continue to becoming stranger and stranger as I age and nothing to be done about it. Since there are multiple factions using various technologies to wage warfare between each other. If you're interested in such things I suggest a deep dive into military documents starting around the mid-1950s. They use a lot of different technology to screw with the weather patterns. But it mainly comes down to weaponized radio spectrum and the spraying. Both of which are some of the most censored subjects on the modern web.
A final thought: People act like current weather patterns are something new. But I clearly remember as a child all of the adults commenting on how little it was snowing in the winter. They said they used to get 2-4 big snow events every winter. But when I was a kid I didn't see snow until I was like 7 or 8 years old and just an inch of it was reason to celebrate (and stay out of school for days at a time). When sometime in my teenage years we started getting multiple heavy snows and ice storms again most every year. Which was back to "normal" for our area according to all the old folks. Then around the 2010s things changed again. Now winter was either indian summer or we'd get massive snow/ice storms out of nowhere always at the worst possible time.
All I know is if you study the weather patterns and old texts about them you can clearly see a big change happening from about the late 1960s-early 1970s going forward. The weather patterns were mostly stable up until then with the odd massive storm coming every decade or so. Then the moment we got the ability to track the weather really closely strange weather patterns and events started happening all of the time. They're right when they say it's caused by humans but I assure you it isn't because of regular old people driving cars or spraying air freshener. It isn't caused by cattle farting either. It's just a part of 5th generation warfare much like the bot armies on the internet and the so-called "culture wars". When we gained the ability to bomb each other off of the planet war shifted into other areas that were less destructive to our own side and allowed for more deniability. Any technologically advanced country on the planet has the ability to manipulate the weather through various means or they are a vassal state of a state that can. Weather manipulation isn't all bad either. For example, it can be used to ensure crops don't fail or bring rain to areas where it's needed. But it can also be used for evil as well like any other technology.
It's a very interesting subject to study. There are some good examples of some methods being used as early as the 1930s to make rain. You should check it out.
hi fern
big fern belly
I am thinking about doing the PhD grind
>>139480I'm consumed by it honestly and it fills me with dread often
had to tell some guy to back off at work
>>139470I see now. I apologize for making this awkward.
Boss is trying to pay central Asians to do a high quality job and they just copy pasted some code from a library for 3,000$. And it was essentially the code I initially gave him haha.
>>139486Dang Kazakh code monkeys
>>139487I don't really mind that they aimed to do a cheap job. I'm just satisfied that someone insulting my work and trying to outsource me met the expected outcome.
>>86859I have watched 16bit Sensation and it was ok
watching jormungand, dunno what to think of it
the albino girl's kuso english girlboss rap theme music is fucking horrible and i hate hearing it every single next episode preview
aaaa my album is almost done, i am so excited to begin the soul-crushing process of finding a label to sign with
i'm working on the cover art right now and its coming out better than i thought i could do
>>139474did he not get the memo that snakes aren't supposed to exist until mid Spring when they warp in mass from the snake dimension.
woke up with a horting tummy
it's so over
Haven't watched any Wes Anderson movies. What should I go with?
>>139499Beats me, I couldn't name one
>>139499Fantastic Mr. Fox is pretty good.
I'd stream one of them but I don't like the risk of torrenting western media
saw lightning strike some blocks away and my monitors went dark for a moment but the computer stayed on very weird and a bit scary
shut down an site i've been running for several years and sold the domain to an indian casino
trevor would NEVER make a grammatical mistake like saying "an site", he's too degrees two smart for that
>>139504should have sold it to a cp spammer instead
went to the office in the morning in spite of the diluvium that later broke my umbrella because there was no internet or lights
now that i've returned home the lights are back, but there's still no internet nor water now so i'm using mah hotspot
a neighbor managed to get a hold of the ISP and they told him they'll be coming on the 30th
the lights just went out again for parts of the building
>>139508Reduce clock speed?
Pot a pill stuck in my throat and drank water and ate cereal to push it down.
>>139514First mistake of the day.
having my second iconic milk tea of the day with some grapes
>>139519I've heard of these before. How does it compare to normal tea?
hope i have time for anime this weekend
been one of the worst and busiest times of my life for a strait month at least
accidentally exposed my secret fern belly pic collection to coworkers
>>139523Monitor their responses quickly. If the winds change abruptly, get out of their Snake.
snowing like crazy today
An old friend that's 15 years younger than me showed up last night randomly. Haven't seen him in years. He was pretty messed up on what I assume were research chemicals and crying about some girl that turned him down. Said he'd driven from 3 hours away and came here because he was afraid to go home (still lives with his parents).
I showed up MahoAko and fed him sedatives a few hours later because he really needed to sleep it off. When he woke up around 3pm today he claimed he couldn't remember anything since yesterday morning. He lost whatever drugs he was on somewhere along the day (or ate them all more than likely).
He normally claims to hate cartoons/anime but he was really into the magical girl abuse last night while he was blacked out.
>>139528I met the kid when I was freaking out about being in my 30s and making an effort to get back into going to social things. He's a good kid. But he's got a big drug using problem so I don't make a habit of hanging around with him much anymore. Plus I don't really go to social things anymore (well the same ones he attends at least). But if he shows up I don't refuse him. He's more of a hiking buddy than anything.
That said, he came to me for advice once and didn't listen. Then when he needed a friend more than ever none of his "friends" would come up help. Long story short I drove a couple of hours to bail him out of jail and then took him to his mother. Who promptly solved the problem he was having (and is the reason he avoided prison for two major drug charges in as many months).
From what I can tell as he's getting closer to 30 himself he's starting to learn and not be such a fuck up. He did manage to stop doing the drug that was his largest problem. But he's the type of person that over does everything. He can't just smoke pot he's got to do massive dabs. He can't just take a hit of LSD he's got to have 10-strips minimum. He can't just drink a couple of beers he's got to drink a 5th of liquor in an hour. That type of thing.
Basically, I'm old and can't keep up with him. But every now and again he gets sad and shows up. So I don't refuse him. I'm more of an absent father than a friend I think.
>>139529I see. So he probably sees you as a father figure or something then. You did say "his mother" and not "his parents" after all. Kids of single moms can be fuckups. The dude I know ha no excuse though, he has both of his parents and it's always his dad whom he constantly gives headaches to.
keep having dreams about the bath scene in dungeon meshi
>>139531Maybe your subconscious is trying to tell you something.
When was the last time you took a bath?
showered yesterday
haven't bathed with an elf in all my life
>>139529That guy needs serious help
ate banana
but others are going to go bad before I feel like eating them
such is the plight of the banana eater
Japan apparently cracking down on tourists come April
Apparently it's some dumb "America owns the world" tier stuff that they do like fondling geisha in Kyoto and wandering into private residential areas.
>>139539>>139538They've been doing this for a while, there are parts of those cherry blossom gardens that Chinese tourists are not allowed into.
That, and the viral stuff about taking a PRC flag to Japanese landmarks or whatever probably pissed a lot of people off
>>139540>They've been doing this for a whileWeird thing to say considering tourism only resumed last year.
Anyways. An article on it
>>139541No, I mean they've been restricting tourists since like before COVID IIRC
Wandering through the streets of the blog thread, Anonymous searches for blogs, peering through windows and shrugs his shoulders as he leaves in defeat.
somehow my last post in this thread was a week ago
rough few days recently
wait wasn't the bump timer thirty minutes.... i thought it was
Do not use OneDrive... there is no end to issues that make it a total pain. File navigation takes half a second per nav in the explorer. It makes it so unresponsive it's unbelievable.
I was going to get sick next Sunday so I wouldn't have to attend the stupid family reunion. But now it's been decided it will happen under my roof. Doushio
I miss going to family reunions, I miss my grandma...
>I once succeeded in identifying a Near-RP hitchhiker as a Geordie by seizing on the fact that his /l/ was ーhypercorrectlyー dark in all environments.
this kind of quote gives me life
I didn't care much for Kyoto either.
>>139552no alt+f4 for you
saw dune 2 yesterday with my dad and brother. thought it was pretty good but i felt like i missed a lot because i havent read the books
>>139546I thought Kyoto was very beautiful when I visited. I definitely enjoyed it more than Tokyo. It also has history as the ancient capital with a lot of unique buildings related to it.
I'd assume you did, as a lot of movie watchers appear to have missed the point of how engineered, inescapable and terrible the whole thing is. For example,
>And Paul saw how futile were any efforts of his to change any smallest bit of this. He had thought to oppose the jihad within himself, but the jihad would be. His legions would rage out from Arrakis even without him. They needed only the legend he already had become. He had shown them the way, given them mastery even over the Guild which must have the spice to exist.
>A sense of failure pervaded him, and he saw through it that Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen had slipped out of the torn uniform, stripped down to a fighting girdle with a mail core.
>This is the climax, Paul thought. From here, the future will open, the clouds part onto a kind of glory. And if I die here, they’ll say I sacrificed myself that my spirit might lead them. And if I live, they’ll say nothing can oppose Muad’Dib.
>In that instant, Paul saw how Stilgar had been transformed from the Fremen naib to a creature of the Lisan al-Gaib, a receptacle for awe and obedience. It was a lessening of the man, and Paul felt the ghost-wind of the jihad in it.
>I have seen a friend become a worshiper, he thought.
In Messiah, Paul says Hitler did "pretty good for those days" compared to his recent killing of sixty-one billion people, ninety planets, and forty religions. That's the conservative estimate.
what the hell. konosuba is out and we dont even have a seasonal thread
Kazuma is such a well written character
>>139557making it later today...
sappororo really is better than these other types
>>139557What the heck are you talking about, it's 10 days away? I'll make the thread tomorrow
>>139552My PS2 to USB adapter arrived today and the keyboard works without any issues. It's pretty similar to the one shown here , though mine has 4 vertical lights with one being a power switch that's always on. Since it has springs inside it it's obviously pretty loud, even more so if you use it at an angle.
I made a joke about my sister(who is 22) listening to K-pop and in response she said she did not know what that was, not that she had never listened to K-pop, she had never heard of what the term was to begin with.
Sometimes it surprises me how I will take something for granted as being common knowledge but then it proving not to be. None of my sisters knew who Elon Musk was either until I told them, they also did not know that twitter had been changed to X until I told them, this was only very recently that I told them as well, they didn't know about the Amazon Lord of the Rings TV show and seem to know next to nothing about that kind of thing. I was going to say that they live in their own world but more accurately I probably am the one that lives in my own world. Most people probably don't hear about or deal with these kinds of things as they are focusing on real life things like work and their social life.
>>139565huh, aren't women supposed to generally be into knowing all that status and power pop culture stuff?
Not knowing about Musk is kinda odd.
>>139565no they really are clueless its cute
>>139566I doubt my sister would really know any of that either unless my brother was talking to her about it. Most of what she knows is just dumb norm tiktok trends or whatever is the latest in her starbucks order.
>>139567Basically, though to be fair I don't know what FML is either.
I am proud of being such a good cheat (creative interpretation of the rules) that the sanctioning body of a sport I participate in was forced to add a new rule to the book just because of my actions last year.
I can't drive anymore due to health reasons. So a few years ago I signed a driver to drive our car and took over the dual role of crew chief and head mechanic (and part car owner). Anyway, the rules in our class are supposed to be set-up to keep the cars even and keep costs down. But they don't do good inspections so everyone is running illegal equipment. For example, our engines are supposed to be sealed and we're not supposed to do anything to tune them. But they don't check close so everyone is running a built up engine that looks stock. We even pay extra to get parts with fake serial numbers stamped on them.
Last year I was trying to figure out how to get our car to turn better. There really isn't any leeway in how the suspension is set-up because they're basically kit cars and we aren't allowed to run things like adjustable shocks and the sanctioning forces us to run certain springs and what-not. They've basically taken everything away from us over the last 10-15 years as far as being able to set-up the car to work like we want it.
Reading over the rules I noticed that while we're forced to run a certain brand of shocks with no ability to adjust them there wasn't any rule about how and where we could mount them. So I drilled a bunch of holes and was able to make adjustments by moving where they were mounted. I thought for sure they'd notice but they never looked closely enough and the black spray paint hid all those extra holes (along with some crap I filled the holes with).
End of last year the guy that came second in the last race put up the $500 required to protest the results. We had to hang around the track until 6am while they went over our car closely looking for anything illegal to fine us. They found my trick and three people standing around saw it. Since we hadn't technically broken any rules the win stood and the guy lost his protest money.
We've been getting ready for this year's season over the last month and a half. We had an open testing session on the local track last Friday. I noticed that everyone's cars seemed to be handling much better and lap times had picked up some since last year. Most of the field and all of the front runners had caught on to my trick because someone blabbed.
The rules committee was lurking around and looking at everyone's cars. They decided this was a problem and a huge safety issue. So on Saturday they announced that anyone caught doing it would be fined and banned for multiple races. Get caught twice and you lose your yearly entry fees and ability to participate for 5 years. They aren't messing around. They've decided they're going to look much closer at engines to. Since the top 5-6 cars are obviously so much faster than the rest of the field.
I was thankfully ahead of the game. We built a new chassis over the winter and I didn't make the modification because I figured I couldn't get away with it anymore. I already have another way to get my ability to do shock adjustments back. Over the weekend I bought a bunch of oil in different weights along with several sets of new shocks. I've cracked them open and filled them all with different oil weights. That way I can swap them quickly in the pits as track conditions change over the course of a weekend. They're "sealed" because I sealed them. There is no rule in the book about _who_ seals them only that they have to be sealed. It isn't as good as what I had before but I'm hoping it takes them longer to catch on to it.
I'm thinking this will be the last year I participate with dirt racing though. It's fun but it's costing us way too much money. A local team is talking about starting up their Trans-Am GT car project again. I used to work for them because they closed up shop back in 2016. I built their sim racing set-up. I'm going to call the owner on Friday and see if he's interested in hiring a spotter/car chief. I could use the money and racing is a lot more fun when you're spending someone else's money instead of your own.
>>139571nice, always great to make bureaucrats squirm and take advantage of their sloppy work for your own benefit
had a few sodas a couple days ago and im still reeling from the gas issues they plagued me with
Spent an hour or so searching and copy-pasting answers for a pre-entrance coursework assigned by the college I'm not even a part of at the moment. Stupid system.
set up deja dup after I got tired of copy+pasting my files to backup
From Twitter to Visa/Master
I just realized how much US tech has screwed over Japan in the past year
>>139576There's a bunch of companies that now each wield a level of power that would normally be associated with nation states. I don't know we can still refer to them as US companies though, when they are super-national and just registering their HQs wherever they have to pay the lowest tax rate.
How much control does the US government still have over them, and how much control do they have over the US government?
Sleeping and waking up early feels great! Played games for an hour, watched an hour of anime, programmed for another hour, and it's just 9AM! So much day time left!
managed to finish work on time this friday having filled out my timesheets so i dont need to do it over the weekend
>>139580Huh, that's an interesting yet simple idea. Can't believe I had never thought of it.
Going to try and find a good eclipse place
>>139583I'm surprised I don't have a decent Guts-rage reaction image.
Perhaps my standards are too high.
college giving out adobe cloud and ms office licenses, hopefully they dont mind me using OS alternatives... I dont want to install windows....
thundering really badly
Someone used my email to receive invoices for Microsoft business. Is this some sort of scam or identity theft?
>>139588It would be a self-scam if all that they're accomplishing is that they cannot access their invoices.
If microsoft has no other personal data from you (other than the email) in this customer account, then you could technically just ignore the emails piling up (or even filter them), though it would be more courteous to inform them that they're sending their mail to the wrong address.
If they do have more information on you, tell them that this contract was made without you and is thus void.
It might of course be somebody setting up a fake microsoft entity, trying to get you to interact with their fake microsoft website.
>>139589They are using my full name and emails are coming from
contact support, because they probably used all your real information to fill out things
>>139591What should I say to support?
>>139592idk, don't even know who you contact. It depends on what the invoice was for.
but you don't want people to start calling you about their 10,000 dollar azure bills that aren't being paid.
>>139592That whatever contract they think they have with you was made without your consent.
You will therefore not pay. If they wish to continue offering their services to whatever entity made that contract, they should contact THEM (though not via the email address that belongs to you) to acquire new payment information.
Also, you should first google some bits of the email you got to see if other people had the same experience, and what happened to them.
Do not use the email as a vector to get into contact with microsoft. Do not directly reply to it or use the links it provides. Google for their customer services.
just post the invoice+mail and remove the personal info.......
>>139596first email
Details of your subscription purchase
Thanks for your purchase on April X, 2024. Your Invoice will be ready on April 5, 2024 in the
Microsoft 365 admin center. You should be able to start using your subscription in about an hour.
Order number: bunch of letters and numbers interrupted by dashes
Product Licenses
Microsoft 356 Business Standard 1
Additional resources
Learn how to understand your invoiceLearn how to pay by wire transfer in the Microsoft 365 admin centerLearn how to assign admin roles and set up your organization's accounts payable contact as billing adminAcount information
Organization name: My full name however without written without language specific characters
Domain: FullName3Digitnumber.o
Did you find this email helpful?
