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File:1726885267731.webm (455.78 KB,1166x1080)


I'm 33 years old, and from elementary school up until now I've had a huge crush on Kinomoto Sakura and I think I will keep loving her until the day that I die.
Is there something wrong with my brain?


File:1623605655558.jpg (272.14 KB,1464x2048)

Not at all, it's actually perfectly logical for your brain to appreciate perfection even as you grow old. In fact the opposite just means your brain is deteriorating.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

There's probably something physiologically different with your brain, yeah. Morally wrong, though, I don't think so. I'm sure there's some elaborate debate to have about escapism and stuff, but I'm personally a fan of it and people have been doing it for a very long time.


File:sakura-rod-pose.jpg (272.94 KB,1345x1903)

Having a crush on Sakura is a sign of a healthy, working mind. She is, in a few short words, as cute as it gets.

Seriously, everything comes together perfectly with her. Cute voice, a cute, believable personality, and she's just also very cute in appearance. It's hard to describe without repeating the word cute a bunch, but you also seem to already understand in your heart anyway, so I don't need to try and get you to do so.




File:sakura-kaiju.gif (2.6 MB,640x480)


Cute stompers.


I just bit this shab.

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