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File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (861.26 KB,2072x3277)


I'm thinking about hosting a tabletop game, we're going to be playing in GURPS (it's really fucking simple to play, I will help with character creation if needed, use GURPS character sheet [https://gurpscharactersheet.com/] instead of doing it manually.)
I'm thinking it'll be a short campaign; probably 4-6 sessions, more if wanted.
If you are interested please post in this thread.


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So the idea is that the group would be action-adventure heroes that are going around fighting monsters and other things.
I'm thinking the point scaling should be 200 points.


Didn't see this thread unti now. I'm really not good at this sort of thing (never done it) and my sleep schedule is really messed up now. I guess I could watch it maybe, but not actively participate.


It's really easy, basically you're trying to roll under your skill level or attribute, and it's using 3 six sided dice.


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I changed my mind, it's 250/-50 for disadvantages.
The campaign idea is this:
¥ Infinite worlds campaign
¥ group would be a PMC organization that does missions for the highest bidder
I don't have anything set in stone for the first mission/campaign, but I'll report back when I do.


footfag anon what's the opinion on the foot


do not like them
long toes effect from the parallel lines yuck
dont like toenail polish either especially when its so glitzy like that


another thing is that the toe length does not decrease fast enough as you go from the big toe to the pinky toe. looks gross. toes should not resemble fingers


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GURPS, more like BURPS


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I got the room set up:

We're going to start playing on the 7th of February at 7pm EST*


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Characters are due by the 31st.


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hope you guys have fun.


How are things?
t. this anon >>137396

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