Yes NoPrivacy StatementMicrosoft Logo
All links look legit, so I don't think this is a phishing scam.
if it doesn't show on your MS account or credit/debit card I'd just try to find a support email on your account and forward the it to them
>>139597second email
Sign in to view your Microsoft 365 Business Standard invoice
Your Microsoft 365 Business Standard invoice is now available in the Microsoft 365 admin center. Sign in to view it.
Blue button saying "view your invoice" linking to
If you've already paid, disregard this email.
If you're set up to pay by credit card, no action is required--we'll charge your card within 24 hours of the invoice date.
To review changes made to this subscription,
go to the subscription history in the Microsoft 365 admin center.
Additional resources
Learn more about your invoice
Learn how to navigate your invoices
Change the way you receive invoices
Change your payment method
Change your billing addressOrganization name: My full name
Domain: same as previous
Subscription name: Microsoft 365 Business Standard
Subscription expiration date: April 4, 2025
Did you find this email helpful?
Yes No
Privacy StatementMicrosoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052
Microsoft Logo
Attached invoice bills to my full name without language specific characters but address is somewhere in other country. It sums up to over 14 Euro.
>>139600What's the URL of the sign in?
>>139598Email from this link does not look legitimate. The one I received I am pretty sure is.
>>139599I do not have a Microsoft account. No suspicious charges on my cards recently. I had no luck finding Microsoft support email and when calling the phone number I get only automated responses.
well, you might have an autorenew that just triggered for office. I'd try signing into microsoft with that email and a regular password
other than that, beats me. I'd have to have the email in front of me to understand
how the hell do people use Rust to do multithreading.
I'm using Tauri which exists to manage state and behavior for webview programs, much the same way Electron does, and it's like.... I can't create a timer to modify internal state and variables because Tauri is closely gaurding it's state from mutation outside of it's defined functionality
I guess Rust is going to be easier when doing from scratch designs because you can control what's mutable and what's not... but wow, it's SO restrictive
scarfed down some thai curry and now tummy horts
how can this be happening to me????
>>139609>but wow, it's SO restrictiveI guess it depends what you mean by restrictive, but unsafe rust exists.
got a little jumpscared by the jumpscare in higurashi chapter 2
>>139614thats in chapter 1 onikakushi
i mean the one in wataganashi, when
keiichi starts questioning 'shion' on the phone when exactly she spoke with the mayor when the mayor was out of contact the entire day, and she just cries for some time before saying hee hee hee hee
Just a heads up, I might somewhat spontaneously schedule a stream at 8PM for the 4th part of the GuPz movie. 60min runtime
Bagel with ementhal not as great as I hoped
rained a lot and internet tanked again so the cables may be full of water once more
and now my lights are out for maybe the next six hours
Korean manga supporters have some funny ideas about why they're the future
>In the documentary, Seo Bum Gang, the Chairman of the Korean Webtoon Association explains that manhwa or webtoons have an inherent advantage in the global market because of their optimal mobile readability. Simply put, manhwa are easy to scroll through on mobile devices, making them perfect for leisure reading anywhere at any time.
>Crunchyroll's documentary on Solo Leveling explains that in Korea, webtoons and web novels are part of a "snack culture" where they are seen as a means to pass the time.
lights came back
>It's a difference of mediums, most of those manwha or manhua are digitally created instead of traditionally pen and paper. Also it only seems like they come out weekly to you. They backlog many chapters before a release like with anime and have them colored and corrected, and then release them weekly. If it was being released weekly with no breaks, there wouldn't be break for a story like your example Solo Leveling where the source novel exceeds it.
The coloring fad of manhwa also seems incredibly dangerous
Grabbed a 2nd hand
headset for $15, pretty nice.
i love rain but these last few months it's been destroying the building and that's not good
the terrace's membrane has broken down to the point that the sixth floor is flooding and this water is going down the stairs and the elevator shaft which we had to stop using because it smelled like it was burning and the lights went out a couple times
and somehow it turns out all the cable and internet wires go through that same shaft so it breaking means everyone's connection is down
at the same time the holes that the construction workers next door poked into our walls were very badly done and are leaking as well so that's causing a bit of flooding too
extra bit is that the company celebrated my five year anniversary by revoking my keycard's permissions because that's when it expires though that was sorted in half an hour thankfully
I thought Danbooru was a the origin of all the booru's but it's written in Rails while Gelbooru is in PHP and sankuku is in who knows what
watching the eleeto neeto's show
>>139628That's not how undressing works.
You can trust me, I'm an expert. I am currently lurking kissu in my underwear.
>>139629what color panties are you wearing
I ate banana and now I'm full
got carded when i entered the premises of a casino
>>139632What do you mean carded? Did they deal you a hand od cards?
>>139633asked for an ID card to verify my age
>>139634First time I've ever heard someone call it that way.
>>139635Really? It's been common parlance for decades.
cant stop thinking about incest
edited my first two wiktionary articles
>>139639or $12 per person per night
cheaper than mcdonalds and way better tasting
there's two stops for the same bus about fifteen meters apart and nobody knows what the difference is
one girl is standing inbetween the two just in case
my nutbladder aching hurts
Windows 11 criticism list entries for later... a thread idea...
Forcing OneDrive when it's a buggy product.
One drive, when syncing, makes file navigation take half a second per click
Hiding the advanced right click menu behind a menu
Default right click menu
User profiles linked to a microsoft account
I have my real name everywhere on my explorer because my windows account is professional and syncs to it.
Mysterious performance loss across entire system(must verify, benchmarks in another /qa/ thread somewhere)
Settings are handled by an incomplete system where everything is hidden behind tabs upon tabs.
Trying to search for items often leads to you opening an edge tab which doesn't help, because search engines are in need of major updates.
You can not move the taskbar to anywhere other than the bottom.
unwanted and forced update after initial install, but go away after being forced to disable them
Passwords can not have letters in them
Things I like:
Tiling system an be handy but is often a non-feature(and I am a single monitor user). Doesn't go far enough to be useful.
Tabs in the explorer and cmd
>>139645you can uninstall onedrive and also disable internet search and the new right click by editing the registry
it helps a lot
>>139646yeah, but I could also go back to 10 and install an alternative to explorer and download Cmder. Only thing I lose on is the tiling system which needs more work
>>139647i know, i'm only using 11 because sadly i'm forced to
Keeping a ref to my benchmarks when I went from 10 to 11
>>139641Sometimes, city planners just don't know what the fuck they are doing.
At the last place I lived, the bus stops were all upgraded and modernized. The bike lane, which generally runs on the street, was rerouted over the new bus stops platforms to avoid having to wait behind the buses or veer left into the car traffic.
Only, if somebody had thought about it, maybe they would have realized that you can't ride your bike over these platforms while a bus is stopping there. It's impossible to see the people before they exit the bus onto your lane.
So, with the new, fancy bike lanes, the bikes are still forced to either wait behind the buses or veer left into the car traffic.
I went to a farm today, got a 1/4th of a cow from these people up north. God damn it was a long drive, like four hours.
>>139651How much weight is that? Do you have room to freeze it? That sounds like a lot of meat
>>139652It was three coolers worth of meat, well two full of meat (lots of ground beef) and a lot of steaks too. God damn I love the up north, it's beautiful, Michigan is a really nice state and fuck the bitches who hate it.
>>139653Yeah, that seems like a lot. Beef is pretty great, but I don't think I could eat much of it in a row so that much seems like too much unless you have a giant freezer.
>>139654I got two freezers filled with meat at this point.
he didnt get it
>>139657you got a good time
>>139664Nah, The Mushroom Kingdom. This thread contains hints for finding it:;allOne of the rewards for finding the secret page is a link to another page that has a copy of an obscure official browser game titled Mario Net Quest: is not the secret page itself, and it should be okay to share since it's already been indexed by search engines and become known to the wider internet.
Is there any possible way to make a misskey account without living in japan? I can't figure out how to log into my old one even though I have the password and everything on a .txt file...
>>139660I'm actually quite happy with two. But I quickly realized I didn't want them both in the standard orientation next to each other. That was too far a distance for the eye to travel.
>>139666Is there any restrictions on accounts outside of Japan? I'm using mine just fine. When I made it you had to generate a stupid code on another page, don't know if it's changed since then
>>139656I have two freezers full of meat.
>>139657I'm not taking pictures of my meat.
Learning C with Xlib, was going through the documentation and stumbled upon this beauty:
typedef union _XEvent {
int type; /* must not be changed */
XAnyEvent xany;
XKeyEvent xkey;
XButtonEvent xbutton;
XMotionEvent xmotion;
XCrossingEvent xcrossing;
XFocusChangeEvent xfocus;
XExposeEvent xexpose;
XGraphicsExposeEvent xgraphicsexpose;
XNoExposeEvent xnoexpose;
XVisibilityEvent xvisibility;
XCreateWindowEvent xcreatewindow;
XDestroyWindowEvent xdestroywindow;
XUnmapEvent xunmap;
XMapEvent xmap;
XMapRequestEvent xmaprequest;
XReparentEvent xreparent;
XConfigureEvent xconfigure;
XGravityEvent xgravity;
XResizeRequestEvent xresizerequest;
XConfigureRequestEvent xconfigurerequest;
XCirculateEvent xcirculate;
XCirculateRequestEvent xcirculaterequest;
XPropertyEvent xproperty;
XSelectionClearEvent xselectionclear;
XSelectionRequestEvent xselectionrequest;
XSelectionEvent xselection;
XColormapEvent xcolormap;
XClientMessageEvent xclient;
XMappingEvent xmapping;
XErrorEvent xerror;
XKeymapEvent xkeymap;
long pad[24];
} XEvent;
Each individual event type has it's own int type but they all only take as much memory as a single integer.
Took me a while to understand what this was for.
>>139675that looks more like the back of a quirky racing kart than someone's ass
>>139677in this one you can at least see her legs, in the first one there's only the feet
was about to sneeze and yawn at the same time
chose yawn
not much is as terrifying as pondering on the infinite vastness of space and how absolutely hopeless we are in the face of anything with destructive capability occurring to us
i put cat on my lap
he jumps of to lay on desk
i flip him over and lay his back on me while cradling him in my arm
he peacefully sits and purrs for a while until i pet him
>>139685I just hate that giant dock that they copied from Apple
pic it or frik it
yeah i'm talking to you
you know who you are
Freak it
spoiled the ending of a vn for myself and now i want to kill myself
>>139689you can still go on think of it as a replay with half the time invested
I am posting from work.
>>139691Sorry I forgot to censor the word
nutbladder aching hurts
watching idaten
the colors are kakkoi
the op song is shit
Mangadex is aggressively begging for money. I thought I could give some.
But there is no donation option. There are only subscription systems in different price classes. The FAQ says I should just subscribe and then immediately unsubscribe. Bah. That just feels icky.
So, I wanted to know what their financial situation is, but all that they are saying is that they money. No details given.
I can't ask them either. There is no email, or on-site communication system. They only talk to people on discord, x, or reddit.
And then, when I decide to swallow the bitter pill and get my ass off its comfy cushion of excuses, I find that they only take credit card payments.
Alright then. Don't take my money.
old lady at work keeps staring at my face. even when I turn my back to her, she walks in front of me and says “I’ll watch you” (we have to work together at times)
I pooped
and here I was going to ban everyone but you had to relocate them...
is “faggot” not allowed? you can get banned for it on kissu?
why are you even saying it in the first place. Is it just to be a tru-4chaner?
the sager
he dodged my question with another question lol
dodgers could be here
>>139701No you don't get banned for it, honestly kissu is pretty lax, just say shit in the gamer way and not the /pol/ way I guess?
got the hiccups
I spell it hiccoughs and I am confident that it makes me a better person.
>>139708it doesn't because that's a fake etymology made up later that barely makes sense
it's onomatopoeic
and then eating it with eggs for a daily meal
bitch kept saying bless you as I was about to sneeze and ruined my sneeze
>>139712>antinutrientseffin metal
tired of f5ing imageboards I'm going to sleep
my middle mouse button doesn't click anymore so it's back to walmart
>>139719Mousewheel is always the part that gives out first for me, too. But I think I wasted just a little too much time to get it replaced on warranty. (I felt bad for having it replaced a second time)
flippin /u/ has a general general???
it got over 1.6k replies in just twenty days
or less than twenty, because the other general general has been up for ten days and it also over a thousand replies (both are counting deleted ones)
third day I'm calling out sick. my worthless coworkers decided to go to work sick and cough/sneeze everywhere, and I have to be the one to suffer for it. if covid couldn't teach retards to wear a mask: nothing will.
>>139723That pandemic was more a political problem than it was anything else. I warn you now that this topic may easily turn into an argument.
i want to bark at the 2 posters above me but i don't want to argue on the internet grrrr
>>139725We could just roleplay as dogs.
Woof woof!
>>139724maybe but it also introduced the concept of wearing masks to protect yourself and others during times of sickness to the west. eastern countries (mostly the asian ones as far as I know) have always worn masks in public during pandemics.
source: my bad memory.
antibiotics make shit liquid out of my ass and I can’t stop brapping at the same time
>>139729You should avoid taking antibiotics wherever possible, for multiple reasons.
Almost no hospital has proper antibiotic rotation discipline, and in any case, it runs you over like a train, like you experienced (which leads to people privately prematurely ending medication too).
>Best by: 2021
Eh... Same decade. It's practically fresh.
Also, it's a holiday, and that means it doesn't count.
But really, I should have remembered yesterday to get the necessary shopping done.
angry at the world
>>139730hmm this time it can't be helped; doctor's orders. but I believe you.
tired of this world going to sleep
>>139730Usually the infection is more likely to do permanent damage than the antibiotics are, that's why they're used
>>139738That is, if the antibiotics work on the infection, which becomes less likely the more we use antibiotics.
If you don't need them, help society save them for a time when you do.
nutbladder aching horts
god I fucking HATE how kissu kicks you out of a thread after posting. literal anti-QoL feature.
default nonoko is so much better on slower boards
you'd only want noko when following closely a fast thread or making several posts in a row
After doing some cursory searching I got some "D3 + K2" combined vitamin supplment, but to my surprise it was a liquid that comes with a dropper. Seems like a far more efficient way to do things as there's a tiny bottle with 600 "servings" instead of a large bottle with 60
I keep playing Civ IV, right now I'm in the medieval era and I'm stuck between Texas and the Kiowa.
I can't sleep. Who do I blame for this?
it's been two months and if for the third time no new chapter comes out on the 17th i'll just have to assume ononaka has died of embarrassment
>>139750interdimensional witches
>coughed up blood like an anime character
bros it’s so fucking over
>>139752Have you had any ominous flashbacks lately?
>>139752Who are you quoting?
I just shook out my keyboard.
Not sure why I did that.
The dirt drizzle was only marginally less disgusting than I had expected.
>Who are you quoting?
managed to make a couple of guys I don’t like mad today. one of them pulled a “well ackshually” by cherry-picking one of the words I used. the other deflected to books (for some reason). do people think reading books makes you an intellectual? nearly all of the books I’ve read have been dogshit.
>>139745I can't even type right when I'm drunk. Are you some kind of gamer?
>>139729My math teacher said you should eat yogurt to replenish the fauna or whatever. Maybe Activia since they market its probiotics so much.
>>139759probiotics are a marketing scheme, don't fall for it
meow meow happy gut biome
it's a LIE they die due to stomach acid and even if they survived with their miniscule numbers they wouldn't be compatible with your already existing flora it's a complete sham
obviously you buttchug it
Why would you ask your math teacher for advice on biology, anyway?
Why not... the biology teacher?
>>139757To those who are not used to reading, the distinction between valuable sources and not-so-valuable ones is difficult.
It's the same as speech in general. Humanity thrives because of speech, but that does not imply that all speech is useful. But how would a chimpanzee know that the demagogue is both less knowledgeable and more biased than that Anonymous who uses sage for his every post on kissu?
today is the last day of antibiotics. hopefully the brapping diarrhea will be done after today.
>>139768thank you for your contribution
Thinking of visiting a place on a long bicycle ride (about 5 hours to get there, according to google maps) but not sure if I or my bicycle will make through it alive... Need to do some researching.
another wave of liquid braps. I’ll call this sequence of events “the brappening”. hopefully this will be the last wave.
im drinking so much water even though my pee is clear
it feels so good drinking and peeing i cant stop
>>139773Keep in mind that you are desalinating your body this way.
>>139774is that bad? im scared i just want to pissu
just brapped so hard I think my dad heard it from the kitchen. thankfully, it was dry.
>>139775You can easily counteract it. Put a little vegetable broth into your water. Not so much that you'd find it salty.
I'm streaming Caveman2Cosmos (Civilization 4 mod) and it would be really nice if people could show up and chat.
I hope I finish training soon. I don’t want to deal with the old lady who constantly stares at me anymore. also, I heard some weird electric buzzing in the bathroom stalls. was that guy shaving? he brapped pretty hard.
>>139778sadly, I’m waging
>>139778might just make a twitch account to chat with anonymous
You don't realize how useful a sandbox is until you're out of it
fun and games fun and games i don't care about anything only fun and games
feed him you filthy phoneposter
malwarebytes preventing me from visiting streaming sites...
>>139786Seems kind of backward to download a virus if you don't want virus on your computer.
