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File:autumn 2024.png (9.93 MB,1891x7046)

 No.133774[Last50 Posts]

It's time to cool off with the 2024 autumn season!
Does anything catch your eye? Do you think you'll fall in love with a show? Do we need more sequels?








Looking to be a pretty weak line-up this season. A whole lot of nothing.

>Seirei Gensouki
Don't remember the first season, probably wont bother to rewatch unless kissu says otherwise.
Haven't watched the previous season(s), hope to some day watch it.
>Kami no Tou
Don't remember the first season, probably wont bother to rewatch unless kissu says otherwise.
Haven't watched the previous season(s), hope to some day watch it.
Don't remember the first season, but do remember enjoying it, might rewatch.
>Maou-sama Retry
Don't remember the first season, but do remember enjoying it, might rewatch.


I'm pretty curious about the Dragonball one with them as kids. Could be pretty fun and relaxing if it's adventure and, uh, would you call the peaceful moments of Dragonball shows SoL? Ehh, whatever it is.
I don't care much for the power level fighting stuff, but the parts in the old shows with Bulma and stuff were nice. Probably too much to hope for there.

The original Ranma bored me to death and I don't expect this one to be different.
Dandadan seems interesting.
Hanako-chan second season should be good.
Kenshin isn't as good as the original of course, but still kinda enjoyable.
Slime should be a nice dumb show. It's probably a short, but would be amazing if it wasn't.

I'll do a more thorough look later...


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Delighted to see the return of one of my favorite guilty pleasure trash anime.

Also, Natsume Yuujincho has seven seasons now? Wow.


Uzumaki is only 4 episodes but it's pretty well received for it's creepyness


oh, and it's also an Adult Swim production. That might be why they recalled it instead of pushing out a kuso production.


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Uzumaki is really disturbing. They may have finally pulled off a good Junji adaptation


New villaines anime makes me miss Dorkness
Still enjoyable enough to watch but it was a bit painful. As a child I thought that children's opinions on geopolitics had to be heard on equal footing with adults. Now I am not so sure.


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Seems like a good season for female fantasy.

Kidnapped and forced to marry in another kingdom

Arranged marriage with the yakuza. Bonus: Deen

Sent back in time, proposing marriage to the guy that murdered you


>Sent back in time, proposing marriage to the guy that murdered you
okay hold on that'd be plain insane, the description says she's proposing to ANOTHER guy, not the prince
here's what actually happens: the girl is mega stronk so megane boy prince wants to marry her and have her fight under his command, but the guy is secretly a sisterfucker (consummated (paste)) and the jealous sisbitch falsely accuses the mc of things that land her on death row
mrs mega stronk then breaks out of prison, dies in the process, returns back in time to the moment where the prince proposed to her, and to get away from him she randomly proposes to another dude who just so happens to be the dark and charming ikemen leader of the neighboring country they'd go to war with
that's what happens in the first chapter of the manga


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Rezero is garbage you only watched to be part of the discussion, you're eight years too late to bother with it.

Danmachi is weird in that the first season is a good adaptation of decent material, but then you have to go through two seasons of bad adaptations of bad to decent material to get to the next good season, which is still a lackluster adaptation. And unless season 5 goes further than I expect it to, it's likely to be another lacking adaptation of mediocre material. It will have one of the best "no way fag" moments in anime, though.


seemed pretty shit to me nine years ago probably more so today, what do you like about it?


>Re Zero
Yeah, now that you put it like that, I don't want to follow with it anymore...
Still want to follow danmachi for the girls.


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The way it works vidya stats into a non-game setting is novel and creates interesting power structures, Bell is an interesting character and it's fun seeing him grow as a person, and the too rare parts where they're dungeon diving are great at capturing a sense of desperate struggle that I get from dungeon crawlers. It's got a lot of flaws and some pants-on-head retarded moments, but it hits where it counts and isn't just aping the same templates everyone else uses.

The Sword Oratoria manga is also legitimately great.

