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File:The Idolmaster Cinderella ….jpg (410.28 KB,1920x1080)


Screw New Year's resolutions! What are you going to do to improve yourself tomorrow? Make a plan and stick to it for a day, you can do it!

As for myself, I'm going to finally start setting up this RAID system I got a while back and get into the groove of building up my anki mining deck with anime examples. Then after that I'll take a quick break to watch Eraserhead with /qa/.


Stop my chips consumption habit...


File:erika eyes.jpg (102.58 KB,500x500)

I'm going to play video games.


i've already gotten myself back into a pushup habit :3


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I have a presentation on Friday so I need to work on my preparation for that. Sure wish I didn't have to.

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