>>139787XP was a blight on casual PC users
>>139788Can you even describe the pre-XP era as having a casual PC user scene?
>>139789Yes. But I mean an era where people were opening .exe files from email attachments. Progressively windows has accounted for these people making virus less dangerous
im dangerous
lolibooru is dead..... damn
it was the last decent place that still tagged toddlercon
good riddance and get fucked
._. *unsubscribes*
>>139795it's literally just an extension of loli to the point that when gel removed their label they rebranded the pics with that
Nothing goose-related is ever victim-less.
They are bloody beasts.
filthy filthy phoneposter jealous because he doesn't have anything to feed him
Should be a cameraposter
so tired of the old lady who stares at me. she helps a *little* bit but 90% of what she does is stare at me while I do almost all the work. It’s so creepy. It isn’t helpful, but it’s still somehow better than the main woman who “trains” me (she takes out her cellphone and waits until I finish doing everything).
Oh, and the goose hissed at me because I didn’t give it food. I had to squeeze between the front of the car and some foliage to get away. Scary.
phonephosters get what they fugging deserve
should've fed him
had a black-headed seagull circle around me twice and land by a nearby roof during lunch (I’m eating outside). He stared me in the eyes. I’m usually not paranoid about animals trying to steal my food from out of my hands but hungry seagulls are an exception. I tried to take a picture but he backed off into a blind-spot on the roof.
>>139804I’m WAGING, nigga. not everyone can afford to be a NEET glued to their PC.
otouto is still using the same headset we've had for some ten years and its cushions' brownish patches have a very kimoi texture
>>139807you’re very welcome 😉
>>139808this guy gets it
>>139806The crows are more frightening. They know when you look away for a long period and keep waiting to see a patern in what you do while eating
>>139811I believe it. They have the intelligence of a human child (I forget what age exactly).
pigeons are smart too but crows get all the credit because they don't need to be trained first to show it.
had to honk the horn at someone today. the guy threw himself unto oncoming traffic (leaving the parking lot, he crossed one lane to get into the second while I was approaching from the second lane; I don’t think he looked both ways). it was mostly safe because I’m a careful driver but had it been someone who DOES speed, it might have been a different story. the guy stopped when I honked, which isn’t the point. the point is to LOOK before you decide to play Frogger IRL with no continues.
>>139814That happens to me sometimes too. There are times when I am just way too tired to realize how dangerously close I am getting myself to getting run over.
I do wonder what I am supposed to do about that. During those moments of lack of awareness I lack the awareness to recognize my lack of awareness. And I wouldn't be leaving the house if I didn't have to.
But it's a game of chance that I am bound to lose one day.
>>139815I said frogger but he was driving a car. please be careful, anon. there are a lot of crazy drivers out there.
Excel subscription expired...
got secually assaulted by a gyaru titty monster JK and she made my head go poof
drunkdrunkdrunk i'm laughing again i love drinking when i'm sad it reminds how simple life is sorry couldn't find the bump when drunk thread i'm not sorry fu jk ily
reminds me
I fucked up on an image edit and decided to spend the rest of the day sulking about it.
>>139822>>139821cringing at my posts, please delete them.
>>139819epic. try clinical deodorants if you want to stop sweating, they are the only ones that work for me.
>>139825you must learn to live with the cringe
somehow only now realizing the hidamari author did madoka's character designs
grandpa had a coughing fit for several minutes and vomited a bit in the bathroom then got down with the worst posture possible to clean it up without telling anyone....
>>139829better than the average 81 year old
>>139828sorry to hear that. hope he feels better.
>>139832really light or I'm getting better at holding alcohol. 500ml of 4.9 and pretty good.
Only bad beer I've had recently is some IPA trash
>>139833that's the issue with ipa's, they vary greatly so they can be far from appealing to some people
>>139834they only have one specific IPA stocked in grocery store shelves here and it's super bitter. They inscribe women on the cans and try to sell it as a female beer. I tried a bunch and they all taste like bleach
chair nearly bent apart yesterday guess that's what a bunch of leaning back does over time
was able to get a replacement from amazon in just a day which is nice and convenient
It took two hours but I finally finished mowing the lawn. It was 4-7 inches long since it rained a total of 10 inches over the past couple weeks and I couldn't get to it until now. When I was mowing it started raining to make it even worse.
awful, awful time
>>139837Oh and it took two hours because of all the clogging that would stop the mower, even when I went
extremely slowly to avoid it. I had to flip it over to get out the grass gunk a few times. And what normally takes 60% of a battery charge took almost two entire charges so I had to stop to charge it.
why the hell do people have lawns
I started work on turning my Stardust Telepath screenshots into transparencies. It has really nice and sharp lines, so I naively thought that I would make fast progress. But they are... hard.
Seems like the two Dan Carlin episodes that I had saved up for the occasion won't nearly suffice.
wanted to make a "your mom will die in her sleep if you don't reply" thread but I couldn't find the image i wanted
>>139843>call your mother right now and tell her that you love hermy mom will probably think i'm going to kill myself if I did that
>>139843nuh uh i talk with mom regularly and it's not her day here i'm not gonna let burgers guilt trip me at the wrong date
this job is simply awful when it comes to training people. NOBODY was trained to train other people so they just do whatever the fuck they want. and of course, they’re going to dump all the work onto me because “he has to learn”. horrible.
it’s almost comedic. I’m with the old lady who keeps staring at my face every second she gets and I point to the paper and tell her the problem with the paper. she then starts cleaning the desk frantically (the desk was near the paper). she wasn’t aware of what I was referring to because to she was too busy looking at my face. I explain to her that that’s not what I was talking about, and pointed to the paper again. she starts frantically pushing the garbage in the trash can down (the trash can was near where she was holding the paper). again, she completely missed what I pointed at because she was TOO BUSY STARING AT MY FACE. unreal.
i'm sure she's embarrassed that she didn't get it now
feeling sad because anon thought i was german
>>139849this reads like a fever dream
bored and restless...
even though I'd probably be doing the same nothing either way, being away from my home system is truly torture...
maybe I'll look into syncing my data between the laptop and home system, but even then the laptop feels a lot more restrictive
hate being out
same but I think it's the air right now
just had a guy cross the street WITH HIS BACK TOWARDS ME. legit no idea if he actually looked both ways (doubt it). then he had to wait on MY lane because there was a car coming from the opposite lane. he’s lucky that I’m a careful driver but I feel like his well-being is going to be jeopardized in the near future. never seen a guy do that; he might actually have some kind of mental handicap.
also I just saw the same rabbit from yesterday. maybe it’ll brighten someone’s day. maybe not.
>>139852it feels like one too
>>139855>maybe it’ll brighten someone’s day. maybe not.Probably depends on whether any mothers died in the past 24 hours.
>>139827I'm in love with ume sensei
don't post a wojack/frog or you get instantly hit by a truck
>Teleportation Labyrinth Arc will begin with Episode 19 airing on Sunday, May 26th
Get owned tensei fans
If anon
>>139860 ever does anything ban worthy please ban me instead and edit this post. I'm serious.
>>139864based sacrificial anon
starting to get a hankering for peanut butter
tattoos are gross
I always roll myself up when sitting down. It's just comfy.
But lately, when I get up, I find that my legs are not working properly. Some nerves seem to be temporarily jammed. I guess I'm getting old.
>>139870Stop making pictures and RUN!
I was combing my hair in the restroom when someone tried to mask the sound of their braps by flushing the toilet. it didn’t work at all. they sounded so wet that I had to run out before the stench kicked in.
>>139870and feed them double
>>139874>theywe are talking about you...
>>139877How long did you search for a bird that looks as angry about his coworkers as you sound?
Is this you?
Did you sneakily-like post a picture of yourself?
birds of a feather heheheh
i'm f*ck*ng stupid
Why do you say that you are fucking st*p*d?
I'm feeling better now, sorry.
>>139878“Angry” isn’t the word for it. But yes, it is me.
quoting a feedback aggregation post in an undisclosed location
>We saw that the ability had some play and could function even at higher levels, but it was somewhat underwhelming when compared to meta builds.
>After some discussion, design's plan is to see if we can move some values around in the ability balance tool and test if we can get a little more juice out of the ability, but we're leaning toward shipping it as is, preferring to err on the side of low power as long as the ability is fun to use.
>>139887don’t know what this means
>>139888you can’t make me take my meds
>>139892Leave megan stallion alone u sandwich fodder
they are federal agents
>>139894Birds should not be
dug your own grave, now lie in it hehe
i am navigating the web with voice alone
feels pretty cool
>>139897>voice today>brainwaves tomorrowAI is getting scary…
the store had a special on salmon and ground beef so I made Salmon today and it came out great. the chili will be done soon as well.
>>139900good ol' particle board
I wonder how much more expensive actually wood is
I’ve been feeling in a pretty good mood. I’m treating myself to some “premium” tea. maybe I’ll play Dark Souls 1 later. I’ve been feeling somewhat nostalgic for it lately.
I put too much dark chocolate in the chili and it came out kinda bad. I’ll do better next time.
Cocoa powder is a surprising but common ingredient in chili so probably something like that
>>139906>>139907a lot of mexican mole uses chocolate alongside several spices
had 4 smores... might eat 5
I’m still getting over from being sick. I’m basically healed except I still have the urge to cough. for some reason: coughing intensely or frequently triggers my gag reflex (my doctor said that was normal). I usually throw up saliva, (as weird as that sounds,) but this time it was *slight* food matter. I’ve gotten sick all my life but this only started happening in the last decade. I’ve never heard of anyone else doing this either.
im really hongover
waves of massive stomach pain. no idea why. I was fine until I drank some flavored water. this has never happened before.
>>139913You might be mildly allergic to aspartame. A lot of people start to get bad reactions to it even after years of consuming it. Check the label and see if it's in your flavored water. Most of them use that instead of cane sugar so they can claim to be "sugar free"/"healthy". I refuse to consume the stuff anymore because it is known to have several bad side/health effects. You're better off being a sugar addict.
If I want something sweet to drink these days I try to stick with honey or cane sugar. No sugar in my coffee anymore though. Only for sweet tea.
I am sorry you're feeling ill. I hope you feel better soon.
recently companies have been phasing out aspartame in favor of sucralose (which is not sucrose)
>>139915That stuff is just as bad. I've gotten bad reactions from consuming too much of it. Mostly horrible diarrhea
>>139915I love how modern chemistry is at least 30% about getting past consumer protection laws.
Coming up with new substances faster than they can be banned.
Did I say "love"? Dang.
>>139914Thanks anon. I’ll do that.
>>139917Check out the history of aspartame and the FDA sometime. They did a lot of testing on rats and refused to approve it for human consumption back in the 1970s because it was known to give rats cancer and suspected to lower IQ. Then a new president came in with a certain someone on his staff and one of the first things they did was push through approval of aspartame. I'll let you discover who that person is (hint: he's an important figure in geo-politics that served under multiple administrations. They even made a movie about his life recently).
Most of the stuff they've brought to market in the last 30-40 years is pretty bad for you. It's why I have a hard rule now: I do not consume anything that has less then 60 year history of human consumption. Food and drugs that is. This is pretty hard to do where I live. I have to break the rule often if I eat at other people's homes or eat out with family. But in general I try to stick to it. Especially when it comes to medications. Which I try not to take at all. But if I do need something for pain or sleep I refuse to take anything that was approved after the mid-1980s or so. Even a lot of those things make me weary and I only take them because the older (cheap patent-free drugs) were pulled from the market.
You have to be pro-active about these type of things because it's obvious the people that are supposed to be looking out for us on these issues were bought off a long time ago.
>>139917Oh and I know about those "research chemicals" you speak of. I met the guy that came up with MXE at a party once. He wasn't a very nice person and he didn't take kindly to people suggesting that he hadn't produced some wonder drug that would solve the problems of K. He denies it gives people bladder damage to this day. Despite the fact that a lot of people got hooked on it an binged themselves into the same problems they would have gotten from doing K.
Chemistry is interesting though. I still like to follow the new developments in that sector. I try to read medical journals/papers and stay up to date. I try to keep up with the latest in designer drugs to. But I no longer have an interest in consuming them. A lot of them are bad news and you're basically being someone's lab rat.
I am spiraling into negativity
>>139921Find a stable orbit.
going through character development, not necessarily growth.
thought the cord for my right headphone went bad but no it was the right headphone
feelin like a fool, but not a pierot
today was awful how could today be so awful
made a burger with onion rings. the onions were the frozen kind, so they weren't that great, but the burger was good. I've been neglecting how much jalapeños can add to a meal just by mixing it into some veggies.
somehow a hobo inside the bank is managing to rest while the alarms go off
it's just him and no one else i don't know what's up can barely see his foot
>>139914there's no aspartame, only sucralose like the other anon said. dang, I guess I'm not gonna drink this stuff anymore. even another anon has gotten the runs from it.
some guy behind me switched lanes and sped past me only for us to stop at the same red light together…
>>139928actually i tried cleaning out my old icloud pictures and it traumatized me. Now i can’t listen to l’arc and ciel anymore…
>>139934I've met that guy too. He's such an ass.
going to work
watching NL react to reddit
Cat stole my chair
>>139932You could me mildly allergic to a dye used in it or something. An easy way to test is to rub a little bit on your skin. If you get a rash you'll know something in it doesn't agree with you
I completely forgot my job gives bagels on Friday, but since we have tomorrow off, they’re giving them out today. I’m saved… from starvation at least.
>>139945based NEET but you forgot j*b
Yesterday my priest tried to set me up with one of the girls from church. Not sure if this is a good thing or not, I definitely feel called out.
I counted a bunch of items that were numbered by their filenames. When I caught myself doing that, I tried to excuse my behavior by claiming to check if I hadn't made a mistake in the numbering.
I was almost more embarrassed by the excuse than by the original act of counting. To avoid thinking about how disappointed I was in myself, I just continued counting.
Turns out, I had not made a mistake in the numbering.
>>139951whoops, guess not. I really wish you could delete your own posts.
If only there were a thread to test-post, or an arrow next to the post number to open a menu.
Gods, why must we suffer so?
Edit: Oh hey, I found a raisin in between my seat cushions.
>>139952you can delete your posts....
I ate a hamburger with jalapenos. it wasn't that spicy at first but after I brushed my teeth, my mouth is on fire and for some reason my right nostril is too.
>>139956I got the "12 days of hot sauce" novelty gift for Christmas. I just opened it a few days ago and so far the sauces have been disappointing. They're supposed to get progressively hotter but I'm already half way through the bottles and none have been that spicy.
Upside is I have enough hot sauce to last awhile and at least most of them have tasted it. Wasabi was actually #1. I think #12 is the Carolina Reaper sauce but I haven't gotten that far yet.
>>139958I actually love spicy food but hate wasabi. it's truly strange.
Say the most beautiful scenery of a huge tree with beautiful flowers in a dream, sad that wont ever see it ever again...
>>139962Jesus, that's a spooky video.
I kept expecting somebody to die.
>>139962I hate Canada geese so much. We didn't have them here until I was a teenager. Then they started landing in large packs and staying for most of the year at our pond. They used to cross the highway and I'd try to kindly herd them back across to the pond. But they would try to attack me. I learned pretty quickly to bring a big stick whenever those assholes decided they owned the road. My Grandfather got beat up pretty badly by one of them one time attempting to herd them back across the highway.
They got so bad you couldn't even fish in the pond anymore. They'd chase everyone away that got near it. They nested on one of the banks and decided they owned the place. It's illegal to shoot them here because they're a protected species despite the fact that they breed like rabbits.
I did finally scare them enough that they left me alone. One of them was being a huge asshole while I was trying to do some work at the pond. I picked up a rock and threw it at him. I was just trying to scare him but I ended up beaming him in the head. Knocked him stupid for awhile. He hissed for a bit then decided he didn't want to mess with me anymore. Since then they keep a wide berth whenever I'm over there. I scared them for generations (that was about 20 years ago).
Is it better to pour beer into a lukewarm glass cup or to drink it from a cold can?
>>139966store the glasses in a cool location so you don't need to worry about this
and glass is always better
I have surpassed my daily quota of needless things. Why do I have a daily quota of needless things?
It makes me feel needed.
That mug worked well. Kept my drink a good temp for 2 hours
>>139969what would a needless thing be
>>139971Anything that don't serve to maintain or advance yourself or others.
Anything that in the future you would look back on and say that it didn't really go anywhere.
Or, if you are really bad at doing needless things but really want to get in on the gig:
Anything that will not have a measurable and positive effect on the universe 10^10 years from now.
I tend to believe that everything someone does has personal worth in deciding their story. But not all stories end well
sigh... no "dad went out for a cigarette break and never came back" episode
No.139976 you can actually see the serrations in their beak..
gonna go to work early to fill in my timesheets
>>139977>spent all day feeling tiredSame, except I made a point of visiting my mother for tea and croissants and after that, the day sort of went alright.
>>139980carrots, all shapes and colors!
"Just a little more," I told myself, "I'm almost done."
