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From an evolutionary perspective, why are we all not premature ejaculators? Think about it, the faster you let out your seed the less time you spend in a vulnerable state, the less energy you waste on flailing about, and the less opportunity the female has to push you off. It's objectively better to be able to spurt as soon as you stick it in, so why haven't we dominated the genepool yet? Even if it's not a problem for modern civilization, surely wasteful mating should have died out when predation and food shortages were real threats. Lots of animals seem to be able to sperm at will too, so why has humanity mostly lost this useful ability?


Because doctors chop the best part of your penis off when you're 12 hours old


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I think most animals are like this, but it's generally different for predator animals rather than prey. It's a bit of a luxury afforded to them, especially primates. The hormones produced/released during coupling are supposed to increase bonding which increases the survival rate of offspring. It's correlated with intelligence since intelligence is correlated to social animals which rely on said bonding.


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Women can only get pregnant once a month, and then carry the fetus for 9 months until birth. I don't think there's really much evolutionary pressure, especially considering how long humans live. You could ask the same question about dribblers vs rope shooters. There's just not really any benefit or detriment either way. It only takes one little swimmer to succeed.

>the faster you let out your seed the less time you spend in a vulnerable state, the less energy you waste on flailing about, and the less opportunity the female has to push you off. It's objectively better to be able to spurt as soon as you stick it in
Humans are a social species that rely on cooperation and caring for the young and elderly. We're not a solitary a species that rapes females and leaves. Your scenario makes more sense for rape species, like ducks. Humans are closer to swans. We, like them, mate mostly for life and stays together as much as possible.


The longer you spend porking the boingo, the more oxytocin both partners produce, which promotes the bonding essential for rearing a defenseless little meatblob for the next 18 years.


Yeah you could say I'm the next stage of human evolution.


It's probably so the male and female bond more and tob encourage the female to want to mate.

Premature ejaculation seems to mainly be caused by the mind. It seems it's caused by anxiety. Which would nake sense as if you are anxious then the environment you are in is most likely dangerous so finishing quickly would be beneficial.

But it also bring me to mind of Lions.
Weaker male lions with no pride who are to weak to defeat a dominant male to win a pride will often skulk about and if they find a female who is unprotected by the male they may try to mate with her.
In this case Premature ejaculation would be useful as he has to finish quick because if the dominant lion catches him he may end up dead.

I think this might be the case with humans as well. Anxious people with low self esteem are the weak and non dominant lions and so thet ejaculate quickly.


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¥Anon struggles with premature ejaculation and does their research


Some large mammals also take a long time to reach maturity and they don't pair up. Elephant dads fuck off after they get what they want. And since early humans lived in tribes instead of nuclear families, the burden of child rearing would have been spread out instead of relying on the father primarily.

Early hominids were preyed upon by a lot of things and didn't survive nearly as long as we do today. Unless the trait only showed up relatively recently in our evolutionary history, it had to have served a purpose to them as well. And if it did appear recently, you'd need to explain how the quick ejaculating behavior of other species was selected against enough to become a minority trait.

It doesn't really work as a courtship ritual to encourage female mating because by the time she knows how long you last it's too late to stop you from filling her up. I suppose it could apply to subsequent mating attempts, but that requires women to explore partners and that seems to go against the idea that it's for pair bonding.


Not a courtship ritual. But to cause existing couples to bond more and to encourage the female in an existing couple to want to mate more.


How is caring for the elderly beneficial? Don't say "wisdom" with nothing to back it up, every elderly person I've ever met has been a complete retard with absolutely nothing to teach anyone other than what they heard on cable TV or FM radio yesterday.


old people in the modern world are obsolete because too many things happen too quickly and old consensuses are often severely outdated to the point of uselessness, but in a world where several generations live identical lives they can genuinely be more knowledgeable than younger folks


So that there is an expectation that the next generation will care for you when you are old. It's the same principle behind seniority relationships: the new recruits put up with getting treated like shit because they know that in a few years they'll get to be on the other side of it.


Old people still have uses. They can craft arrows or clothes or baskets and tech these skills to younger people. They also know the myths and legends of the tribe and they know more about nature. They know where the herds of animals migrate too and where the water holes are. They know where the passes through a mountain are and they know at what times of year it's safe to use them.
They know what plants are unsafe to eat and they know what to do if somebody eats them.
They can read the landscape to pick up changes and detect dangers.
Also they can look after the children while parents do other things.
They have many uses.


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If female sexual pleasure were important to reproductive success, why is the clitoris impossible to find?


>didn't survive nearly as long as we do today.
I suppose it depends how far back you want to go. Modern anatomical humans have been around for at least 100,000 years, with some archaeological findings suggesting it may be closer 300,000 years. When I hear "humans didn't live as long in the past" my mind immediately goes to the misunderstanding of average human lifespan. There would have been untold amounts of infant and child mortalities, which brings down the average of how long it seems a person might live to be. From archaeological remains, however, we know that people people regularly lived to 50-60 years old when supported by others.

Unless by "early hominids" you're referring to distinctly far older pre-modern anatomical humans, like Australopithecus, who lived 2 to 4 million years ago, I don't not believe what you're saying is correct. Otherwise, my mistake.

>you'd need to explain how the quick ejaculating behavior of other species was selected against enough to become a minority trait.
That's not inherently how evolution works. If there are multiple traits that are non-dominant, and they do not obviously contribute to fitness or improved conception, then there is going to be little if any selection pressure for either trait to become dominant besides geographic distribution and population bottlenecks.

>since early humans lived in tribes instead of nuclear families, the burden of child rearing would have been spread out instead of relying on the father primarily.
Right, but in such an environment you cannot simply leave altogether. Rape is a near universal reviled crime across human cultures. If we imagine a tribe (200-500 people), or a band (20-50 people), there would likely be severe social consequences for the offender. This being the case, there is no benefit to premature ejaculation. In most ancient histories and stories we have, a common punishment for severe crimes is exile, and in pre-agrarian times that would have likely meant almost certain death.


If anything, I should add: what seems must plausible to me is that it's conceivable that very early hominids did mostly rape and perhaps there was a selection pressure then for them to be premature ejaculators. However, as more complex social development occurred rape likely became more and more stigmatized so the pressure for premature ejaculation has faded until the modern day, millions of years into the future, where it remains a trait that is neither inherently beneficial or detrimental.


>by "early hominids" you're referring to distinctly far older pre-modern anatomical humans
I was. Before the development of spears, fire, and settlements homos were much more vulnerable than humans. Also, in this context infant and child mortality are far more important than how old adults were able to become.

>there is going to be little if any selection pressure for either trait to become dominant
Exactly, so we should see both traits in relatively equal numbers. Yet, as the very name implies, premature ejaculation is an outlier and not a normal trait. For that, one trait must be more beneficial for producing offspring that survive to reproductive age.

>In most ancient histories and stories we have, a common punishment for severe crimes is exile
Those stories come from settled societies where the punishment is more about the lack of belonging than it is an indirect death sentence. I'll also add that the concept of rape can be very fluid. For instance, if a wife refuses to perform her marital function and her husband uses force to obtain what was promised him then it probably wouldn't result in much social ire outside of very modern western societies, and even there it's likely to be swept under the rug. If anything, the strong, complex societal structures humans live within increases the viability of a "rape structure" of reproduction as there are more opportunities to coerce females into it. They can't fight back and they can't leave the group, so whether they approve of their mate is less important than whether the rest of the group approves of the coupling (the exception to this being sneaky infidelity, but that would of course benefit from being quick).


¥ touched my penis and accidentally came
That's why


This thread isn't THAT arousing, is it?

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