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 No.136312[View All]

Kissu's Palworld server is now online!


We last played in January and there's been some big patches since then. For those who don't know, it's a third person building/Pokemon capturing game. I think the term is "open world crafting survival" or something, but it's Japanese so it's cute and quirky. People called it "Pokemon with guns", which is kind of true for the atmosphere but it's more than that.
For those that did play last time, here's the patch notes for the second major patch: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1623730/view/518574472406499342
205 posts and 59 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


There's not much for me to do outside of the oil rig and I've already vented my frustration about it.

If anyone is level 60 and wants to help me kill Xenolord let me know and I'll log on again. I built a base next to an area that will glitch his AI and we can spam laser gatlings to his face. Will need full vanguard gobfins, vanguard(optional) ice mount, and probably like 5-8k gatling ammo.

I tried it solo and got him to half HP with the timer running out.


Shit man ill probably be ready in like 1 week or so (I smoke weed)


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Ehh, glitching him sounds boring. I'm going to see what he's like later since I have a ton of slabs from expeditions and stuff.
This game is feeding my OCD about preparing for stuff, with breeding abilities and getting souls to enhance and doing the essence merging thing. Then you feed each one before the raid the +25% attack (or defense) food and a regen potion if needed. Oh, and skill fruits to better abilities and probably swap in the enemy's weakness if known. (not sure what Xenolord is and don't tell me)


It is boring but so is fighting him. His HP is bloated to shit and the fight sucks ass. If nobody wants to do the cheese strat then I'll just wait until the next update comes out and use whatever new weapons/mats they have to take him down.



New update and new skins. Update the server cause I might check it out for a bit.


update the server pls :((




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Oh hey I got it


>Plasma cannon schematic 4
That's a weird name for a pal


holy fuck, maybe i'll have to jump on now


I had frostallion and jetdragon on the gnfos server but now I'm trying to kill frostallion again and I forgot how hard it was and how long it took :(((


The upped the difficulty a bit when they turned the legendaries from the previous max level (50) to the current one (60). I'd say their stats are tuned more for more usage of stuff like essence concentration or laser weapons. It's still doable with a lot of time and careful avoidance of damage to you and pals.
Poison and burning works well on stuff above your level since it's percentage based, but it seems like enemies gain resistance to stuff like Dark Souls each time it procs.


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Can the admin help me fix this? The weight on my character is glitched after moving a bunch of stuff. It happened last night and I logged out because I couldn't fix it by re-spawning or logging back in. But a whole day has passed and nothing has changed. My in game name is nakata


damn shes fat


Hmmm... I'm not sure if anything can be done on my end. I guess I can see if there's any solutions mentioned online


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Well, I can't fix it directly probably, but maybe adjusting the "ItemWeightRate" so items weigh like 0.001% will let you move again. I think it's just me and you still playing and it's not like weight matters at this point.


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Okay, weight was basically removed from the game. Hopefully that fixes your issue.
Unfortunately since I typed something wrong in the server file the pals per base setting reverted temporarily and apparently palworld's solution to that happening is to dump the extras on the ground.
This isn't a problem for people that stopped playing the game obviously, but for those that still are you should probably log on sometime soon and grab them from the ground if there's anyone important out working in your base past the first 15 slots.


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lmao you can pick up pals from other bases


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creampuff is mine now


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Finally fought the attack chopper. It was not worth it.
Could be fun if they reduced the health by a lot and gave a fighting arena to fight in it instead of needing to hide from its insta-gib rockets.


Would you mind dumping that recipe somewhere if you've made it already? Now that I've spent time on the level 60 oil rig I never want to go back. It's just not fun. The level 55 one was, but not this one.




You're a sick fuck give his creampuff back to him


top of the pagoda at 159 -393 check the flea market. requies an absurd amount of mats to craft though

no im breeding her


do you really think it's wise to cuck a guy that works in the US intelligence agencies


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its too late we have plenty of cake


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I think I'm done. After a whole bunch of breeding and planning I tried Xenolord and he just wiped the floor with everyone. Teleported in the air so no abilities would reach him and then came down and killed 10 of them instantly. These were fully condensed pals with an additional +40%ish Defense/Health/Attack with strong passives. Maybe I'm supposed to run to the palbox and throw them all in when I see the charge up? Maybe, but that seems really awkward.
Blazamat Ryu was kind of cool, at least.
level 60 content is REALLY overtuned. Hopefully this stuff is improved in the next big patch, or at least the big final one.


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oops forgot the 'before' video


pal goon[s |][/s]er


Before you quit do you want to try fighting Xenolord glitched? I feel like its possible but I'd need another person with me...


Do you have the legendary plasma cannon recipe? I could probably do Xenolord if I had that.


Someone took it from my flea market earlier...


I think Cool may have taken it, so I'll wait for him to get back on I guess and have him lend me it


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Sure, and yeah I do have the legendary cannon recipe. It's at my Japanland base on the second floor >>136641


Let me know when you're ready to fight him


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We could try it tomorrow maybe. I'd like to try it legit a couple more times before completely giving up, but it's kind of annoying because I built my arena base near my other one and after they got wiped out he moved to my main base and destroyed some things.
I'm thinking the way to do this, apart from mass breeding a pal he's weak to (ice) is building an entire rocket platform with all 15 base pal slots and then me and a pal keep its attention on the ground level.


Tomorrows good. I've been logging in every now and then to catch some Frostallions. I haven't commited to mass breeding and condensing them because holy shit that is so too much effort for a kuso raid boss. Also gonna stock up on burgers.


Er, oops, on Friday I ended up spending a lot of time in bed and forgot.
Are you up for doing it soon?


Sure whenever you want


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The pals in my raid base are bugged out. I managed to get half of them out by leaving and entering the base, but oddly 6 of them are still somewhere in limbo.
I'm pretty much done with the game for now so it's not a huge deal, but the one thing we were going to do is the Xenolord raid so it's affected.
Oh, well.


Doesn't really change much for the glitch strat. Did you still want to try it?


I'd be up for it if Anonymous is


get on


Sorry was taking a nap, still feeling kind of sick.
We can do it now if you want.


ggs gonna miss my pals


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The endgame is way overtuned and not very fun at all. I was hoping to be able to beat it via breeding and rocket launcher pals and stuff, but as I've said before it's just wasted effort. Sadly it's a pattern held by the oil rig and presumably the hard mode bosses.
They're cool ideas, but definitely need balancing.
Looking forward to playing it again, although I can see myself logging in again to mess with my base some more.


server down :( almost got to a max stack of palsteel....


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It's back up. Sorry, been off and on the computer.


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Are you still playing? Do you have a cool base I can look at?
I think once people are done I'll upload the server files since I've seen people talk of converting them into things that can be loaded in single player. I still want to make a recording of my base for future reference.


not really i haven't logged in for a few days

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