Why do I keep believing myself? I clearly don't have my best interests in mind. This is an abusive relationship.
there was a blind man in the kiosk. he would ask if there were any customers, and if there were he would go to the back and search for the right item with his hand while asking if he'd gotten the placement right
others he already knew their location and things to heat up he would leave by the oven for the shopkeeper to handle while he wasn't attending other customers himself
very curious
also indians keep messaging me on whatsapp with generic one-line greetings and i block them every time
how did get they my number? i receive zero spam emails, why would something i share even less suddenly start getting them
>>139984Weed is highly illegal in Japan and you will be culturally ostracized for getting caught with it. Meanwhile alcohol is so commonplace that the concept of alcoholism literally does not exist.
Please respect their culture.
>>139986>Meanwhile alcohol is so commonplace that the concept of alcoholism literally does not existThe alcohol industry is falling in Japan though:
most things aren't doing well in Japan underneath the glossy exterior
>>139989>also because acquiring said dude weed requieres at least some degree of social know-how, especially in places where it's illegal>dude weedDude, internet.
I don't use drugs, but it requires fairly little knowledge. Disabling javascript in Tor (highest chance of deanonymization exploits), PGP encryption done locally (auto-encrypt on markets always become fed honeypots, see Hansa) and exchanging fiat for crypto -> xmr -> xmr -> xmr -> darkweb market. Multiple xmr transactions to obscure the RingCT trail further and also because there is a risk that the feds have access to the anonymous wallet that sold you the XMR and the deposit wallet for your darkweb market or vendor. Access meaning they control the encryption keys for those wallets and can see their transactions. It's pretty obvious what happened if it goes in to your wallet and out from your wallet. One can mitigate these issue by doing multiple transfers between your own wallets that only you have the keys to and utilizing both multiple keys (don't *only* change stealth address, use different keys/accounts) and stealth addresses. Back in the day people would just exchange cash for Bitcoin or whatever though and deposit straight to market after maybe one intermediary wallet transaction.
I am a former darkweb Otaku. I will make it clear I don't use drugs or buy anything illegal with crypto. I just find the technology interesting.
Interesting Japan fact about drugs:
Back in the 90s Japan was also known as a drug trafficking hub for Research Chemicals. That's part of the reason why in the Welcome to the NHK novel that Satou discovers he can buy drugs online and have it delivered to his house. Most likely the author had personal experience with that in the 90s since a lot of the novel is based on his personal experiences as a hikikomori.
Anyways, don't buy drugs. You have nothing to gain(other than a honeymoon phase where you think it's the best and there's totally no downsides and everything to lose when the downsides start appearing one by one. And no, you can't and you won't "just use a little bit" a few times a year. You will rationalize why you can and must use more often. Just don't.
>>139990>Anyways, don't buy drugs.It's so funny how people's reasonable opinions reflect legality more than actual biological facts.
Which is not to say that you should do drugs.
But some of the biggest killers of our times are sugar and alcohol, but they are fine in most people's eyes.
Take for example pic related, which I found somewhat disturbing to read. This is not an intentional allegory to hard drugs. It's just an honest expression of a popular perception of sugar.
Which is not to say that you shouldn't eat sugar. People need to learn how to moderate themselves, and that is true for both hard drugs and soft ones. If you find that you have trouble controlling your urges, stricter regulations are called for. Generally, people with fulfilling lives tend to be less prone to addiction, and legality will protect you from some of the pitfalls of drugs even if you do get addicted. But overall, a healthy life is about more than just staying within the confines of the law, and some people may be better off addicted and happy than depressed. I can't judge that.
I'm content that my own brain does not mix well with drugs.
justification logic
I will justify logic over irrationality every day of the week except Thursdays.
>>139991>>139993My statement to not do it is based entirely on biological facts, not legality morality. Drugs generally cause a lot of harm to the person using. I didn't say "don't buy drugs because it's illegal" to protect myself from Vern's boot up my butt. I don't want to encourage anyone reading to try out because they'll soon find themselves trying more than just weed, and even weed can mess up your hobbies pretty bad with how many people just end up lazing around all day. Not to say weed is a stepping stone to harder things either, but the lonely nerd on his computer is very prone to curiousity and addiction. It's incredibly easy for people in our position to end up heavily addicted to powerful drugs, weed is quite powerful too. I spent years in that same position trying all sorts of drugs and it is one of my biggest regrets.
I can't stop anyone from using, but be kind to others so don't encourage others to use, だめ! I'm also content letting addicted people be addicted in peace without berating them for their choices, as long as they don't try to encourage other people to use during their own justifications for their own use that is...
My life certainly turned for the better when I moved on to more productive hobbies that make me feel good about what I'm doing, especially if I've done it all day. Amazing!
>>139994>My statement to not do it is based entirely on biological facts, not legality morality.You did not actually read my post, it seems. The point was not that illegal drugs are good.
It's that it appears to me that you are excluding the legal drugs from the list of things to be careful of, because they are legal. And I felt that this needed a positioning from me, to point out that these things are dangerous too, and can also have effects on your lifestyle even when they aren't ruining your body.
there’s a weird fucking noise and I can’t tell what it is
I can’t post the vocaroo because kissu thinks it’s spam (link shortener?)
my pizza was too small and im still hungry
>>139997i'll put in an exception, just need to see what the URL looks like real quick...
No.140000 exception to the filer added
started exchanging builds for wip heroes with a senior designer some time ago
he told me i have a lot of good thoughts on the matter and it feels good to be praised for my criticisms and proposals
>>139980looks good enough to make me want to make it now with some froze up deer
dad told me he's going out to some farm retreat with a bunch of psychologists for the sake of a ceremony with a plant that will cleanse his consciousness so i became really really worried that he'd gotten into a cult or some bizzarre anything and i asked him with all the seriousness in the world what this plant exactly was
it's ayahuasca
i laughed my ass off
Somehow, I've trained myself to lose my current train of thoughts by shaking my head.
I wonder how many discarded thoughts now lie on the floor around anon's chair.
żurek my parents gave me on sunday has congealed because i left it too long before eating
Love me some zucheq
>>140009Is that a good thing or bad thing?
>>140013Good thing, because now I can discard any bad thoughts with just the shake of a head!
Might a knight of slight height hide or even right that height, or would that be a sleight against the allmight-y?
Is the fight for equal height a right or a blight upon the light?
>some of the guys in my workplace can’t even look me in the eye and say “good morning”
yeesh, and I thought I was socially awkward
>>140017>lack of respect and recognition so… they didn’t give her attention?
>>140017she's Natalie. You know, the one who mans the Port?
I'm heading off for work
>>140017>>140019Yep, good ole Natalie, the manner of the ports.
I tried “chocolate (chip)” cream cheese today (with an everything bagel). it wasn’t atrocious but I wouldn’t recommend it. while eating it, I just kept wishing it was normal cream cheese.
its rabbit rabbit day
They don't sell my favourite ice cream cones anymore.
friend got a $300 amazon gift card and says he doesn't know what to buy with it
soun ds like a guy with limited creativity
>>140030That's the point where you should ask for professional help. Such an extended session of drug use will have long-term consequences on your brain's ability to function normally.
>>140032I don't quite understand but I feel great.
i thought that said morale improving rape session
correction is needed
yep, it's official summer as far as I'm concerned because I can't go 5 minutes outside without new mosquito bites
god damn I hate these things
oops I accidentally moved the whole thread, but I moved it back
going out shooting some guns off with a friend
haven't done this in a long time
cleaned my room after moving
>>140038...That would explain why it was showing there as supposedly being 1206 new posts.
insomnia before wage-day
>>140043those are some big nipples
keep having intrusive thoughts about making kuso badposts on kissu
>>140045why do you think /secret/ exists
>>140046NTA but I just might go there to vent once I find out how to get there
One does not simply walk into /secret/.
I feel pretty good despite only sleeping for 3.75 hours
can someone decipher that post for me please? unironic request btw
oh and it's about
>>140052hmm I see. thank you.
⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄holy shab⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄holy shab⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄holy shab⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄holy shab⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄holy shab⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄
⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄holy shab⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄holy shab⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄holy shab⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄holy shab⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄holy flipping shab⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄⁄
flipped a shab
>>140054be attitude for gains?
old Acer monitor might have died
think it's gone.. it stopped displaying resolution, then I took it out and not connecting anymore
was okay today, had three lunch rushes in a row, the POS machine was acting up so orders weren't sending so I would have to manually place the order in again, got yelled at by a customer but we did talk it out and we were on somewhat good terms, tried to micromanage someone at work who was swearing a lot (he was on the headset too) and I was like "can you stop swearing" because he was talking shit about the customer with the headset on, mic muted of course, and we were able to talk it out, and I think we're on good terms but I'm not a good judge of people apparently.
Going to smoke more dude to relax.
played some PS3 online today
>>140060i love that stupid, dumb, ugly, rabbit so much.
thinking of posting non-blogs in the blog thread(USER WAS KILLED FOR THIS POST)
>>140066…is this the consequence of drug abuse?
>>140067No I had a really stressful day from work yesterday, I'm running on 1 hour of sleep right now.
got hissed at by a Canadian goose earlier today. can’t even brush my teeth in peace.
>>140068sorry, I thought you were dude smoker from earlier
Are you living in a tent?
>>140070No, I just can’t afford to be home 24/7
going to work now
called out a redditor and got my phone IP range blocked lol
cat hissed at me
there is a weird noise that comes from near my work place
it doesn’t stop until after my shift is over. it’s seriously freaky.
breakfast sandwich at Wendy’s was actually good
you're probably lacking some fats in your diet and you got it from some of the lowest grade oils known to man
the fat expert has spoken
I think we'll end up making a /g/ board instead of /sum/. If anyone has a better board name or idea of the board summary tag and stuff you can send it to /b/ or wherever I'm reading
also the result will be copying over important /spg/ threads into /qa/(mostly)
i managed to change the dead headlight bulb on my car all on my own!
I wrote in my journal once already. Thought about doing it again, decided it wasn’t necessary. Also i miss doodling, don’t know where my creativity went.
imouto and her roomate came to visit
they brought their doggy
feeling like a doggy disco king
I came
I saw
I blogged
religious blogposting: I had to go to church today to help decorating or something but I didn't
I hope they won't yell at me when I go to mass tomorrow
>>140093Guess who's not going to get a visit from Santa this year.
>>140095Would you really have prefered a catholic blog and a "I was banned from 4chan blog" instead of everything being put into one blog you can easily deal with?
I just realized my feet stink.
>>140095>religious>begetsI lol'd
>>140099you're the mythical peer reviewer? the one who looks at all the articles?
but really that's pretty cool
got a song stuck in my head and it goes like
I went to vote today. For months, I couldn't make up my mind about which party would bring devastation to everything nice the fastest, so in the end, I gave up and just put my cross next to the party that promised to deliver medical rejuvenation.
No one can argue against lolibabas.
>>140105purists are well known for arguing against them, sadly
major character flaw
got a day off work today
>>140105I don't vote anymore after the last national election. Even the local elections seem rigged. The fact that my Grandfather who's been dead for 6 years managed to vote in 2020 sealed the deal. He was a registered member of a certain party that's changed drastically since he was a young man. In the days when he signed up for it they were pro-Union so he always voted straight ticket. He was a big fan of of the workers union.
Anyway, I checked after the 2020 election and found out he's voted 3 times since he died for that party.
Plus the last time I voted they bussed in a bunch of people that couldn't speak the local language and had translators for them. I knew enough of the language they were speaking to overhear the translators telling them just to mark the ballots for a certain party. I tried to report this obvious illegal behavior and no one would take it serious. I was even accused of being a racist by a certain orange person's hotline. I didn't expect them to do anything about it and usually wouldn't have called at all. But after getting nowhere locally I did it as a last resort. I was basically told
>They're allowed to do that. They are free to vote.Which yeah I guess it true. But when 50 people show up with cards telling them to pretend to be someone else it's obvious what is going on. There is absolutely no verification when you vote here. You give your name and an address and they assume you're telling the truth and hand you a ballot. So anyone registered to vote that doesn't normally show up to do it can have their ballot used by someone else.
Plus even though we still vote on paper here they run it through a certain companies machine and send the results over the internet to a central server. I know for a fact our counting machine was connected to the internet when it shouldn't have been.
Most of the long time volunteers here quit after that election. They knew something fishy was happening but no one would hear them out.
I guess what I'm saying is I protest the process by no longer participating in it. I'm sure my ballot is now one of the ones being used by the people they're bussing around. Those people were getting paid $50 for each ballot cast plus $100 for getting on the bus. Most of them had only been in our county for a few months or didn't live here in the first place. I've never seen anything like it happen before.
I know a lot of people that didn't normally vote came out for 2020. I've been pretty proactive about getting people out to vote and volunteered for my local election board multiple times. I don't care who people vote for as long as they participate. But now I've lost all faith in the system. Which I suppose was the point. I know I'm not alone in thinking that way. Both sides have always been terrible. I wish a legit person would run and get enough support. But it's nearly impossible for a honest person to get on the ballot. The same few people win our local elections over and over again with only like 200-300 votes total.
One trick I've used for years is writing in a family member for a local position. They count it as "write in" the night of the election when announcing results. But if you wait a few months they put up the name you wrote in on the website (or you can go check at the county election board). This was my way of ensuring my ballot was actually processed. In the last election they didn't put the name I wrote in the results even after waiting 6 months. In other words I think my ballot wasn't counted at all.
Good for you for getting out and voting though. I hope wherever you live actually has an honest system.
I'm going to work
i'm getting REALLY bored of skibidi toilet
scrubbed the fridge clean
>>140110>It's a swiss army knife in the literal sense too.Did you get a paper cut?
was trying to multitask and dropped a peeled banana in toilet...
Why would you take a peeled banana to the toilet, though?
grabbed it from kitchen and was going to eat it in my room but needed to pee first
bringing food to the bathroom is gross, don't do that
>>140120Do you really not prepare a few trays of snacks for your extended baths?
>>140121I have to watch my figure. That's why I chain smoke in the bathroom. Sometimes I spend more than an hour in there after I've finished my bowel movement. I get most of my reading done in there and will stay as long as I have cigarettes to smoke.
some guy randomly decided to start climbing the side of the office building and got up to the 20th-something floor before firefighters caught him
he wasn't using any tools or anything at all, just his feet and hands
it's on the news
>>140123Are you trying to dox yourself, or is "the office building" not referring to yours?
swept the floor
>>140119>USB fanIt was chargeable battery powered!
Bled from my nose for the first time since I could remember, feels weird having something that is not snot flooding down your nose...
>>140129I used to get nosebleeds a lot when the air would be dry. Fuck now im nostalgic for one i had 10 years ago…
trimmed my nose hairs
I'm going to be a little late for work.
I sent the OECD an email complaint about their OECD Better Life Index. I think there are some issues with their interpretation of their source...
Yanked my nose hairs out with tweezers.
history teacher recommended us a movie about the economy and it turned out to have incestous romance with an NTR ending where the guy gets jailed for unrelated crimes and the niece (nbr) leaves the country with the associate that set him up
i don't understand
>i don't understand
And that's how economists want you to think about economy related matters.
got 3 hotdog buns for free
People are really bad in self check out
dad took the ayahuasca
he told me about the love he felt from reliving the memories of all his loved ones as the plant welcomed him while people around sang in chants and prayed to jesus and mary for protection against a bad trip, how it eased the pain in his body and undid all the knots that each stood for an unresolved memory
seems to have had a positive effect so that's nice
google really wants me to start caring about celebrity chefs and geopolitics for some reason
I have just learned a new word: Gastrodiplomacy.
Thought something was wrong with the audio because there was no sound when I played a youtube video. Turns out I had muted the youtube tab, which happened because I muted a youtube playable, which happened because I am so afraid of commitment I can only play casual games.
>>140145Why are you afraid of commitment now?
>>140146still trying to get my sleep schedule right
>>140148ayy just a bit more
I had a good time at work today
my slightly retarded younger sister came up to me and declared herself my "sex servant"
not sure how to feel about this
>>140151actually retarded or just dumb?
If I had to deal with 4C higher it might be kind of tough
>But would you lose?
nah, I'd win
i'll game hard
going to work
spent the entire day thinking up non-blogs
i should find suitable threads to post them in
but what if.........
>>140157what if............
ate a banana
should stop playing super auto pets and get back into mahjong
almost drank entire bottle of orange juice in the past 2 days because of the heat
busy day at work today
>>140163You are supposed to drink at least 1.5l per day. How large is that bottle?
Played jong. Two 3rds and a win. Think I erked out a few points
>>140163where’s the AC bro
>>140168AC costs more than juice
>>1401652L, I get the rest from coffee
Going to the supermarket and realizing that I haven't changed my clothes in... weeks?
Coming into a crowd and feeling intimidated by the other customers.
Rushing out of the store and only recognizing back home that I forgot about the key ingredients for dinner.
I guess I'm going through one of those phases, again.
>>140169Split duct system costs almost nothing. Best investment I ever made. My neighbors just spent several thousand dollars on having their traditional heat pump replaced. Just filling it with not-freon freon costs almost a thousand dollars now. Next year they're required to start using flammable material which I'm sure will be deemed bad for the Earth in a few years like all the other replacements. But now instead of getting raped by AC repairman twice a year you also get to enjoy the possibility of your house burning down.