The boys are like 10x better. Not even gay, they just are.


alright, fair enough
is there a comparison to be drawn with gobslayer or nah? the only vague memory i still hold of it is when he gets a powerup fighting the big monster towards the end


Eh, not really. Ais is on an autistic crusade against monsters, but even that is pretty different since she's been tempered by her mentors before the series starts and her presence in the main series is mostly limited to being a goal for Bell.

He doesn't get a powerup while fighting, part of the setting is that they can only improve their stats and abilities when returning to base because those things are a result of their god manifesting their experiences as physical/magical power, so whatever they take into the dungeon is all they have to make it back out with.


Oh, really?
I'm really not sure what's going on because the way I interpreted the first sentence is that it was written incorrectly and had a dangling participle.

>Jill breaks out of prison the night before she’s set to be executed by her fiancé, Crown Prince Gerald.

I thought they meant that the prince helped her escape from prison, not that he has plans to execute her. Well, it could be either way. But later in the description it says "her enemy" so I assume that's the guy that either shot the arrow or commanded the guy to shoot the arrow to kill her. So she has 3 men trying to kill her in the "present"? Or is the "enemy" just a nebulous political enemy?
Well, I'm not actually invested in this, just kind of marveling at the premise.


I guess I have a preliminary list of shows I'll try (and haven't been mentioned)

It's just Mahoromatic

Not sure what to say. Maybe it's good?

Seems like an interesting premise, but will it be an entertaining one?

Seems fun!

Seems serious, but the preview video shows some great funny faces

Seems like an enjoyable, happy show.
Looks very pretty, although the animation seems a little limited in the preview video. Some of it seems 3D to me, but it's masked well if it is. Interesting that the source is a novel.

Seems similar to that molest-y show from a few seasons ago but more focused on comedy than molesting.



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alright i pinned down what was off about that moment, and it's this explanation the LN (vol5) has but the anime doesn't when he nukes the goliath:
>He started to charge Argonaut. At the same time, the characters engraved into his back began to glow red.
>Limit Release.
>A temporary state in which surrounding conditions combined with emotion to overload the Falna contained within a deity’s Blessing. Skill power increased exponentially during a Limit Release.
this was it, most definitely
¥prince gerald = fiancé, and guy that executes her
¥hadis teos rave = future military opponent
hadis is her former enemy, gerald is her new enemy (but neither know it yet)
>Seems similar to that molest-y show from a few seasons ago but more focused on comedy than molesting.
yes actually, i saw it brought up a few times back when mahoako was airing as a similar but much more lighthearted story


Feel like I need to watch re:zero with a wiki open because I don't remember a lot of names


Yeah, think the last thing I vaguely remember is them fighting a whale or something, dont even know if that was the previous season or the one before...


oh wait no I remember subaru returning to a frozen palace


fighting the rabbits with enchillada woman and he made a pact with bea


yeah dont remember any of that


did you even watch Season2. It sounds like you stopped after Season1


I'm certain I watched the second season... have some vague memory of something happening in the witch's realm... or something... Maybe I should watch just the second season again.


Well, anyways. Even though I seemingly know a bit more, I still think I have to do a full rewatch or at least I need a damn recap movie for once


>recap movie
Exactly. Who do they think they are, creating a new season three years later with no recap movie or episode.


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NegaPosi Angler's first episode was fantastic and it's original. A good change-of-season anime about despair and hope. Well, and fishing. The fish are 3D, but I forgive them for the rest of the visuals. An enjoyable cast of characters already in the first episode. Originals can go either way, but here's hoping!


>NegaPosi Angler's first episode was fantastic
If you need a nap, maybe.


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how i feel about yet another villainess isekai


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Strange, I thought it was quite engaging. Maybe it depends on your life experience or something.


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Somebody watch this garbage for me and share the thigh shots.


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Decided to be more selective in what I watch this season because I want to do other things like play games or VNs rather than watch kuso seasonals I don't even like.

