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File:qa eating a hot dog route ….png (11.86 KB,620x540)


Words of "native" or "germanic" origin in Modern English that start with a "g" all use the hard-g sound as in "gift". While "foreign" words of "latin" origin use the soft-g as in "giraffe". The debate between "gif" or "jif" should be seen as an extension of the French linguistic imperialism, imposed upon the common English people since 1066.

"gif" is pronounces with a hard-g, unless you are French sympathizer; in which you deserve to be shot.


There's always exceptions in language and fact is 99% of people say gif so it is gif.
Anyone who tries to claim it's actually jif because the dumb creator said so is a hopelessly autistic contrarian who should not be taken seriously.


I've used the soft g version for decades and I'm not about to change my ways because of some half-baked argument about linguistics.


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It's an acronym so it's gee aye eff


The only time I've heard someone say gif out loud is in the context of arguing how it should be pronounced.


I like stinky hairy armpit no bra french shabes


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English is a language of the people and adapts to match the usage of the common English people. The French are the ones who try to impose the vision of a few elite """linguists""" on everyone. Trying to force a fringe pronunciation from the top down is a fundamentally French thing to do and anyone who tries should be shot.


File:straight to hell.jpg (60.05 KB,960x616)

The creator of gif and everyone who follows him went straight to Hell because they called God Jod.


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It's definitely a J sound. I don't really know why I know it, but it's been that way for as long as I can remember it. It sounds much more pleasant, too.


Oh noo! I forgot how I pronounce it. I think it's gif but I might say jif as well.


Hard G. Soft G is foolishness beyond compare!

honestly, I've never met anyone in real life who used soft G GIF, not even people who are actually technologically literate


Wasn't it confirmed it was gif that sounded like "jiff"?


File:dg47px9-275864b3-c572-4da0….gif (846 KB,490x359)

Hard G as in gif that keeps on gifing.

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