>>140172I live in an apartment dude
spending a wild time in the own zone
look up 'fun' in the dictionary and mowing the lawn with a heat index of 113 (45 c) will surely be there
ate beans
I'm having brekky before I go to work
god utena's ending is so fucking good
>>140182Wait... eating coffee beans?
internet costs have nearly tripled since the start of the year so i went and took the offer from a rival ISP to get 50% off for six months with a lower speed
the full price was actually worse, i planned to switch back after those six months passed
and the guy came, and he installed the cables and stuff the same day they took my door to the workshop, and i had it sitting there unused for a week or two
my old ISP is infamously hard to unsubscribe from, and they gave me repeated offers with bigger and bigger discounts (even the automated bot was doing it!) until we reached twelve months of 50% off discount
so then i called the new guys and was shocked to find they actually give you the explicit option to quit rather than going through a labyrinthian menu of set responses until you can reach a human bean, and we agreed that i'd pass by one of their offices tomorrow to drop off their modem
surprisingly, i have lost no money
I hope everyone is doing good!
I am at work
now they gave a counter offer of 70%... but it's still just 6 months so no
30% off*
>>140190with this it's going down from 16 lunches to 8 which is pretty good but also pretty silly
>>140190I feel like I'm getting shafted. I pay 1000NOK (30CAD more than you) and only get 500mbps up/down. That's like, two pizza deliveries.
Meanwhile in Romania it's just €8 for 1gbps up/down last I heard.
Did youtube remove like all the items in the recomended feed to push up their shorts feed...
long day at work today
> Computer games, Music, Restaurants
Aquaplus is diverse
gonna watch hibikid euphonium
been trying to get chat AI to switch topics without mentioning past history. 'clear' didn't work. 'change topic' didn't work.
'penis' worked
found someone's list of the things they had downloaded from anna's archive:, fantasy, drawing guides, gravure, various illustrations, and What's My Cat Thinking
time for me to have the invention known as a showerbeer
need new glasses
any megane enjoyers who can recomend some cute girls I can get inspiration from for designs
gonna watch girls shab cry
Developing a gamebook where (You) the MC is stuck in alternative 1992 Eastern Ukraine.
It's in the style of a fighting fantasy book.
uncle needed tech guy support so he called me one of his employees was having trouble accessing a share folder on a machine that wasnt even plugged in
you might need new shoes
nuh uh it costs money
tried frog legs in a soup. They're kinda gross and boney
>>140215Were the grapes good?
>>140211How long have you had those?
>>140218i think i used them for a year each, maybe
>>140210 for less than that
>>140210All my boots look like this. I've been wearing them like that for years and they don't cause blisters as long as I have on socks. Not wanting to damage socks seems like an odd thing to be worried about. Mine last forever no matter how much I abuse them
I bought new shoes a couple months ago because the bottom got stuck in the mud and when I lifted the shoe to walk some of the bottom stayed there on the ground
>>140222Buying quality footwear is getting really hard. If you want some good advice I suggest getting into work boots. But don't ever think of spending less than $200 (probably more like $250 now) on them. If you buy cheap boots they will fall apart in 3-6 months like your shoes did. On the other hand if you buy expensive top of the line work boots they'll last basically forever. I have several pairs that look awful due to being worn for years. But they're still water proof, comfy, warm and protect my feet from everything. The main reason I replace them is because the eyes for the laces give out after 3-4 years of heavy use. But I've fixed that with my last couple of purchases by opting for boots without laces.
You want steel/composite toe, water proof, ankle/shin high boots with a good sole. They'll feel a little stiff for about the first week or so. Then they break-in and feel like slippers. After they're broken in you can slip them on and it's like walking on clouds.
Shoes? Can't help you. I used to buy stuff like Airwalks and Vans 20+ years ago because they were cheapish and built really tough. I still have pairs of Vans from back in the day that are as solid as my daily wear work boots. Wore them for years and gave them tons of abuse. But Vans aren't like this anymore. I know because my imouto tricked me into buying her some a few years ago. I was shocked to see how much they cost now when we went into the store. That pair I bought her lasted maybe 6 months and she tossed them and came asking for another. They fell apart as quickly as Nikes.
My father gave me this advice long ago: Never cheap out on anything that separates you from the ground. Boots, Shoes, Beds, Tires and those type of things are things you want to buy high quality versions of. They'll last forever if you do. If you try to cheap out you'll be spending money on them all of the time.
>>140223Yeah, the shoes I had were about a decade old so I can't really complain. I bought some Topo athletic shoes off Amazon after doing some reading since they have a mail-in return policy thing.
>Never cheap out on anything that separates you from the groundMakes sense. I definitely went too long with my old pair, but it's just not something I thought. Boots would be cool to have one day, but I can't really justify buying them unless I start to spend more time gardening or something.
>>140224You don't need to do hard labor to enjoy comfy work boots. My favorite feature of my work boots are the steel toes. People trip over and kick my feet by mistake all of the time. Then they apologize because they think they hurt me.
I don't feel a thing. If anything I should apologize to them. I'm a bit clumsy so those steel toes come in handing. No more stubbing my toes multiple times a week on random objects.
They're also good in case I get into a fight or something. Just have to be careful you don't kick someone too hard and break their ribs or skull with them. I've heard they're considered a deadly weapon in some jurisdictions.
I went to boots full time because it seems impossible to buy quality sneakers anymore. You can still find decent dress shoes but it's really hard to find kick around sneakers these days. When I do buy shoes I buy them from a local shop. She still repairs them and everything. I just got my old dress shoes re-soled a month or two ago. They'll probably last me for the rest of my life at this rate.
today wasnt as bad as i thought it was gonna be should be more optimistic
realized yesterday at midnight that i hadn't printed the document i needed for verification of today's exam at 9AM so i briefly panicked and searched for a place where i could print it at 7-8 in the morning because i needed to be there half an hour before it started and to get there i reserved a cab and woke up at 6 then walked briskly after getting there and the exam was ez peasy cambridge c1 advanced easiest test of my life
going to work soon
the home opposite me had a meower sitting on the windowsill but he went away when i turned around to get my camera
cant show up to the cat blog like this... sigh...
i was thinkin
find an ai generated picture
swap the postive and negative prompts
>>140229When I was growing up my father owned a black Trans-am with black leather seats. As we rode by the normal people all we thought is
>hmmm should we stop to take the T-tops out or should we go faster?Black on black really isn't that bad.
Thinking of letting my beard grow out, or see if I am capable of having a beard at all. So far the prickles are there. Currently in the state right after full shaved where I look like a homeless anime guy.
>>140233the first few weeks are the itchiest, but it goes away
>>140210Never let any of my shoes get that bad but i did put 2 and 2 together finally that the holes in the rear were costing me enough in socks that it justified new shoes. That and just how bad it was for my feet and posture to wear old shoes.
>>140236simple matter of correlation
Back in the day The History Channel used to be called the Hitler Channel because they aired WW2 stuff so much. Good to see some traditions survive the transition to youtube.
I'm going to work
corp drive used to let me share things between my personal and w*rk accounts because of an option they overlooked but now they've started marking everything i put there as confidential and now none of it is visible in the personal account and i can't transfer ownership either so i've had to clone them and now they're all personal i hope no more stupid stuff happens
Is yandex still the best way to OCR japanese text?
>>140241manga-ocr for manga, otherwise idk
that's not a website right?
Some AI thing is probably the best, but I have no experience with it. You might have to pay
Long meetings at work today
>>140243What, manga-ocr? No, it's more of a thing that runs alongside the software of your choosing; kamite is what I use. Kamite captures and copy-pastes the text that manga-ocr recognized in browser, I assume other configurations are pretty similar.
Both of them you can setup to use when offline too.
Going to work soon
mom took the cats
had a dream that i had a pet bear
Akagi really is an epic
i never finished the live action of akagi but the quality was impressive
>>140248People are energy vampires and you're giving yours away for free
Going to work finally
This morning was really fun
been trying to get scratches off of my phone using a watch scratch removal liquid. Guess it's working
those things always seem to break down for whatever reason. Maybe they buy cheap parts and just keep it around for legislative requirements
>>140258As the great late Mitch Headberg said:
>Escalators can never break. They can only become stairs.
Going to work a bit earlier than usual today
>>140119>one of my best purchasesI regret not buying a stronger fan. Barely feel the breeze with this. Too hot. I was naive.
going to sit down and watch the big short or something... don't feel like doing anything smart
Going to take a shower then go to work
monday morning man vs sunday night kid
ate deer crackies
saw a girl basically dressed in anime character casual atire
Going to work early today.
I have a tf2 addiction now
Going to work in half an hour.
contacted a possible jap tutor last monday through a website and he immediately accepted the request, only to ghost me for a week until i checked his profile's details to message him to his phone directly, he then answered and he set a date for "tomorrow at 10" and still stood me up today at both 10AM and 10PM....
i think i'd better search for someone else.... this doesn't look good
got to the office and there's a fire drill going on
Going to work after I have some brekky
>>140272Maybe the timezones are tough? Are they new to tutoring?
If they haven't offered any sort of reasons why or even an apology I would look elsewhere.
>>140275decade of experience which is why i'm interested but maybe he's too old
i'm willing to give him another shot since i like his profile, i'll see what he says
Gonna watch PPD but can't decide between officialsubs or gg-Oyasumi subs.
>>140277If you need subs, then gg.
sometimes i wonder if translations would be better if they left in the japanese anglo terms instead of localized them
how the hell is it 90% humidity right now...
Did some dudeing.
ravioli, the best option for a 5pm breakfast
going to work
sleeping on the ground because the futon gets too hot...
>>140275well he said he couldn't help so that's that
briefly misread isekai shikkaku as incest shikkaku
going to work
going to work in a few hours
it's been a few hours so I'm going to work now
the worker
you're fired
the intrusive thoughts are taking over and they keep telling me to post non-blogs in the blog thread
can't stop eating deer crackies
God has ordained me with a need, a need to blog in the blog thread. So in today's blog I have smoked dude and trying to figure out what kind of world I want to build.
got my cambridge certificate and it's c2 hell yeah
aced 4/5 categories while talking way less time othes
nutbladder aching hurts
my supply of deer crackies is starting to run out
need to go to work soon
my deer crackies have run out and i'm starting to have a psychotic meltdown
haven't been getting enough sleep and now im dying of tired
think ill sleep early tonight
Going to work early to prepare a BBQ lunch for my coworkers
cat was stalking other cat so needed to move my chair quickly but then when i did that accidentally opened the front of my pc and what looked like smoke started to immediately fill the air and panicked and thought i hit something that was about to make my pc blow but it was just a huge amount of dust accumulated on the front screen
was cleaning it and it was actually caked in it guess you need to clean it often
gonna watch the latest p.a. works flop
Tasteless life-drama hater
tasty shab
Going to work to eat the leftovers from the BBQ lunch
the girl from the deer show made a confused face at me
I am going to work.
I'll be a bit late to work today.
>>140320>>140321what made you start blogging about going to work
routine is good
I like seeing it
I'm going to blog about not going to work. The sun is up, good night.
About to blog about signing documents, wish me luck
It's night and the sun is down, good morning.
gonna watch girls shab cry
kuon just gave me a dramatic speech
Was playing some simple mobile games(solitaire) and I got one with the least ads, but then I started getting occasional ads for other solitaire games and...
First off is that even ethical
Second how are they making money selling ads to completion playing a simple time waster
>>140330This is just me thinking cunningly, but maybe they own lots of hyperaddictive gacha games and the plan is to get you to switch to their solitaire app that only advertises apps they own in another publisher. This way they get you to play Solitaire for years with the same app and see their adds forever, at no additional cost for them after they somehow make you switch over. I could see this working.
>>140331something like that is probably the only way it works... not as harsh by calling it addictive or anything, but they have a network of games that they can freely advertise to get you into paying into their ecosystem
ate general tao poutine and I probably should have just bought games from DLSite instead
Going to work
it's freaking COLD
Going to work
>>140336I'm sorry to hear that.
gonna watch bocchi the
>>140339I hope that goes well
Will be going to work today.
nieces made brown bricks in the bathtub and now i have to clean it all up....................
unacceptable, bathtubs are only for pissing down
I will be going to work soon.
>>140343Once a NEET stomps poop down the drain, there's no saving him.
Heading off to work now
ramming deer crackies down my throat
>>140352how'd that happen
was mowing the lawn today and saw what i guess was a dog running across the yard
would've tried to go out and pet him but wasn't sure if it was rabid or not and he looked pretty disheveled
blogged in the blog thread
I am returning to work
Wedding blog
>>140357yours? if so, omedetou non-blog
>>140358That would be funny if I was posting on an imageboard while sitting next to my wife at a wedding ceremony
>>140359yeah i know gotta think of anonymous
Wives are temporary, anonymous is immortal
Looking forward to my wife's new figurine.
>>140363>>140364Crazy. I'd be so paranoid to do open any websites in that situation
>>140366I've got good spacial awareness
I'll be going to work
Going to work
what work starts at 8pm
bit a norm's throat out
might be flunking middle school
I will be heading to work in an hour
>>140380happy birthday, andy
My birthday is over
>>140381>>140382Thank you by the way
Still not anime girl IRL.
>>140348>>140373My AC started pouring water into my house even through I unclogged the drain line just a month ago. I have to do that yearly due to dust build up blocking the line. Usually, it only takes about a half hour. I take the plastic cover off the split duct indoor unit and give it a wipe down with alcohol. Then I take the fan out and spray it with a hose. Finally, I use air compressor to blow out the drain line.
This time when I took the cover off a wasp flew into the house. I thought it came in the open window but had the good luck to look through the back of the unit before I stuck my hand inside. All I could see behind the drain line where the black outlines of several hornets and the top of their nest. They'd slipped in between the plastic drain line cover on the outside of my house and the siding.
I had to spray so much WD/40 around the drain line to kill them. Then I had to climb a ladder in the middle of a rains storm to pop the outside cover off.
A HUGE wasps nest came tumbling out when I took it apart. I was so scared that I hadn't killed them good and a bunch were going to come rolling out when I popped that cover open while standing at the top ofa 15 foot ladder. Thankfully, I didn't get stung.
Their nest was so big that it was pushing against the drain line and preventing water from draining to the outside. I'm going to have to come up with a way to seal that gap off. Otherwise, I know wasps or hornets or god forbid yellow jackets will take up residence there again.
Speaking of yellow jackets. I got stung by a bunch of them just a few days later while weed eating my yard. There was a basket ball sized nest at the corner of my basement. I found another larger nest in the middle of my yard the same day. It was located where I had planned on mowing but had thankfully put off.
I waited until dusk when activity slowed down in both nests. Then I poured a bunch of gasoline down both of the holes and lit them on fire. Killed them good.
The next night I was crossing my yard on a moonless night and almost got skunked. A skunk was trying to dig up the gasoline roasted yellow jacket larval. I didn't see it until I was standing right next to it. It make a cute little noise then all I saw was the top of a white tail in the minimal star light. Thankfully, it decided to run away when it startled me instead of spraying me.
>>140386I consider myself lucky we don't really deal with wasps here very often. I'll see a nest pop up every other year, but they're small and don't really have a chance to establish themselves. Well, it's a result of the area becoming more developed and nature itself retreating which isn't very nice.
I'd be willing to deal with wasps and skunks to have fewer houses and more trees around here...
I'm gonna go to work later
Nearly had heat stroke walking in this weather, not fun
going to stream some RoR2 soon
can't watch, makes me nauseous
dreamt i accidentally downloaded the ultimate scareware rootkit and couldn't get it off my machine
was thinking of just tossing it in the trash
Found Darth Revan minifigure for $4 at a local antique shop. Today is a good day.
Took a nap and had a quintuple inception dream, then a series of trips.
5 was about me meeting my father, 4 was about me waking up from 5 then missing my father, 3 was about me waking up from 4 and telling #qa about 4 and 5, 2 was about me waking up from 3, seeing a huge tornado out the window with houses and all flying around it, 1 was about me waking from 2 only to realize my nap had turned into a 24 hour sleep and I'd gotten fired from w*rk for missing a day without notice, then I "woke up" in the real world. Then began a series of "getting up"s, they were all short so I don't remember what happened but I "got up" at least 10 times and was starting to question reality after around the 5th time... Very trippy.
I remember like 5 dreams of mine a year and 4 of them will be nightmares so maybe it's for the best
>>140396wtf I don't think I've ever had a layered dream
talk about a deep well of a mind.
parents aren't letting me post on kissu unless i finish my middle school homework first
>>140398it happens to me a lot when i try to force myself to wake up
>>140402i was wondering what that would be like, thanks for pioneering so i don't have to
>>140402Tea and coffee mix with a surprisingly small amount of other drinks.
having a żur before i go to work
a girl passing by in a car shouted at me that she liked my shirt
Going to work
playing ror2 and forgot that the crab things have an on death 1shot...
bought a vt*ber figure
it's chibi but her head is large (about 1/4 size)
>>140408nothing crazy
she could've been trolling
>>140411I can barely see what's on it. Maybe she liked the color.
>>140411Why are you wearing shoes indoors?
