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File:vlcsnap-2025-02-15-19h55m2….png (2.25 MB,1920x1080)

 No.137851[View All]

Thread detailing our intention to subtitle episodes of the anime Medalist. This thread will be edited as required or abandoned if there's no interest

Unless we are able to do the entire tasks in 4 hours we will always be one episode behind current. Going further beyond one episode is not allowed. Quality is not as important as getting things completed.
Enter your subtitles using https://aegisub.org/downloads/ or into a text file with whatever formatting you want.
Translations take priority over all other work.

- Managers/Logo designers/PR People (1/0)
No idea guys allowed.
- Translations(1/20)
Currently 1 user out of a max of 20 are able. Division among each minute of airtime
- Timing(2/1)
Two are useful if the episodes are dialog heavy
- Typesetters(0/1)
Post processing and editor role. Potentially me but not qualified.

Has to be finished before we work on anything else
Not a lot of work but some episodes might be tricky.
Being able to take the karaoke from other subtitles is useful.
Icing on the cake to make the story easier to follow.
62 posts and 19 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


That would be good because I can't really do anything today or tomorrow.
So your deadline is end of day Wednesday.

If there are other tasks people want to do to the script in the meantime then they can go for it.


Not sure well I can actually do any editing stuff when I don't know the source material though... I guess it could be tossed back and forth or something


The goal is to get a thing. Not to get a good thing.
Just work on making the text seem interesting to read and if you see any situations where it would be better to alter the subtitle lines then that's fine too.

I will go through any changes when I time it on Thursday/Friday I think.
I will do it on Twitch so people can provide feedback on what I'm doing.


Thanks. I'll work on it tomorrow and get a proofreadable copy up for you and whoever else wants to help.


I guess I should, for transparency sake, say that I'm keeping track of who's who through the mod dashboard. It would be helpful for others if you gave yourself a random set of numbers or a name to identify yourselves, since we have no thread-level id system.


Alright, I still need to refine the timing and split some lines, but I think the script is in a decent state now. There are also a couple missing signs, including the episode title, marked with commented lines so please let me know what those should be alongside any feedback.

I just reused the enm/Salchow styling for consistency since we're starting halfway through and it looks good enough. I also just used the video source you did, the first one to release. Not sure if there's a better option to use for the final release.

I guess I'm out of practice because this took longer than I thought it would, but I'll finish polishing tomorrow at the latest.


File:9a8b64db79.jpg (1.25 MB,4023x1121)

is this really how coloring works with .ASS
I'm confused what everything is doing


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Is "Who do you think you are? Saying this girl will win against Hikaru" ever better than "Who do you think you are? Saying she would win against Hikaru" Or more referential to episode 5's salchow sub's "Who do you think you are? Thinking this girl can win against Hikaru"


I'll go through everything on Friday since you want to make more changes.


File:fonts.zip (621.34 KB)

You don't have the used fonts installed so it's defaulting to arial or something and doesn't look right. mkvs will usually have the fonts attached so they work regardless but otherwise you need to have them installed locally. Here are the fonts used.

Eh, I don't think there's a huge difference either way, but it's a bit colder and makes it clearer what he's talking about since there's no context there.

I probably won't change the script much, but feel free to wait until I finish everything to do your checks.


What decides color though?


The color tags can get kind of complex, but generally it'll either be inherited from your style setting or one tag. In that screenshot it's the /1c tag and then the color code. Aegisub has color pickers to help with that.

The only thing complex here is that they transformed the "jump jump jump" effects into object values or something, which is unnecessary since they're just simple text layered on top of another to simulate a border (which I'm also not sure why they did because you can just use a border).


Me again, it looks like someone else is working on this part so I'll just uhh.. possibly offer suggestions on what they make?


You could look at what he posted and make changes. I'll create a diff based comparison using github to compare.


So how does commie subs create motion subtitles or subs which overwrite text on screen. I presume there's some sort of way to set background fills and rotations... But movement between time?