Started by dropping >>133888 and now I'm dropping this boring trash.


subtle namefile


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I like panties and boobs and fanservice and all, but the designs in this are just so bland. It's like a mix of Temple and Megami-Cafe, but shittier. And neither the MC or myriad of cliches it ran through got me interested in seeing any more.


>It's like a mix of Temple and Megami-Cafe
I thought the same thing. It's uncanny just how precisely it copies from others.

Also, 14 isn't loli.




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Yet Megumin doujins are still often tagged so.



It didn't seem that interesting to me yeah, and I liked both of those shows. It seems a bit too direct for my tastes.


That's because Kazuma is a bully.


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Lolis need to be AT LEAST a 100 years old.


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this one is just plain ugly
and seems stupid


This girl could be the protagonist of a Sony game.


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This one's alright, but this one quick fix could send it straight to 10/10 territory.


jashin is so powerful she set up a tourism arc into another show


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Bocchi Isekai
The art style is not bad/decent with cute looking girls, might continue if the story doesn't become unbearable (and cute girls-less).


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The bocchi part was not fun but cute girls yay!


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If MC's gonna meet up with all the girls (and have a harem), there might just be enough girls to get through the whole anime!


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More cute girls yay!!


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Re: on Ranma's hair color: if you look at colored pages throughout its serialization, you'll see he and she has a pitch-black hair color in both forms. Someone tracked them down and made it into an admittedly somewhat awkward video (where you'll also be able to spot some nipples):
The colors of volume covers are much more varied, but I take it's more like Araraki's wild-ass coloring in extra pages and stuff, something dreamlike and not what they actually look like.
If you want to take a look at the first chapter in color I also managed to find this, from an archived Japanese site:


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i'd be fine with picking up SAO after a decade of downplaying it, but the artistry of the current season of it is so bland.
Half of the first episode was in front of this black screen set. No action. Characters are sort of off center


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Puniru is full length!

We never got a real translation for the manga, just MTL, which you can find me complaining about somewhere, maybe the manga thread on /qa/. But... here we are with subtitles on the same day!
Maybe this means the manga will get a fan translation finally, but 12 full length episodes means there's going to be a LOT of chapters covered, or maybe they'll branch into new territory?


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Well, it's still a cute show. Puniru is just something doomed language-wise


dont get angry at normal person speak


uzumaki is such a crazy one


That's terrible. Is that the official translation?

It's not though, I don't even know what that means. And I don't want to know so don't tell me.


i'm saying to stop getting angry at what normal people say or you're going to become so isolated from the rest of society you have to stay in walled gardens


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it's the enimem norpadorp term for 推す


Otaku culture is a walled garden.


and you're derailing a thread


That isn't normalfag speak though.


File:[SubsPlease] Re Zero kara ….jpg (332.97 KB,1920x1080)

I remember not being so into last season of Re:Zero, but maybe it's been long enough that time's gotten rid of my biases. I felt quite refreshed after watching the first episode of this new season despite it being 90 minutes long. A nice setup for a new loop, just what I wanted.


the shoe in japanese culture was pretty lame imo. I didn't like 60 min of the episode. But whatever


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>shoe in japanese culture
I can't argue with that. Although if something were to actually come out of the prior tensei connection I'd forgive it. I'm just happy to see Subaru not being a complete tard for once.


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Loving the bocchi isekai anime so far, lots of cute moments, cute/funny gags, and most importantly, cute girls! I hope all the other danshi died in the jungle!


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Cute girls, huh. Are they truly cute enough to cancel the My-Skills-are-Inferior Isekai-ness?


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>My-Skills-are-Inferior Isekai-ness
The anime is not very in-your-face with that, it's mostly just been cute/funny gags. The latest episode in particular had lots of "tsukkomi" moments with the girls.


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the lolicon anime


>Uzumaki: Spiral into Death and Production Issues


didn't know there was a bellow average mahjong series going


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Correct her vision immediatly


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The first 10 or so minutes of Orb's episode 5 looking like this sure was an interesting choice. I guess it highlights the way people could see the night sky or something, but my eyes had to adjust once it was daytime again.