>>140412it's a puma biting a tiny surfboard
>>140413i just didn't take them off
>>140415hundreds of thousands of dollars
>>140411after much deliberation - only one answer remains.
godspeed anon
Going to work later today
today i learned parity and parody are homophonous in burger english
Going to work today
In approximately two hours I will leave the house and get to the workplace to work on my job.
love the comute
ate a bag of utz ridged sour cream and onion chips and a packet of peanut m and ms
tasted SOOOO good
sure wish i was dating my sister right now
>>140427i ate too many chips today
>>140432Why not play a fast paced fps game? Doom and quake are good choices.
>>140433Not him, but I think the issue isn't 500 hours of mind-pumping action dopamine hits, but simple engagement. If the game isn't pulling you in and making you ignore your desire to sleep, or at least giving you a feeling of time well spent, it's not engaging you.
My problem is typically getting motivation to hit the executable, after that it's all good.
I'm going to work today
i got mocked for being a premature ejaculator
>>140440please do not abuse the user CSS with bright colors and crap.
saw the edit
I blogged in the blog thread, thinking about
>>140440This is very enjoyable post
i'm spermer i sperm
I'm going to my job today to work on my career
I am blogged in the blog thread, thinking about blogging about gamign
Going to work today
i now live in fear of burning more pots
every few days i check the kitchen to see if i've fucked anything up
thankfully it hasn't happened again so far
just learned that sousou no frieren means frieren the slayer
just learned that frieren the slayer has a big round elf butt
Leaving for work now
Going to work later
figured out that fast music helps me type faster
having an intensive snuggle sesh with my meower
>>140456post pics (cat only)
I aint going to make a thread, because I'm lazy
but Uhhhh.... seasonal stream in 5 minutes?
mom found the cum sock
>>140460That sounds so good though
There's no motivation ever for me to take a bicycle anywhere around, and no sea either.
Going to work later
>>140463fateful encounter
going to work after cleaning up a bunch of my browser tabs
Didn't want to start a thread for this; I really need this BDMV: anyone could
>seed it>post comment requesting re-seed>find it elsewherePlease let me know. This show deserves a proper release and it's one of my favorites. I got [-_-]'s and it excludes EVERY ED joke. Which is a crying shame. It also has some other problems but I won't get into those details since I appreciate what they attempted to do.
Please help me bring some happiness to my waifu's life. I love you my beloved rabbit otaku girl.
>>140469Forgot to mention; I've been waiting for over a month now. When I first connected there were 2 seeds both at 100%. But they refused to share any data. There is another guy in the swarm with about 45% that refuses to share any data either. Over the last several weeks more than 10 or 15 people have connected. Sat at 0% despite the seeds. Then given up.
If someone seeds it I'll make sure my seedbox seeds it forever. I thought those seeds were just seeding other torrents. Since I've had that happen in the past and they would finally start sharing data after days of not transferring anything. But it's like when these guys noticed others connected they fucked off to be funny or none of them have really been connected in years now.
>>140469I like it when people make threads, it's how imageboards are supposed to work.
Anyway, yeah, the raw 14gb BD is on AB alongside some subs that are the reasonable file sizes
>>140471>I like it when people make threads, it's how imageboards are supposed to work.I don't want to start a thread that's effectively a one-off request. I don't want to find the one I probably posted months ago right now either. I'm lazy and drunk
>Anyway, yeah, the raw 14gb BD is on AB alongside some subs that are the reasonable file sizesYeah I'm not surprised. Makes sense why I can't get a seed now. Sick of this crap being locked up behind a wall. I'm not doxing myself for something that should be on an XDCC bot or public tracker. I should have been able to post my own re-seed request but nyaa staff is in cahoots with the private trackers now.
If anyone can seed it please do so. If the "good subtitles" are just the same thing as what's on public sites (and they usually are) they aren't going to work for various reasons. Mainly, that they cut out a ton of the content/jokes. Sadly, I can't elaborate further without spoiling the joke(s).
>>140472I was basically asking which one you wanted. I can toss it on mega or something. There's the raw BD and then the subtitle releases are Miya-K, t4w, -__-', volta_john, Scriptum and TSuNDeRe. Might be better to have someone else do it if it's the raw BD, though, since 14gb is like 8 hours of 100% upload for me.
>>140473I always need the raw BDMV. Thanks. I don't expect people to go out of their way or anything. I was just hoping someone would be willing to seed it to these fine gentleman that have been waiting for over a month now.
As far as subtitles: If they're scripts I'd like all of them just to compare. If they're actual soft/hardsub releases embedded into video there is no way I'd ask someone to go through all that trouble. But it'd be interesting to see how they handled things differently and if anyone bothered to preserve the ED gags at the end of every mini-episode. All the releases I've seen do not. They have the OP+all the episodes in a row+the full ED. Which is the worst way possible to watch the show.
>>140474Hmm, alright, I guess I can try to figure something out sometime soon. Seems like a lot of the subs are just re-used with different codecs or whatever so I guess I don't actually need to download them all. This will still be annoying to upload at my speed, though.
>>140475I should have mentioned; I plan on totally re-working the translation no matter how many existing ones I have to look at. I was just curious to see what other groups used for different things throughout the show. If I'm really lucky a friend will probably agree to help me translate it without basing it off any existing script. But I'm going to take a shot at it myself first. Since I'm kind of using this project to practice my own TL and typesetting skills. It's a short show that I happen to really like that also doesn't have a proper public release. So it's a good candidate for a first solo project.
In other words: I really only need the BDMV and _maybe_ some old TV capture raws (assuming they are still around somewhere haven't checked perfect dark yet) depending on what's on the BD itself. For all I know the BD might have excluded the original EDs from each airing of the episodes on the net.
I would buy the BD myself but I like food better than bluray. Also it seems pretty hard to find.
Thanks again. Once I'm done with it I'll make sure the public doesn't lose access to it again. It seems every time I want to pick up an old show these days it has become nearly impossible to source raws. The recent LD rips are particularly annoying in that respect.
While I'm at it: I'm trying to track down the BD of Fumiko's Confession. Last of my blogposts for now.
>>140469Seeding. Not sure if your client's open or not, but I don't seem to be connecting to you.
what the fuck i was drinking some chocomilk at w*rk and a guy that's been around for like a year walked by with his twin and suddenly i realized it's been two dudes all along with the same haircut and beard and clothes and voice woah
Going to work
>>140476Well here's the folder of the stuff I downloaded except the massive 14gb one since this guy
>>140478 says he's seeding it on nyaa and I see 3 seeds on there now.'s set to expire in a week, but in the future a thread for this is a good idea since I have to non-blog to respond
Going to work
Going to work
>>140485Please stop going to work. It pains me.
going to neetwork
>>140488That stuff looks good!
want to make a thread about the influx of good facial expressions in recent anime but i cant type words
>>140489and it tasted even better
there were also THREE cakes and some strawbs and cream as dessert
>>140492Oh, that's terrible. I hope she comes home soon!
>>140492scurried away...... she'll be back in no time
>>140495it was for fourteen people, individually not that much and there was a lot left over still
i had one slice of the chocomousse on the left and a smaller bit from the chocotorta on the right
and there are versions that use a lot more dulce de leche than what grandma brought
Going to work today
>>140492>>140493>>140494Found her. The neighborhood stray came up onto our porch and I figured if he's out maybe my cat will be out, so I did a walk around the block. I saw her by chance in the bushes at the house directly across from mine. Took this pic while waiting for my mom to come with the carrier. Thank God cats have reflective eyes.
>>140498Good luck.
cat so white it looks like a lightsource at first
On a rickety train on my way to have dinner with my uncle in NYC, but probably have to go through the subway first...
Hopefully since it's a busy week there's no schizos.
was going to the b*nk and there was a house with its window open where you could see and hear a family loudly chanting phrases repeatedly while grasping rosaries
even the kōhai with his curly hair was doing it
i think at first it was "may god save us" but on the way back a few minutes later i couldn't make sense of it
Going to work today
Going to work today
wow, the guy went to work two times in a row
need to start compiling my taxes
>>140507in what countries does it happen that you need to do your taxes personally i only know of burgerstan
>>140508i don't think it's atypical to need to submit taxes... this is canada
>>140509In practically all of Europe at least regarding earnings it's completely automated so it's quite atypical for many of us.
I still have to do my taxes because I like stocks and crypto which isn't always automated, but really all I do is put in the amount I hold and how much I earned from sales and hope they don't waste my time asking questions.
>>140510I think most europeans get government pensions and stuff? Because like everyone in 1st world north america has stock portfolios they either pay someone to manage or self manage
>>140511Is this meant to be bait?
>>140513I'm just confused why you think Europeans don't invest. I'll ignore the 1st world part because the other guy called you burgerstan first so it's only fair.
>>140514because EU stockmarket returns are weak and you said that doing taxes for stocks is significant.
Also employers reporting the salaries of people isn't done here. There's no centralized documentation of what people take in, in part because there's a lot more freelance/small businesses.
Going to work
made heroines go ooo
ate instant noodles with deer meat
shika shika
Going to work today
>Me, the same girl who hates all those prim and proper heroines, got reincarnated as the villain in the world of my favorite fantasy dating sim!
When's the next seasonal thread so I can blech at this
Going to work
I colored 9 pages today
>>140524nine pages of what
I distro hopped again
rabbit time
Going to work
>>140528oh, forgot to make a thread this month. oh well
better late than never
Going to work later
just got back from work
Will be going to work today.
randomly received a strong urge to purchase nintendo products
Nintendo isn't real
Going to work
there was a white-haired oji-san lifting 130 kilos at the calf raise machine
asked him how long he'd been working out and he said 20 years pretty impressive
I half tidied my PC room
Every artist I follow on Twitter inevitably ends up being a teenage girl, or posting her feet, or both
sick blog
>>140539thought it said half tiddied
>>140540you just have really good taste in art!
after about a week i have stopped pooping blood
vold as heck
>Joker: Folie à Deux
Did people actually know this was being made...
>>140546yeah and I was going to watch it to form my own opinion but hearing all about it alongside spoilers and such make me feel like it's probably not worth going to the theater for
i try to stick my head in my sand but still heard all about it so no desires to see it at all
the first joker film wasn't even that good
>>140546No, I hadn't heard about it until all the talk about how bad it apparently is. Seems there's been a whole bunch of DC movies releasing, like whatever the hell 'Blue Beetle' is, that have thoroughly bypassed me (not that I would've had any interest in watching them anyway I suppose).
>>140550Always has done, or at least it's been a global rule for as long as I've used the site. The actual enforcement of it varies a lot though: you'd have to get very unlucky to cop a ban for racism on /pol/, but bringing that kind of discourse (more so the throwing around slurs and going on off-topic rants, not just having casually racist attitudes) to the more mild-mannered hobby boards is generally not going to be received well.
>>140551>The actual enforcement of it varies a lot thoughDon't want to get into specifics since this isn't a place for that, but yeah it surprised me since I ran under the assumption that it was in the same bag as trolling where they didn't give a toot.
And I know better than to shit up hobby boards, unless the hobby is getting mad at video games. I just wanted to blogpost about my misfortune because I thought it was interesting they actually did that, or at least that mod, and small part in wanting to vent frustration at opaque moderation.
Either way I'm a bit grumpy because I had a longpost on /jp/ that I cant send for a few days.
Anyway, has anyone played or done anything interesting lately?
>>140550out of all the bans I have ever received none were ever for the reason being specifically racism, this including posts I was banned for which contained slurs even.
found batteries and now my mouse works again
rubbing alcohol is so useful! i wipe it on everything
>>140558>12kbpsgrim, I had to tolerate that about 12 years ago and it was miserable doing anything even then.
Was piriting wifi from a cantenna all the way from a tire shop across the street. Youtube could be watched at 360p if I let the videos buffer a bit.
blech, the humidity is so gone. It's messing with my mindset. Need to buy one ASAP
suffering from acid diarrhea......
was searching for advice on time deposits and right away it showed me a thread about currency exchange with vip hookers
forgot the blog i was going to make
i've stopped buying drinkable yogurt and eating VLTRA sandwiches, this should save me about a fifth of my current salary
I ate food and feel so good :D
oh... shhhhhiiiiit.... i had to let the cast iron cool down before applying another layer of seasoning......
told a total stranger that he's one of the most beautiful people i've ever seen
>>140568I never had a reason to hide posts here since threads don't go off the rails, but yeah that's a nice feature I wish was universal. If I hide a post I don't want to see it. Sometimes there'll be a total derail going on for 50+ posts and there's just this big bar of [+] Anonymous going down the screen between on topic posts.
>>140571you can do that but only if you're a mod
>>140574you invite them into chatting and foster a stable relationship until you gradually grow close enough to meet up and then stab him repeatedly in the gut
I really don't like most of the imageboards that exist out there, and that sucks.
>>140577Did you guys fuck, real talk.
>>140577>didn't get stabbedso vermin was bottom then
>>140578bruh, berun is just some lanky dude. if I were to switch to gay it would have to be a black haired arab type.
>>140580so that's why you like hasan
>>140576Same, I actually really like imageboards as a format but the fact that they all western imageboards ultimately have 4chan as their common ancestor means that 4chan culture is in every imageboard.
But then to be fair 4chan culture is all over Youtube now as well. The internet is basically 4chan at this point.
>>140583the internet has basically been 4chan for 20 years, except it was fun back in 2006
I saw Toe in concert
got banned evaded the ban and got banned again
so like my appartment is changing it's internet provider from one company to another so they need to do an inspection and my brother is back in town and probably wants to see the cat so I have to pack up all my kimo stuff and unkimo my unit. But I also have to clean my appt and stuff and like yeah and yeah and yeah. So I also have a bunch of eroge I bought and there's also other games. Then there's also job and my cat goes meow meow meow meow meow meow asking to be played with and yes
went for a trip on my acro bike
>>140589find any hidden areas?
still searching for the /qa/ secret base
been staying up too late and not sleeping enough recently and it's really caught up to me today think i'll just cut my losses and sleep now instead of putting it off another day
>>134727I've got a secret!... I've been hiding!... under my skin!...
My heart is human!... my blood is boiling!...
So if you see me!... acting strangely... don't be surprised!
I'm just a man who!... needed someone... and somewhere to hide!
To keep me alive! just keep me alive!
Somewhere to hide! to keep me alive!
>>140599thought this was boingo's private life at first
doesn't fit as well though, does it? hmm
Had a seriously tasty schnitzelweck at the train station
jacked off into a rice paddy
i have an intense desire to eat weetabix with a bed head alice
Sister said she wants to watch anime with me. She seemed especially excited to show me "Nisemonogatari".
there's some stupid fucking birds that keep sitting in a nest or some shit outside my window and they wake me up early so i rattle the blinds to make them leave and try to go back to sleeping
spending my entire day reading through oshi no ko hellthreads on /a/
>>140611they're not varied enough to spend THAT much time on them
>>140614Umm, check the dates on them first. Don't donate expired food.
>>140615it's all good, the dates were for 2025
had to lift those kilos up a flight of stairs where the two grannies and the heavily tatooed man in his 20s were cutting up dry pork and chicken to throw into a pot for tonight's soup kitchen
it was nice i hope it helped
i believe in heliocentrism
kuon just sat on me
>>140617I believe the Earth centers around Hell
heliocentric flat earth theory
>>140621Hell'o'centric fat earth theory
Was visiting my cousin in Atlanta over the weekend and went to some museums and ate a good variety of food which was nice.
Still hate cities but think I've gotten better at handling being around people without having a nervous breakdown that I'll be killed and hiding in a restroom. Still think I need a switchblade or something to really feel safe.
I parked at a shopping mall to take the train into the CBD to go to an appointment, then on the way back after buying groceries at the mall it took me 90 minutes to leave the parking lot of the mall, before driving home for another 40, because the traffic was so incredibly heavy. I felt like I was going to have a panic attack.
shaved my beard because scalp psoriasis is SHIT and i don't want to deal with double the trouble anymore the stupid shampoos are fucking expensive
wonder what beer i should buy for this month
pilsner urquell
trying to listen to TTRPG actual plays and i'm being bored out of my mind
>>140629You should actually play it (anything that isn't 5e for the love of God please) instead of listening to it!
>>140630i want to see how other people play and run games to get a better perspective but youtubers are the most insufferable people on the planet and also everyone insists on speaking in a silly voice
I ate tons of whole grain and now my poops are big and easy and good
i bought a house, boy are they expensive
>>140635holy shit, congrats anonymous!
what kind of house?
>>1406363 bed 2.5 bath ranch house
Mum found some of the pictures of ghosts that I drew for my 3 year old nephew and she said they were really good. I didn't think they were that good but still.
The 404'ing wide banners are going to start being removed. So if you made something and you want to repost it, then I'll be giving you the pre-warning before the real warning
>>140640hold on hold on
i assume some of them can be edited as you did that for one of mine one time
the oyasumi chuu ones can be changed to the OP/ED on youtube
pout thread can be redirected to the current one
for maguerite there's this archive: shopping was updated to this: links i don't recall what they were supposed to be, but i'm pretty sure that anonymous is still here
as for gabriel's nuked vid and the hima frog, those being removed makes sense, and i don't remember what lucky sigh was supposed to be but i like it...
i'm surprised the skeles are nearing the top of the scoreboard, thought that'd be impossible... surprisingly powerful
>>140640Why are you making moderation decisions in the blog thread?... You have an entire board dedicated to this...
