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File:quiet quitting work.jpg (252.61 KB,1557x1169)


>2 years into quiet quitting
>still with the company
I'm basically a NEET and no one can stop me.
Any of you doing the same?


File:40701_p0.jpg (25.85 KB,640x360)

Who are you quoting?


File:[SubsPlease] Katsute Mahou….jpg (221.75 KB,1920x1080)

I don't understand that image.
"Quiet quitting involves doing the work assigned at your job, but nothing else". Yeah? Isn't that normal unless you're aiming for a promotion or something? I can't claim to understand work culture stuff.


Most white collar jobs prefer "self-motivated" workers who will look for things that need doing proactively and get them taken care of. The expectation is generally that doing so will result in a reward of some sort. Basically, if you only do what you're told the manager has to be either annoyingly micro-managey or you spend most of your time doing fuck all. I've gone weeks where I only did work for a couple hours because that's all it takes to complete the bare minimum, though that's largely because my work has extreme volume changes and not because I'm refusing to do extra.

It's really fucking hard to get fired just for being shit at your job because managers are cowards and HR/legal bring up tons of bullshit people have to worry about. It's honestly a big problem.


>It's really fucking hard to get fired just for being shit at your job because managers are cowards and HR/legal bring up tons of bullshit people have to worry about.
Are you in Europe or something? I've heard that there are some legal requirements about firing employees there that results in the companies being reluctant to hire.


All my jobs have had extremely light workloads without me specifically angling towards that or avoiding work or anything, they just didn't give me much to do to begin with and never gave me more so I don't even know what a standard workload feels like.
The issue now is I got laid off a few months ago and interviews are kinda tough to sell myself in when I didn't actually gain any experience or skills at my jobs.


File:FipY-IHVEAA7OTY.jpg (916.98 KB,2150x3035)

Uh, I get more money the more I make and I like money.


You gotta BS in that case and do anything dishonest that increases chances


He might be in Europe but this stands everywhere because rehiring means a spot is empty and you might find that the boss was arrogantly deciding the guy wasn't good when it was really him, causing lots of damage where then the boss of the boss should consider to fire the boss and etc


I put in more effort into my job than that. I actually enjoy the job though.


yeah ive been quiet quitting
hell, ive been touching fish even


No and they should have the right to fire anyone anytime for any reason, but they're still skittish about the possibility of being accused of wrongful termination so even when it's clear they are fucking things up and aren't listening when you try to make them improve it will take months to get through all the people that need to approve it (unless there are layoffs planned for the whole department). And that's people doing way less than the minimum who are basically negative value to the company. If you're still doing your job properly, and especially if you've been there long enough to have institutional knowledge that could be lost with you, you can probably coast as long as you want.


It's not related to legal/hr though, you're singling out a situation that probably doesn't even exist. The owner of a small business I'm working for just doesn't understand what a bad employee looks like and they're a bunch with no HR team at all. They just siphon money into the side office and developers for doing half the work that you'd be doing at a FANG company


this is a thing in the US, although in this case it's because we are a very litigious society
the employer might even win since the US does have less protections for workers, but they might not want to fight it


File:__original_drawn_by_fumita….jpg (638.01 KB,1666x2002)

i am mentally defective


it makes actually doing w*rk hard from time to time but nobody seems to notice


100% effort is zero effort.
top management wants you to put 200% effort into your work


Idiots should pay for 200% then.


File:qa poster girl holding bot….mp3 (2.92 MB,151x175)

To add on, gambling based jobs don't require you to act in any manner that makes you feel like less of a human for doing. They just like when you make money and if you can make money you're good. Which is mutually beneficial for me because I like when I hit it out of the park and make money too. Only downside is that there's a bit of stress involved in it when the other thing is happening, but that's what humanity has alcohol for.

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