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Is this referencing something


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Reminds me of Cardcaptor Sakura, but I don't know if that's what's specifically being referenced.


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Looks like a blend of cardcaptors with something else.


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I plan to continue making threads for it, but Puniru Kawaii Slime is my show of the season. Sometimes the joke density feels like Teekyuu, but it's full length! Well, you lose about standard Precure length for transformations, but it's really crazy that this is full length to begin with. The source material is like 10 pages per chapter, so they're really churning through them while adding to it! Each episode has about two transformations and they really make for fun, unpredictable stories. but at the same time it's not reliant on them.

It's been three episodes and she's transformed into:
Boober Idol
Elementary Schooler
Slightly Mature Teenager

And the animation! The animation is top notch! It enhances the gags so much when they're drawn this well.


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4 episodes of Dragonball Daima are out and I can now judge it to be... really fun! It's very nostalgic due to the designs that harken back to, well, everything Toriyama was involved with from DB to Dragon Quest to Chrono Trigger and everything else. It's very sad that Toriyama passed away, but he was at least able to impart his designs before he left. I'm not sure what this will mean for the show later on (can't imagine it's only 12 episodes) but hopefully they had already planned a bit ahead.
People often associate Dragonball with the modern incarnation with its 20 minutes of charging attacks and power levels and stuff, but this is a story of adventure in the demon realm. This is exactly what I was hoping when it was announced and I saw them as children if it wasn't just SoL silliness. The humor and charm is all there.
I'm going to add it to the seasonal stream since I know its trajectory now.


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Emilia's boobs have gotten noticeably larger. Like at least C- or D-cup to an F-cup... There was a year-long timeskip, I suppose. My headcanon is that Subaru took advantage of her naivety and has been massaging them daily this whole time. To grow that much naturally in just a year would be absurd.

I'm sure I'm very late to noticing this, but since I don't follow anime discussion at all or keep up with seasonals, that's fine by me.


My pretty cursory check of nip youtube and twitter comments didn't bring up CCS.


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Good to see. There's always room for self-improvement, you know.


Arco Trip still my show of the season. Slime is a close second. Corporation Mahou Shoujos is third at the moment. Favorite day of the week today for obvious reasons.

Yes. But it isn't an anime.


gotten tired of mecha ude


Apparently DanDaDan and FirePunch authors had some collaboration, Dan might have been an assistant back then. Current episode had some people making the comparision


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new gem


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I'm not quite sure what to think of Negaposi Angler. I don't hate it by any means, but I feel like it should be better. It's an original and it has nice faces, but it's strange in what it's trying to do. It lacks the emotional impact that it should have for what's going on, although episode 3 was pretty good in this regard. I was hoping everything would be like episode 1 and 3. As mentioned in the first minute of the show, the guy is dying and has less than two years to live, but it's only been brought up a couple times in passing. It's just bizarre how it devotes so much time to silliness or learning about fishing. There will be a glimpse of an emotional moment which will end abruptly to make room for more fishing info.
The potential was there to make this into a deep and emotional show dealing with death, social growth after self-isolation and finding purpose, but it requires time that it's instead choosing to devote to explaining fishing techniques. Well, there's still 5 episodes left so it could maybe pivot back to it, but I'm not counting on it.

Please keep the wojakisms contained to the other 99% of the internet already full of them...


>The second half (episodes 9-16) will air on February 5th, 2025.
sigh... I guess it was said in advance, but why even split up a season like this?


second half of what


Re:Zero season 3


ah alright


lmao re:fail. 9 episode season


dumb release pattern for dumb anime lmao


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cute acro trip transition


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and another one


amnazing how there are no monday/tuesday anime...


there WAS tuesday anime


I always feel like I'm falling behind because Thursday-Saturday bombard me with more than I can watch, but then I realize that just means I have something to watch Mon/Tues.


what was tuesday


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Should I take Meido off hold? Was somewhat hoping for more of cool killer Meido but sorta didn't watch past ep1 and remember it looking more like Rito with his reformed Maid trying to hold back his teen urges.


