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File:bx164293-cO2azRMUFry8.jpg (102.62 KB,460x627)


Gonna stream this PA. Works trash at 7PM EST.
Don't feel like you have to join.

It's your standard story of a guy/girl who visits a Japanese industry and tries to get you to feel national pride in something fictional.

This is a Whiskey one.



File:57405030_p0.png (345.53 KB,587x821)

>a Whiskey one
Like I should pour a whiskey? Sounds good


[Trix] Komada A Whisky Family (2023) (BD 1080p AV1) [C7C3052D].mkv


hmmmm ok



streamin in 5 min, but I can wait a bit


Stream starting now!(?)


I rate it cool / boson


PA does a ton of originals...

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