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File:autumn 2024.png (9.93 MB,1891x7046)

 No.133774[View All]

It's time to cool off with the 2024 autumn season!
Does anything catch your eye? Do you think you'll fall in love with a show? Do we need more sequels?
122 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>she's a bitch/dumb
She's just chuuni. Everything she does is to help others.


She was a bully at the beginning but after the washpan everything's been overkill, it's like an 80s anime


brain damage saves another anime otome



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File:[SubsPlease] NegaPosi Angl….jpg (314.16 KB,1920x1080)

Well, Negaposi Angler did end at 12 episodes and I'm disappointed at the abruptness of the ending. This is a show that should have been at least two seasons. I liked it quite a lot, but at the same time I don't think people would consider it a great one. I'm sad that I'll never see the characters again since there was a lot more to explore with them. It feels like so much was missing when it comes to having things happen in the story to make things more dramatic. The ending even had a time skip epilogue that waves away the fact that he was supposed to die from an incurable illness. A whole lot of stuff must have happened in that timeframe which should have been part of the show's season 2
Oh, well. An anime original having multiple seasons is probably pretty rare these days.


The moral of the story is that you shouldn't trust medicine men using fear to sell snake oil.


I hope she gets more screen time next season.


are we looking at the trainwreck known as next season yet?


hyakkano, sakamoto, and more kusuriya look good to me
but holy shit there's so much fucking isekai what an absolute wasteland.............


there's not a lot that interest me but there's a lot to try at least. a wall of isekai. All of which are going to flop


two trainwreck seasons in a row


I said it at the start of autumn that winter will be worse, but that was a ways out. I hope there's good effort put into the slice of life stories because otherwise this will be a drag


File:[SubsPlease] Puniru wa Kaw….jpg (234.17 KB,1920x1080)

People say that for every season. If someone else wants to make the thread they can. Right click a page in Firefox or its derivatives there's a "Take Screenshot" option.
I can make the thread soon, though.


And it's always true.

Seasonal threads are stupid. Just make threads about whatever catches your interest.


>And it's always true.
I don't really care for the "anime hasn't been good since 1987" thing...


we have always been at war with anime


Sounds like another great season to me! I've always enjoyed a mediocre fantasy isekai or even just a power fantasy-fantasy show. I wish more of the harem-battle academies would come back in vogue. I liked filling time with those as well.

That said, aside from maybe Hanako-kun, there isn't much that catches my eye as worth watching.


That was a shit season too.


Seasonal threads are better then reddit colony generals that take up the entire catalog.


I like seasonal threads but I don't feel like a leader in this area to make them


>drinking piss is better than eating shit
What's your point?


There's nothing wrong with reddit, my good sir.


This season was bad. There were like 3-5 shows that were worth watching. Rezero didn't even get a full cour


File:[unCommied] Yuyushiki - 01….jpg (276.79 KB,1280x720)

It has been years since I last actively followed a season.


also Uzumaki was a disapointment so - points there


¥ implying rezero is worth watching


pokes you in the tum


File:[SubsPlease] Acro Trip - 0….jpg (260.8 KB,1920x1080)

You people really want to wallow in misery, don't you?


I wanna watch anime instead of wallow, but basically nothing aired so I've gotta pick the wallow


watch your backlog you fucking retard or rewatch shit stop wallowing in misery


watch your backlog young man or i wash it out with soap


The mid-season and end season was really poor. That's all I'm saying.


I want to watch you in misery, whether or not I am also miserable is of secondary concern.


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I'd make an winter 2025 thread but there's literally nothing I'm looking forward to watch next season, a handful look like they might be good but that's about it.


File:[SubsPlease] Dandadan - 10….jpg (452.74 KB,1920x1080)

You can have your stupid "I'm too cool to enjoy things" here since the season is over, but don't do it in future threads. 4/a/ is over there for you if you want to spend time impressing teenagers with your performative apathy.


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (42.97 KB,571x631)


i'm too soaked in piss to read this manga


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only wallowing in shabpiss can cure this misery


At least the piss is peak


instead of telling me to go to /a/ tell me how many shows were good compared to the previous... tell me how many you like of next season...


and puniru s2


I'm more in the "this one looks fun" camp. Everything else is just noise to me, I don't even acknowledge it's existence.

¥OKITSURA: Fell in Love with an Okinawan Girl, but I Just Wish I Know What She's Saying
Tags: tan, loli


Looks like a fun anime, but the blonde girl better win MC's heart.


her subs better be in scots or yola


I'm gonna watch it without subs and enjoy the blonde girl actually explaining to me what she is saying because just like the MC I probably won't understand her either.


Dare i call this the s-word.

Someone take initiative and make a new thread!


singaporean??? sork????


It's either onions or food for gentiles.


could've been SLUT as well

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