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>no tuesday anime
Tuesday is the only anime day for me.


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I can't comment because didn't watch it past the first episode either.


i can't stand male centered romance stories


Sometime mid winter season I'm going to stream all of Soul Eater for the next season of Enen Shobutai. It gets pretty trippy around the end where the author starts going back to his roots(kinda).


It's not current season but this caught my interest for being intended for women but using online games, specifically an MMO, as a plot element. It's apparently popular enough to recieve a live action version.


I liked the anime. I've never watched any live action adaptions, but is it possible they are more popular with women than men?


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On one hand I really like Magilumiere, but I don't have much to say about it. It's interesting to see magical girls as a job and magic is a result of programming, but I'm not feeling the urge to make random threads about it.


orb: on the movement of the boobers


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I just came back from watching that Lotr anime film. It wasn't very good. It wasn't bad, just very forgettable. Way too little time was spent on the characters in favour of action scenes, which meant that I for the most part felt apathetic whenever something dramatic happened. The scenes with Helm Hammerhand in the Hornburg were pretty cool though, and there was one shot of the main heroine's big butt right before that, so the film wasn't all bad. Also a couple of DQN in front of me reminded me of why I don't go to the movies.


big heels


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I'm going to be really disappointed if NegaPosi Angler ends at 12 episodes. I don't know how they could possibly wrap things up unless it's going to be a "pretend nothing happened" resolution. It's an original so it's not like it's a "go read the manga" situation.
I'm just going to assume it will have a "to be continued in Season 2" pop-up.


>I don't know how they could possibly wrap things up
Probably by like catching a really big fish or something.


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I watched a whole bunch of shit that Kissu didn't bother with because I have somewhat different tastes

>Raise wa Tanin ga Ii
I genuinely feel like I'm watching an S3 of a series, I have very little idea what is going on but I'm not a big Yakuza buff. The animation is very poor but I like the dynamics between the characters and some of the girls faces are pretty good. I might read the manga of this. ~4/10ish

>Youkai Gakkou no Sensei Hajimemashita!
Another show with very poor animation, but I like the spirit of it, it's very unserious and self-aware. Some of the character designs are good and have some nice interactions, I like that Sensei didn't immediately get a harem and mostly hangs out with his male students (albeit it seems to be aimed at the Yaoi crowd). You'd watch this kind of thing dubbed on TV as a kid. ~5/10ish. But I'm biased because I'm a big Yokai fan. Speaking of...

Yes, it's shonen and the humor is very juvenile (or erotic, depending on your strike zone) but the supernatural element is very cool, some of the designs are great but it's more about the romance than the action for a battle shonen like this. I think some of the wacky misunderstandings are dumb but it seems like they may not be misunderstands at all as it seems to be setting up a large romantic tryst. I also like the twist on the typical meek MC in that this one may actually be autistic ww (Hyperfixation, shuffling around instead of walking etc) and the main female lead is not the top of the class popular beauty and is poor. It has a good tearjerker episode too. My main problem aside from the animation not being as good as it can be is that I feel like they humiliate the female deuteragonist for trying to utilize western magic. ~7/10ish it knows it's getting a second season and I'll probably watch that too.

>Ao no Hako
This one is good if you can handle the MC and the 3D animation and like romantic drama. I won't give it a number rating because it's going into next season.


>a whole bunch of shit that Kissu didn't bother with
I know I've made threads about Dandadan and Ao no Hako. Both are SHIT because the pink girl gets robbed.


In Dandadan I feel like its supposed to be some sort of comeuppance because she's a bitch/dumb but it's overkill
In Ao no Hako, it was a tragedy from the second episode


>she's a bitch/dumb
She's just chuuni. Everything she does is to help others.


