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File:f281ef54ef1cb5dad0b61edaec….png (863.29 KB,1280x1807)


- Reitaisai 22 will be held on May 5
- M3 will be held on April 27

Are you planning to go? Are you looking forward to other interesting events?


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Comic1 will also be held on April 27: https://www.comic1.jp/

It's a doujin convention smaller than Comiket.


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Isn't Reitaisai huge now? I'm not good with large crowds. And going to Japan solo as a dekinai gaijin sounds like it would get lonely quickly.


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>Are you looking forward to other interesting events?
I'm going to sleep a bunch! Then watch some anime and maybe play some games!

I don't have the money or personality to do this stuff, but it does seem cool. There's a thread here of someone attending the VR version of one of these and it was pretty neat.


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Futaba Gakuensai will also be held at the start of May, it seems pretty interesting.



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When is kissu going to host an event?

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