>So if you made something and you want to repost itJust let users update the URLs. This has been an issue for over four years
>>140642an issue I don't feel like fixing
besides... if you still have account access you can just repost.
The regular aggitator in the moderation circle is telling me to remind you that I told you in 2022 to add that functionality to the source code yourself
maybe chii can tell why this was posted in the blog thread
>>140645You said would look into the issue four years ago
>>140649I literally do not understand why people think the way you do. When they could just do a tiny little bit of effort instead of having me spend 5 hours programming a new feature which will save you like 10 minutes in the grand scheme of things
>>140650wouldn't it take ten minutes for you to edit them as things are
or is that no longer possible (
>>140651i don't need to do anything if you would just reupload them...
>>140652i would but none of them are mine
>>140653are you implying you want to edit someone else's banners or that you think people will fix it if there's now an edit feature
>>140654i don't want them to be deleted
>>140656>I have no stake or reason to contribute.don't say stuff like that... it's gonna make vermin start insulting you
>>140657I'll insult whoever I want for no justifiable reason
>>140658right but some things lead to it more quickly
>>140656if you want a feature and I'm not going to do it then I've given you the avenue to make your dream a reality.
You just don't want to copy paste your banners and update the URLs. I can't save you from your own lazyness and I don't condone it
i'mna gonna going to suya and if no settlement has been reached i can make a new acc and do the jank correction repost
do you not see how silly it is?
to edit:
- Log in
- select post
- modify url
- submit
to repost
- log in
- save image
- delete old
- upload image
- add url
- submit
You are requesting a feature over reducing one step in an already straight forward process.
>>140663wow, it took you this many hours to come up with the only rational argument
>>140664Just because I haven't said it doesn't mean I haven't thought about it. When I deleted my banners and reposted them previously they all started from zero and the chronological ordering became confused. Forgive me for being so vain in not wanting to do the same thing again.
Anyways... It's annoying that the point I have been avoiding mentioning because I thought it the least compelling, and most selfish reasoning, is the only one you find "rational" and compelling.
>>140666It is factually the only reason why I'm wrong in two ways
>>140665She is one of the most spermable girls for sure
i really want bokuyaba s3
aho girl just unlocked a ryona fetish i didn't know i had
if there are any bugs... fix them yourself! i'm DONE. i don't think there are any other than the input form's regex being broken, but I just copied the broken regex from the existing input so idc...
Thanks to community contribution you should be able to edit any banners you have that are outdated before we inevitable do something to them
>>140674Don't think I've seen that specific brew, but I've picked up Unibroue stuff in chain supermarkets around the US. Their La Fin du Monde is especially tasty.
>>140676yeah, it was like a good fruitish light beer
>>140678frogge go mlem mlem
>>140678what da frog doin
a number of things are not going according to plan but at least today i maxed out the calves machine at 100 kilos and i'm feeling good about that
especially considering that i was at like 45kg close to two months ago when
>>140538 happened
got new glasses that came with anti-glare and blue light reduction so i can drive at night and actually use my glasses on the pc without dying
ate a banana
some fucking niggers tried to scam me saying someone else had gained access to my account
at first it was reasonable, they told me to take note of their names and to log out from other devices
but the part about shutting off contact for a day started to make less sense when they wanted me to transfer credit to a supposedly internal account as part of the process
then i started asking questions
they wanted me to hurry
so i hung up and contacted the company through actually official channels to verify what they were saying, because i was looking at my account and things didn't line up
it was confirmed that they were scammers and i reported their account
i unblocked them so they'd call a second time and i asked them kindly to go FUCK themselves then they hung up
>>140686good work exercising caution, hate hearing about these bastards win.
>>140672so did you get the result you wanted?
I think after Kissu-day I'll make a thread about impending deletion if not corrected on <lists all banners with issues>
>>140689i'm happy you added the feature and i liked making use of it (if only through a helpful proxy)
went to an unslashed jp student meetup today there were about thirty people
there was karaoke one of the senseis sang really fucking well i did nhk's pazuru and everyone sang cruel angel's thesis
won the shiritori tournament
it was decently fun
>>140695That's the time when you say fuck it and do whatever and stop caring about the binding social/moral rules that dictate you behave
Make heroines was inspired by Daeling in the Franxx...
>>140695I experience this every day. Only a couple more years until I can move to Japan.
got in trouble for eating all the deer crackies in nara park
>>140701the deer needed those to make it through the harsh winter...
One of my pillow covers has butterflies (and other things) on it. Which is nice until you realize they're insects.
Flytrap is working, sorta. 5 drowned, 15 hanging around the trap
>>140705Good. Hate the little bastards. Have you cleaned up around the house to nail potential sources of them?
I really need to get into dating apps or something, I've developed a crush on my portfolio manager over the past few months, since she started trying to talk to me more. I don't think she is trying to flirt with me, and is just trying to get to know my team better since she's sorta new in her current position but she is noticeably more friendly to me than to other coworkers. I think it's because we are both a similar age and most of the other workers are 10-20 years older than us. One of the middle aged guys came up to me and plainly told me not to date my portfolio manager, so I'm not the only one seeing things. I know this is the right move but it is starting to feel like the wrong one.
>>140707>One of the middle aged guys came up to me and plainly told me not to date my portfolio managerOjisan wants her for himself...
>>140707I'll never understand how someone could think a job or any amount of money is more important than potentially meeting your future wife. I'd rather live in a homeless tent with my wife than be a billionaire fucking supermodel sluts 24/7 but not having actual love.
>>140708>>140709Well I decided to text her yesterday night and ask if she is flirting with me and has a crush on me too. This is something I would have preferred to do in person but I rarely see her outside work and it's uncommon that I see her even during work. My company contracts me out so it's not like I'm even in the same building as her on a daily basis. She's supposed to be coming by the building I work at for something related to the contract this Monday. I really feel like I shouldn't have said anything but she texted me earlier this week making sure I wasn't looking for jobs elsewhere and that she would do anything she can for me, and then I had a dream about her visiting my parents' house and talking to my Mom about me. I really hope nothing comes of it and she rejects me and things can stay professional between us. I really don't want to look for a job right now since the one I have now is pretty nice but while she isn't my direct superior she is one of the approvers on my time card.
>I'll never understand how someone could think a job or any amount of money is more important than potentially meeting your future wifeI'm sure you know this but it comes from a pragmatic evaluation of risk and reward. Despite many people acting like there is
one girl for them, most people behave like there is a number of possible
ones. Oftentimes the risk of losing a job or career setbacks aren't worth the opportunity cost of just looking for a
one somewhere that isn't work.
>>140711>I'm sure you know this but it comes from a pragmatic evaluation of risk and rewardI've been a NEET since I dropped out of middle school 20 years ago and can think of plenty of ways to live frugally without getting a job so I can't relate at all. Having a career just seems like a really bad life decision unless you have some expensive hobby or something that costs thousands per year that you'd hate to live without.
>>140713Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
The thread sages automatically when there's a new post
>>140717Because of posts like this, it isn't blog worthy and shit. No it isn't saging because the posts aren't blogworthy in itself, more that after a certain amount of time it allows itself to be bumped.
>>140719She hasn’t said anything. Don’t know if this is a good or bad sign. Probably bad for my love life, being ignored seems like a bad thing. And Monday might be awkward if she doesn’t read it until then.
>>140720>She hasn’t said anything. Don’t know if this is a good or bad sign.That's not a good sign.
There's a good chance she just liked having someone her age at her workplace.
Asking if she's flirting and has a crush on you is very straight forward, I think the norm most places is to casually and non-comitting ask someone if they want to grab a meal together after work without any strong implication even though there's a low level implication if it's just the two of you. If she says she's busy or hesitates too much in answering you can just wave it off and don't bring it up again. It makes getting rejected much less awkward for everyone involved because it's not such a heavy implication and everyone can easily lie to themselves that the conversation didn't really mean anything.
Fingers crossed things will be fine either way. Worst case scenario you'd probably just apologize and promise not to do it again. It's extremely unlikely you'll need to actually find a new job if this is your one and only such interaction. Best case scenario she's actually interested, but an awkward dork. I don't know her, who knows.
>>140723sphaghetti not even hot............
>>140722> she just liked having someone her age at her workplaceThat's what I think is happening too but I've had a nagging feeling it wasn't just that. I had been ignoring it but having that dream about her and my Mom made me realize I probably shouldn't ignore it. I just want to get back to making work about work instead of feeling like I'm in highschool again trying to fabricate excuses and sneak time to be with a crush.
>>140714just trying to help you find a way out of wageslavery so you can have a good life
>>140719>>140722She replied and said that she respects me and has always had positive interactions with me. I’m not surprised, it’s what I thought was the right answer but maybe not the best way to get an answer like you said.
normshitter thread
>>140721the hi-er
>>140728>She replied and said that she respects me and has always had positive interactions with meSo.... not a rejection?
>>140730Unless I’m grossly misunderstanding things I was given the friend zoned (coworker zoned?) response. So a rejection.
>>140728She handled your spaghetti gracefully.
started watching hellsing ultimate
seras is cute
>>140738How are you liking your newfound magical powers?
>>140739I haven't noticed anything different. Might be that my body/mind has to adjust to my newfound wizardom haha...
gonna read shabs;gate
gonna read subarashiki hibikid
>>140738The scary part is 10 years from now you're going to feel like you only became a wizard yesterday. No one tells you about the ear hair.
Subscribed to fanbox pixivs again
translating shit nobody cares about again from japanese to english
so tired that its starting to physically hurt think ill sleep
aaa it's -7C but it feels fricken cold
givin my meower the snuggly wuggly
started watching uta kata
i'm pleased with the abundance of pantsu
>>140754I'm getting this printed and framed for myself as a Christmas gift!
Cool pic!
>>140755Thanks mum, but if you're really going to do that at least let me give you the full resolution. I adjusted the lighting too to make the shadows slightly warmer and the midtones less green.
dad fell for ESTA fraud and paid scammers to take our personal information......
at least it looks like they did file mine, official gov site confirms the application has been approved
my imouto might have become a lesbian
took about ten days to complete the process
sadly can't wish him a nice day back lmao
>>140760is her getting a gf worse or better than if it were a bf
bought furniture from Ikea and Amazon today
burned the backflow incense I got for christmas, there's now a bitter smelling yellow oily residue everywhere and I got a nasty headache
>>140761what prompted you to delete your warframe account?
>>140763wanted to get it out of my head and it worked
bleh minor nosebleed
need to get a humidifier
ate food and now im full
>>140767Or you could stop picking your nose.
>>140767Might be lack of nutrients. I had constant nosebleeds growing up from not eating enough.
found not one but two female footfags on twitter
scary scary
>>140771... but do they like girl toes or manly men feet
building's water pump broke for the tenth time this year, but this time nobody's in and they can't fix it....
>>140772the former obviously
>>140771Is that really possible? Hmm...
i should hop off giko now
it's quickly starting to reek of nü-neo-chantards
sucks to lose weight when you have money. you have no legitimate pressure to cut down on consumption
>>140777but all the best diet food is expensive, like stuff sweetened with stevia or monk fruit, and good quality meat
>>140778> diet foodwhat the hell are you doing!
> stuff sweetened with stevia or monk fruit
You can replace desire for sweetness with coffee and other cafeine and eat minimal sugars
>good quality meat
Tofu products are easy to eat when you use good oils
Vegitables can be expensive but are not too bad compared to the savings you make from eating tofu instead of beef
>>140778>diet foodjust stop eating if you want to lose weight
easy and free
don't fall for the big diet
>>140778Don't eat the artificial sweeteners. They are really bad for you. So is most "diet" food. It's a scam. You'll lose a few pounds then gain them back when you cheat and eat real food.
If you want to lose weight simply stop eating for a week. Do a fast. Nothing but water for 3-7 days or however long you can go. Don't try to go for a week the first time unless you have a lot of will power. Eventually, your body will start consuming fat stores and you'll drop pounds quickly. You'll know when this is happening because you'll start to stink and your cheeks are the first place to vanish. You can't do anything about the smell it's just part of it. Your body is getting rid of all the crap you've eaten over the years and other chemicals you've consumed (things like THC store in fat).
Once you're done with your fast start eating very small amounts of real food. Nothing frozen or processed. Buy real meat, fish, vegetables, rice, beans, tofu or anything you're into. Make your own meals.
After a fast it's very important that you don't gorge yourself. Eat very small amounts of food slowly for the first day or two. You have to get your body used to getting energy from stomach again. If you gorge yourself it can kill you depending on how long you've been fasting. I typically have a small serving of oatmeal even though I try to avoid it. Just because it's easy to make and comes in almost perfect amount per bag. After you've eaten 2-3 small bowls of oatmeal start to add real food in. Meat, fish, veggies, rice or whatever. By day 3-4 after fast you should be back to eating normally.
Speaking of eating normally; 3 big meals daily isn't normal. Skip breakfast when possible. If you do have something have something very small. Have a decent lunch. Eat a small meal about 2-3 hours later. Another for "dinner" and yet another a couple of hours before bed. Basically, spread the 3 big meal into 4-5 smaller meals later in the day. This is how people used to eat before the 3 meals a day thing and breakfast became popular. It's better because you aren't constantly gorging yourself then starving yourself for several hours. It stops you from "crashing" and craving sugar.
Speaking of sugar: No processed (white) sugar at all. Very little if you do have it as part of a cake or doughnut or something of that nature. Eat raw honey instead. Use honey for your coffee instead of sugar. Use brown sugar or less processed sugars for cooking. Or use molasses. The less processed the better.
Fruits are basically sugar. That's your snack instead of candy. Once you've been off processed sugar for awhile things like apples start to taste overly sweet and you won't be able to eat more than one at a time.
>>140782I forgot about beard. Bread is a staple food in my culture/country. But I've tried to cut it out of my daily food intake and have replaced it with rice when possible. I still eat it sometimes if I have a meal at someone else's house and I keep a loaf around to snack on from time to time. But bread isn't good for you and actually turns into alcohol when your body processes it. It's a mild depressant. Hence why it has always been the food of the poor (it's also easy to make and stretch. Cheap bread is sometimes half saw dust).
Bread isn't great for other reasons I'm sure you already know about. Another thing I gave up was peanut butter. Simply because all major brands of it have some much vegetable oil. You want to avoid vegetable/rapeseed oil all together. Use tallow or peanut oil instead. I don't want to get into the details I'll just leave it at this: If gives you cancer and it shouldn't be sold as food.
You have to be careful. Read the labels on anything you think about buying. I have to give up chewing gum because it's impossible to find any without artificial sweeteners which have been proven (by the FDA) to give you cancer and lower your overall IQ score. If you want the details check out the tests they ran on it back in the 70s-80s because Regan's team pushed it through (some of them worked for the company attempting to get FDA to approve it). It's in all the "diet" sodas and drinks and it's very very bad for you. Never consume it. You're better off eating processed sugar straight from the bag.
It's really hard to buy real food these days. I can get real peanut butter. But I have to source it from the Amish and the price is higher than the crap at the store. Totally worth it though.
Another thing you have to be careful with now is beef. If you buy cheap ground beef it is usually left overs ground up from 20+ cows. It isn't like it used to be where there might be beef from 1-3 cows in the package. If you can source meat products from a local farm. Costs a little more but the quality is much higher and the animals are less likely to have some kind of disease. Just watch slaughter house videos if you want to see the kind of animals they're forcing into the line. Some of them can't even walk.
I eat pork but I shouldn't. Try to get pork from a local farm. Pigs can be pretty clean when they're raised well but big farms don't do it because it cuts into their profits.
All I have for now. Sorry for novel.
>You can replace desire for sweetness with coffee and other cafeine
I've tried unsweetened caffeinated tea and soda and it did not cure my desire for sweetness
>Don't eat the artificial sweeteners.
do stevia and monk fruit sweeteners count as artificial? I thought they were just as non-artificial as sugar
>You'll lose a few pounds then gain them back when you cheat and eat real food.
don't worry I never eat real food, only processed junk food
>Do a fast.
I tried that once and it killed my libido and made me miserable. I usually fap 3+ times a day but while fasting I only felt like doing it once every two days and orgasms didn't feel nearly as good, and I'd rather die than live in a world where I'm not blasting huge cumloads 3+ times everyday. I can lose weight doing keto with one or two meals a day even with no exercise so I'll do that again.
>Make your own meals.
takes too much time, I stick to stuff that takes no time to prepare and can be shipped like protein shakes/bars, beef jerky and nuts
>4-5 smaller meals later in the day
what works well for me when doing keto is having one big meal with lots of protein a few hours after waking up, then a small meal later in the day and that's it. when I have ~100g of protein in one meal I don't feel hungry again for ~8 hours. I lose ~8 lbs per month doing this with no exercise. if you can skip the second meal and just have one big meal per day (24 hour fasting) it's about ~15 lbs per month.
