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File:c3 engrish.mp4 (4.48 MB,1280x720)


Anime characters trying (or pretending) to speak English and other foreign languages.


File:chobits english.webm (1.16 MB,924x518)


File:[Doki] B Gata H Kei - 06 ….webm (13.49 MB,1920x1080)


I thought about making a thread for this now and then. Glad someone else did, but now I have to remember stuff. Seems to be more common these days, and at a better level, too.


File:[HorribleSubs] Gaikotsu S….webm (11.86 MB,1280x720)


File:extremely cute engrish.webm (2.13 MB,1280x720)


File:excited.gif (1.56 MB,425x550)

the HAPPY DEY brit


File:2564e216253060a29910e78371….mp4 (585.13 KB,476x266)


File:No - Hitoribocchi.mp4 (158.09 KB,476x266)


File:haifuridoitsu.webm (8.53 MB,1280x720)


File:Ojamajo Doremi - Asuka Mo….webm (6.36 MB,854x480)

Momoko probably throws her chopsticks on the floor in restaurants and demands a fork and spoon, then sharts and pisses on the floor in the restroom because she refuses to use the squat toilets.


File:nice elf joke.mp4 (288.47 KB,1280x720)

Such a non-sequitur and the American letters. Some sort of 'Americans laugh loudly' thing I think


File:aom-av1.webm (555.92 KB,1024x576)

can everyone's browsers play AV1 encodes now?


File:Genshiken Nidaime engrish….webm (573.04 KB,1024x576)

Works for me.


File:Yukari English.mp4 (1.69 MB,640x480)

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