She was a bully at the beginning but after the washpan everything's been overkill, it's like an 80s anime


brain damage saves another anime otome



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Well, Negaposi Angler did end at 12 episodes and I'm disappointed at the abruptness of the ending. This is a show that should have been at least two seasons. I liked it quite a lot, but at the same time I don't think people would consider it a great one. I'm sad that I'll never see the characters again since there was a lot more to explore with them. It feels like so much was missing when it comes to having things happen in the story to make things more dramatic. The ending even had a time skip epilogue that waves away the fact that he was supposed to die from an incurable illness. A whole lot of stuff must have happened in that timeframe which should have been part of the show's season 2
Oh, well. An anime original having multiple seasons is probably pretty rare these days.


The moral of the story is that you shouldn't trust medicine men using fear to sell snake oil.


I hope she gets more screen time next season.


are we looking at the trainwreck known as next season yet?


hyakkano, sakamoto, and more kusuriya look good to me
but holy shit there's so much fucking isekai what an absolute wasteland.............


there's not a lot that interest me but there's a lot to try at least. a wall of isekai. All of which are going to flop


two trainwreck seasons in a row


I said it at the start of autumn that winter will be worse, but that was a ways out. I hope there's good effort put into the slice of life stories because otherwise this will be a drag


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People say that for every season. If someone else wants to make the thread they can. Right click a page in Firefox or its derivatives there's a "Take Screenshot" option.
I can make the thread soon, though.


And it's always true.

Seasonal threads are stupid. Just make threads about whatever catches your interest.


>And it's always true.
I don't really care for the "anime hasn't been good since 1987" thing...


we have always been at war with anime


Sounds like another great season to me! I've always enjoyed a mediocre fantasy isekai or even just a power fantasy-fantasy show. I wish more of the harem-battle academies would come back in vogue. I liked filling time with those as well.

That said, aside from maybe Hanako-kun, there isn't much that catches my eye as worth watching.


That was a shit season too.


Seasonal threads are better then reddit colony generals that take up the entire catalog.


I like seasonal threads but I don't feel like a leader in this area to make them


>drinking piss is better than eating shit
What's your point?


There's nothing wrong with reddit, my good sir.


This season was bad. There were like 3-5 shows that were worth watching. Rezero didn't even get a full cour


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It has been years since I last actively followed a season.


also Uzumaki was a disapointment so - points there


¥ implying rezero is worth watching


pokes you in the tum


File:[SubsPlease] Acro Trip - 0….jpg (260.8 KB,1920x1080)

You people really want to wallow in misery, don't you?


I wanna watch anime instead of wallow, but basically nothing aired so I've gotta pick the wallow


watch your backlog you fucking retard or rewatch shit stop wallowing in misery


watch your backlog young man or i wash it out with soap


The mid-season and end season was really poor. That's all I'm saying.


I want to watch you in misery, whether or not I am also miserable is of secondary concern.


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I'd make an winter 2025 thread but there's literally nothing I'm looking forward to watch next season, a handful look like they might be good but that's about it.


File:[SubsPlease] Dandadan - 10….jpg (452.74 KB,1920x1080)

You can have your stupid "I'm too cool to enjoy things" here since the season is over, but don't do it in future threads. 4/a/ is over there for you if you want to spend time impressing teenagers with your performative apathy.


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (42.97 KB,571x631)


i'm too soaked in piss to read this manga


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only wallowing in shabpiss can cure this misery


At least the piss is peak


instead of telling me to go to /a/ tell me how many shows were good compared to the previous... tell me how many you like of next season...


and puniru s2


I'm more in the "this one looks fun" camp. Everything else is just noise to me, I don't even acknowledge it's existence.

¥OKITSURA: Fell in Love with an Okinawan Girl, but I Just Wish I Know What She's Saying
Tags: tan, loli


Looks like a fun anime, but the blonde girl better win MC's heart.


her subs better be in scots or yola


I'm gonna watch it without subs and enjoy the blonde girl actually explaining to me what she is saying because just like the MC I probably won't understand her either.


Dare i call this the s-word.

Someone take initiative and make a new thread!


singaporean??? sork????


It's either onions or food for gentiles.


could've been SLUT as well

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