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File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (130.05 KB,1280x720)


Are mmf threesomes gay? Do you think it's strange that something that is 200% straight for girls is questionably homosexual for guys? Or is it just the equivalent of girls doing yuri-play?


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There's absolutely nothing gay in two men sharing a woman, whether it's in peacetime or wartime. Spitroasts are 110% straight, gangbangs and orgies are valid as too AS LONG AS IT'S STRICTLY MALE-FEMALE COITUS. No gender assymetries or indirect kissu yuckiness over sharing the bounty, the more factors you invite into it the more you ultimately slide down the well-lubed slope of sodomy being straight, like pic. That's the future shotacons and trapfags want. Don't let them win.


File:[SubsPlease] Megami no Caf….jpg (320.63 KB,1920x1080)

Sure are a lot of gay questions lately. The answer is always 'yes' if you need to ask.


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It's only gay if the balls touch during it. As long as you keep them out of proximity of each other it should be safe, but if there's a penis in both holes you're running a real homo risk.


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Gay. It's either going to be a very short session or you're having some other guy's sloppy seconds.
Be greedy, don't share, monopolize your women, and most importantly: love them dearly and take responsibility for your kids.


¥everything I don't like is gay
BAD opinions and BAD post. Mental gymnastics to the point of considering prostitution gay.


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But DP is pretty much the whole point. It's the one thing you actually need two guys to experience. So you're still in a conundrum where full female pleasure can only be unlocked by men who are toeing the line of queerdom and the act itself is likely to send them hurtling over it.


You're gay.


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We asked a team of specialists to review your input, they replied that "the writer appears to consider universally heteronormative practices to be deviant while simultaneously favoring a historically restricted model of male-dominated polyamory" and that "their usage of the terminology is highly unreliable."
I'm sorry man, it seems you're not getting published anytime soon.


I'm the editor of the journal of patriarchy and stoning homosexuals


>everything I don't like is gay
But everything I don't like is gay......


It's gay as hell.


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as the vice president of homosexuality i say NOT GAY for obvious reasons
btw look at this cute gamer


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A prostitute—while somewhat frowned upon to visit—is straight IF she's clean from the last guy. I'm sorry broman, but if you're sticking your ponos in an already filled vagoo you are gay. That's some other dude's spooge you're putting your little boy in: Icky!


Putting aside that I totally saw this coming,
>indirect kissu yuckiness over sharing the bounty
It implies that exactly the same series of events becomes straight if you simply use a condom instead, or that if ten people run a train on one girl then 9/10 are gay, and that is empirically not the case. Maybe you're just overly concerned with semen, either way you need to go back to the drawing board.


When you run a train on a girl, manners dictate that you all use a condom for this exact reason. Sticking your dick in a cup of semen is gross and gay so only the last person in line is allowed to do it. Sort of works as compensation for having to wait too.

But now we're talking about gangbangs and not threesomes. There are very different nuances there.


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You don't understand the concept of dibs a.k.a. I saw her first. Why don't I, the boldest man, not simply kill the other nine? There is nothing wrong with being a selfish troglodyte using violence to be the last one standing. To the victor go spoils etc. etc.


>manners dictate that you all use a condom
Highly dependent on who you ask, and innaplicable to most of these throughout history. But yes, with a threesome you don't even need to worry about sharing a hole in the first place, as implied by DP before.
As rational men who understand the nature of civilization, you can expect them to cooperate and put you down instead. It's the team effort that wins out in the end.


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>As rational men who understand the nature of civilization
In peacetime. Men with naught but simple herd mentality. Too afraid of laws and held together by vague notions of comradery to dare step out of line. Too afraid to grasp POWER with their own hands and shape their own fates. Indeedibly, teams function better than individuals but their weaknesses can be used to one's advantage.
They all understand that if one strikes it out they'll be destroyed by the other nine tenths, but if there's any strife sowed between them then they may just as well fall into disorder and infighting.
And come on now, it's a gangbang/gangrape. Are they really that honorable and civil? You did state wartime too (if that was you, if not my bad lol), there's far more chaos and rationality left ages ago.

Threesomes are even easier, it's just one other dude who's preoccupied getting his long john out: one good bonk, ez pz.


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The man who rises against the other nine for his own selfish goals will be made to think of the roman empire through the decimation he shall endure, such is the nature of POWER in this dimension of ours. I was, in fact, reading a bit through a certain book called Looting and Rape in Wartime: Law and Change in International Relations, and it explains very clearly that it has for a long time been considered natural for one group to inflict this upon the other, as well as it being a weapon that "has been useful in winning wars at basically no cost." But it makes no mention of friendly fire, because it is statistically insignificant and rewarded with an execution. It's easiest to rape with the help of your comrades, it helps no one to lash out.


They're not all raping the same girl, though. It's one group killing another group and taking their women. In terms of armies on the march, you'd likely see a lot more sharing with the limited number of camp prostitutes than when sacking a city with more women than soldiers. That said, soldiers doing gay shit to alleviate stress when far away from home is a well known phenomenon so I'd hardly consider that evidence for the heterosexuality of woman sharing.


i do believe that rape should be a team sport


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I am a pioneer. One must find new places and tame the untouched virgin wilds. It wont do to explore already plundered temples.

That is to say, I aint about sticking it where someone else's been.


If the guy before you had a smaller penis then it's gay until you penetrate further than he did and then it's straight again.


If you have to pay a woman for sex that is pretty fucking gay.


There are no guy acts, just gay thoughts. Intention is key. If fucking a man's ass while thinking about pussy is gay, then masturbation is also gay

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