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File:Screenshot 2025-02-04 1932….png (322.9 KB,611x397)



where's the bath/shower?


File:C-1738754355618.png (1.8 MB,1920x954)

Living that Roman dream with my /qa/ frens.


File:Screenshot 2025-02-05 0556….png (2.21 MB,1597x895)

Oh, easy. Next to the Blu-ray collection of Girls Gone Wild


I like how the big toilet has 8 rolls of TP and the little toilet only has an empty roll. The sub must have to beg the dom for each individual square of TP, being forced to do unthinkable sexual acts involving all sorts of body fluids and maybe solids in exchange for that TP.


i don't understand why, but there's several random places that stop me from moving around if i select them, and then i have to refresh the page
some seem to be at the end of their respective paths, but others are like in the middle of something and they still stop you dead in your tracks


I get that too, I don't know why either.


gives me a good idea for a kind of modern apocalypse game where a small group of people spawn in a huge random complex and wander around


File:88e96621e987e16eb13cf100af….png (1.88 MB,1568x2180)

Average (and unintentional) interaction between mansion residents.


thought the modal interaction would be getting bitted


Awkward. A true pro crushes their cans and uses opaque bags.


a NON-JAPANESE "pro" it seems, untrained in the ways of correct disposal

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