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File:[SubsPlease] Girumasu - 05….jpg (298.82 KB,1920x1080)


I do often wonder sometimes how much of the "tfw no gf" stuff is performative and how much is me just differing from the norm. I can understand loneliness from a having nobody to communicate with perspective, and I can understand lust from a wanting to jerk off perspective, but something I think I've never come to understand has been the romantic need perspective. I've considered the prospect of having a partner before and determined it's too much devoting myself to another person for me to want to engage in that aspect of life, and even then for the most part I have hard times envisioning myself with anyone in real life and most of my fantasies have involved some sort of conquest partnership with my waifu. Likewise I'm able to appreciate and enjoy romance anime for what they are and passionately root for and feel happiness about the cute couples in them without feeling any envy or bitterness myself, while I see others all the time talking about how watching those anime opens up a hole of despair in their hearts. All I want out of life is to be able to enjoy myself and appreciate the art and media other people create, with my only real desire being to create some game or story of my own one day.

When I think about this topic, it always reminds me of prior conversations we'd have in the past about failed norms vs true sages. But then there's been plenty of stuff I've seen strewn about the internet about "epidemics" of people without love and how it's a big social issue or whatnot. It's just that not feeling those supposed pangs of desire myself makes it hard to believe this stuff actually exists, or if it does is that big of an issue to people.


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Aren't you already in a relationship with you're waifu? I'm not sure what you're getting at.


I'm pretty sure a lot of the people feeling that feel are people who have had a relationship in the past and thus more acutely feel the difference in a life alone and the rest are dreaming of an idealized lifestyle. Even if you ignore the personal effects of people feeling like they're unable to progress towards their life goals, a large, aging population of singles is a pretty significant social issue. It doesn't garner much sympathy from people outside the effected group, though, since they could easily just get out there and do it by being themselves.

I don't think your mindset is particularly uncommon, just young and with a perspective just grounded enough to know your ideals aren't realistic without grounding the ideals themselves in realism.


>how much is me just differing from the norm
I think it's mostly this. Never having ever felt even the need for romance is unusual in the population, to the point where I'd suspect people saying that to be the performative ones, rather than the tfw no gf people.


File:[SubsPlease] Jijou wo Shir….jpg (276.84 KB,1920x1080)

When I was a teen I did fantasize about romance with real girls a lot, inspired by various Japanese media, mostly RPGs. "Hopeless romantic" was the term, right, pining for the idealized dream of two people sharing the greatest connection. Well, needless to say it didn't go anywhere, but it changed to general acceptance and then overall content since humans are good at adaptation.

Ironically I think it's the lack of experiencing it in real life that allows one to enjoy it more in fantasy. I remember a story of a Chinese guy that made a VN and some women mocked him for writing an unrealistic romance, but he commented that he couldn't write a realistic one because he never experienced it. If I read it, would I say it was unrealistic or would I just appreciate two people interacting? I think I'd see it for what it is. I'm sure lots of people would say the romance stories I've enjoyed were awkwardly written and unrealistic, but who cares about them?

I enjoy romance stuff a bit, but only to a degree. I avoid most of it just because it's boring and not out of any emotional avoidance. If it lacks anything else interesting then the romance part won't be interesting. When everything is good, though, it can really shine and greatly enhance a story.


if you're ever feeling depressed because no wife just remember that real females are nothing like anime girls, anime girl personalities are complete fiction and the only possible way to have genuine long-lasting love is with a fictional girl


thanks I'm going to snoof a shab now


File:R-1740236565205.png (2.78 MB,2750x4590)

what if the shab snoofed you, did you ever think about that


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>All I want out of life is to be able to enjoy myself and appreciate the art and media other people create, with my only real desire being to create some game or story of my own one day.
Y-yeah, same, OP. Same. W-w-w-w-what a c-c-c-coincidence, I think. No? M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-maybe we c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-could..........
(´・ω・`) No, no, pretend I didn't say anything, forget it.

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