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This site is obscene and should be banned


the /secret/-name poster.


Obscenity is made-up unconstitutional nonsense that the supreme court allows because it's crooked. The original spirit of the first ammendment was very clearly "you should be able to say whatever you want and not face government persecution", and the idea of obscenity law didn't exist at all until like a century after the constitution had been ratified.

If you want things excluded from first ammendment protections, pass a new ammendment delineating those exceptions. It shouldn't be hard to get a supermajority to agree to ban things like CP.


And as long as they never try to get a supermajority on-board, people will keep believing that a supermajority is on board.


File:[SubsPlease] Around 40 Oto….jpg (309.73 KB,1920x1080)

There's no way I can handle 52 minutes of this. Someone summarize it.


"you should be able to say whatever you want and not face government persecution"
The founding fathers were all freemasons
This should be no contest but elitechumps have to elitechump and Norpadorp Personality Units can’t but norpadorp (merely repeating the prevailing zeitgeist of course except this characteristic trait seems to be breaking apart alarmingly enough)
(and no not because they’re mentioning bog standard polyp talking points i mean they are beginning to brush around the overall System, just barely but that’s how EVERY conspiracy theorist started)

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