Tentatively at 5pm EST friday I'm going to start a twitch stream where I'll compare any alternate edits that are out there, decide which are better, make my own edits and finalize it. Potentially make some stylizations.
It would be good if the translator... Who i personally know... Were on a discord call with me during to go over anything that seems wrong but it's not required. I don't know his plans.

I'll post things to github on a new account so you can use their UI to see changes made.
Will host the stream through a theatre.kissu channel for easier communication


So until then make whatever adjustments or alternative versions to what has been posted. We don't have so many people interested that there will be problems combining all the effort


File:1448821791440.jpg (174.95 KB,1280x720)

>motion subtitles
The \mov tag lets you give two positional values and the timeframe for the transition from the first to the second. It can get really granular if you're doing advanced stuff, but there are visual tools for the basic functionality and that's almost all you'll ever need.
>subs which overwrite text on screen
Draw a mask and then layer the text line over it, just like Photoshopping a manga TL. Basic masks can be done fairly easily with the visual tools, but you can actually draw complex images and insert them in if you really want to flex your mastery of Aegisub add-ons. I think someone did a meme release where they put the entire anime in an .ass by having a script draw each frame and insert it into the sub file. It was like hundreds of GB and would murder your computer, but it makes a good showcase of what .ass can do when used to the extreme.


so you actually have to edit the frames to create replacement sign translations


or wait.. I guess what you're saying is they're more like PGS subs where the subtitle reader creates images instead of text


File:typesetting.mp4 (12.72 MB,1920x1080)

>The \mov tag lets you give two positional values and the timeframe for the transition from the first to the second. It can get really granular if you're doing advanced stuff, but there are visual tools for the basic functionality and that's almost all you'll ever need.
No serious subs use this. They instead have custom motion tracking workflow which outputs positional data frame by frame.


Yeah, you just draw colored boxes and put them over the video the same way you would with text. It's just that you can take this concept to the extreme and draw a 1px colored box over every point of the video if you're insane.

It depends on the sign. Stuff like that where the camera is panning all over the place with variable speeds and zooming in and out does need motion tracking to not look really stilted, but basic panning shots where you can easily match the speed of the subs to the speed of the camera don't need all that.


Okay, timing should be fixed. There are still three or four signs that were missing TLs, but once those are added it should be good to go. Please do proofread it, though.


At 6PM EST... around when I'm hoping to wake up today..

I will stream myself finalizing it on https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/subtitles .
If there's not much to do I can see about some typesetting and stylization. Install some of those whatevers or read some wikis to figure out how to make things nicer


basically got up a few minutes ago. So I'm going to make my coffee and food


you did it!


File:C-1740182980773.png (3.15 MB,3450x4913)

looks like a suitcase


I don't know why I'm teaching V to typeset instead of just doing it myself now that we have TLs...


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You'll get it eventually.


Well, if you end up needing help with the TS, post the ass and I'll do it tomorrow. I can also mux everything up and put it on nyaa when it's ready.


File:9766f34b51.png (1.41 MB,2498x1440)

I did it!


I mean, there's not much for me to say to that besides your personality stinks


tardy tard took an hour and a half just to say the tardiest thing possible


I'm not going to read useless stuff while I'm trying to figure out how to do a new skill.




this is software is kafka-esque


oh god... it's crashing when I save...


it was because I accidentaly did Z rotations


thougth about it a bit and I'm going to make changes to what I did on this part


File:f336de7932.png (40.5 KB,694x394)

This is some chuuni shiz...


What the fuck did you do that you need to use the Hyperdimensional Relocator?


move the gradients about 100 pixels over the duration of a line


I have no idea how this thing works... why did they have to name everything super silly...


File:81893bacee.mp4 (1.36 MB,1200x674)

I think it's impossible for gradients to be moveable because it creates a bunch of lines and hyperspace doesn't know what to do...


Muri, I''m done


If you upload it make sure to credit the OP/ED subtitles and post a reference back to this thread. I would prefer just posting the subtitles so that long term we're not involved with copyright infringement


hold up... breakthrough


dumb breaktard


I did it! I'm just going to rewatch


Done! I had to interpret arabic subtitled instruction videos but I found out the basics of hyperdimension.

See >>138137 for uploading

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