>I have to give up chewing gum because it's impossible to find any without artificial sweeteners which have been proven (by the FDA) to give you cancer and lower your overall IQ score.
my score on the free online mensa IQ test did drop from 128 to 123 after a few years of drinking almost nothing but diet soda and tea sweetened with aspartame and sucralose and chewing gum sweetened with xylitol, but in that same time I also stopped playing video games regularly so I thought that was the more likely reason for my brain getting a bit slower. I should probably stop consuming artificial sweeteners, but on the other hand if I keep going then I could become dumb enough to enjoy american TV/movies/vidya again like when I was a kid.
>>140778Speaking from experience, diet is a scam. Just cut down on food, and you'll thin down easy. In no world does one get thin by
eating "diet food"; eat normal food, just not as much.
Nothing as intensive as a week of fasting, but used to (had no choice but to) intermittent fast, visibly lost weight "without trying"; used to eat twice a day with a 16 hour window between: 00AM and 16PM. That's all it took, don't know how much I lost but went from looking chubby to looking like I wasn't getting enough food in less than 6 months.
>good quality meatDon't know how it is where you live, but chicken (breasts) is a poor man's best friend.
I also rarely, if ever, ate any sugar/anything sweet.
>>140785>too much timeDo you have time in a week or a month to mealprep? That's how I do it; prep for the whole week, two meals a day, on a Saturday. Takes me at most 2.5 hours from cooking to clean up, +1 hour if you include the shopping. Right now I'm eating brown rice with chicken gravy every day, chicken is nice, cheap and lots of protein in the breasts.
Probably best to look up/follow a mealprep guide though, if you're going that route. Generally, as long as it can stay in the fridge for 3-4 days and still remain edible, it can be mealpreped. I usually have three days worth in the fridge, and rest in the freezer; moving them to the fridge ~2 days before I need them.
>>140786>Do you have time in a week or a month to mealprep?I have plenty of time, I just don't enjoy cooking. It takes about 6 minutes from cooking to clean up to microwave a bowl of ramen and grab some jerky or a slim jim so that's 1.5 hours for 14 meals and no shopping because it's all shippable including the disposable bowls and forks so there's no dish washing. The rice and chicken gravy sounds like it tastes better but for me it's not worth the extra hour or two of work because I am very lazy.
Just count calories. When it all comes down to it that's what it's all about. You need to burn more than you consume.
There are many ways to do this and you should find some that work for you. Some people suggest intermitten fasting, that works for some but I found I just felt sick and bad during the day. Different people respond differently to different diets. We all have different life styles after all.
But just start counting calories. If nothing else it will give you some idea of what amount of calories are in your food and you might be able to tweak things or replace things in your diet and that might be enough.
>>140788>>140785I used to live like you. Everything either came out of a can, was frozen, or things I could heat up in microwave like ramen. You should stop. Not only is it more expensive the food isn't good for you. You'll feel a lot better if you switch to making prepped meals like the other anon is talking about and doing things that way. I do the same thing with stew and soups. I have a quart of taco soup from months ago in my freezer right now. I'll probably thaw it out in the fridge tomorrow and eat it over the next two days.
>DishesI hate doing them too. The trick is to rinse off things as you're cooking/after you eat. If done right with hot water you don't even need soap. Just rinse them good and put them in the drainer so they're ready next time you want to eat. Give them a good scrub about once a week or so. Takes 10 minutes
>fappingYou weren't fapping 3 times a day because your body needs time to adjust to the fast. After a couple of days once you're burning fats you'll feel really good and will probably be able to fap as much as you want.
You should consider not fapping so often. As faps after waiting for a few days-week are much better than the 3+ times a day faps. Not only do you cum more but the orgasm feels more powerful. It's like advanced edging.
>>140791Ramen surely isn't that bad for you if you don't use the flavor packets that come with it, that's where all the MSG and shit is. I don't eat canned or frozen meals anymore because that makes trash pile up much faster. When I only get food that comes in bags and wrappers then most trash can be sealed inside bottles so it doesn't attract bugs, and the used paper plates and bowls can be stacked in the freezer so I only need to take the trash out about twice in a year. This combined with other clever tactics like never bathing helps me achieve ~23.5 hours of free time every day, basically making me a demigod that most royalty of the past and billionaires of the present would be envious of if they could even imagine that such a lifestyle was possible.
>faps after waiting for a few days-week are much better than the 3+ times a day fapsYes but if you think about pleasure like damage per second in a video game then that's like only spamming the highest damage attack even though it does bad DPS because of its long cast time. Each once per day fap may feel 50% better than each 3 times a day fap, but fapping 3 times a day gives you much more pleasure per day. I've gone up to 4 days without fapping before so I know how good it feels, but not as good as a dozen smaller faps combined.
i like eating cookies because i hate my life
>>140792>Ramen surely isn't that bad for you if you don't use the flavor packetsAnon they're less than 0.50cents a pack. They aren't like the noodles you can buy from a restaurant.
buy rubber gloves for dishwashing
went from the hairiest person i know to one of the least hairy
and i now can say with full certainty that the pain of waxing rivals that of appendicitis
>>140796I have barely any to begin with and got laser hair removal and the girl doing it saw my /qa/...
>>140797>and got laser hair removalPost panties
business i blocked years ago due to their constant ad messages tried calling me today to do a whatsapp code verification scam i assume they were hacked
I may end up with an exchange student JK staying with me for a couple of months
there's gotta be a manga or vn with that premise and a whole bunch of harem hijinks ensue.
>>140803He's actually a teacher at her university and soon their unnatural closedness in terms of their role as student and teacher comes into question regarding the possibillity of her exchanging sexual favors for better grades.
I keep seeing this around and think I'll watch it, but then I realize that I haven't liked any PA Works since ShiroBako. Guess I'll stream this today. 7PM. Standard yukkuri stream.
>>140806get well soon man, take care
sounds like your immune system is wack
I crashed an UTV while joyriding with my best friend.
My reputation as the group's pet retard will never be overcome.
no anime. might watch old kenshin
I have a surprisingly prominent sock tan, considering how little time I spend outside.
¥visit atm to take out ¥70,000
¥atm spits out 70 ¥1000 bills
Not even sure if banks hold high denominations anymore
>>140814Have had the same happen to me too... really wish they'd add the option to select how you'd with the money to be divided.
Just buy a piece of snack like they want you to for change.
>>140711A woman has as much sense in her head as an egg has hair.
Was talking with her and a couple other coworkers last week and the topic of books came up. I haven't read a book that's not a textbook in years, she really likes 19th/20th centuary Russian authors; so I preced to poke fun at her reading depressing communist stuff. Then says she can bring me a copy of Tolstoy's Hadji Murat to read. I told her I probably wouldn't read it, so shouldn't bother. This Monday she came in (she was on boarding a new person at my locaiton) and handed me the book. It's a short book so I read it in a couple days and let her know I'm done with the book and she can have it back. She says she's surprised I even read the book. I still have the book.
Just yesterday, I hear from one of the previous coworkers that she was
really impressed I read the book already, and he was really emphasizing it. I work with him on a regular basis, he's on my team but only at my office a couple days a week and the other days at the main office, he's in his early 40's and little autistic so he may just have misunderstand her but fuck. I also told her Hadji Murat was really funny (it is, Tolstoy really hates Russian society and even when he's not being funny it's funny how much he criticizes the Russians), and according to the coworker she was really caught up on how I could think it was funny. Why even mention to him I read her book? Why bother giving me a book, you don't expect me to read?
>>140819so far I like it more than U149, spy x family, made in abyss S2, the wataten movie and every non-loli anime so it's AOTD.
>>140818It sounds like you are enjoying yourself. That's nice.
>>140818>>140819japan, magical world of wonder
>>140828I always assume they're all girls
>>140828I figured it would be obvious with this subject matter that it would be a woman.
¥ when the temperature is so cold even salted streets are frozen
Feels good to not have to deal with slush
ate 'za
brain went totally fucking crazy for about 6 hours overnight
accidentally spilled hot coffee over my hands this morning ow
had a pretty fun time at a cork shooting game
against my family's advice i gave it a try after asking a bit to the couple guys working there (he said hidamari was natsukashii) and the first shot was so good one of them went "運命のショット!" but of course none of my followups were good enough to knock the weird hanging sunglasses
the other guy suddenly decided to start taking shots at it too, to help me, and even paid for one of my tries
after the fourth batch i declared it was over, but the guy liked me enough to straight up gift me the snail i was aiming for
1500 yen total, so a pretty good deal, and a fun memory
also learned about a surprisingly specific word shopping for buddha figurines
¥仏の肖像、フィギュア¥あ、仏像and from then on everyone we asked knew what it meant
>>140821this happened because otouto asked me if the girls standing around dressed up giving out pamphlets were lolis, since he was mixing it up with gothic lolita, dad overheard and googled it
>>140842sadly no, haven't passed by any rodger's
>>140848After you create the repo you don't need to use the github website anymore. You can clone the git repo onto your local computer and you can just use git cli tool to update the repo/website.
>>140848what about neocities?

>>140849Using a command line interface thing seems even more complicated. I don't really know what I'm doing and am just trying to follow guides, but I've found that even when I do find the often hidden step-by-step ones, they provide no explanation for what to do if the guide doesn't work or there's an error in installing something. For example, I like this template the video guide I'm following only explains how to upload website files and I'm unsure what to use when I download from that repository. When I try to use Static to build the website I get errors and would prefer to keep it as simple as possible rather than installing a bunch of stuff I'm only going to use once. I understand that I'm the ignorant one here but it's still annoying. For now I'm going to use a different template that I have gotten working and play around with it in Dreamweaver. I'd ideally like to end up with a site that looks like this no or minimal script bloat.
>>140850My cousin mentioned it's possible to get a free domain name by using Cloudflare, and I felt more confident given this is the method he used. Although he has alot of experience with this sort of thing while I have none outside of very basic HTML4 writing in high school. I might see if I can ask him for help the next time he visits.
Sorry for rambling
the founding github team introduced a lot of features that are still around
I went to get a haircut and her daughter was there and we happened to be wearing matching t-shirts
was freaking out because I got asked for email associated with a private tracker and couldn't remember it, but thankfully it offered a hint like a**@b**.*
I really, really need to manage my accounts and passwords better
>>140857huh, weird spoiler tag interference there
>>140859And I'm out of working D batteries.............
Had fucking sleep paralysis and that sucked big time.
Had that happen to me just once years ago and still vividly remember it.
Sorry that happened to you.
>>140862Easily one of the human body's worst anti-features. FUCK giant spider ladies (not literally).
>>140864I swear to GOD I saw myself throwing my bluetooth keyboard for my tablet, and it landed vertically, but I blinked and it was still in front of me, and that fucking sucked!
Never saw any demons though
>>140865Ah, yeah I breifly perceived myself in 3rd person when that happened too. But I was just spinning around my bed like the fish from that meme.
man, my past few weeks have been so boring
>>140867Time to start that hobby you've always wanted to get into, but been too intimidated to begin.
>>140868i've got work to do but I don't feel any motivation
went out to get an egg mcmuffin and snack this morning and I shit you not saw at least a dozen police cars on the road during that trip what the HELL is going on is it approaching quota time or something
ducking my head out on all this valentine's nonsense
>>140870oh yeah, it was awful driving around that day where I live
not the biggest police presence I've seen, but there were still way too many of them
power went out and generator isn’t working…. I’m bored….
guess I’ll sleep
>>140752it will be quite the risque adaptation if it ever makes it to broadcast TV
I have done nothing but play vintage story for the past three days
very tired
making a seiza stool so i can sit seiza without my legs falling asleep
$4 in materials
>>140876Hmm, can I see it?
time to see if i can do a successful water fast
4 weeks later finally feel like I'm 97% free of sickness
>>140877sure, once it's done
>>140875gave this game another try and it's pretty nice
takes forever to get anything done but it's that much more rewarding in return
>>140877I'm gonna paint it but here it is.
The bottom edges are curved so you can adjust the angle a little bit by moving your butt back and forth. It works pretty good.
>>140885But why? Isn't that a disciplinary position meant to
inflict pain grow you as a person?
>>140886I'm using it for meditation, it's not painful with this little bench to sit on instead of crushing your calves.
March is usually when I get all my motivation back.
bloggers are reclining
hair's getting too long and getting into my ears again this is why it gets cut
>>140892my cutoff point is when hair starts getting caught in my glasses frames
organized my keys. put old ones i don't use anymore on a ring, then put my duplicate keys on their own ring so that if i lose my main set of keys i'll be okay. also put little labels on some of them so i remember where they go to. prying the rings apart really sucked though. my thumbnails really hurt now. one's a little bloody :(
My hair is longer than some women's now.
I just really hate going to the barber.
Gotta learn how to cut my own already.
>>140897I used to use Zenmarket but after a number of bad experiences and their starting to collect sales tax for my country, I've switched to Japonica.
>>140899bad as in there were problems with the marketplace or what?
>>140900A number of things. I buy alot of second hand items where there is obviously only one available (rather than a store listing where they have a bunch of stock)
-Taking multiple days to place an order for an item for no particular reason
-The above, but then someone else buys the item before Zenmarket can
-Placing an order for an item at a given value, then by the time the order is placed it's gone on sale and they pocket the difference rather than refunding the credit
-Arbitrary refusal to order from certain sellers
-Slow customer service replies even for simple questions that shouldn't need referring to another department
A friend who also switched had previously complained to me that Zenmarket refused the use of a discount code for a webstore he wished to order from. I will give them however that they are good with packaging, tend to have good shipping rates and their website's interface is fairly well functional, but Japonica has just been better in my experience. Whatever you do, don't use Buyee, please.
Rabbit makes you pay a 6$ premium to line cut as well. Otherwise it takes a day and a half
forgot that tilling makes my hands sore hours later
all those reverberations, but I don't know what I could do to avoid it
twenty years of watching anime and posting about it. gotta respect the dedication at least
>>140905Yeah that's a lifelong pleb.
The storms weren't so bad here but they still knocked out power for a few hours. I was mad because it cut out in the middle of reheating a meal.
>>140905but the second half of sasuke retrieval arc WAS overly padded with filler
When Naruto was fighting Sasuke, there was one episode that was ALL flashbacks. Very little actual fighting.
My hair is really unkept and long, but i don't like the barbers around me...
>>140905I found the mieruko and gathering comments funny
moving non-blogs in the appropriate thread with the exact subject being discussed
bump test
kuso ebay bookseller made a listing for "29 volumes" and shipped me only volume 29...
>>141026lmao trolled
no but wait how much did it cost
huh..... a phone company had my IMEI banned, and that's why mine started working weird yesterday...
talked to my provider and they say they've sent a request to unban it, but that it'll take 4 workdays
forearms on fire from tilling and shoveling
think I need to perform some forearm exercises outside of spring to prevent this happening again
spent the last week going outside, doing stuff, getting productive stuff and work stuff done, caught up on necessary emailing stuff, didn't jack off once during it or watch any anime
and now i feel fucking terrible and exhausted and I want to just sit down and do nothing forever. people are fucking LYING when they say that being productive and not having fun makes you feel fulfilled
>>141215>people are fucking LYING when they say that being productive and not having fun makes you feel fulfilledpeople come up with all kinds of lies to trick you into working, like that you'll get an eternal afterlife or be reincarnated so you shouldn't worry too much about wasting this life working
>>141215>makes you feel fulfilled>not having fun sounds like the grindset people
should be obvious at a glance that those norms are NOT normal
>>141217I once discussed a theoretical future (when we're all long dead) where everyone's needs are somehow met and nobody really has to work and can focus on hobbies and entertainment without worrying if it's profitable or not and how good it would be for niche markets if billions of people suddenly had infinite free time to create fun things for fun and not cut corners or change their design for more profit and they said it sounded like a dystopia not to have to work. Like, do you not have hobbies? Why do you want to work when you could replace the hobby time with literally anything? Even just taking a degree for fun would be "work". Some people cannot handle the idea of not being a slave and I don't understand. If they like work so much they could create their own work or join some group doing something.
That said it definitely feels good to do productive stuff I've procrastinated on for years. There are still so many things in my home I've neglected to do that I would love to not worry about anymore, but not enough that I will actually do it this year. Maybe next year...
left a window open and my place is now 17c
sneezed so hard I think I hurt my vocal cords...
norms gonno norm
>>141217>be reincarnatedreincarnation is even worse
what if you spend your whole life working just to get reincarnated into aNOTher life of working on this planet
there’s people out there like the new agers who say this is a Good Thing and something to look forward to, ridiculous
this is masochism
>>141220a TON of people I know don't do shit outside of work beyond watch TV and then random clips of shit on their phone
no job means having to find something to fill the remainder of their life with, and they have nothing to fill it with
kinda bleak, I constantly wish I had time to do personal shit
being self-directed is its own can of effort that these people are unwilling to put in (hell, I can even relate to this, there is a bunch of shit I might even want to do that I know I sure fucking will not be arsed to if I'm not given an external reason to do it)
these people are just not creative or self-driven
and it isn't even a particularly bad thing they aren't: outside of this hypothetical post-scarcity era, it isn't really sustainable to have everyone focus on personal projects
history has selected primarily for workers to follow and their purpose to be externally driven
but it is still kinda bleak to me that they're like that
>>141363those are also known as married people who work very hard hours
also april fools tomorrow
foolish rabbits