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File:[SubsPlease] Mahoutsukai n….jpg (315.54 KB,1920x1080)


Silly Kurumi, you can't do magic without the state authorizing you magic iPhone access!


File:[Chihiro] Watashi No Yuri ….mp4 (15 MB,1280x720)

you know I've been thinking for a while that those uniforms remind me of another overlooked gem from a few seasons back and on checking they really do look similar


File:[SubsPlease] Mahoutsukai n….jpg (422.4 KB,1920x1080)

This show is a scathing social commentary of people becoming reliant on handheld technology and losing touch with geometry


I still have my compass in my bag.
At the school I studied there was a legend of a kid that was killed with a compass to the neck in a fight with students from the rival school in the same street. All the teachers would make jokes whenever we used the compasses...


File:[SubsPlease] Mahoutsukai n….jpg (225.94 KB,1280x720)

Circle plus triangle, thought Kurumi with deep satisfaction, is water, and I don't need a notebook to tell me so. The notebook is in my own head.

And it was amazing the feeling of power that gave her.

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