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File:bilibili login prompt.PNG.png (67.43 KB,724x406)


Why can't western social media sites have cute anime girls pop up on their login prompts?
I would feel more inclined to login to facebook or X formerly twitter if their was a cute girl asking me to do it.

I always thought China would never surpass the West but this really has shaken my faith.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (120.15 KB,1920x1080)

Weird to see a billion-dollar company be so crazy with its copyright infringement, but that's China for you.


Those are the bilibili girls


>Why can't western social media sites have cute anime girls pop up on their login prompts?
In the west it's illegal to like cute things and you're a pedophile rapist and cringe and kimoi and aren't those for children anyways? *puts up flat and generic stencil*


Steam had the cute girl (male) at least


File:K7kX_MMiIFgkwBk0.mp4 (6.08 MB,984x720)

Bilibili is pleasant to use, coming as a longtime Nicodouga user.
Shame I don't have time to invest into Mandarin at this point so I just skim read and fill in the blanks with Japanese and some duolingo Mandarin of the most common words.


in the end jashin poster was on the right track getting on the train early

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