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File:IMG_1691.jpeg (73.85 KB,720x809)


what does this do? friends? i like anime degeneracy and kindness.. uh idk? picture will u tell me how to use this? are you guys nice


Is this the thread for newfriends to join in and talk?


welcome newfriend :3


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>are you guys nice
I think so

>will u tell me how to use this?
Sure. When quoting people you put a ">" at the beginning of a newline, and to reply you click on the number at the top of a post. There's a bunch of different boards. >>>/qa/ is typically for more serious thing, >>>/jp/ is for more silly things, the seasonal boards like >>>/win/ are for... anything that's not a good fit for either. >>>/maho/ is for tech things, >>>/poll/ is for polling, >>>/b/ is the meta/site dev board, >>>/f/ is for flash animations and games, >>>/ec/ is for ecchi things, and... there's a few hidden boards. Maybe you'll find them.


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The button makes a post! You did it!


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>are you guys nice
No, give me your lunch money, retard.


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in time, you will become as popular as Akebi


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The hidden boards are >>>/secret/ and >>>/megu/


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¥she doesn't share the secret secret board
Heh, newfriends don't know about [redacted].


Not so secret now, is it bud?


just made a post in the secretest board


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